treet Silver Band Date: June 23rd Time: 2 p.m. • Order a picnic lunch when you book your tickets. ONLY eacl). • Stay for a "strawberry social" followingthe performance INCLUDED IN THE PRICE OF YOUR TICKET! . Ticket price .00 · Children (16 and under) .00 tPeace of "/Dice A celebration of vocal music in the sp~ctacular acoustics of the Temple. Irene Ilic Date: Sunday June 9 Time: 2:00 p.m. Accomplished soprano Irene Ilic, performs Purcell, Rorem, Head, · Hundley and more. A special highlight will be two "world premiere" songs by Toronto composer Barry Peters who will accompany thiS concert. Gary Curran Date: Sunday July 14 Time: 2:00 p.m. . Join tenor Gary Curran as he takes yciu'on a romantic journey with Willan, Quilter, Handel and Hughes. Heather Faris . Date: Sunday August 11 Time: 3 p.m. Experience the rich, velvety tones of mezzo-soprano Heather Faris in a charming concert that will span th\l baroque period to the present. 46 CONCERT Ltsn:w;s: - 8:00: Elora Festival Singers. Anything but Sacred. Lauridsen: The Songs of the Roses; Gould: So You Want to Write a Fugue; music by Gershwin, Porter, Billy Joel & others. Noel Edison, conductor. St. . John's Church, Henderson & Smith Streets, Elora. 519·846·9694. . - 8:00: The Millpond Centre. Sizzling Hammond BJ Trio. Doug Riley, Hammond B3; Kevin Breit, guitar; Bob Maclaren, drums. 106 Victoria St. West, Alliston. 705-435·3092. (door), (advance). Sunday May 12 - 3:00: Music Makers. Spring Blooms. Songs include Everything's Corning Up Roses, Tip·Toe Through the Tulips, Lonely Little Petunia, Hea'ther on the Hill, We'll Gather Lilacs, and more. ·Bruce Kelly, baritone. Victoria Hall Concert Hall, 55 King St. West, Cobourg. 905·372-2210. , (children under 12 free). Proceeds to . H_abitat fo,r' Humanity. - 7:00: Amis du Jazz. Alex Pangman and Selected Alley Cats. Songs of the JO's & 40's. The Church in Sonya, 13 km north of Port Perry. 705·357·2468. . Friday May 17 - 8:00: St. Jacobs Theatres. Ouartetfest 2002. Penderecki String Quartet with ' Shahim Bard, clarinet. Church Theatre, 1376 King St. North, St. Jacobs. 519·664· 1134. ,. ' Sunday May 19 - 7:00: Amis du' Jazz. Nancy Walker, f_!Jr 11.iufr 11.mateur 'M.usicians fen u 11nt1ER AFIELD/JAZZ piano; Jane Fair, sax; Rosemary Galloway, bass. The Church in Sonya, 13 km north of Port Periv. 705·357·2468. . Wednesday May 22 - 8:00: St. Jacobs Theatres. Ouartetfest 2002. Penderecki String Quartet with Steven Dann, viola. Church Theatre, 1376 King St. North, St. Jacobs. 519·664· 1134. ,. . Saturday May 25 :._ 8:00: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra. Concert for Kings. Weber: Jubel Overture; work by winner of HPO Composer Competition; Ridout: George 3rd · His Lament; Lalo: Le Roi d'Ys Overture; Walton: Henry V · A Musical Scenario. Gordon Pinsent, narrator; Michael Reason, conductor. 7:00: Pre· concert chat. Piano Nobile Lounge. Hamilton Place, 1, Summers Lane. 905· 526·6556. ·, ·(sr/st), : $ 20( 12 & under). - 8:00: Renaissance Singers. The Splendour of the Spanish and Portuguese Renaissance. Music of Lobo and Morales. Richard Cunningham, music director. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, 54 Queen St. N., Kitchener. 