8 years ago

Volume 8 Issue 1 - September 2002

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • September
  • Jazz
  • October
  • Theatre
  • Arts
  • Instruments
  • Festival
  • Orchestra
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:---- - ·FESTIVAL port

:---- - ·FESTIVAL port hope · Sept~rnber 20, 21 ~ 22 2002 Young Jazz Showcase •Jazz Boutique • Latin, Jazz Coffee Bar Gourmet Food Tent• Wine & Beer Tent "Blow Your Own Horn" Jazz Parade Free e ·a:ndshell Concerts Saturday • Kevin Clark Quintet • Kollage • Eric Harding Quintet • Lesterdays Sunday • Peter Dent Ql:Jintet • Rhythm & Truth Brass Band Capitol .Theatre .~oncerts ·Friday • JOE SEALY with RANEE LEE .& RICHA~D RING Saturday • ROB McCONNELL · Bosom Buddies (Bonnie Brett& Melissa Stylianou) Sunday • SHIRLEY EIKHARD . - Duo Provost/Lachapelle Tickets: Knight Club on the Park . ARLENE SMITH • GEORGE EVANS LATE NIGHT JAM SESSIONS with San Murata Trio, featuring Bob George, Piano (obourg Venue: Oasis Bar & Grill . · Georgette Fry Trio, • Mike Graham Trio • Climax Jazz Band Visit Port Hope for All Day and Into t·he Night Jazz. · Just 1 Hr. East of Toronto along the 401. ww., . Tel: 905-885-1938 . • The All-Canadian Jazz Festival Port Hope gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the .. Ontario Trillium Foundation, an agency of the Ministry of Culture. The Foundation receives annually 0 million in government funding generated through Ontario's charity casino initiative. 20 September 1 - Octoiier -7"2002

