t t t LISTINGS Assume there are no auditions where they are not mentioned. Level of expertise is not listed unless there are restrictions. ALTAMIRA SUMMER OPERA CAMP 227 Front Street East, Toronto, ON Phone: 416-306-2307 Fax: 416-363-5584 E-mail: education@coc.ca Website: www.coc.ca Prog~am location: Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Opera Centre, 227 Front Street East Program dates: July 23 to August 11 Age of participants: Grade 4 to 6 Level: Beginner to Intermediate Application deadline: March 30. Fees: Non-residential Focus: all aspects of opera This summer camp, run by the COC, gets children involved in all aspects of opera: drama/movement, set, costumes, miike-up, vocal technique and performance. The program is set up in one-week sessions. Due to the program's popularity children can attend only one session. ARIA INTERNATIONAL SUMMER ACADEMY Phone: 416-425-0778 Fax: 416-425-0279 E-mail: ariaint@tor.axxent.ca Website: www.axxent.ca/ - ariaint Program location: University of Western Ontario, London, ON Program dates: July 15 to August 25 Age of participants: 12 to 35 Application deadline: April 15 Auditions in Toronto in early May. Cassette tapes can be sent jn lieu of a live audition and must be ·received by April 15. Levels: Intermediate and Advanced Fees: Tuition for six weeks, ,200 or , 100 for three weeks. Room and board ,995 for 6 weeks or 5 for 3 week_s. Focus is on instrumental and vocal instruction Other activities: recreation and sports The Academy offers an intensive program for serious students. Participants rec,eive 16 lessons and 16 chamber music coaching sessions during the six-week session. Master classes, workshops, lectures, seminars.faculty concerts and student concerts are also offered. I BANFF CENTRE FOR THE ARTS Box 1020, Station 28 Banff, Alberta TOL OCO Canada Phone: 403-162·6180 Fax: 403-762-6345 E-mail: arts _info@banffcentre.ca Website:www.banffcentre.ca/music/ Program location: The Banff Centre, Banff, Alberta Program dates: Vocal Jazz Workshop - May 12 to 19 Training for Piano and Bass Accompanists - May 12lo 19 Hugh Fraser Jazz Orchestra Workshop- May.14to19 · The Banff International Jazz Workshop - May 21 to June 9 Chamber Music - June 11 to 2~ Master Classes - July 2 to 20 Keyboard Festival - July 23 to Aug.1 O Banff International String Quartet Competition -August 28 - Sept. 2 Short ~ ~ong Term Year-Round residencies also available. Age of participants: all Level: Intermediate/Advanced Application Deadline: Feb 19, but late applications will' be accepted Fees: vary according to program. · Please contact ihe Registrar's office or visit our website for specific prices. Accommodations are available. CENTAUR! SUMMER ARTS CAMP 19 Harshaw Ave., Toronto, ON M651X9 · Phone:416·766·7124 Fax:416-766-7655 Website: www.centauri.on.ca Program location: Wellandport, Niagara area Program dates: July and August Age of participants: 8 to 18 Application deadline: June Levels: beginner to advanced Fees ,028 for 2 weeks Residential A residential camp specializing in the arts for.boys and girls. Campers choosefromprograrhs in Musical Theatre, Theatre, Dance, Fine Arts, Creative Writing and more! Sessio'nsjrom JO days to 7weeks .. Audition dates: February and March (call for appointment) Application deadline: March 31 Age of participants: Adult over 16 Level: Must be able to learn and memorize music on their own. · Fees depend on the role assigned Non-residential Focus is on solo operatic performance with some chorus Other activities offered: Italian pronun . ciation, costumes, and staging Centuries Opera offers these classes so that opera students and performers can become familiar with public performance Under the direction of a conductor with many years' experience. Those who take part will have the advantage of being able to add a competent role to their resumes. CHOIRS ONTARIO 112 St. Clair Ave. W.,Ste. 403 Toronto ON M4V 2Y3 Phone:416·923· i 144 Fax:416·929·041 ~ E-mail: choirs.ontario@sympatico.ca · Website: www.choirsontario.org Program location: Albion Hills .Conservation Field Centre Program dates: Junior Choir Camp: August 6-11; . Teen Choir Camp: August 13-18 Age of participants: Junior Choir, Camp 8-13; Teen Choir Camp:14-18 Application deadline: May 18 . Fees: 5 Resjdential · Other activities offered:swimming, hiking, talent show, campfire, barbeque' end-of-camp concert. This residential 6-day camp offers young people the opportunity to team