519·745-0675. ,, (age 12 and under). Friday May 31 - 7:00: St. Jacobs Theatres. Ouartetfest 2002. Young artists. Church Theatre, 1376 King St. North, St. Jacobs. 519·664· i134. ,. CAMM • 'Music Centre 4,2002 1, 2002 ~' ville keOntario pwntown Toronto . mateurs du Canada Saturday June 01 - 7:00: St. Jacobs Thea,tres. Oua;te(fest 2002. Young artists. Church 'Theatre, · 1376 King St. North, St. Jacobs: 51 S·B64· 1134. ,. - 7:30: llamilton Children!s Choir. From Darkness to light. Concert, Preparatory & Chamber Choirs; Chamber Ensemble. Christ's Church Cathedral, 2S2 James ·St. North, Harnilton.'905'52146.l8,-$J.2,.$.l0, . family rate. ,, · Sunday June 02 - 8:00: St. Jacobs Theatres. Duartetfest 2002. Colorado String Quartet. Church Theatre, 1376 King St. North, St. Jacobs. 519·6.64· 1134. ,. Friday June 07 - 7:00: Oriana Singers (Northumberland). Gala Fundraisei'2002. Music from Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera & Into the Woods. Richard Scrirnger, Master of Ceremonies; Marie . Anderson, conductor. Batterwoad".Estafe, Canton. 905·372-2210. . .. ,, - '7:00: St. Jacobs Theatres. Ouartetfest 2002. Young artists. Church Theatre, 1376 ·King St. North,, St. Jacobs. 519·664· 1134. ,. . JAZZ CONCERTS & CLUBS CONCERT LISTINGS·· GTA For details, see the comprehensive concert listings, commencing page 26. - May 02 8:00: Peter Togni, organ;.Jeff Reilly, bass clarinet; Christoph Both, cello. - May 04 8:00: Music Gallery. Composer Now: Barry Prophet: · l · • c ' - May. 05 1 :00: Harbourfront Cen"tie: · Cushion Concerts: Nathaniel Dett Chorale. - May. 51:30: CAMMAC/McM.ichae(' . Gallery. Sunday ·concert Priscilla Wright Trio. ' - May 57:30: Royal Conservatory of Music Community School. RCM Jazz Ensemble & Flute Cholf. ' · - May 11 7:30: 'Linda Gambell, vocalist. May Time Jazz. ·i ,.. - May 11 8:00: Classic Jazz Society af Toronto. Gene May/ and his Dixieland . Rhyth;, Kings. / - May 12 8:00: Royal Conservatory of·Music Community School. RCM lyric Singers. Guests: RCM Jazz Ensemble. - May 14 7:00: Sir Ernest MacMillan Senior Public School/Sir Sam Steele Public School. Spring Concert. , - May 15 8:00: Music Gallery. VTO: Lerner/ Lee & Takase/Bauer. Music for cello, piano & trombone. - May 16 8:00: Living Arts Centre. Casually Jazz · Carol Weisman. :.. May 16 8:00: Music Gallery. VTO: Pol Wechsel & CCMC. - May 19 1 :30: CAMMACllVJcMichael Gallery. Sunday Concert: Lenny Graf Trio. - May 19 8:00: Music Gallery. VTO: The Necks. Extended improvised performance pieces. Chris Abrah.arns, piano;· Tony Buck, May 1 - June 7 2002
drums; ~loyd Swanton, bass. .- M~y .24 • 8:00p.m. Carol Weisman w/ · ' Mississauga Big Band Jazz · ·~ May 24 7:30: ·Hilario Duran. Jazz piano. :... May 26 3:00: Hannaford Street Silver Band. Malletts & Brass. Peter Appleyard, · vibraphone; Howard. Cable, conductor. · JAZZ FURTHER AFIELD {but within easy travelling distance of the BTAJ - May 3 9:30pm: Guel11h Jazz Festival. fridays of JazzSeries. -May 3 8:00: Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestr~. Jazz at the Philharmonic. - May 4 8:00: Northumberlan~ Orchestra Society: Peter Appley.ard · An Evening with the NOS. - May 5 7:00p.m. Amis du Jazz. SWING NOIRE pre bebop - May 12 7:00p.m. Amis du Jazz. ALEX PANGMAN and selected