FRI, MAR 7 AND SAT, MAR 8 at 8pm MASSEY HALL· Full of Haydn's freshest, most inspired music, The Seasons promises to be a highlight event of the year. Having performed The Seasons for several years in Germany, Tafelmusik is thrilled to finally bring this oratorio home to Toronto for two special concerts at Massey Rall. Featuring the Tafelmusik Orchestra and Ch;imber Choir and internationally renowned soloists. FoRTlCKETS CALL 416.872.4255 (i) ,,,. SPONSORBD BY DOMIN.ION OF CANADA ,..,£ TAF.ELMUS'IK! .ioo2/zoo3 sun~) c ... ora1 Ju~non Compoa7 P.a&SE"NnNG S.PONSOR Life Financial 4
... .. . . . ~ TORONTO'S CLASSICAL AND POST-CLASSICAL MUSIC SCENE Volume 8 #4 December 1, 2002 to February 7, 2003 Copyright © 2002 PerPul Proze, 60 Bellevue Avenue, Toronto ON MST 2N4 . Publisher: Allan Pulker l:ditor: David .Perlman Production Manager: Peter Hobbs CD Review Editor: David Olds Lii;tings: Simon,e Desilets, Karen Ages Webmaster: Colin Puffer Web Technician: Lee Weston Layout & Design: · Dijvid Perlman, Verjty Hobbs Cover by Rocket Design Cover photo: Don Vickery Advertising: Allan Pulker, Karen Ages, Ken Larone Distribution Manager: Sheila McCoy . Contributing writers: ' Bandstand: Merlin Williams Choral: Larry Beckwith . Early Music: Frank Nakashima Hear & Now: Paul Steenhuisen · Jazz: Jim Galloway Music Theatre: Sarah B. Hood · Opera: Christopher Hoile, Phil Ehrensaft Quodlibet: Allan Pulker · T.O.Diary: Colin Eatock Features: Jim Galloway, Paul Steenhuisen, Marsha Greenberg Discoveries (CD Reviews): . David Olds; John S. Gray; Pamela Margles, Daniel Foley, Merlin Williams, Dianne Wells, Philip Ehrensaft, Frank T. Nakashima, Bruce Surtees, Jim Galloway, Alan Gasser, Sarah B. Hood, ' Colin Eatock How to Reach Us General Inquiries, Advertising and Membership: Allan Pulker, Karen. Ages, Ken Larone ph 416-323-2232, fax 416-926-7539 Distribution and Display Stands: Sheila ~cCoy ph 416-928-6991 Editorial: David Perlman ph 416-603-3786 fax 416-603-3787 ACMBKI CONCERT Se!ls 46 ACADEMY OF Music 28 ACOOllAT MUSIC 62 Al.DEllVRGH COlffCTION 47 AUJAM:E fRANcAISEOF T OOONTO 10 AM1c130 ANAIEKTA 63 ANNO DOMINO CHAMBER SINGERS 33 ASSOOATEsOFTlf T lllONTO 5YMPHoNY 47 ATMA Cuss1ouE 61 BAcH Ct.1118{ ~ l:HoRu>; 38 BA1mAOOSJAZZFESTIVAL27 BAROOUE Music l!EsiOE Tlf GRANGE 43 CANADIAN C\flDRElls OPERA CHORUS 39 CAM:l.lJl,(66 CARLSON WAGENUT 12 CATlflllAL &Im SYm«JNY 0RCllESTRA 39 CBCPiam;69 CB..llRIY Svr.fHOO IRlf.smA 29 CENTlllJi.g:s21,65 cimr Cim:H cm PARK 28 CllMARKARTs&Must ~48 CHUflCH OF Sr. M.w MAGOALEll 48 CLAl'IERS~14 CMC Botm9uE 68 COMMENSA1, LE 29 CONCERTSATSr. 6EoRGE'so1rr1lE·liu.35 COllITTRl'!iNTCIOWI54 CONTACTINFORMATION(CONTINUED) Listings/Unclassifieds: Simone Desilets ph 416-323-2232 fax 416-926-7539 · Paid Subscriptions (/year + GST): Sheila McCoy 416-928-6991 AllE-mail: Websites: Deadline for free event listings (covering period Feb 1 to Mar 7)- 6pm Wednesday January 15 Deadline for Display Ad Reservations: 6pm Monday January 20 Deadline for (IJn)classified Ads: 6pm Monday January 20 (90c per word; minimum) Publication: Thursday January 30 Printing by Couto Printing and Publishing Services CIRCULATION CCAB QUALIFIED CIRCULATION: · 21,655 copies (March 2002) Additional copies printed and distributed this month: 9,345 Total copies printed and distributed this month: 31,000 Canadian Publicatioils Prodt.K:t Sales Agreement 1263846 · ISSN 1~785 WHOLENOTE We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Can'ada through the Canadian • Magazine Fund toward our editorial costs CUPE LOCAL 4400 53 DAVID JENSEN HARPSICHORDS 13 DAVID WllSON 54 DENISE WilllAMS 54 EiM:R ISEt£R SIMiERS 16 EMI CLASsics 67 ENSEMBLE NOIR 18 EXECUTM~67 Exul.TATE CtiAMBER SiNGERS 33 FACULTY OF MUSIC u OFT 19, 31 FELDENKRAIS ·Ihm WEST Sruoo 55 FESTIVAL WINO 0RCHESJRA41 GARY ARMSTRONG WOOOWINOS 14 GEORGE ~INL 12 . HANNAFOOO Snm SIL\m BAMJ41 HARKIEIT MUSICAL 8ERviCES 29 IAJNScorr23 INT'L Assoc.Of JAZZ EouCATORS 27 JAMES SUGG 51 JANET CATHERINE DEA 52 . JAZZATR.Y.44 Jm.FM91 29 JESSK:A BllJS!ll 45 Jrur.fSSES MlsicALEs 34 JUBILATE SINGERS 15 , ~42 i
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