ANNOUN_CEMENTS *May 5 12:00 noon · 5:00: Festive Earth Society. livilfl Rivers Festival Toronto's largest farrily eco-festival, including ive 111JSic & dance on a stage in a natural setting. Bayview Ave. south of Pottery Rd. 416469-2977. button fmcludes shuttle service triim Broadview station & entrance to the everit). *May 8 6:30: CDC. Third Annual Fine Wine Auction. Reception & auction of rare vintages & collectables. Liberty Grand Complex, Exhibition Place, 25 British Colllllilia Drive. 416-363-6671. . In support of the CDC & its productions. *May 11: Brampton Symphony Orchestra. Fifth Annual Gala Viennese BaH. Includes delightful meal, beautiful venue & the enchanting 111JSic of Vienna perfonned ·by the BSD & conductor Charles Dllllllynck. LionhElad Golf & Country Club, 8525 Mississauga Rd .. Brernpton. 905-874-2800. 5. *May 14: 7:00 Kitchener-Waterloo Opera. Black Tie Optional Opera Bowl. Friendly competitive bow6ng (pledges collected by corporate and individual teamS) with prizes, retreShments & 111JSical entertainment. Waterloo Lanes Bowling Alley. For more information: Julia Mordini at Opera Ontario, 519-578-5573. *May 18 9;00am-noon: Northumberland Orchestra Society. The Bach Yard Sale. Plants, baked goods, books, household, sports, toys. Donations accepted May 17, 10am-7pm. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Cobourg. 905· 342·9295. *May 18 3:30: Choirs Ontario. Leslie BeU Prize for Choral Conductilfl, 2002 compet#ion. National Youth Choir and 6 candidates perform test pieces including Daley's Requiem (excerpt). Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park.416-923-1144. *May 25 & 26: CDC. Doors O,len Toronto. Take a tour of the Joey and Toby J anenbaum Opera Centre and watch a performance of Dean Burry's The Brothers Grimm, an opera for chlld"!ll (May 25), or an adaptation of Mozart's The Magic Flute (May 26). Costumes, wigs, props & archives wiU be on cfisplay, and COC recordings & posters will be available. 227 Front St. East. 416-392-6827. Free. *May 26 3:30: Sinfonia Toronto. Spring Tea and Antiques Exhib#. Sinfonia Toronto String Ouartet, gourmet refreshments and show & sale of fine antiques & collectibles. Social Club, 55 Harbour Square. 416499-0403. . *May 30 6:30: Tango Show. Art exhibition, catered evening, dance & 6ve music show at 8:30pm with traditional tango arrangements & rrusic by Piazzolla. Fabio Rey, vocals; Nuevo Tango (Leslie Allt, flute; Karen Graves, violin; Mark Sepic, electric guitar, John Yelland, contrabass; Walter Gugliotta, piano/director); Fabian & Roxana Belmonte, dancers; paintings by Ginard. St. Lawrence Hall, 157 King St. East. 905-943-7619. f111clusive). *Choirs Ontario announces the Ruth Watson Henderson Choral Composition Competition 2002, for an SATB work for nixed choir. Open to nadian citizens or landed irrrnigrants. Deadline: October 1, 2002. Information call 416-923-1144.Applicationfee . ,LECTURES ' *May I 7:30: Soundstreams Canada. ABWEGE Silent film by Georg Wilhelm Pabst ANNOUNCEMENTS with contemporary music soundtrack by Elena Kats-Chemin. The C001JOser wiD be present. Kinowelt HaH, Goethe-lnstitut, 163 King St. West. 416-593-~257. . . *May 4 2:00: Beethoven Society for Pianists, Toronto C_hapter. Clinician Mrs. Clayton Scott speaks on rrusic & life of Beethoven and adjudicates the young members of the society. Taipei Econollic & Cultlfal Centre, 888 Progress Ave. 905-731-5336. *May I 0-12: 5th Annual Subtle Technologies Festival. Symposiums on Bluning the Boundaries Between Art and Science. Morning and afternoon sessions. Scientists and artists come together in a pubfic fonrn to Share each others' language in those areas which are still searching for definitions, ·explanations and _meaning. 18 presentations; speakers ranging from musicians to quantum physicists; marine -Oiologists to radio broadcasters. Innis CoDege, 2 Sussex Ave.416-537-7822. perevent. *May 26 2:00: Toronto Opera Club. Reaction and Revolution: the Roots of the Wagner Effect Lecture by Wayne Gooding,· editor of Opera Canada Magazine." Room 330, Edward Johnson Bldg .. 80 Queen's Park. 4 W-924-3940. Q(non-menters), (members). WORKSHOPS *May 4 5:00: Music Gallery. Inventors and lnMvators Workshop Series. Barry Prophet, John Gzowski & Catherine Keenan offer a workshop on unique and unusual instruments and tunings featuring glass fithophones, Cat's Cradle & hurdy gurdies. St. George-the-Martyr Church, 197 John. 416-204-1080. or free with ticket to the 8pm concert. *May 5 1:30: Toronto Early Music Players Organization. Workshop by Larry Beckwith, baroque violin & voice. AU instruments welcome. Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert . Ave.416487-9261.. *May 5 2:00: CAMMAC. Music realing of Mozart's Mass in C Major for singers & instrurnentarists, with conductor Lydia Adarris. Instrumentalists please bring 111JSic stands. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416- 924-1938. {non-members), (members). *May ID 7:30: Toronto Recorder Players' Society. AGM Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Manor R~. East. 416-322-5111. (nonmembers), (CAMMAC members). *May 11 2:00: North York Central Library. Opera T eUs A Story. Brief & lively introduction for children ages 8· 12. given by a representative . of the COC. The aucfience is encouraged to participate with rrusic, props & costumes. 5120 Yonge St. 416-395-5535. Free tickets at the 'Uoice d, 9Jiano .eessons In your own home given by . a qualified teacher -Reasonable Rates -R&B, POP, Classical -Conservatory Grades 416-767-8779 WORKSHOPS ETCETERA Children's Reference Desk. *May 22 3:00: CircleSing! SOfYJS and Play for the Very Young (3 months · 5 years}. Music and movement program for infants, toddlers & preschoolers. Jennie Lea, songstress/ storyteller. Children's Own Museum, 90 Queen's Park. 416-603-2335. Free with admission (.75). *May 22 7:30: Toronto Early Music Centre. Vocal Circle. Recreational reading of early choral music. Ability to read music desirable but not essential. 166 Crescent Rd. 416-920-5025. (non-members). *May 23-25: Music Gallery/Canadian Electronic Ensemble. £-Tonal" CeElectric Spring. 3-day survey of Toronto's most acute electronica from concrete to space. Celebrating 30 years of electric musical art. St. George-the-Martyr Church, 197 John. 416-204-1080. /day, /series. *May 26 2:00: Toronto All-Star Big Band. Young Musicians' Workshop Series Part Three: Having a Blast! Tangible tips on style & technique, w. Alastair Kay, trombone. For young musicians, intermediate to advanced. 3820 Bloor St. West. 416-231-5695. Free. *May 3.0 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers' Club. Informal meeting with the purpose of exchanging songs, traditional or contemporary. Tiki Room, TRANZAC Club, 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-532-0900. Free. *May 31 7:30: Toronto Recorder Players' Society. Amateur players meet regularly to explore recorder repertoire from the Renaissance to modern times. Church of the Transfiguration, 111 Manor Rd. East. 416· 322-5111. (non-members), (CA.MMAC members). *June 2 1:30: Toronto Early Music Players Organization. Workshop by Shannon Purves-Smith. Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416-487-9261. . *Peter Smith Jazz Workshops. Topics include blowing, repertoire, compositions & ensemble skills in a jazz combo setting. Anyone welcome. Biweekly, Mondays 7:30 · 9:30, May 6, 20. Japanese United Church, Dovercourt south of Bloor. 416· 785-8609. . . Please confirm attendance beforehand. (UN)CLASSIFIED ADS, MAY 2002 ACCOUNTING AND INCOME TAX SERVICE for small business and individuals, to save you time and money, customized to meet your needs. Norm Pulker, B. Math. CHA. 905-717-5421 or 905-830-2985. The BEACH ARTS CENTRE 416-690-4552. Music Lessons all ages and levels! Music for babies and toddlers! Exams, performances. Piano Violin Voice Clarinet T rum et Fl6te CLARINET/SAX LESSONS, also preparation for RCM theory and history exams. Experienced teacher, MM, BM. Convenient downtown location. (416)532-6761 or EAR TRAINING, MUSICIANSHIP, SIGHT-SINGING, dictation, rhythmic training, keyboard skills, theory (all Conservatory-type subjects, solfa, jazz). All levels, professional/serious beginners. Detailed study available - J.S.Bach, Renaissance, Jazz. Art Levine, MA, ARCT; Host of "This .is Art" on CBC; RCM Professional School faculty; Instructor, University of Toronto, etc. 416-924-8613. Visit website: . 'Toronto Scfwo{ 'for Strings Julian Fisher, violin and viola Kleis Swan, violin Mary Fisher, cello Private Lessons Group Classes Qualified/Ecperienced Suzuki Instructors RCM Exam Preparation Junior Reading Orchestra, Chamber musi~ Adult String Orchestra All Ages Welcome 3+ 416-968-0303 ww\v. • 50 May 1 - June 7 2002
