Hear the colour of • J • . . .JAZZ & BAND IAZZ NOTES by Jim Galloway . If at first...... Alex Cabaret. Artists: and programme information can be found at a very useful website for the event . - www .fringejazz.com or COJ\taCt Larry Rossignol at 416-588- 9094, · larry@rossignoldesign.co~. The me~ merry month of May Days Festival season seems to get ear- Still ii\ a festive, festival vein: lier each year. This month brings around deadline time for this us the first Fringe Jazz Festival month's issue, the line-up for this (May 5th through 11th) which is year's Toronto Downtown· Jazz HilarioDuran, May24 aimed at giving performance op- Festival was announced, and as you given to its regional carriers by Air portunities for jazz artists produc- read this, the JVC Jazz details will Canada. It is certainly a far cry ing original work. also have been announced. from the days, before commercial According to the press release I I'll go into more detail on these airlines existed, when the word received, the performances are di- events in the June issue, but all the ·jazz was not only frowned upon, vided into ·thematic streams de- promo has.got me to thinking again but was quite unacceptable in posigned to "showcase the different about this whole business about jazz lite conversation! Its origins, in styles of jazz and the creative evo- as a marketing tool - about it be- fact, are heavy with sexual connolution happening within the~ move- coming a commercial product - tations · which would make an Air ments. " about 'the proliferation of jazz fes- Canada flight attendant blush. (Be- The V ox theme is for voice and tivals all over the world - about how · fore that, Air Canada used Tango songwriting, Mondo Note Bene many of them programme some for one of their regional airlines - for new compositions and instru- jazz, but are really simply aimed· another music th-at was absolutely mental improvisation. Idiom is for at getting ·a lot of people out to an loaded with sexual overtones!). "established forms jazz has taken event. What, I ask myself, was going such as New Orleans style, Euro- Please, I am not referring to our through the minds of the marketpean cabaret, west coast cool, blues own festivals, but, for example, the ing types who came up with Jazz?. and more." Nebula is "for those Montreux festival in Switzerland Do I want to associate flying with on the outer limits of jazz; the u~ed to be a tr';le jazz festival, the same attributes as jazz? Exciteavant-garde and unconventional · highly regarde,d by musicians and ment? Surprise? The thrill of takthat push the envelope ..." critics alike; it is now much more ing chances? Not to mention Secu- The venues include St. George po~-oriented and controlled by the rity, the one thing that almost no The Martyr/Music Gallery, the wh~ms of the 'music -industry, body in jazz can count on! Poor Alex Theatre, the Stealth which has, of course, not much to Or, did it just seem like. a very Lounge, the Tranzac arid the Poor do with music and has everything hip marketing word? The Ladies' to do with selling. 1 .Montreux is, Home Journal of August 1921 however, notalone.·I know of one printed an article, "Does Jazz Put major jazz. festival which .. turned The Sin Iri Syncopation?" To say' down a group this year because it that the writer disapproved of the was too jazzy! · music is an understatement and the J But surely it is the height of- lit- art/cle goes on to say the followerally- marketing ploys to name an ing:-"We have all been taught to Really good food that airline Jazz' - the name recently believe that music soothes Uie sav- ~ just happens to Fn~ @be vegetarian! fj/I Christ Church .Deer Park p:es~nts Before your concert join us for dinner. Pay-by-weight delicious, healthy buffet to save you time & money. French country kitchen atmosphere and serene ambien.ce. Lcensed for wine and beer. Open daily. 200/o off . on yourfirst visit with ad 655 Bay St. (enter off Elm) (416) 596-9364 toronto.com/lecommensal We are a 10-minute·walk from m'any theatres. Inquire about .00 parking for dinner & show. ' Featuring some of Toronto's best jazz musicians with a brief reflection by Reverend Tim Elliott. . Sunday, May 12. 4:30 pm COLLEEN ALLEN, saxophon,e Sunday, June' 16 - 4:30pm ALEX DEAN.saxophone Sunday, June 2 - 4:30 pm DAVE YOUNG, bass JOEL QUARRINGTON, bass . BERNIE SENENSKY, piano Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge Street (north of St. Clair at Heath St.) 416-920-5211 Admission is free. An offering is received to support the work of the Chur,ch, including Jazz Vespers. www.thewholenote.com May 1 - June 7 2002