about music in a fun camp atmosphere, taught by outstanding choral educators. The Junior Choir Camp will be conducted by Ann Cooper Gay, and the Teen Choir Camp by Marie Anderson. CLASSICAL· PURSUITS . CENTURIES OPERA ASSOC. St. Michael's College 81 St. Mary St., Toronto, ON M5S 1 J4 SUMMER OPERA WORKSHOP Phone: 416-892-3580 Fax: 416-693-4157 1138 Eglinton Avenue West, .E-mail:.ann.kirkland@utoronto.ca Toronto, Ontario, MSC 2E2 . Website: http://www.utoronto.ca/ Phone:416·787-3708 Fax 416-787-1028 classical pursuits E-mail: jmckee@on.aibn.com Program location: University of Website: www.centliriesopera.com Toronto campus (St. Michael's Prag. location: First class is at 1138 College) Eglinton Ave. W., Toronto; with day/ Program dates: July 15-21 evening classes in Toronto • Ages: Adults, mainly 40 to 70; Program dates: June to Aug. with Level: Some knowledge of opera is public performance in early August advantageous ' S-2 SUMMER+ TIME - Wholenote SUMMER MUSIC EDUCAT.ION SPECIAL Application deadjine: First come, · first served. Limited enrolment. Fees: 00, includes book, lunches, six daily seminars, social and cultural activities Non-residential: Option to stay.in university residence or in local hotel at special rate Other activities offered: Informal talks, film viewings of operas, local excursions, private gallery tour. Intellectual fun and camaraderie -:-- adventure for the mind. Master works of music, art and literature stimulate lively, in-depth conversation about ideas that have preoccupied humans throughout 'the ages. Musical offerings include Verdi's Otello (compared with ·Shakespeare's Othello) ilnd Josquin Desprez 's Missa Pange lingua (part of Four Visions of the Renaissan.ce). . DOMAINE FORGET 'MUSIC. AND DANCE ACADEMY 5, Saint-Antoine, Saint·lrenee · Quebec, GOT 1 VO Phone: 418-452-8111 Fax: 418-452-3503 E-mail: info@domaineforget.com www.domaineforget.com Program location: Saint-lrenee, PQ Program dates: June 3 to Aug. 24, in one~week, two-week and fourweek packages Appli.cation deadline: April 1 • Level: Intermediate to Advanced Fees: 1 week 2 weeks 4 weeks 0 0 ,600 Dance, New f:Jlusic 0 Chamber Music: 0 (fees include formal classes, room · and board and special workshops.) Residential Program focus: brass, woodwinds, ·guitar, strings, choral singing The Domaine Forget Music and Dance Academy offers specific sessions for each family of irutruments and one for dance, chamber music and new music. Each instru- . mental session provides students with advanced musical training · through private lessons, daily masterclasses, ensemble-coaching, performance opportunities, and · passes to Festival concerts. THE HOLLOWS CAMP Address: RR3, Cookstown, ON LOL 1 LO Phone: (905) 775-2694 Fax: same E-mail: hollows@on.aibn.com Website: hollowscamp.com . Program location: The Hollows Camp Cookstown 1 hour north of Toronto
Camp dates: August 12-17 Age of participants: 7-14 Application deadline: May-June Level: Intermediate to Advanced Fees: 0.00 Residential Focus is on violin, viola, cello, piano, acoustic guitar Other activities offered: swimming, boating, riding, tennis, trampoline, and archery Music is taught in an iriformal manner, often in natural settings with an emphasis on ensemble. Two periods each day are devoted to music studies and practice with a wide range of recreational activities making for a well-rounded camp experience. INTERPROVINCIAL MUSIC CAMP Box 509, Campbellville, ON LOP 1 BO Phone: 416-488-3316 Website: www.imconline.org/ Program location: Camp Manitou, near Parry Sound · Program dates: Session I: Aug. 19,24 Session II: August,25-September 2; Kids may attend both Age of participants: 7 -18 1 Program choices: Orche.stra and Band Camp (grade 7 toOAC) Musicql Theatre Junior String Academy (Ages lto 12) Jazz Camp (Session I only) Camp Rock (Session I only) Fees: Session I 3.93; Session II 4.88; both sessions 37.90 Residential Other activities offered: swimming, boating, waterskiing MIDSUMMER MUSIC 303, 5194 Lakeshore Road Burlington, ON L7L 6P5 Phone: 905-333-3357 Fax: 905-333-3327 - E-mail: saarinen@home.com Program Location: The historic "Adamson Estate" 850 Enola Avenue, Mississauga, ON Program dates: August 20 - 26 ' Application deadline: May 12 Age of participants: 10 - 25 Level: Grade 5 and up- ln!./Adv. Fees: 0.00 Non-Residential Focus: instruction in piano, vocal, wind, string & brass Enjoy beautiful 17 Y2 acre woodlands and lakejront setting of The RCM in