ALLEY CATS - May 19 7:00p.m. Amis du Jau. CLUB LISTINGS -ALlEYCATZ 2409 Yonge (416) 481-6865 Call for info, - AMATO P1zzA 672 St Clair W. (416) 657· 9090 Call for info. -ARBO.UR CAFt 266 Lakeshore E. Oakville (905) 844-1840 Call for info. - BAR ITAUA, 582 College St (416)535-3621. May 8 Fringe Jazz Festival; May 10 Daniel Baines Quintet - BEN W1cKs 424 Parliament (416) 961-9425. Every Fri Midnite Walk; Every Sun Tin.a Hartt & The Alphabet Band. - THE CAMERON House 408 Quee11 W. (4161. 703-0811. Call for info. -C'ESTWHAT 67 Front E (416) 867-9499. Every Sat 4pm: The Hot Five Jazzmakers. - CROWNE PLAZA HOTEL TRELLIS LOUNGE, 225 FrontSt. W. (416)597-1400. Call for info. -Gabriel Art Catie 762 St. Clair W. Sundays: llios Steryannis .:. GATE 403 403 Roncesvalle~ 'Avenue (416) 588-2930. Sundays: Jazz Jam hosted by Ron Davis; May 1 Adi Braun Jazz Quartet; May 2 Russ Hyduk Jazz Duo; May 3 Django Jazz Quartet; May 5 Danny Depoe Jazz Duo; May · 9 Terry Logan solo piano; May 10 Julian Fauth/David Rotundo; May 11 Larisa Renee Jazz Trio; May 15 Adi Braun Jazz Quartet; May . 16 Bill Westcott solo piano; May 17 ·Lyne Tremblay Jazz Quartet; May 18 Bryan Toner Jazz Trio; May 23 San Murata/ Norman Amadio; May 24 Jeffeiy Artll.Jr Jazz Trio; May 25 June Garber/Larry Bond; May 30 Bob Brough Duo; May 31 T.LC.Jazz Trio . - GROSSMAN'S 379 .Spadina (416) 977-7000 . Every Sat Mat: Kid Bastien & Happy Pals; Every Mon Laura Hubert. - Hor House CAFE Market Square (416) 366· : 7800 Sun Jazz Brunch w/Ken Churchill. - HuliH's RooM 2261 Dundas W. (416) 531· 6604. May 2 Lee Aaron; May 8 Thermal Quartet. .' · - L1SA's Cm 245 Carl aw (416) 406-64 70. Eveiy Sun: Jazz brunch w/Marni Levitt. - MezzmA 681 St Clair W. (416) 658-5687. Call for info. - MezzRow's 1546 Queen W. (416) 5354906. Call for info. - MONTREAL BISTRO ANO JAZZ CLUB 65 Sherbourne St. (416) 363-0179. Apr 30-May 4 . May .1 - June 7 2002 LISTINGS: JAzz/Mus1c T11EATRE, OPERA . Peter Appleyard Quintet; May 6 ·Dave Young/ Tony Quarrington Trio· \wo Bass_ Hit; May 7-11 · Dave McMurdo Jazz O.rchestra; May 13 ·'Ken Page Memorial Trust Benefit Gala · Sold Out; May 14-18 ·John Sherwood/Mike Malone Duo; May 27 The Toronto Jazz Orchestra. - N'AwuNs JAZZ BAR & D1N1NG 299 King W. (416) 595-1958. Thurs, Fri, Sat Real ·· ·' Deal; Mon-Tues Dave McMorrow; Wed, Sun Jim Heineman; - ORBIT RooM 580A College (416) 763-3470. Sun: Dave Murphy; Mon: Sisters Euclid; Wed: LIVIT Connection; Thurs: Planet Earth. , - P1Lor TAVERN 22 Cumberland'(416) 923· 5716. Call for info. · - Q CLUB 1574Queen E. (416)469-3660. May 17 Alex Pangman; call ior info. - Qu1GLEY's 2232 Queen E. (416) 699·9998. Call for info. - RESERVOIR LouNGE 52 Wellington E. (416) 955-0887. Mon: Bradley & The Bouncers; - RIVER RESTAURANT 413 Roncesvalles (416) 535-3422 Call (or·info. - RocKIT 120 Church St. (416) 947-9555 Call for info. - LE SAINT TROPEZ 315 King W. (416) 591· 3600. Wed to Sun: Andree Bernard; Mon and Tues: French Eabaret. . . · - SAssAFRAZ'lOO curiibeiiand 14151 954. 