man Square, 5100 Yonge. 416·338·0338. Free. Monday July 14 - 12:15: Church of the Holy Trinity. Music Mondays Concert: Paul James Dwyer, dance & Peter Bishop, organ. 10 Trinity Square. 416-598·4521 x222. suggested donation. Tuesday July 15 - 3:30: Thornhill Chamber Music Institute. Predrag Stojkovic, bassoon & Liliana Dimitrijevic, harp in Concert. Music Room, Waldorf School, 9100 Bathurst. 905-764- 1924. . - 8:00: Hummingbird Centre for the Performing Arts. Grease. By Warren Casey & Jim Jacobs; Ray DeMattis, ·director; Steve Bishop, musical director; starring Frankie Avalon. 1 Front St. East. 416-872-2262. - . For complete run see music theatre listings. Wednesday July 16 - 12:00 noon: City of Toronto/Scotiabank. Sounds in the City: George leach, singer/ songwriter/guitar. Nathan Phillips Square, 100 Queen St. West. 416-338-0338. Free. - 7:00: Etobicoke Community Concert Band. Twilight Concert in-the-Park. Hits of the swing era. Guest: Etobicoke Swing Orchestra; John Edward Liddle, conductor. Applewood Homestead, 450 The West Mall. 416410-1570. Free. - 7:30: Opera Everywhere Productions. An Evening of Opera & Operetta. Colin Ainsworth, tenor; Rachel Cleland-Ainsworth, soprano; Sasha Liebich-Tait, coloratura soprano; Jonathan Liebich, baritone. Stone Church, 45 Davenport Rd. 416-910-3482. . - 7:30: Plein Air Garden Concerts.fclectic, Electric, Eccentric. Music from Renaissance to jazz styles. Kye Marshall, cello. The Sacred Music Society and World Youth Day Choir at Ouri s20 Sher LI PLO .July 15, 17' 19 s 1-877-MY-CHOIR Garden, 345 Balliol St. 416-487-0705. $10. - 8:30: Hugks Room. Ellen Mcllwaine. 2261 Dundas West. 416-531-6604: (ad· vance), (door). Thursday July 17 ' - 7:00: Harbourfront Centre/City ofTo· ronto. Summer Music in the Ga;den. Brass and percussion sections of the National Youth Orchestra of Canada; Richard Erb, conductor. Toronto Music Garden, 475 , Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000. Free. - 7:00: North York Concert Band. Summer Concert. Mel Lastman Square; 5100 Yonge St. 416-395-7584. Free. Friday July 18 - 2:00: Toronto All·Star Big Band. Toronto Partigras. Trinity Stage, The Distillery Dis· trict, Mill & Parliament. 416-23'1-5695. Free. - 7:00: Thornhill Chamber Music lnsti· tute. AppalachianHddle Concert. Ann Leder· man & Erynn Marshall, fiddle; Chris Coale, guitar & banjo. Music Room, Waldorf School, 9100 Bathurst. 905-764-1924. $10. - 7:30: Sybil Shanahan, cello & Abigail Richards, piano. Works by Beethoven, Schumann, Prokofiev, Bach & Boccherini. Helicon.ian Hall, 35 Hazelton i\ve. 416-922- 3618. . Saturday July 19 - 2:30: Toronto All-Star Big Band. Toronto Partigras. Trinity Stage, The Distillery Dis· frict, Mill & Parliament. 416-231 -5695. Free. - 8:00: Baroque Music Beside the Grange. In the Company of Songbirds. Music by Van Eyck, Oswald, Telemann, Linde & others. Alison Melville, recorders & baroque flute. · Church of St. George the Martyr, 197 John. 416-5884301. , (st/sr), $10(childrenL Proceeds to support the 03-04 season of BMBG. In the· Company . of Songbirds Music of van Eyck, Telemann, Oswald, Linde, 'The Bird Fancyer's Delioht' and more ALISON MELVILLE, recorders & traverso Saturday July 19 at 8 pm ~:-.. ~·- \ ~~-c-- St. George the Martyr Church, Toronto ~~ .... . INFO: 416-588-4301 ADMISSION ( S/10} A Baroque Music Beside the Granqe Benefit Concert Calvin Choir A celebratory recital Join us to launch our new CD & Newfoundland concert tour .,_\ Sunday, July 2ot\ 2:00 pm Calvin Presbyterian Church, z6 Delisle A venue, Toronto 416 923-9030 Tickets: $IO/ sen & st
Sunday July 20 - 2:00: Calvin Choir. Tour launch Recital and CO launch. Music by Byrd, Clemens, Elgar, Stanford, Willan & Ager; Newfound· land & Ontario folk songs. Stephanie Mar· tin, music director. Calvin Church, 26 Delisle Ave. 416-923-9030. $10, $ 5. - 2:00: Plein Air Garden Concerts. Jae· queline John. Vocal music. The Garden, 345 Balliol St. 416487-0705. $10. - 4:00: Harbourfront Centre/City of To· ronto. Summer Music in the Garden. Middle· Eastern music. George Saw a and the T radi· tional Arab Music Ensemble: George Sawa, kanun; Suzanne Meyers·Sawa, drums; Ramon Sarweh, tambourine & voice; Bassam Beshara, oud, violin & voice. Toronto Music Garden, 475 Queens Quay West. 416-973- 4000. Free. - 7:30: City of Toronto/Scotiabank. Sunday Serenades: Jim Galloway's Wee Big Band. Mel Lastman Square, 5100 Yonge. 416-338-0338. Free. Monday July 21 -12:15: Church ofthe Holy Trinity. Music Mondays Concert: Rafael Hoekman, cello. 10 Trinity Square. 416-598-4521 x222. suggested donation. Tuesday July 22 - 8:00: Weston Silver Band. Summer Park Concert. Marches, tight classics & other favourites. Little Park Bandshell, Weston Road north of Lawrence. 416-253-9422. Free. Wednesday July 23 - 12:00 noon: City of Toronto/Scotiabank. Sounds in the City: Afropan Steelband. Nathan Phillips Square, 100 Queen St. West. 416-338-0338. Free. - 3:30: Thornhill Chamber Music lnsti· tute. Faculty Concert. Mozart: Flute Quartet; other selections. Guest: Angela Hammer. Music Room, Waldorf School. 9100 Bathurst. 905-764· 1924. . - 7:30: Dundas Concert Band. Summer Park Concert. Burlington Central Park Bandf\f¥~~!N4'.~ NATtONAL YOUTH ORCHESTRA er-CANAD .\ • C