9 years ago

Volume 8 Issue 4 - December 2002/January 2003

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Jazz
  • January
  • Theatre
  • Symphony
  • February
  • Choir
  • Musical
  • Arts

Toronto's Center' for

Toronto's Center' for Clarinets and Oboes SALES · * REPAIR * Warranty Repair Depot "the first ever performance of Red Priest in Canada" is half wrong anyway .. The fabulous virtuoso recorder player Piers Adams gave a recital at St. Paul's Anglican Church in Toronto ip 1996, accompanied by Red Priest harpsichordist Howard Beach. (Julia Bishop, yiolin and Angefa East; cello make up the other · half of the quartet.) . My friend, George Vona, who presented the 1996 concert, commented that he has nev'er heard anyone. play any instrument the way Adams does. Named for Vivaldi, this British ensemble redefines the art of.period performance. This is your chance to hear them 'live' with Canadian soprano Suzie LeB!anc. The Toronto Early Mµsic Iii Long·& McQuade - MUSICAL INSTRUMEl'ffS• w w w . I o n g ... m c . q u a ·d 1 • • c o m SALES - RENTALS - REPAIRS - IN STORE FINANCING TRADES - USED INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT & SOLD Centre preseni s "Musically Speaking," a series of free one-hour enlightening programs of historical performance at the Church of the Hdly Trinity, near the Eaton Centre. Next, January 12, the ensemble Musick's Hand-maid - Jariet Scott (harpsichord) with Valerie Sylvester (violin), Sheila .'Smyth (violin) and Laura Jones (gamba), and guest artist Joelle Morton (gamba) - r~veals the magnificence of 17th and 18th century French mu~ic. Frank T. Nakashima is the Presidenl of the Toronro Early Music Cenrre, a non-profit charitable organiwtion which promotes the CJppreciation of historically-irifonned peiforrnimces of early music. ,Toronto 925 Bloor St.W. (416)588-7886 North York 2777 Steeles Av.W. (416)663-8612 Visit the North York store's large print music department! Scarborough 113.3 Markham Rd. (416)439-8001 Oshawa 380 Simcoe St.S. (905)43.4-1612 .Brampton 370 Main St.N. (905)450-4334 Burlington 3180 Mainway Dr. (905)319-3330 Where the Music Begins. \ _f) *~~- 4 if 14

CHORAL · SCENE by Larry Beckwith The holiday season calendar, filled . to overflowing with a wide variety of choral activity, is upon us. May I begin by wishing all 'WholeNote readers a season filled with joy and meaning. And may I continue by . offering. some suggestions for concerts· based on what you 're looking for in a holiday concert. · For those interested in historical perspective and unusual seasonal fare: Dec 6, the Exultate Chamber Singers present the music of John Joubert, Giles Swayne and others in a concert entitled "Veni" on Dec 6. Two nights later, the Musicians in Ordinary recreate a Venetian Vespers service, complete with Renaissance violins and plainchant choir'_, The Toronto Consort pri;:sents a complete performance of The Christmas Story by Heinrich Schutz Dec 13 and 14 and the Sine Nomine ensemble ,performs "In Praise of St. Nicholas", a program of Medieval readings and music in honour of the jolly .saint Dec 20. For those interested in a traditional la~ge, massed choir Christmas celebration: Dec I, The Amadeus Noel Edison conducts Toronto Mendelssohn Choir sings carols old and new and· performs Britten's St. Nicholas with tenor Glyn Evans. The Toronto Mendelssohn Choir presents their annual Festival of Carols hosted by the omni-cheerful Richard Ouzounian on December 8. The Holiday Celebrations begin at the Torontri Symphony on December 10 as Erich Kunzel leads the Mississauga Choral Society through seasonal favourites ("giddy-up, giddy-up, giddy-up let's go!")' and the Maple Leafs give way December 11 at the Air Cariada Centre to what looks like a twisted recreation of The Sound Jubilate Singers Auditions Isabel Be1n aus, .Director. Chamber choir with wide- 1:anging, challenging, multilingual repertoire and 3 concerts a year has openings in all sections. You .are ir;vited to attend the first rehearsal for om next concert (Bartok, Dvorak's Mas? in D+, Kodaly, Rachmaninov) Tues. Dec. 3 at 7:30 pm at St. Leonard's Church, 25 Wanless (near Yonge & Lawrence). Auditions Dec. 10 5:45-7:15 pm: or · call 4 16-322-6517 evenings until lO to \UTange a time. A. Toronto Children's Chorus I Esso Kids ~oi> MARC~ BREAK MUSIC CAMP A GREAT OPPORTUNITY FOR CHILDREN ... AND A WEEK OF FUN! Imperial Oil e A SPECIAL DAY CAMP EXPERIENCE LED BY TCC CONDUCTOR & MUSIC SPECIALIST ZIMFIRA POLOZ AND ACCOMPANIST PETER MACDONALD LEARN GREAT MUSIC IN A RELAXED ATMOSPHERE MEET NEW FRIENDS AND ENJOY SOCIAL ACTIVITIES COST: I CHILD NO AUDITION REQUIRED! REGISTER BY MARCH 1, 2003 MARCH 10-14, 2003 GRADES 1, 2, 3: 9:0Q-11 :30 I GRADES 4; 5, 6: 1:00-3:30 · LAWRENCE PARK COMMUNITY CHURCH (BAYVIEW/LAWRENCE) FO.R APPLICATION FORMS: 416 932-8666 ext. 110 or ; ' "~" . ;ig. t 1 ~., , '}g in the Yuletide festivities ?4Jh the Victoria. Scholars as they join with SondraRadvanovskygpe bf the worl

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