9 years ago

Volume 6 Issue 6 - March 2001

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • April
  • Arts
  • Musical
  • Wholenote
  • Bloor
  • Symphony
  • Choir
  • Orchestra

Ave. 416·483·6664.

Ave. 416·483·6664. ·· 7:30: Amadeus & Ar!iati Ensembles. Works by Schubert, Brahms and Mozart. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. . 416·205·5555. ;. ·· 7:30: Christ. Church Deer Park. Organ Recital & Compline. Paul Jenkins, organ. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-521 L Free. .. 8:00: Flying Cloud Folk Club. Jim Payne/ Fergus O'Byrne, Maritime music: TRANZAC, 292 Brunswick. 416·410·3655. . . .. ·· 8:00: Salon des Refuses: Works by Ager, Casciano, Eatilck; Greenberg & Minthorn. Church of the Hoiy Trinity, 10 T iinity Square. 416·598·41i21 . ,, . Monday March 26 . ' . ·· 8:00: Toronto Organ Club. Members ' Night. Public invited. Christ Church, 329 Royal York Road. 905-824-4667. $~ . Tuesday March 27 ··:; 2:00 noon: Peiei Treen, organ in Recital. .· Works .b.yBach, Brahms & Barber. All Saints Kingsway Church; 28SO Bloor· St West. · 416-233-1125 .. Free. ··'12:00 rioon: Roy Thpmson Hall. Victoria 'Scholars Male Choir: Of Pipes and Men. . William O'Meara, organ; Jerzy Ci.chocki, conductor. 60 Simcoe ~t. 41 . 6-~72-4255; Free.. · · .. ·i :OO: St. James' Cathedral. Lunch Hou;s ·at SL.Jame;'.. William Lupton; organ. 65 Ch.urch St..416-364· 7865. Free. . ·· 1:30:.Roberta laking, soprano & Elisa . Mangina, piano & organ, In Recital Fleming: The. Confession Stone (Songs of Mary); ·organ works by Bach; songs by Barber & Holst. Victoria-Royce Ctiurch, 190 Medland Ave. 416-769·6)76. Free will offering. Donations to Romero House. ·· 7:30: York University Dept. of Music. Jazz Bashi York University Jazz Choir; York University Jazz Orchestra; Bob Hamper & Al Henderson, directors. Junior Common Room, 014 Mclaughlin College, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free. ·· B:OO: Beth Tikvah Social Action ·Committee. Third Annual Gala Concert of Passover Musit;: Music by Srui Irving Glick. Glick: Sonata for Flute and Piano; Come Live With Me for Soprano and Harp (premiere); Psalm Elegy, 1~· Memory of Elmer lseler; Cantata, Musie .for Rassover for Mixed ~hoir and String Quartet. S~san Hoeppner, flute; Lori Gemmell, harp; Cil~ilia lgnatieff, piano; Beth Tikvah Choir; M!l!Jlbers of Lachan & other performers; S)'UI trving Glick, · conductor. Beth Tikvah Synagogue, 3080 Bayview Ave. 416·221-3433 ext.358. $ZO(da·or), (advance), O(sr/st). · Proceeds to benefit HAA.0.0. & Reena. :. ·8:00: Hart House Music Committee . £eah Eddy, flute in Recital The Music Room, · 7Hart House Circle. 416-978-5362. Free. ·: 8:00: OnStage at Glenn Gould Studio. Les Violons du Roy. Works by Marcello, Geminiani, Handel and others. Stuart taughtdp, pic.colo trumpet; Diane Lacelle, oboe; B~rnard Labadie, conductor. 250 Front St. Wes'i. 416-205-5555. . , ·• 8:PO: Roy Thomson Hall Royal Cqnceitgebouw Orchestra. Mahler: Symphony #10; Riickert-Lieder. Matthias Goiirne, baritone; Riccardo Chailfy, conductor. 60 Simcoe St. 416-872-4255. . Concerts at St. George's on-the-Hill ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- Ch amber Ensembles - Students from the Glenn Gould School of Music Cottre listeri to and support rising young musicians from The Glenn Gould Professional School of Music. This afternoon's performance will offer an outstanding program of chamber masterworks. Hear tomorrow's stars today. Sunday March 25th, 2001 . . 4:00pm 4600 Dundas Street West-St. George's on-the-Hill {Islington & Dundas) Tickets: Adult/ Student & Seniors torontdartsbouncil Al

