9 years ago

Volume 6 Issue 6 - March 2001

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  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • April
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Wholenote
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  • Symphony
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  • Orchestra

Music at Port Milford An

Music at Port Milford An International Chamber Music Camp July 14-August18, 2001 •Two & three week sessions •For students of stringed instruments ages 12-18 •The Penderecki/Juartet and outstanding faculty from Royal Conservatory of Music, National Opera Company & National Ballet •Chamber music, orchestra, chorus, madrigals & improvisation Chamber Music America's 1995 Gruber Award Presented to Program Directo.r for Excellence in Chamber Music Education ST. CHRISTOPHER HOUSE . MUSIC SCHOOL · 248 Ossington Ave, Toronto M6J 3A2 • Phone:416-532·4828 Fax:415-532·8739 . E·mail: Program location: 248 Ossington Ave., Toronto P,rogram dates.: July 2-August 3 Age of participants: 6 and up Application deadline: Jurie 23 Non-residential Fees: per Yi hour. (There is also a sliding subsidy scale for people in catchment area.) , Instruction in piano, voice, violin, · · viola, cello, clarinet, guitar, accordion This. school ojf ers affordable lessons to low-income students in a safe, open environment enabling individuals to gain confidence and creative skills. Priority is giyen to returning students, and there is a waiting list. Program dates: August 11 through 25 Auditions: by tape submitted with application with two contrasting pieces or, if pre-formed ensemble, two contrasting movements Age of participants: 14 to postuniversity Level: Advanced Application deadline: May 1 Fees: 00, all-inclusive Residential Other activities offered: String Master Classes and a wide range of sports activities. SOCMI 's donnitory is air-conditioned with semi-private bathrooms. We~l-balanced meals are served cafeteria style in the main dining hall. Faculty: Norman Nelson, · Terry Helmer and Marcel Saint­ Cyr; visiting faculty Jacques . Israelievitch and Justin Kolb. The Alcan Quartet (1st week), The . Penderecki Quartet (2nd week) Omar Daniels, co~poser-inresidence. For further information contact Meg Hill 288 Washington Ave., Pleasantville, NY I 0570 (914) 769-9046 SUMMER OPE RIC THEATRE A N D R E S E H ~ENT RE ··• Guillermo Silvaannounces auditions for · the 2001 Opera Workshop Giacomo Puccini \lJ~...,~ .· .. ..·.,~ .'t. . '°'~JI:. % ······ '. ·.ti ' w ... ~m.l:j . « .•. ..·· . . .:··:u. '1\F:'. ·rt.·. .:.... - . "'· - nge ert Hurnperdinck · .· '· - . ·.. ~.··" ···.:Q:·gl?E , .cta Audition Dates: March 18, 1.9, 20 Workshop Dates: . June 10 to August 5 Toronto, Canada s~nd resurr/e to: SUMMER OPERA LYRIC THEATRE 33 West Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M1iM 2L7 416-922~2912 S-6 SUMMER+ TIME ~· Wholenote SUMMER MUSIC EDUCATION SPECIAL . . ~ . . SIX OPERAS BY VINCENZO BELLINI SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO SUZUKI INSTITUTE INC. Address: Box 1191, Guelph, ON N1H 6N3 Continuing Education, University of St. Michael's Phone: 519-824-7609 Fax: 519-82~-7609 College , E-mail: 81 St. Mary Street, Toronto; ON M5S 1 J4 Website: Phone: (4161926-7254 Fax: (4161926.7287 Program location: Wilfrid Laurier E-mail: University, Waterloo, ON Website:www.utoronto,ca/stmikes Program dates: Sun. Aug. 12 to Sat. Program location: Charbonnel Lounge, , Aug. 18, 2001 81 St. Mary Street, Toronto ON · No audition for general programs · Program dates: March 28 to May 2; Age of participants: all ages 6 Wed. evenings from 7:00 -9:30 pm Level: General programs for all levels,. Age of participants: J,\dult/coniinuing plus advanced master classes in education violin & cello, and teacher develop Application deadline: March 28 ment courses ,fees: 0 Application deadline: June 20 Non-residential 2001 marks the 200th anniversary of Vi,ncenzo Bellini's birth. To celebrate the career of this great composer of bet canto ("beautiful song") operas, we will listen to and discuss six of his works: Il Pirata; I Capuletti e i Montecchi; La · Sonnambula; 1Vorma; Beatrice di Tenda; I Puritani. SOUTHERN ONTARIO CHAMBER MU.SIC INSTITUTE (SOCMI) 36 Longwood Road North . Hamilton, ON LBS 3V4 . Phone: 9o5-527-406a Fax 905-527·0809 E·mail ~OCMl@hwcn .org Webs~e: • Program location: Appleby College, Oakville. ON (early bird deadline May 15) Fees: refer to program booklet or download from web site Non-residential: Accommodation available if required at WLU Focus is on Su'zuki string & piano Other activities offered: orchestra, operetia, choir, improvisation, fiddling, early keyboard instruments, music enrichment, crafts Annual six-day Institute for stu-. dents, parents and teachers of the Suzuki method. Stimulating, enjoyable program for students complements regular lessons with home Suzuki teacher. Parents share ideas and learn newskills in working with their children. SAA-ap~ proved Short Tenn Teacher Development. Outstanding teachers from Canada and abroad.