2222. Sat/Sun (11 :30 am · 4 pm) Jazz Brunch w/Ken Taylor Duo. • - SUNNY THAI .359 Eglinton West ·(416) 698 21,63. Thursdays o'nly, Peggy Mahon and Danny McErlain. · - SAx ON YoNGE 545 Yonge St. just below Wellesley (416) 968· 7665. Wed (5:30) Voices at Twilight/Salon for Jazz Singers & Songwriters w/Whitriey ·Smith/Rob McBride/ Adrian Farrugia; Fri (5:30) Cabaret Jazz w/ Tues: Tyler Yarema; Thurs: Janice Hagan; -:-Alexander.Singers and.Players. Fri: Chet Valiant Combo; Sat: Tory Cassis Gilbert & Sullivan: Iolanthe. Angela, - REX JAzz & BLuEs BAR 194 Queen St. West Hawaleshka, director; Jeremy Burka, (416) 598-2475. May 1 Chris Gale(The Lina conductor. May 11, 17, 18: 8:00; May 12 Allemano "4"; May 2 Rancho Misterio/The ·& 19: 2:00; May 15: 1 :00. Leah Posluns Lina Allemano "4"; May 3 Stylianou Theatre, 4588 Bathurst. 416-785-0333. Trio/Special Guest from Montreal: Jan ,, group rates. Jarczyk Group; May 4 Laura Hubert Band/ Miriam Snider/Bill King's "Saturtlay Night -Berkeley Street T'lleatre. Friends, lovers, Husbands. Musical comedy. Book Fish Fry"; May 5 Club Django/Quadruped; &,lyrics by Nancy Phillips; music by Bob May 6 Maureen Kennedy/Dali McCarthy Ashley; Lisa Horner, Jim Betts & other Quintet; May 7 Swing Street/The Classic.Rex performers. May 9(preview), May 10 to ;Jazz Jam w/ host: Gord Webster; May 8 Chris June 1. Mon-Sat: 8:00; Sat matinee: 2:00. Gale; May 9 Rancho Misterio; May 10 Melissa Upstairs, 26 Be.rkeley St. 416-368-3110. Stylianou Trio; May l1 The Toronto Jazz .50, Mondays PWYC. Orchestra/Miriam Snider; May 12 David -Brampton MusicTheatre.Outofthe Ryshpan/Quadruped; May 13 Maureen Hat. Spring Cabaret. May 10, 11: 8:00; Kennedy; May 14 Swing Street/The Classic May 12: 2:00. Central Public School, 24 Rex Jazz Jam w/ host Norm Marshall Alexander St., Brampton. 905-874-2800. Villeneuve; May 15 Chris Gale; May 16 · ,. Rancho Misterio; May 17 •Melissa Stylianou . - Canadian Children's Opera Chorus. Melanie Phillipson/Whitney Smith 250 . Strings. Call for info. · - ToP o· THE SENATOR 249 Victoria St (416) 364'7517. May 1-5 The Peters Drury Trio; May 7-12 Havana Sax; May 14-19 Lew . Tabakin; May 21-26 NOJO. - THE T RANZAC 292 Brunswick Ave.(416) 923· 81 ~7 . Every Wed 9:00 pm: Grande Bouch~ Swingtette (free admission); Every Thurs 9:45 pm: Brian Blain Acoustic Blues w/guests (free admission); May 16 Casper Project; May i3 Morgan Davis; May 30 Eddie Baltimore; May 17 9 pm: Club Django Sextet concert I dance (free admission). -V1cTORY CAFt 581Markham(416)516-5787. Call for info. - Vivo RESTAURANT & BAR 756 Mt. Pleasant (416) 544· 1049. Call for info. OPERA AND MUSIC THEATRE Trio; May 18 TBA/Miriam Snider; May 19 Gilbert & Sullivan: The Mik{ldo. Duncan · Bill Norman/Quadruped; May 20 Maureen Mcintosh & Anne Allan, directors/ Kennedy; May 21 Swing Street/The Classic choreographers; Ann Cooper Gay, Rex Jazz Jam w/ host Lorne Nehring; May 22 conductor. May 11: 2:00 & 7:30; May 12: Chris Gale; May 23 Rancho Misterio; May 2:00. du Maurier Theatre, 235 Queen's 24 Melissa Stylianou Trio; May 25 Jake & Quay West. 416-9734000. -, The Blue Midnights/Miriam Snider; May 26 group rates. Upper Canada Big Band/Quadruped; May 27 -Civic Light Opera Company. Some Maureen Kennedy; May 28 Swing StreetfThe · Enchanted Evening. Rodgers & Classic Rex Jazz Jam w/ host Tien Yeung; Hammerstein revue. Highlights frpm May 29 Chris Gale; May 30 Rancho Misterio; ·Oklahoma!. Carousel, The Kingand I, 31 Melissa Stylianou Trio South