~XPERIENCED PIANO ACCOMPANIST for vocal and instrumental. Recitals, exams, coaching. opera, lieder, Broadway. Reasonable rates. Danny McErlain. 416-651-0522. FESTIVAL WIND ORCHESTRA Summer Serenade Concert. Tuesday, 1une 11 at 8pm, Fairview . Library Theatre. Gennady Gefter conducts selections including Folk Song Suite, Gershwin, Hanover Festival, Montego Bay and more. Special guest: jazz vocalist Tracey Wilkins. Free parking. door prizes. Adults $I 0, S'eniors/Students . For tickets, phone Shelley at (416)491-1683 or email FOR RENT/DOWNTOWN: Practice rooms (pianos included),• and · large rehearsal space with soundboard. Rates on a sliding scale. Call 416-925- 7222 for information. Cabbagetown Community Arts Centre, 454 Parliament St. GUITARS: unique handmade instruments, at good prices, for sale or commission by Michael Sankey, Luthier (613)733-8441 HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO SING, thought you wouldn't or couldn't, or do you just want a place to' play with the possibilities of your voice. Small groups. 6 • .j0hanne, 416-461-8425. UNCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING LIVE/WORK DETACHED BUILDING.for Sale, Great for Music School or Studio, 2000 sq' live/ work, open concept, 2 bdrms, parking for 5, private yard, quiet cul de sac, pies 9,000. (416)533-5088 Catharine or Paul LOOKING FOR experienced Suzuki-trained violin, cello or piano teachers. Please contact Julian Fisher at 416-968-0303. MERLIN WILLIAMS is available to do digital recordings of' your orchestra, band, choir or chamber group on location. Reasonable rates for archival and demo recordings. For more info, call (416)489- 0275 or email: MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Duets, Trios, Dance Band, Big Band. Background, Centre-stage. Classical, Contemporary. Dixieland, jazz! JSL Enterprises 905-276-3373. MUSIC TUITION: piano, organ, theory. International teacher Dr. Paul Jessen. 26 years' experi- PIANIST WILL PLAY jazz.flavoured background music free of charge at charitable and nonprofit .events. Can bring own piano. Call Neville at (905)877-8471. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCED Russian piano accompanist for vocal and instrumental. Recitals, exams. choirs, coaching. opera. Call Evgenia, (416)226-3002, (416)399-6579. PROFESSIONAL PIANO ACCOMPA NIST for vocal and instrumental. Re.citals, exams, choirs, coaching, opera, lieder. Reasonable rates. Cecilia Song. 416-512-9341. SUMMER THEORY RUDIMENTS CAMP ·. Prepare for August RCM exam with Maxine Willan, piano/theory teacher and examiner. Info. call 416-466-719 5. -- 'Lb1a Ai.dair M.Mus. Lyric Soprano A rich and warm voice combined with an impeccable presentation! * Available for operas, oratorios, recitals, orchestral works, etc ... * Great packages for weddings, corporate events · or any special occasion! * RCM registered teacher (private lessons for all ages / levels) *Also offering coaching in French diction ence. All levels accepted. Phone 416-419-6904. E-mail WOMEN'S AR'T ASSOCIATION OF CANADA. Recital space available. Yamaha grand (416) 630-5786 . PIANIST, mature U of T performance graduate piano; Victorian room accommodating up to seventy la! seeks cellist and violinist to form trio for fun and peopl!. 23 Prince Arthur Avenue. Inquiries 416-922- L,....,,_....,.,......, __....,.._____--.....,l profit. (416)964-63B8. 2060. A.R.C.T., B. MUS. ED., B.ED COURSES OFFERED Acoustic Classical Rock Blues Jazz Bass Drums Keyboard N':itionol Guilor Workshop Private and Group Instruction • Piano, Voice, Guitar, Woodwinds & Brass, All Styles • Singing Classes, Performance Skills • Feldenkrais, Mitzvah & Alexander Posture and Movement Techniques • Harmony & Chords, Play by Ear • RCM Exams, Theory, CD Demos (416) 620 - 1231 MUSIC DIRECTOR St. John's United Church 2 Nobert Road (Agincourt) Toronto, ON M1T 1C1 This congregation seeks a creative musician to actively participate in the planning and delivery of sacred music which will enrich the worship experience. For information ·call 416-491-1224 or email: All applications to the Chair of the Music DireGtor Search Committee. May 1 - June 7 2002 Positions available for 2002-03 · • Experienced Suzuki violin teacher • Orchestra conductor • Early childhood music educator • Part-time administrator For information: 416-239-4637