9 years ago

Volume 7 Issue 4 - December 2001/January 2002

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Theatre
  • January
  • Choir
  • Symphony
  • Jazz
  • Musical
  • Singers
  • Wholenote
  • Stuffers
  • Dvds
  • Discs


·· ETCETERA FILE, continued from page 49 MASTER CLASSES •December 412:10: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. French Melodie master class with Ginette Duplessis. Walter Hall; 80 Queen's Park. 416:978·3744. Free. •January 22 & 25 11 :OOam: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. Martin lsepp master classes · piano/vocal duos. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. *January 23 & 29 11 :OOam: University Letta A~clair M.Mus. Lyric Soprano A rich and warm voice combined with an impeccable presentation! * Available for operas, oratorios, recitals, orchestral works, etc ... * Great packages for weddings, corporate events or any special occasion! * RCM registered teacher (private lessons for all ages / levels) *Also offering coaching in French diction (416) 630-5786 VENTURE SCHOOL OF MUSIC 15 years of professional instruction Ope~for Saxophone or Clarinet Lessons Blues Jazz Classical 416-586-1434 of Toronto Faculty of Music. Martin lsepp master classes · opera. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. *February 1 12:00 noon: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. Helmuth Rilling conducting master class. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. •February 3 2:00: Ontario Registered Music Teacher's Association. Master · class with piano teacher and examiner Daryl Irvine. Noel Ryan Auditorium, Mississauga 'Uoice £ 9Jiano .fessons·· In your own home given by a qualified teacher -Reasonable Rates -R&B, POP, Classical -Conservatory Grades 416-767-8779 Study with an experienced performer and teacher. Greg Brookes M.M.,· BMu.s. 4 16-516-6523 or check out Central Library, .301 Burnhamthorpe Rd. West. 416-742-e429. -. WORKSHOPS *December 2 1 :30 Toronto Early Music Players' Organization. Mediaeval Christmas music with Andrea Budgey. Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416, 487-9261. . *December 13 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers' Club. Informal meeting with the purpose of exchanging songs, .traditional or contemporary. Tiki Room, TRANZAC Club, 292 Brunswick ,Ave. 416-532,0900. Free. *December 1.4 7:30: Toronto Recorder Players' Society. Amateur players who meet regularly to explore recorder repertoire from the Renaissance to modern times. Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Manor Quality affordable individual music lessons. Gr~up clas~s in music, dance, chamber, choir. Registration begins Dec 1 7 for new students for 9 week winter term. Lessons startJan. 7, 2002. workSliops/concerts practice studios Rd. East. 416-322-5111. (non-members), (CAMMAC members). *January 4 7:~0: T oro'nto Recorder Players' Society. Amateur players who meet regularly to explore recorder repertoire from the Renaissance to modern times. . Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416-322-5111. (non-members), (CAMMAC members). *January 6 1:30 Toronto Early Music Players' Organization. Workshop with Alison Melville, recorder & baroque flute. Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416· 487-9261. . •January 23 7:30: Toronto Early Music Centre. Vocal Circle. Recreational reading of early choral music. Ability to read music desirable but not essential. 166 Crescent Rd. 416-920-5025. (non-members). •January 25 7:30: Toronto Recorder Players' Society. Amateur players who meet regularly to explore recorder repertoire from the Renaissance to modern times. Church of the Trans figuration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416-322-5111. (non-members), (CAMMAC members). *January 31 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers' Club. Informal meeting with the purpose of exchanging soggs, traditional or contempo· rary. Tiki Room, TRANZAC Club, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532-0900. Free. *February 3 2:00: CAMMAC/Toronto Early Music Players Organization. Music reading for singers. David Klausner will condu~t music of Monteverdi. Christ Chur~h Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-421-0779. (non-members), (members). CIRCULATION DRIVERS I Drivers are needed to distribute copies of Whole Note Magazine to distribution outlets within the GT A, to monitor demand and complete the related paperwork one day each month. You will need a car or van. Remuneration: /hour + $.34/km. Please· telephone the Circulation Manager at 416-928-6991 50 wholenote DECEMBER 1, 2001 - JANUARY 31, 2002