end, however, for most of us marks the unofficial end of Summer and is certainly the start of the Fall season _ in jazz clubs. ' · The Top 0' The Senator, MUSIC THEATRE SPOTLIGHT Top ten music theatre events for the fall (w' keeps the by Sarah B. Hood ', emphasis on local talent ranging from singer Pat Lacroix to Time Warp. 1. "I've been rich and I've' b((en :beyond the split-second changes. Over a( the Montreal B'istro, poor. Rich is better. " So spoke After all, "If it's only that, in 20 (, the month has , Vaudeville legend Sophie Tucker, minutes the show is finished," a mix oflocals and visiting firemen. who created herself as an unlikely points out Brachetti himself. His The.Al Henderson Quintet kicks off Moe Koffman star: the strong-willed, funny, fat, self-titled show runs from Septema month which also sees Australian bawdy Jewish girl .who gave thou- ber 10 to October 20 at the Canon cornet player Bob Barnard with wrote these words for "September sands of dollars to charitable causes. Theatre. master bassist Keter Betts, (who Song"' featured in the Kurt Weill · A child of Russian immigrants, she 3. Soulpepper Theatre is windspent 24 years with Ella Fitzgerald), musical "Knickerbocker Holiday" - left Hartford, .Connecticut for the ing up its season, but Artistic Diand drummer Jackie Williams. Locals "Oh, it's a long, long while from New York of the Follies era, and rector Albert Schultz and guests are Reg Schwager and yours truly May to December But the days grow rose-to phenomenal success. Valerie inviting audiences to attend a musiround out this band.1 short when you reach September·" Boyle portrays Sophie Tucker, Last cal change of pace at the du Maurier Another date to note is Monday, (Anderson also wrote the following: of the Red Hot Mamas in the final Theatre Centre on Oct0ber 5 at 2 Septel)lber 23 at the Bistro, when Ifyoupracticeanart, beproudofit offeringoftheseasonfromtheRed and 8 p.m. Young at Heart is a the second annual Moe Koffman and make it proud of you··· It may Barn Theatre in Jackson's Point. fundraiser featuring songs Schultz memorial jazz scholarship benefit will break your heart, but it will fill your "I loved the fact that she was a has loved since childhood, includtake place. The performers for this heart before it breaks it; it will make larger-than-life woman, a femini~t ing material from movie, TV and You a person in your own right.) . . year's all-star band include Emilie- _before there were feminists, mde- stage musicals. Proceeds go to the Claire Barlow, Guido Basso, Peter September's not a bad month for pendent, strong, a survivor," says Soulpepper Youth Outreach Initia-· Appleyard, Scott Alexander, Brian · song titles, actually. There's also Boyle. The show runs from Au- tive and UNICEF. For information Barlow, Johh Johnson, Russ Little, "September In The Rain" by Harty gust 30 to Septem&er 14. ' and tickets can · 416-973-4000 or Steve McDade, Rob Piltch and Tom Warren (music) and Al Dubin '2. Forget Pistachio Disguise. visit Szezesniak. Tickets are each ancj (words), featured in the 1937 picture Arturo Brachetti is the real Master 4. Weird.Al Yankovic has a spiral! the proceeds go towards The Moe Melody for Two. The definitivejazz of Disguise. An Italian theatre star . itual father - or should we say Koffman Memorial Jazz Scholarship recording was by the George known for his accomplishments in "faddah" - in the per~on of the · at the University of Toronto. For Shearing Quintet and it was one of the ancient art of metamorphosis, late Allen Sherman. Back in the tickets call: University of Toronto thosemagicalcreativethingsthatcan Brachetti first learned his quick- '60s, when Weird. Al was but a 416-946-3580. only happen by chance. As Mr. change craft from a talented magi- tot, Sherman scored a hit with his Shearing once described it' - "The The Rex continues on its merry · cian/priest while he was attending albums of comic song parodies. His way with an array of'foronto jazzers five ofus-John Levy' Denzil Best, a seminary in his youth. Brachetti version of "Battle Hymn of the and a "business as usual" smile. Marjie Hyams, Cbuck Wayne and can change costumes in seconds, Republic" runs along these lines: These are, it is generally accepted, myself-sat down at an accidental and portrays Some 80 characters "Oh Harry Lewis perished/In the the big three clubs in town; but there rehearsal and accidentally played over the course of h,is show. But service Of his Lord/He was tramis a comprehensive list of jazz venues September in the Rain and there's more: the production, in- plingthrougllthewarehouse/Where. in this month's issue, (see page 40) accidentally sold 9oo,ooo copies!" formea by a Felliniesque aesthetic the drapes of Roth are stored/He along with contact numbers. Mayweallhavethatkindofaccident! andfeaturingawiderangeofwhat had the finest funeral/The union Programming details are not always Before signing off, may I remind were once called "variety acts" - could afford/ And his cloth goes easy to come by before print you of the request I made in June - like Chinese shadow play - draws shining on:" A musical review deac)lines, but a phone call will get - to go to ajazz club and experience the audience into a narrative of based on the Sherman legacy, named . the music live at least once before you the programming information Brachetti's own life that goes well CONTINUEDNEXTPAGE · the end of September. You have one · · 1 · you need. month to go. If you should refi,ise Writing this in one of the dog days this mission your tv will self destruct · of this oh so hot summer, it is almost on October 1st. with a slight feeling of relief that I · Parting thought - If we we~e born look forward to fall, but it is with three legs would marches be counteracted by the feeling so waltzes? Or vice versa?Happy wistfully expressed by playwright/ listening (and dancing). lyricist Maxwell Anderson when he PHILI'P L. DA VIS Luthi er formerly with f.f. Schroder:. Rankfurt, West Germany A Fine Selection of Srnall and Full Sized Instruments and . Bows • Expert Repairs DAVID JENSEN Harpsichord Maker CUSTOM MADE HARPSICHORDS, VIRGINALS & CLAVICHORDS Repairs, Restorations, Tuning and Regulation_ since 1976 (416) 466-9619 67 Wolverleigh Blvd., Toronto, Ontario, M4J IR6 (905) 973-1314 & (905) 529-2527 www.harpsichord-man.coi;n 21

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