9 years ago

Volume 6 Issue 6 - March 2001

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • April
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Wholenote
  • Bloor
  • Symphony
  • Choir
  • Orchestra


SINFONIA TORONTO NURHAN ARMAN Music Director and Conductor Toronto's premier chamber orchestra! OLD WORLD, NEW WORLD 8 pm, Sat, March 3 Hovhaness' soaring melodies with brilliant violinist Jasper Wood, a sparkling Mozart Divertimento, plus the Russian passion of Miaskowsky Violinist JASPER WOOD BETRAYAL AND DENIAL 8 pm, Sat, April 7 Intensity. Passion. Sarcasm. Provocation, betrayal and denial. The music of Shos4:a kovich RICHARD RAYMOND Pianist CATCH A RISING STAR/ 8 pm, Sat, May 5 A colourful spring bouquet of Mozart, Arensky, Verdi's be/ canto · Sinfonia, and the winning concerto from the 2001 Sinfonia Toronto-Competition COMPETITION WINNER present music of: JAMES MACMILLAN (tJK.) & JAMES ROLFE (CANADA) Tuesday Apri I 17 at 8 pm Glenn Gould Studio Soundstreams Chamber Ensemble Gary Kulesha, conductor James MacMillan guest conductor Measha Bruggergosman, soprano Anita Krause, mezzo Eve Egoyan, piano James Rolfe premieres a new work written expressly for Measha Bruggergosman (left), star of his critically acclaimed opera Beatrice Chancy. Rolfe shares the program with James MacMillan, the most exciting young British composer of today. ANA SOKOLOVIC (MONTREAL) & CHRIS PAUL HARMAN (TORONTO) Tuesday May 8 at 8 pm Glenn Gould Studio Soundstreams Chamber Ensemble Gary Kulesha, conductor Roman Borys, cello Stephen Clarke, piano Mark Fewer, violin Annalee Patipatanakoon, violin Annalee Patipatanakoon Two rising stars among the world's young composers share the program with some of Canada's champion soloists. Serixette Thurs. May 31 & Sat. June 2 at 8 pm, St. James' Cathedral "one of the most strikingly individual operas ever written in this country ... a celebration of our hi story." Wi 11 iam Littler, The Toronto Star A dramatic opera by Harry Somers and James Reaney, performed in concert with orchestra. A tale of duels, religious conflict and dark family secrets in early 19th century Ontario, centering on t he lives of the Jarvis and Ridout families. Soundstreams Chamber Ensemble Victor Feldbrill, conductor John Hess, assistant conductor Tom Diamond, director Sally Dibblee, soprano Lambroula Pappas, soprano Marcia Swanston, mezzo Benjamin Butterfield, tenor John Avey, baritone Doug McNaughton, baritone Brian Mcintosh, bass-baritone Glenn Gould Studio 416-205-5555 Adults /Seniors /Students Box Office open 1-6 Mon-Fri; 2 hrs before concerts 4 wholenote MARCH 1, 2001 - APRIL 7, 2001

' Robert Aitken, artistic director Olir 3o~h tUtnlve'lStVlt{'geason contiimes-at t!Jlen11, Cjould Studio 250 Front Street West, Toronto •Tickets ~/J ·O • Box office: 416-205-5555 Charles Wuo~en: a portrait' , S1J11day March 4 , zoox@ 8:00 pm· (7:15 Intro) All Crumdian eh? NMC Ensembl~ • C}j,arles Wuorinen, conductor · · · · · · ' · . .. · Robert Aitken, flute• James Avery, piart6 Saturday.May.26, 2~ox @ 8:oo pm (7:15 · ';AOA CouMCIL I ONTAR IO ART'\ C:ouNCll. CO"ISfll D!S ARTS DE l'O~ TA.RIO l.t.CoM1:1L OM AU$ · · ...,... , . '°~,:~:~~ · ~!~

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