9 years ago

Volume 8 Issue 10 - July/August 2003

  • Text
  • Festival
  • Toronto
  • Theatre
  • August
  • Jazz
  • Musical
  • Concerts
  • Arts
  • Quartet
  • Bach

Toronto's Mennonite

Toronto's Mennonite Choir ~ '\ ~· Y, c,tv !.\ ... \.-' Pax Christi Clio:rale & Children's Choir Stephanie Martin, conductor 416-494-7889 . . - . . A Harvest festival Sunday, October 5th,3pm Grace Church on-the-liill, Toronto Readinas &' antl1ems with auest Trillium Brass . . Israel in :G1.1Jpt Saturday, November 22 .i,8pm Sunday,November23 ,3pm Grace Church on-the-liill, Toronto 1-fandel~ action-packed oratorio with·orchestra and soloists Lessons (Jlld Carols Sunday, December 14th, 3 pm Grace Church on-the-Iii II. Toronto Carols &' readinas for Advent &'Christmas Dona Nobis Pacem Saturday, April 24th,8pm Yorkminster Park&ptist Churd1. Toronto ·wul1 Menno Sinaers, soloists&' orcl1estra;alsoApr;J 2Jin Kitchener. torontoartsbou nci I t~~lling·s qft'tces L>.wid ). King tlH~

------~ TOYOVltO ScV!ooL of Mus~c A :PvofessLOV\,b\L COV\,SeYVCltOrtj , ' OFFERING GENERAL AND PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION TO ASPIRING AND ACCOMPLISHED .MUSICIANS'.. PRIVATEi~d~e;iS . · ;~S,T:&UCTION FOR BEGINNIJ:Nt::AND tEDST.UDENTS. . .'· vC:)~,:~t ·. FULL~TfM ·E pfj'.J\FOR ·J:HUR ONALMUSIC .. · OM?ETITION AGES 17-35) ESS OF '$100,000 "j}1 _,.,.· AUDITIONS HEiDEVERY FRIDAY 2-5PM TORONTO SCHOOL OF MUSIC CANADA 1063 MCNICOLL AVE. TORONTO,ON.M1W3W6 PHONE: 416-260-1882 FAX: 416-260-9997 arnaaeus • cnoir Lydia Adams, Conductor and Artistic Director Auditions This dynamic, 100-voice choir will hold auditions in May and June 2003. There are openings in all sections, especially Tenors and Basses. Next season's repertoire includes works by Faure, Bach, Rossini, Scarlatti, Palestrina, Raminsh and Chatman. Singers must have choral experience and strong sight singing abili~ and be willing to commit to a full concert season. To book an audition please contact Joan Andrews at 905-642-8706,, or the Amadeus Choir office at 416-446-0188, . \ ~:}~::::··.:,.:: ~8~~T~ltE\

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)