(UN)CLASSIFIED ADS, DECEMBER 2001-JANUARY 2002 ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX SERVICE for small business· and individuals, to save you time and money, customized to meet your needs. Norm Pulker, B. Math. CMA. 905-717-5421 or 905-830-2985. THE BEACH ARTS CENTRE 416 690-4552. Music Lessons all ages and levels! Music for babies and toddlers! Exams, performances. Piano Violin Voice Clarinet Trumpet Flute EAR TRAINING, AUSICIAN­ SHIP, SIGHT-SINGING, dictation, rhythmic training, keyboard skills, theory (all Conservatory-type subjects, solfa, jazz). All levels, professional/serious beginners. Detailed study available - i J.S.Bach, Renaissance, jazz. Art Levine, MA. ARCT; Host of "This is Art" on CBC; RCM Professional School Faculty; Instructor, University of Toronto, etc. 416-924-8613. Visit website: EXPERIENCED PIANO ACCOMPANIST for vocal and instrumental. Recitals, exams, coaching, opera, lieder, Broadway. Reasonable rates. Danny McErlain. 416-651-0522. FOR RENT/DOWNTOWN: Practice rooms (pianos included), and large rehearsal space with soundboard. Rates on a sliding scale. Call 416-925-7222 for information. Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre, 454 Parliament St. and JAZZ FM. Focus includes: jazz repertoire; musicianship; stage skills; singing with professional accompani­ ..------------~ ment; band ·leading and confidence to FESTIVAL WIND ORCHESdeal with the pros. 0 for four TRA seeks new members, 2 I /2 hour Saturday sessions starting especially clarinets, saxophones January 26 2002'. Enrolment limited. Some skills required. For info call and lower brass. Rehearsals Tuesdays, Yonge & Sheppard 416-534-2207. Private lessons also area. For more info, call Shelley: available. (416)491-1683. MERLIN WILLIAMS is available .________________. to do digital recordings of your .orchestra, band, choir or chamber' group on location. Reasonable rates for archival and demo recordings. For more info, calf (416)489-0275 or email: GUITARS: unique handmade instruments including acoustic archtops, at good prices, for sale or commission by Michael Sankey, Luthier (613)733-8441 HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO SING, thought you wl;;uldn't or couldn't, or do you just want a place to play with the possibilities of your voice. Small groups. 6 - . Johanne, 416-461-8425. I JAPANESE KOTO MUSIC. Private lessons for all levels. Classical and contemporary music. Also available for private and public functions. Linda Caplan, (416)783- 4652, JAZZ SINGING, introductory workshop with Andrea Kuzmich, an award winning singer whose recordin2s have been heard on CBC MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Duets, Trios, Dance Band, Big Band. Background, Centre-stage. Classical, Contemporary, Dixieland, jazz! jSL Enterprises 905-276-3373. NEW SYMPHONY ORCHES- TRAI Come Thursday January 3rd at 7:30pm. York University 050 McLaughlin College. All Brass, Strings and Woodwinds Welcome. 416-427-4519 PIANIST WILL PLAY jariflavoured background music free of charge at charitable and non-profit events. Can bring owi;i piano. Call Neville at (905)877-8471. RENT CARS BY THE HOUR Drive our cars; pay by th~ hour. 416-340-9009 RESTING BETWEEN ROLES is sponsoring a Valentine's Day Singing Telegram Contest. Finalists will be judged before a live audience at Timothy's, I 070 Eglinton W. Prizes for winner and finalists. To enter, send an audicassette and transcript to Resting Between Roles, I 16 Industry St., Unit 304, Toronto, M6M 4LR Deadline for entries Jan. 7. For further information call (416)245-8188. SINGING LESSONS Experienced, qualified Bae. Music, Classical, Semipopular. R.C.M. prep., all levels. Central location. Interest in disabilities. 416-924-3877. VINYL RECORDS & CDS. High qualily, clean Classical, Opera, jazz, Rock, Funk, etc. We buy and sell. AROUND AGAIN, 18 Baldwin St. 416-979-2822 . WOMEN'S ART ASSOCIA- TION OF CANADA. Recital space.available. Yamaha grand piano. Victorian room accommodating up to seventy people. 23 Prince Arthur Avenue. Inquiries 416-922-2060. st Management Artist Representation Grant Writing Project Coordination 905.849.1040wtele 5849~:1~ Oakville, mJ¥[6M , an E-mail: Laura Adlers Director WI,£ !Uusit Qtqamb£r 217 Danforth Ave. (416) 406-1641 Newand Used Classical and Jazz CDs DECEMBER 1, 2001 -- JANUARY 31, 2002 wholenote 51

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)