Riverdale Youth Singers the middle of the month for their annual Christmas Celebration. For those interested in Children's and Youth Choirs: there's a concert almost every day for you, featuring locals like the Oakville Children's Choir (December 1), Mississauga Children's Choir (December 7), Viva! Youth Singers (an intriguing program also on December 7), the, Canadian Children's Opera of Music as Julie Andrews, ·Chorus (December 14) and the Christopher Plummer and Charlotte Bach Children's Chorus (also Church join a cast of thousands in December 14), the Riverdale Youth "A Royal Christmas". Singers (December 16)' and the St. Paul's Church hosts the Toronto Children's Chorus annual Toronto Star carol sing on (performing Ruth Watson December 14 with Santa Claus Henderson's The Last Straw on lookalike Giles Bryant charming December 21). You can also hear everyone in sight with his impeccable touring children's _choirs like the comic timing and genial spirit. And famed Vienna Boys (December 3) the St. Michael's Choir School takes and the :Soys Choir of Harlem over Massey Hall for two nights-in (December 15). Lydia .(J.dams, Conductor 2180 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4N 3K7 Friday, December 6, 7:30 p.m .. HAN DEES St. James' Cathedral, King & Church Streets Soloists: Jennie Such, Soprano; Daniel Taylor, Counter . Tenor, Colin Ainsworth, Tenor; Russell Braun, Baritone. - With Orchestra - For those interested in f~miliar Christmas repertoire performed by large or chamber choirs: the Toronto Camerata performs Britten's A Boy was Born on December 1. Pax Christi Chorale performs Poulenc's Gloria (with the brilliant soprano Natalie Paulin) on December 7 and 8. December 8 also sees the Toronto Classical Singers presenting' highlights from Bach's Christmas Oratorio. The Bell' Arte Singers mix standard Christmas fare with Canadian carol arrangements on December 14 and Voices performs Charpentkr's Messe de Minuit the same night. Speaking of Charpentier: The Aradia Ensemble performs the .Te Deum and Messe de Minuit on December 7 with instrumental "noels". And finally,. for those interested in Handel's Messiah: there are many performances and, as usual, many different styles of performance. .There are chamber choirs (Tafelmusik, Elmer Iseler Singers), larger choirs (Toronto Choral Society, Toronto Mendelssohn Choir, Mississauga Choral Society) and-visiting choirs (Arkady), though unfortunately Les Violons du R.oi's Bernard Labadie is conspicuous by his absence. Check the WholeNote Messiah calendar (on page 10) for ' one that strikes your fancy. Or if you want it all, Why not follow the Choirs of St. James' Cathedral around all month? They present an Advent Carol Service on December 1, participate in the LOFT fundraising concert the next night with Richard Margison, are part of the Toronto Star Sing on December 14; sing Messiah on D~cember 16 and are presumably singing multiple services each Sunday. There has been much excitement at St. James' since Matthew Larkin - one of Canada's experts in working with Men and Boys' church choirs - came on board in September. Together with Director of Music Christopher Dawes, Larkin seems to be ushering in a new golden age of music at the corner of King and Church. It's a great time of year to sing. Everyone seems to be a little more receptive to hearing ·about peace, joy and hope, to really believing that the future is open. So we lift up our voices and tru'st that the sound is travelling somewhere and, somehow, is making the world, our little world here in Toronto, at this particular time, near the end of the year 2002, a slightly more beautiful place, if only for a short while . . THE GLENN GOULD SCHOOL ffi ]~ Sunday, December 8 from 2 to 5 pm Sherry & Shortbread A repeat of our highly popular g O Christmas event will be held on Sunday, December 8 between 2 and 5 p.m. Invite your friends to come and relax in the gracious atmosphere of the Albany Club, 91 King St. East, and enjoy superb Christmas music and refreshments. This year you can even bid on a chance to sing with the choir! Admission is .00 per person to support the work of Lydia Adams with the choir. An appropriate income tax receipt will be issued. Rutt_er: Magnificat Gounod: St Cecilia Mass Laura Whalen, Soprano Michael Colvin, Tenor Robert Gleadow, Baritone The· Orpheus Choir of Toronto · The Royal Conservatory Orchestra . Wednesday, December 18; 7:~0 p.m. ~~-_qi~ (l/f'AUm St. James' Cathedral, King & Church Streets A Christmas Celebration based on the development of arrangements by ten Canadian composers using the Gregorian Theme Piae Cantiones. FOR INFORMATION & TICKETS Call 416-217-0537 Monday to Friday 9-5 pm Sir Philip Ledger, Conduc;tor Friday Dec~mber 6, 2002, 8.00 p.m. Metropolitan United Church Tickets ( for students & seniors) Call 416 530-4428 for tickets and further · information lb www.thewholenote.com December 1 2002 - February 7 200'.3