Mississauga while niaking music under Artistic Director and. concert pianist Gloria Saarinen. Featuring world-class teacher/ performers, private lessons, open master classes, sight-reading, ear training, improv, jazz, composition, technology - Internet, CD recording, MIDI, etc. Public Concert Finale with students and staff MOUNT ROYAL COLLEGE ORGAN ACADEMY INTER NATIONAL SUMMER SCHOOL Mount Royal College Conservatory 4825 Richa.rd Road SW, Calgary AL T2N 3K3 Phone: 403-240-7769 Fax: 403-240-6594 E-mail: organ@mtroyal.ab.ca Website: http:/fwww.mtroyal.ab.ca/ prngrams/conserv/intsumschool.htm Prag. location: Mount Royal College Conservatory, Calgary, Alberta Program dates: August 6-14 Application deadline: May 31 Audition: cassette performance to be sent with application JUAN TOMAS. ORCHESTRA 113 Joicey Blvd., Toronto M5T 2T7 Age of participants: 14-25 Phone: 416-485-2056 Fax: 41 6-485_4139 Level: Intermediate to Advanced (not E-mail: c.martin@3web.net beginners) Strong keyboard skills P rogram I oca t. ion: TB . . A . , and a good sense of the organ and Programdates: May through August its repertoire neede~ . Application deadline: open Fees: Tuition 0 (includes no Audition dates: open meals or accommodation) Age of participants: 11 years and up Non-Residential: Accommodation Level: Intermediate to Advanced can be arranged on campus at Fees: T.B.A. . approximately CAD per night. Non-residential Focus is on Org~n Performance Focus is on instrumental, strings, band, Other activities offered: Concerts guitar This Summer School offers intenlnstrumental group and private in- sive, short-term studies for serious • structionwith a,focus on performance · young organ students and profesand technique. Repertoire may vary sionals. Participants work closely from classical to big band, jazz, rag- with the distinguished faculty in a r time, and standard popular milsic. ·· hands-on practicai environment. Qualifying canaidates will be eligible Organ students of all ages and levto perform in our fall-winter concert els of performance are welcome to season. audit master-classes. Faculty: Age of participants: 12-18 Simon Preston, David Higgs, Pe, ter Planyavsky, Neil Cockburn, Ji-yoen Choi. All iriformation and application materials are available for downloGd on the web site. MUSIC AT PORT MILFORD 288 Washington Ave. Pleasantville, NY, USA 10570 Phone: 914-769-9046 Fax: 914-769-2538 E-mail: director@mpmcamp.org Website: www.mpmcamp.org Program location: Milford, Ontario, Program dates: July 14-Aug 18 Session I July 14-28; Session II July 29-Aug. 18 \ · ····~,, ··»>"· " Spring & Summer 2001 '\ Exact sc.heduling is done after consultation with ·the participants. All courses conclude with a performance Register Now For more· information or to register phoiie: (416) 876-5859 or e-mail: vocalart@gto.net Level: Intermediate to Advanced Application deadline: April 15 Fees: Full Session ,625 Cdn; Session I ,075; Session II ,600 Residential Focus: Chamber music for Strings Other activities offered: Chorus, Orchestra, Improvisation, recreation Music at Port Milford is a small family-run camp dedicated to fur- · thering the love of music through a program of quartet and orchestra playing, choral singing, private lessons and practice with the fun of regular camp activities. MPM is located on the shores of Lake Ontario in our beautiful old farm house. Courses for Singers .•.. ,,Perto?'mance .Technique Coordinating singing with acting 1. Audition Ari as 7 sessiOrls. Marth-Aprii'or May-June 2. Don Giovanni excerpts 7 sessions. May-June 3. Opera Project: "La Calisto" Francesco Cavalli, Venice 1651 ·Study sessions begin in May. Fully staged performances-wit~ orchestra-in September Peter Neff, Instructor Lied Interpretation and presentation 1. Franz Schubert 7 s~ss ibns. March-April or May-JUne 2. Rober\ Sch.umann: Liederkreis, op.39 7 sessions. March-April Peter Neff, Instructor Elizabethan Lute Song Interpretation and performance with lute accompaniment 7 sessions. March-April John Edwards, Instructor and.Lutenist Com media dell' Arte The.Acting Technique for actors, .dancers and singers 9 sessions. between March 19 and April 8 Gian Giacomo Colli, Instructor Languages , for singers and coaches 12 sessions ~ ~pril-J une 1 . French Anne Lefoulon, MA, Instructor 2 Italian Gian Giacomo Colli, MA, Instructor 3. German Karin Barton, PhD, lnstcuctor • The Vocal Art Forum · Wholenote SUMMER MUSIC EDUCATION SPECIAL - SUMMER+TIME S-3