Magic. Classi:s, conl11l1XX11Yrrusi: & festive favOllites. Guests: Tracey~ &Mk Rtmke; GeralyGeftlf,cmll:ttr. Y
- 3:00: Mississauga Festival Choir & Mississauga Festival Youth Choir.A Feast for Christmas. Christmas carols with orchestra, readings and sing·along. Mississauga Living Arts Centre, 4141 Living Arts Dr. 905·306·6000. ,. - 3:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra/ Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. Handel.· Messiah. Roy Thomson Hall. See Dec 18. -'- 3:00: VocalPoint Chamber Choir. A Festival of Carols. Traditional and contemporary Christmas carols and readings. Jurgen Petrenko, organ; Ian Grundy, conductor. Grace Church on· the-Hill, 300 Lonsdale Rd. 416484·0185. ,. ' - 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. A Christmas Jazz Vespers. Jim Galloway, saxophone; Rosemary Galloway, bass; Don Vickery, drums; Ian Barge, piano. 1570 Yonge St. 41 fl.920-5211. Donation. -4:30: St Clement's Church. Service of lessons and Carols for Christmas. Musi by Joubert, Ives, Willcocks, Bach; traditional carols. St. Clement's Choir; Trillium Brass Quintet. 59 Briar Hill Ave. 416483-6664. -4:30: Yorkminster Park Church. Festival of Nine lessons and Carols. Yorkminster Park Church Choir & Soloists; William Maddox, director; Ronald Jordan, organ. 1585 Yonge St. 416-922-1167. - 1:00: Music at Metropolitan.Annual Candlelight Service of lessons and Carols. Readings, carols & anthems. Metropolitan Choirs; Patricia.Wright & Ryan Jackson, organ. Metropolitan United Church, 56 Queen St. East. 416-363-0331. Free-will donation. - 8:00: Victoria Scholars. On Christmas Night. CirOO amrgedby C001JOS81S from C!Klada &arcmt th! wtrli Soncta Radvooovsky, SIJIJ'llll; !J1!S1 Brass Ensemble; Jerzy Cichocki, conductor. St. Anne's Church, 270 Gladstone Ave. 416-76!)776. ,. Monday December 23 - 12:00 noon: City of Toronto. Palestrina Chamber Chorus. Music for the season. Sabatino Vacca, conductor.Toronto City HaaRotunda, 100 Queen St. West. 416·392·8191. Free. - 12:00 noon: Roy Thomson Hall/ Vocal Point Chamber Choir. Joy to the World. Carols and organ works from around the world. Jurgen Petrenko, organ; Ian Grundy, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416484·0185. Free. - 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall. Canadian Brass Christmas. Light classics, jazz and seasonal tunes, from Bach to Dixieland. 60 Simcoe St. 416-8724255. -. Tuesday December 24 - 11 :30am: City ofT oronto. Holiday Choral Celebration. Songs and rrusic of the holiday B A_BQ_QUl II USICJ315ll2L.1llC (1 Rf:, NG E To Welcome Winter New Visions inspired by Older Forms. and Sounds Not your average Christmas Concert ... Ben Grossman. hurdy gurdy and percussion; Alison Melville. flutes "& reco·rders; Paul Jenkins, organ, harp, voice; Aleks Scharmer. flute; Nathan Archer. percussion Satur