SUMME.R MUSICFEST­ KINGSTON SUZUKI 275 Ontario Street Suite 302 Kingston Ontario K7K 2X5 Phone: 613-542-1486 Fax: 613-542-7550 E-mail: Website: Program location: Kingston, ON Program dates: July 1-14: Session 1 July 2- 6; Session 2 July 9~ 13 Application deadline: June 1 2001 Age of partidpants: various Level: all' , Fees and housing: ask for full brochure-' Focus: pian9,violin,viQla,cello,guitar, flute, harp, voice, recorder, dance, Music Theatre, Teen Program Sumnier Musicfest - Suzuki Kingston is the place where magic happens! Take part in this wonderful musical experience. Many choices of programs are being offered for adults, children and teachers. Please contact the More Than Music Office to request a fall brochure. You don't want to iniss this. SUMMER OPERA LYRIC· THEATRE 411 Parliament Street, Suite 205 Toronto, ON M5A.3A 1 SYMPHONIC WORKSHOPS: AMATEUR PIANO PROGRAM 281 Pacific Ave;Toronto ON M6P 2P8 Phone: 416-760-9319 Fax: 416-762-6258 E-mail: Website: Program locaticm: Kromeriz, Czech Republic Program dates: July 19-29 Age of participants: Adults over 20 Level: all Application: Only 20 people will be accepted • Fees: 95 US incl. transportation frnm/to Prague, all tuition, single accommodation with private bath in .· a student residence, breakfast daily, group activities and some dinners. Residential Other activities offered: Enjoy International Music; Festival, field trips to historic locations and concerts. · Optional post-workshop_ trip to Prague. A.program for adult amateur ' pianists in an intensive workshop environment. A deeply rewarding opportunity for dedicated amateurs who wish to live cind breathe music and history in a significant ,cultural and historical setting. Phone: 416-922-2912 Fax: 416-922-5935 THORNHILL CHAMBER MUSIC Artistic Director: . INSTITUTE Guillermo Silva-Marin #706-180 Dudley Ave., Thornhill, Program location: Downtown Toronto · ON L3T 4X2 Program dates: Sunday, June 10 Phone: 905-764-19'24 through Sunday, August 5 Program loc.ation: Auditions: Toronto Waldorf School Sun., March 18, 2:00-4:00 pm and 8100 Bathurst Street, Thornhill 4:30-6:00 pm Program dates: July 16 to July 27 Mon., March 19, 4:00-6:00 pm and Age of participants: 6to19 and 7:00-9:00 pm apprenticeship 18-24 Tues., March 20, 7:00-9:00 pm Levels: Beginner th Advanced Age of participants: 16 or over ,. Application deadline: June 30 Level: Pa~icipants should be (June 30, for placement in program) technically advanced enough to Fees: 0 for 2-week daily program sing opera repertoire in staged Non-residential performances. Focus is on instrumental/choral Application deadline: Friday, June 8 ensembles Fees: To be determined Other activities offered: sports, Non-residential. Participants from improvisation, step-dancing outside Toronto must provide their · We give training in body-awareown lodging. · · ness for musicians (with Olympic Other activities offered: Ma.ster coach), chamber ensembles, choral classes, workshops programs, composition for chamber · The workshops will lead up to per- groups, heritbge music, Cape . formances in English of Puccini's· Breton fiddling, faculty/student con- La Boheme, Barber's Vanessa and certs on Wednesdays and 1hurs­ Humperdinck 's,Hansel and Gretel days, two Friday concerts with stuat the Helen Gardiner Phelan Play- dents, and a Jah anniversary celhouse, University of Toronto ebration. cAMM§c Ce~ar Glen · · Summer Music Centre Please note our New Location at APPLEBY COLLEGE, OAKVILLE · on the shores of Lake Ontario " 30 minutes west from downtown Toronto Plan the perfect musical vacation! • weekly instruction in group instrumental and vocal music • early, classical, contemporary, jazz, world music· • ·band, orchestra, choir, chamber ensembles • friendly, non-competitive atmosphere • recreational activities include swimming, tennis, squash Week 1: July 29 - August 5, 2091 Week 2: · August 5 - 12, 2001 · • over 20 years of music making • progran:is for adult amateur singers and Instrumentalists of all levels • residential and non-residential rates Telephone: (416) 964-3642 E-mail: Website: · Canadian Amateur Mu~icians!Musiciens Amateurs du Canada I ~ r------------------------------------------------------~-~-;:~--~::-~~;---------, TEE ~I l t ~ en~gers who. enjoy Ir smgmg, campmg, meeting other teen choristers, hiking, swimming ; canoeing and more? . They'll want to know about the first-ever Choirs Ontario Teen Choir Camp. ,.HOIR CAMP This residential camp I~ ~ for 14- to 18-year-olds offers youth the opportunity to learn about music in a fun atmosphere where they can be themselves. Only 70 teens will' \:>e accepted to join conductor Marie Anderson and the staff for six days of singing, socializing and sunshine! August 13 to 18, ~001 , Albion Hills Conservation Field Centre 5 per camper Registration Dea~ine : May 18, ~001 CHG)IfS ~nTaRIG) T: 416'.9~3 .. 1144 • F: 41~.9~9.04i5 1..------------------------------------------- ~ --~-----------------·---------------------- Wholenote SUMMER MUSIC EDUCATION SPECIAL - SUMMER+ TIME S-7

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