Pacific, Flower Drum Song & more. ~ RHooEs RESTAURANT 1496 Yonge St. (416) Bob Deutsch, Carol Kugler, David Haines, 968-9315. May 1 Bob Brough and Da~id Susan Sanders·& other performers; Joe Braid; May. 2 Ouinsin Nachoff & David Cascone, artistic director. May 23-25,29· Occhipinti; May 3 Frank Wright & Ian Bargh; 31, June 1: 8:00; May 26. June 2: 2:00 . May 4 Norman Amadio, Arlene Smith & Bob Fairview Library Theatre, 35 Fairview Rice; May 8·Fred Duligal & Ian Bargh; May 9 Mall Drive. 416469-8450.' .50,, Bob George & Diel< Felix; May 10 Bill McBirnie .50(May 23,29,301. & Robert Botos; May 11 San Murata, Neville -Etobicoke Musical Productions. · Barnes and Lenny Boyd; May 15 Danny Rodgers & Hammerstein: The Sound of McErlain. & Bill McBirnie; May 16 Ben Music. May 3·5, 10 & 11. Fri & Sat: 8:00; Jansson & Lee Wallace; May 17 Gary Benson Sun matinees: 2:00. Burnhamthorpe & Judy Tate; May 18 Simone Johnson, Jim Auditorium, 500 The East Mall. 416-248· McBirnie & Mike Smith; May 22 Kurt Lund ' 0410. , (stl, group rates. and Bernie Senensky; May 23 Mark Zaret & - Hummingbird Centre /David & Ed P,at Collins; May 24 Kenji Omae & Adrean Mirvish/House of Blues Concerts. Farrugia; May 25 Reg Schwager, Rick Wilkins. Blast! Blend ofmarching band, drum and Pat Collins; May 29 Dave Young & Robert corps, dance & colour guard. June 4-29. 1 Botos; May 30 Bobby Hsu & David Braid; Front St. E. 416-872-2262. . 39 -. 39·. May 31 David Braid & Bobby-Brough. · -Jlummingbird Centre for the Performing Arts.Riverdance. Composed by Bill Whelan. Fusion of Irish song.& dance. May 22-June 2. 1 Front St. East. 416-872-2262. -. -Living Arts Centre. Elliot Moose. Children's musical production. May 5: 2:00 &4:00. Hammerson Hall,4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga. 905-306· 6000. ,,.50 (kids off); -Milk International Children's Festival of the Arts. Joe McDermott. Original songs with guitar. For ages4-8. May 22-26, various times. Studio Theatre, 235 Queen's Quay West. 416-973-4000. Admission by wristband plus concert: .00. -Milk International Children's Festival of the Arts. The Fabulous Song. Actors & musicians from the Royal Conservatory of Music. May 19 -26, . various times. Lakeside Terrace, 235 · Queen's Quay WestA 16-9734000. Admission by wristband plus concert: .00. -Milk International Children's Festival of the Arts/T eatret Carte Blanche. Once. Fairy tales with music & dance. For ages 6-11. May 19-26, various times. du Maurier Theatre Centre, 231 Queen's QuayWest.416-973-4000. , Admission by wristband plus concert: .00. ' - Milk International Children's Festival of the Arts. Drumming the . Word. Interactive concert for ages 8 & up.· T aborah Johnson, singer/actor; Paul Houle, percussion. May 1 9 ~ 24, various times. Lakeside Terrace, 235 Queen's · Quay West. 416-9734000. Admission by wristband plus concert: .00. - Mirvish Productions. Mamma Mia! Musical based on the songs of ABBA. Music & lyrics by Benny Andersson & ·· Bjorn Ulvaeus; book by Catherine Johnson; directed by Phyllida Lloyd. To June 30. Tues-Sat 8:00; Wed, Sat & Sun 2:00. Royal Alexandra Theatre, 260 King Sl. West. 416-872-1212 .. to . . - Mirvish Productions. The Lion King. Stage musical of Disn11y' s J 994 animate.d 47