HEAR & Now {NEW MUSIC) by Paul Steen}Juisen Following the attractively hectic to hear for themselves, when two of November concert sc:hedule, '.foron- the USA's pioneers will be heard. to's new music activity declines in First.up will be the late Stephan quantity for December/January, perhaps due to the fact that someone certs December 1 event featuring the Wolpe, heard in New Music Con named C:arol has so many door-tOdoor singing perfonhances prior to The heady trio of Davi.ct Swan, Canadian premiere of Enactments. Xmas. Regardless, -~nd consumer Stephen Clarke, Marc Couroux will culture aside, art music persists, and play pianos, while Fujiko ,Imajishi there are performances to attend. performs Reconci(iation for solo We have played this show every-· violin, and the Accordes String Quartet will play Within, above, where except underwater. Tallulah Bankhead. beyond, both by guest composer . Geoffrey Palmer. At 7 PM, musi- On December 5, Juliet Palmer and 1 . d w 1 h 1 A · . . . . co og1st an o pe sc o ar ustm · prmcess productions begm a fou~ Cl k .11 d' W 1 , k ar son w1 1scuss o pe s wor day run of Cypress, ·and Flotsam · m . Th e A no if A ctwn: . . w. ope 1 an d t h e & Jetsam at the Artword Theatre. New York School oj Musicians ahd Flotsam & Jetsam is a new dance- Painters. In this, the 100m anniveropera conceived and composed by saiy of his birth, Wolpe's music is Palmer, co-directed by chore9gra- revisited, to explore the reflected spirit pher Blil James, and with video by of Dada, the. Bauhaus, abstract ex Nick de Pender, all performed by a pressionism, and improvisational trio of dancer, mezzo-soprano and jazz - the most engaging artistic, pianist. Palmer writes that in the movements of wherever ae happened 1920's, her "grandmother played to be in his life. piano for silent films in the tiny New Next, the Argentinian-born Mario Zealand town of Takaka. Weaving Davidovsky will travel north from \ together her _grandmother's memo- NYC to appear as the featured guest ries with _!Pe underwater world of composer at the University of To Australian silent film star Annette ronto's New Music Festival (Janu- Kellerman, the work incorporates ary 21_25). Davidovsky will be fea- . underwater images . alongside rare tured in c;liscussions such as "Time, footage from Venus of the South Space, and Timbre" (where he out Seas (1924). Costumes made of lines how his chamber music has metal, plastic tubing and industrial , been influenced by his experiences felt transform the performers into high-tech mermaids, while the light- · in the electronic studio of the 1960s), ana at the symposium entitled "Muing structure evokes a high~diving sical Crossfades", moderated by aquarium". Cypress, on the other Larry Lake (host of CBC's Two ' ' hand, is dance: driven. The initial New Hours, and co-winner of the inspiration was from a dream about 2002 Friends of Canadian Music the Chinese legend of the Three Award). Friends - bamboo, plum trees and A variety of Davidovsky's pi°eces cypress. They don't die; they' remain constant and blossom before will be featured, including some of his Synchronisms, a set of 10 works the spring comes. The cypress symfor instruments and tape that were bolizes longevity, a core aspect of written over a 30-year period beginfriendship. ning in 1962: · Recognized as sig- Counting is the religion of this generation, it is its hope and its salvation. Gertrude Stein It's not the votiI,ig that's democracy, it's the counting. Tom Stoppard While · some post-modernists will argue that the 12-tone method . and serialism were little more than the totalitarian fascination with counting to 12 ( 1 for each note in the scale), listeners will have the opportunity nificant works from the developmental period of American electronic music, it will be interestjng to hear these works again, especially .given changes in both aesthetics and technology. Composer David Lang writes: "Just as people were starting to figure out what cool sounds were possible with electronics, it became clear that there was an inherent humanity problem. How to do a very human ListMe is a unique mailing list servicing Toronto's New Music organizations. It is for everyone who wants to be kept informed about the many New Music events. and · concerts in town. 0 0$ to ioin t~."'~.e:o discount from special pf*1ot1 ·· . al partners . "e+F ONCERT with your .'~ e 1s on ,,:;,:;::::=::::i~::-~::::...;. , , ..,::::W~».>. f Register ~efore'Mdrch .,z,, 2003, and you could wl:n a coi:l 1 tion ,rf Canadian New 1Music CD~';,,,,,,,,,.;,f at :\isJ .u·.C:a . br fa~ td: 41 d-S919:9.5o2,: ::::::':, is .for~ul mailing IJst alore ~nd is Jiol ~Dr ~le. .. ) llr~m!~(gqhirn~ons o~Jhe lisrl:l l .. ~ ~::!:::~.~::_:~ . :: Ffrst Name ________ Last Name _______ Title ________ Institution ______ _ Street, PO --------~------ City Email ____ Prov._ · Postal Code_·_Country __. Phone Home ______ Work _· ______ _ I'm interested in (check) 0 Everything OR (select as many as you like) Music called... And ... 0 New Music O Cinema 0 Musique Actuelle (avantiJarde, "new") O Dance 0 Live Electronic O Internet 0 Contemporary Concert O Literature 0 Early (Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque) O Multimedia 0 Opera 0 Theatre 0 Video Art 0 Visual Art 0 Classical, Romantic, Modern 0 Jazz, Blues, Rock, World Other: _____ _ December 1 2002 - February 7 2003 www.thewholenote .com 17
and is a combination" of originals
four recent contemporary music rele