age breast. .. Therefore, it is some- been eliminated from· many muthing of a rude awakening for many nicipal dance halls, particularly parents to find that America is fac- when these have been taken under ing a most serious situation regard- the. chaperonage of the Women's ing its popular music. Welfare Clubs." workers tell us that never in the But, times change, and now jazz history of our Ian~ have there:: been is not only acceptable, it is a highly such immoral conditions among our succes-sful marketing word. It.can young people, and in the surveys sell cars, perfume, Clothing, life made by many organizations re- style - so why not airline tickets for garding these conditions, the blame Air Canada? is laid on jazz music and its evil However, all is not lost! 'A reinfluence on the young people of cent issue of The Province; a Vanta-day ..... That jazz is an influence couver newspaper, reported the for evil is also felt by a number of following: "Money-losing routes the biggest country clubs, which served by Air Canada's regfonal have forbidden the corset check carrier Jazz risk being discontinroom, the leaving of the hall be- ued early next year, airline presitween dances and the jazz orches- dent Joe Randell warned yesterday. tras-three evils which have also 'We are not in the business of losronto. This year is no different. During the past week, the daily papers have been reporting on the budget cuts that the Toronto District School ·Board may have to make to stay within the confines of the provincial government's funding formula. It has been clearly stated that the worst case scenarios would include the cutting of the 131 music instructors who deliver band, string and recorder programs at the elementary and middle school level. One way to make your voice heard is to join the Coalition for Music Education in Canada. You reach them througli their· web site at www .coalitionformusiced.ca. liii Long & McQuade - MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS• w w w • I o n 11 • m· c q-u o d o ; C· o SALE;> - RENTALS • REPAIRS - IN STORE FINANCING TRADES - USED INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT & . SOl..D Toronto North York Sea rborough · Oshawa Brampton Burlington . 925 Bloor St.W. 2777 Steeles Av.W. 1133 Markham Rd. 380 Simcoe St.S. 370 Main St.N. 3180 Mainway Dr. (416)588-7886 (416)663-8612 . (416)439-8001 (905)434-1612 (905)450-4334 (905)319-3330 . where the Music Begins. .JAZZ & BANI> . ing money,' he said. That'-s how much they know about jazz! Everybody knows that the only way to make a million dollars in jazz, is to start with two million. Poor Orville and Wilb~r must be doing tail-spins in their graves! Real jazz happenings this month? Check out our Jazz concert quick-pick and club listings in their new home on page 46-47 following the regular concert listings. If Cuban music is your thing , though, check out newest export, HABANA SAX at the Top 0' The Senator, Tues-SunMay7-12. Don't go expecting Buena Vista, though - this quintet of four saxophonists and from within the band. It's nice to have such a variety of sounds in one presentation. It's an excellent opportunity to take a student and expose them to the wide palette of tones and textures in the band. a percussionist is a new wave from . the island and ihe music ranges from Omette to DMX. And speaking of Cuban talent, Humber's piano virtuoso Hilario Duran (remember his cd "Spirits of Havana" with Jane Bunnett?) gets some all too · rare concert limelight, May 24, on Havergal's Bosendorfer! See the concert list. ings for details. There is also the welcome return visit by Lew Tabakin to the . same club, while over at the Montreal Bistro Peter. Appleyard will hold court for a week, as does the Dave McMurdo Jazz Orchestra later in the month. Happy live listening. concert chat by conductor Howard Cable and Peter Appleyard. If you go, don't miss the chat - these two veterans of the Canadian music scene have some great tales to tell. Feedback I had some interesting feedback this month from musicians over my suggestions for improving band rehearsals. i showed up late for the start of a band practice and got a ton of dirty looks. Oh well, at least they're reading the column ... Watch for my column next month - it's going to be a trip diary and pictures from the Musicfest Nationals in Calgary. , The lntrada Brass and the Merlin Williams knows which end Jens Lindemann Hannaford Street Youth Band are of a bdssoon to blow into, and has teaming up together on May 18 at almost figured out what all the dots Tue Canadian Staff Band of the Salvation_ Army is celeb,ratingtheir anni the Salvation Army Y orkminster. and lines on a piece of music mean. Intrada conducfor Bram Gregson If you would like an upcoming band versary With a concen; on Sat May 25. and HSYB director Larry Shields will · event to be featured in the Bandstand Trumpeter J~Linlernaim, ootablefor share the conducting duties. column, feel free to contact Merlin his wcirk,: with the Canadil!l1 Brass will The senior version of the at (416) 489-0275; by e-mail, be the guest artist. Hannaford Street Silver Band .is merlinw@attcanada.ca; on the web, The Metropolitan Silver Band joined by vibist extraordinaire Pe- http://members.attcanada.ca/ is presenting a concert entitled ter Appleyard on May 26. This is -merlinw/. "Shall We Dance" with the Nancy 3:00 p.m. matinee, with.a 2: 15 pre- Gary A Toronto's Center for Clarinets and Oboes SALES * REPAIR * g W oodV\(inds Ltd. 720 Bathurst St.. Suite 502 . 6-535-6000 Warranty Repair Depot Used instruments bought & sold May 1 - June 7 2002 www.thewholenote.com 25.