into the world of the medieval miracle! Now taking their turn on stage,, early music faculty members of the University of Toronto's Faculty of Music . collaborate in a program entitled Circa 1600 (April 6), an exploration of influential music from the tum of the 17th century - vocal solos, trio sonatas and chamber works on period instruments. The Academy Concert Series returns April 7 with a program of 19th century romantic compositions (April 7) performed on historical instruments; that is to say, the kind of instruments (almost, but not quite, like the instruments of today) upon which the music would first have been played. Forever Romantic presents Trio Con Brio (~icolai Tarasov, clarinet; Christina Mahler, cello; and Glenn Hodgins, piano) in a program of chamber music favourites. Some of the most beautiful music of the Baroque era comes . from France in the time of Louis XIV. In the I Furiosi Baroque Eii.sembie's next program (April 7), Les Precieux, you can · experience the grandeur, elegance and darkness of the music of this . time. Aisslinn Nosky & Julia Wedman (violins), Kathleen Kajioka (viola), Gabrielle McLaughlin (soprano), and Felicity Deak (violoncello & viola da gamba), with.special . . guest Bernard Gordillo (harpsi- . chord). Frank T. Nakashima (franknak@interlbg: com)' is the President of the Toronto Early Music· Centre, a non-profit charitable organization which 'promotes the appreciation of historically-injormed perjormances of early music and which would be extremely grateful(and will issue a tax receipt) for any' donations that you would be willing to make! The TEMC is located at 427 Bloor Street West, Box 17, Toronto, Ontario M5S 1X7, tel: (416) 966~1409, e-mail: . Please visit the website at http:// temc •:• CONCERT Nons •:• CHORAL ScENE by Larry Beckwith Everyone I know who is the least bit connected to the classical music scene in Toronto is grateful for WholeNote magazine. In a · few short years, it has grown to include all sorts of information improving site at about music makers in the city. There are two things that I In addition to telling apprec'iate most about you about their WholeNote: there is a definite programs and services, "grassroots" feel to the content it has a large "links" each month and they don't rest on page. The Association their . laurels, preferring of Canadian Choral .\ contmue to grow and change for Conductors has an the better. WholeNote can be interesting site with a counted upon not attention long address: ' only to the b"ig concert-giving organizations. And by constantly ..- ibullen/accc/. Its . improving upon themselves, "links" page sends you WholeNote shoots ever higher in to each province's serving the musical community of choral federation page; Toronto's needs. as well as many of the In recent mohths, this has · bigger choral pages in meant that WholeNote has . Canada. expanded its online service. And there is a When one visits www. · truly· wonderful general ·, one gets much ehoral site at: more. tl1an the magazine online. It features There are in-depth discussions of calendars, message boards and concerts, detailed information choir web"pages, as well as. about concert-giving organiza- choral resources such as pronuntions, back-issues of the maga- ciation guides and opportunities zilie, etc. And the listings a~e to order choir gowns or set up more.complete and up-to-the- choirtours. It also sends you to minute even than the magazine! "assooiated web sites" 'of the · American Choral Directors Association, Chorus Amerk;a, the International Federatiori for Choral Music and "Musica", which is an illtem~tional database gf choral repertoire. It's amazing how the internet has grown over the past few years and - we hope . - the best is yet to come. Speaking of the internet, many !peal choirs have webpages with their concert sched" ules. For an overview of .the . / choral music scene, I WOi.Jld draw your attention to three websites, aside. from Choirs Ontario has an ever- , 14 wholenote MARCH 1, 2001 • APRIL 7, 2001 Paul Hodge Design • Recording • Editi~g • Live Sound phone 416-533-6102 web email · Top, Do.reen Rao conducts the MacMillan Singers; Bottom, ConcertSingers' Peter Tiefenbach All this month's choral concerts are listed in brief in Choral Quick Picks on page 24 ~ a handy index for . choral devotees to·WholeNote's comprehensive listings; But I'd IDijc ~usit Qrijamber 217 Danforth Ave~ (416) 406-1641 Newand Used Classical an
like to draw your attention to a , few notable moments in a splendid month. Saturday March 3, for exampie is a busy night for Toronto .choirs. Highlights . include the Bell-Arte Singers perfomiing Orff s "Cannina Bu.rana", The. Oriana Singers celebrating some aspects of Canadian contemporary choral. music and the University of Toronto's MacMillan Singers · singing, among other things, the rarely-heard "Magic Songs" of . R. Murray Schafer. The following afternoon . the Concertsingers, under the direction of the multi-talented Peter Tiefenbach, celebrate J. S. Bach with perfonnances of"Jesu meine Fteude" and Cantata #4, "Christ lag in Todesbanden". And on the eveping of the . 4th; the Victoria Scholars present another wonderful . program of music for men's · voices by Durufle and others. Later in the month, the Orpheus Choir has a rare perfonnance of Stanford's opulent and rather arch "Requiem", the Jubilate Singers explore the role of Gregorian chant in influencing choral . composers through the ages, and - the Tallis Choir perfonns Music for Bloody Mary, including a mass by the English renaissance composer John Taverner. And this month's Critical Mass concert, with proceeds going to the Out of the Cold .program, features the "Missa Gaudeamus" by Victoria. It takes place on March 28 at Y orkminster Park Baptist Church at 12:10 pm. Reader response I call your attention to WholeNote's new (and I hope permanent) "Reader Response" . section on page 46. EARLY Music continues! had some direct responses from readers to my views last month on so-called "mystical" contemporary choral music, and will follow-up in part by devoting some of next month's column to a discussion of trends in the programming of contemporary music by iocal choirs. But have your say directly to the magazine! Until then .... keep supporting our great Toronto choirs! Thinking of recording? CoNrF.RT NoTF.~ rnntimu>.< Uncover the possjbilities at ·, » Recording & Editing » Graphic Design· »CD Mastering » Promotions ':deer, down F11mx1rnons 416 535~0401 · www.deepdownproductions,com Canada ·s foremost Violin Specialists 201 Church Street Toronto, On, MSB 1Y7