Pipes. Music by Sammartini; Handel; Vivaldi, Telemann and others. Matthew Jones, recorder; Jan Ovetduin, organ. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St West. 416·205•5555. · Free. . ·· 12: 10: St. Paul's Bloor Street Nooti Hour Recital· Oouglas Scholin,' organ. 227 . Bloor St. East. 416-96i-8i 16. Free. . .. 12: lO: University ~f. t oronto Faculty of Music: Thursday Noon Serles. String student chamber en~enibles .. Walier H!!ll, BO· Queen's Park: 416-978-3744. Free. .. 5:00: York University Dept. of nhusii:. Student Jazz Combos.· Barry Elmes, Lorne Lofsky, Frank Falco, BobbyFenton, Al Henderson, Mark Eisenman &-Other ·directors. Junior Common Room. 014 Mclaughlin College; 4700 lteele St 416· 736-5186. Ftee. ·· 6:45: Toronto Symphony Orchestra .. Evening Overtures chamber music. Tow~r: Petroushskates. Nora Shulman, flute; Raymond Luedeke, clarinet; Arnalia Joanou­ Canzoneri, violin;· David Hetherington, .cello; Patricia Krueger, pianci; Gary Kulesha, host/ conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Sirncoe. ·· 8:00: Tafplmusik Baroque Orchestra. Exultate! Motart: Exultate Jubilate; Haydn: Cellri Concerto in D. Karina Gauvin, soprano; Christina Mahler; cello. · Jeanne Lamon, music directer. Trinity-~!. Paul's Church, 427 Bloor St. W. 416-964-6337. -, · {st/sr). ''. 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra • Tower: Concerto fot Violin; Beethoven: Syrnphony #9 Choral. Jacques lsraelievitch, violin; Christine Brewer, soprano; Marcia Swanston, mezz.o soprano; Gordon Gietz, tenor; Richard Zeller, baritone; Toronto Mendelssohn Choir; Gunther Herbig, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe. 415.593:4928. to . .. 8:00: University of Toronto at .Scarborough. Year End Music Finale. Concert Choir, Jazz Ensemble, Repertoire Choirs. Lenard Whiting, director. The Meeting• Pl!!ce, 1265 Military Trail. 416-287-7076. Free. · Friday March 30 416-593-4828. or free with ticket to ,. 12:00 noon: Roy Thomson Hall , 8:00 performance. : Volunteers; Bring .YolirOwn lunch Concert: .. 8:00: Royal Conservatory of' Music~ . Canadian Music Competition Winners. 60 John Perry, piano iii Recital. Ettore Mazzoleni Simcoe: 416:593-4822 ext.363. Free. Concert Hall, 273 Bloor .St. West. 416-408- · . .. 6:45: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. 2824 ex.321. ,. · Eveni11g Overtures chamber music. Roy Thomson Hall. See March 29. .. 8:00: Baroque Music Beside the Grange. Concert Sur l 'herbe. Works by Couperin, De LaVigne, Corrette, Hotteterre 'and others. Donna Greenberg, baroque dancer; Catherine Keenan, hurdy-gurdy; Marie-France Richard, oboe; Colin Savage, recorder & chalumeau; Alison Melville, recorder & flute; Michael Jarvis, harpsichord; Mary-Katherine finch, cello. St. George the Martyr Church, 197John St. 416-588-4301. ,~ . . . . . . ·Sine-· •:A{grtiine Music for a Me .. :Mardi 31, 2001 8:00 pml .. St. (jeorge ~-- Jlngfican C i ' 'Tickf,ts & · · 5350 'YongeSt;) gfpttft.'Yo .· two traffic fig/its SOl!:t .... 