9 years ago

Volume 7 Issue 8 - May 2002

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • Choir
  • Jazz
  • Festival
  • Arts
  • Singers
  • Choral
  • Symphony
  • Orchestra

Van-Chuen Lee tenor Anne

Van-Chuen Lee tenor Anne Marie Chan piano ·Die schone . Mullerin Song cycle by Franz Schubert Monday, May 27, 7:30pm The Hall 1087 Queen S\. West (at Dovercourt) Tickets at the door. . 1 The Vo

,.,..- 8:00: George Lake Big Band. Spring Serenade. Jazz tunes by Ellington, Miller, Peggy Lee, Setzer & others. Steve Pettafor, leader. FitzRichard's, 575 Thornton Rd. 905-438-1888. Free. - 8:00: North York Concert Orchestra. Romantic Classics. Weber: Oer Freischutz Overture; Schumann: Symphony # 1 Spring. Jackie He & Iris Cheung, soloists; Janez Govednik, conductor. York Woods Public Library; 1785'.Finth"Ave. West. 416· 225-4556. ,. :.... 8:00: TSO. Steenhuisen: Pensacola (TSO commission/world premiere); Ravel: Piano Concerto in G; Bruckner: Symphony #6. Olli Mustonen, piano; Jukka·Pekka Saraste, conductor. Massey Hall, 15 . Shuter. 416:593-4828. -. - 8:30: Hugh's Room. Evergreen Game/an Ensemble. 2261 Dundas St. West. 416· 531-6604. Thursday May 30 -12:10: St. Paul's Anglican Church. Peter Nikiforuk, organ. 227 Bloor St. East. 416·961 ·8116. Free. - 12:30: Christ Church Deer Park. Lucy Carrick· Wedel, soprano; Peter Stoll, clarinet; Bruce Kirkpatrick H!I/, piano. Schubert: Shepherd on the Rock; Argento: To be Sung Upon the Water. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920·5211 ext.28. Admission by donation. - 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Massey Hall. See May 29. Friday May 31 - B:OO: Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra. Pops Concert. Meyerbeer: Coronation March; Saint Saens: Bacchanale;. Anderson: Irish Suite; Rodgers: Slaughter on 10th Avenue; other w-0rks. Robert Raines, conductor. Blue Danube Hall, 1686 Ellesmere Rd. 416·879· · 5566. , (children under 12 free). - B:OO: I Furiosi Baroque Ensemble. Oppressions of This Earth. Works of Bach CONCERT LISTINGS - GTA and Telemann. Steven Dann, viola. Knox College Chapel, 59 St. George St. 416· 652·5483. ,. - 8:00: ·.James Brown. The Home Fields. Music from recent CD. James Brown, classical guitar; Ernie Tollar, soprano saxophone; Jim Vivian, .acoustic bass. Edward Day Gallery, 3J Hazelton Ave. 416-530-2426. . ;:;.' "' .. ·.· - 8:00: Melanie Moorleyd.h1tist. Works ·by Glick, Dutilleux, Burton &' Bach. Trinity-St. Paul's Church, 427 Bloor St-. West. 416·922·8435. PWYC. Penderecki: Credo (Toronto premiere); TCC commission (world premiere). Toronto Symphony Orchestra; Amadeus Choir; Elmer lseler Singers; Toronto Children's Chorus; Measha Briiggergosman, Catherine Robbin, Marie· Nicole Lemieux, Paul Frey, Gary Relyea, soloists; Krzysztof Penderecki, conductor. Massey Hall, 15 Shuter St. 416·872-4255. -. Saturday June 01 .- 8:00: Orpheus Choir of Toronto. Vocal - 2:00 &: 7:30: Mississauga Children's Mass. Rheinberger: Cantus Missae; Choir. 20th Anniversary Gala. Kucharzyk: Brahms: Marienlieder; Liszt: Missa Super Cool Rainbow Special; Hatfield: Choralis. B·rainerd Blyden·Taylor, artistic Who Why and Where. Royal Bank director; Shawn Grenke, piano/organ. St. Theatre, 4141 Living Arts Drive. 905-306· James' Cathedral, 65 Church St. 411i-530· 6000. ,. 4428. ,. - 2:00: Toronto International Choral - 8:00: Toronto International Choral Festival. Celebrating the Joy of Singing. Festival. Brahms: Alto Rhapsody; Music featuring the themes of freedom, ..... Ill The Orpheus Choir of Toronto presents ass Friday, May 31, 2002; 8:00 pm, St.James' Cathedral Marienlieder ~ Brahms Cantus Missae ~ Rheinberger ,with the choir of Centenary United Church, Hamilton Missa Cho.ralis ~ Liszt Brainerd Blyden-Taylor, Artistic Di:ector Shawn Grenke, Accompanist adults, $ students. For tickets call 416-530-4428 3

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