8:00: Living Arts Centre Mississauga. Michael Burgess. Vocal artist. Hammerson . . Hall; 4141 Living Arts Drive. 905·306·6000. , ~ .· . . ··.8:00: Massey Hail. Paco de Lucia. Flamenco music an·d dance. 15 Shuter St. . 416-872-4255. .50-.50. .. 8:00: St. .Anne's Church. Great Music at · · Sr. Anne's.: Huron Brass Ouinter. 270 Gladstone Ave. 416°922-4415. ,. .. 8:00: Tafelinusik Baroque Orchestra. Exultate! Trinity-St. Paul's Church, See Mar .. 29. .. 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Roy Thomson Hall. See March 29. .. 8:00: University of Toronto Faculty of. Music. Choral Music on Campus: Grand and Glorious Choruses. Music by Handel & Honegger. U of T Choirs; Doreen Rao, conductor. MacMillan Theatre, 80 Queen's . Park. 416-978-3744 .. ,. Saturday March 31 ·· 7:15: Toronto Welsh Male Voice Choir/ Canadian Celtic Choir of London. Celtic Celebration. Welsh folk songs, hymns; opera arias, Broadway show tunes, Irish, Scottish & Canadian Maritime folk songs. David Low & Dan Surman, conductors. St. George's United Church, 35 Lytton Blvd. 416-41 O· 2254. ,. .. 7:30: Cantabile Chorale ofYork Region. Sing With One Voice/Guests: One Voice of Ux~ridge; RobertRichardson, conductor. · Thornhill United Church, Elgin ~.treet, Thornhi.IL 905-731-8318. ,$ lO{sr, children over 8). .. 7:30: Mississauga Children's Choir.A · Cultural Tapestry. First United Church, 15 l La~eshore West. 905-624-9704. ·~AN· · CELLED* .. 7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. R9Y Thomso.Ji Hall. See March 29. .to . . ' . .. 8:00: Etobii:oke Centennial Choir. Requiem. Faur,e: Requiem; Durufle: Requie~: Douglas Tranquada, soloist; Jan Overduin, · organ; Harris J . Loewen, con.ductor. Islington ·United Church; 25 Burnhamthorpe Rd, 416- 239: 1131 ext49. , .. 8:00: Mississa11g_a Guitar Society. l§I Saturday, Marc_h 31, 2001 SPAENAUR ·. . . ~dern. • en1~ Music of the 2nd Millennium ~'f!{CfS The John Laing Singers of Hamilton join The . Renaissance Singers'to perform some of the greatest choral music cifthe sec.ond ·mille.hhium. Come arid hear Thomas Tallis'_s 40 part motet Spern In Aiium. . Tickets are available from Twelfth Night Music. Stores in Waterloo and Guelph or at the door or call (519) 745,0,675. • · · St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 54 Queen St. Kitchener at 8:00 p.m. · -(~~--~ -:~ ----~ -~: - . . . ·_.' . ' . - .. --·--- ~O!-&tces PrCscntr.. ~= ·Music for · · . .·.· .. · .. . · .· · ·.·. · MeMtation . & Ref lectiol1 Saturday, .March 31, 2001 8:00 p~m . Pre-concert talk: 7:30 p.rri. · St Thomas Anglican Church. 383 Huron Street· · (south of Bloor, east of Spadiria) tickets , Available at the door. VOICES 50 Glebemount Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4C 3R6 Tel: (416) 429-7740 http:/ · BE CARRIED . AWAY BY THE MUSIC OF ... *G.P. de Palestrina *EleanorDaley ., *LeeviMadetoja *Henry Purcell \ *Antonio Lotti *Charles Villiers Stµnforci *Michael Tippett . --~~~CH 1, 200l ·APRiL7, 2-001 Wholenote . 33

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