ANNOUNCEMENTS, ETC, CONT. 80 Queen's Park. 416·978·3744. Free. *February 21 :30: Ontario Registered Music Teachers' Association. Master class with piano teacher & exlll'iner Daryl Irvine, for advanced piano Watson at Haig: Valuing Art in Society Larry Lake. Room 330, Edward Johnson Bldg., 80 Queen's Park. 416·978·3744. Free. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 30 *February 512:10: U,ofT Faculty of Music. students. 1 :DO: Registration. Noel Ryan Auditorim Auditioned "Claude Watson" arts students join the neighbourhood "Colle Syrl1l0Sillil !Ill Jam Beckwith' s opera T aptoo! with Mississauga Central Library, 301 Bumhamthorpe the creative team & COJ11Joser John Beckwith, and Rd. West.416·742·6429. ·. ' giate" students in both academic and excerp!S perlonned by rrerbers of the cast. Chaired elective classes. The enthusiasm of auby lain Scott. Walter Hall, BO Queen's Park, 416· WORKSHOPS , ditionedstudents, passionate about their 978·3744. Free. *December 1 1:30: Toronto Early Music chosenartforms, inspires, encourages Players' Organization (TEMPO). Christmas the" MASTER CLASSES Music You Don't Know. David Klausner, leader. and helps develop in rrpeers a strong *December 11:30: Ontario Registered Music Lansing United Church,49 Bogert Ave. (noli· appreciation for the arts. Guest artists,, Teachers' AssociaJion.Masterclasswithpiano merrbers). , arts excursions, concerts, community teacher Gladys Odegarde, for inte11110diate (Grades *January 5 1 :30: TEMPO. Musical Gesture . . inreach and outreach benefit the entire 7 & 8 music levels) and advanced (Grades 9, 10 & How physical movement can help us to discover Earl Haig school. ARCT music levels) piano students. 1 :00: musical gesture & thus sing and play more An excellent example of this suc Registration. Noel Ryan Auditorium, Mississauga expressively. Michael Purves·Srrith, leader. Lansing cessful formula exists in the Music Pro Central Library, 301 Bumhanlthorpe Rd. West. 416- United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. {non-ITUTibers). gram at the school. Almost eight hun- 742·6429. ·. •January 11 to March 15: CDC. Saturday dred students are involved in Music *December 312:10: U ofT Faculty of Music. Morning Opera Club. ProgralTllle for young people courses and almost six hundred in ad- , Piano/vocal master class with Chi! Anne Loewen. Grades 3·5, bringing children into the mythical & Walter Hall, 80 cfueen's Park.416·978·3744. Free. magical stories of opera through the Orff teaching ditional co-curricular music groups. In *December 4 12:10: U ofT Faculty of Music. method. Through singing, movement & drama, most of these courses and groups, Playiry by Heart. Advanced perlonnance with Loma students learn how to make music. No musical Claude Watson and Collegiate srudents MacDonald: Walter Hall. 416·978·3744. Free. experience necessary. Bronwen low, leader. Joey create music together. Choices of music *January 30 12:10: U of T Faculty of Music. and Toby Tanenbaum Opera Centre, 227 Front St. COllfsell,are plentiful. At beginning; in Violin master class with Pamila Frank. Walter Hall, East. 416·306·2307. 0 (9 se5sions). ' tennediate and advanced levels students 800ueen'sPark.416·978·3744.Free. *January 22 7:30; Toronto Early Music can srudy Band, Strings, Vocal, In • January JD 3:DD: U of TFaculty of Music, Centre. Vocal Cude. Recreational reading of earty strumental Jazz, Guitar, Piano, and r-Pi_an_o_ma_s_ter_c_lass _ w_ith_C_la_ude_ Fr_an_k._W_al_ter_H:--a_ll. --:______ c_o_N_T1_Nu_E_s _PA_cE 1 54 Computer Composition. In the co-cur- ,r, t s fioo[ rr ors· trinas ricular program, students can be in- ~ .LOron 0 C. J , v· volved in all of the aforementioned ~ 85 Collier St. groups, as well as Vocal Jazz, Cham- Located near Yonge St. and Bloor St. berGroups, Orchestras, Wind Ensern- Private Lessons Group Classes ble, Flute Choir; Men's Chorus, Madrigal Singers and Music Council. Qualified/Experienced Suzuki Instructors RCM Exam Preparation Junior Reading Orchestra, Chamber music Adult String Orchestra All Ages 3+ Adults Welcome ~ Contact Julian Fisher 416-968-0303 www. torontoschoolforstrin n In total, the Music Deparnnent runs eighteen co-curricular groups, re$Ulting in an extraordiruuy level of cocurricular involvement in community, excursions and concerts. The Gryphon Trio at The St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts performing Claude Watson student composers' Lisha Lo and Kaili Maimet's' pieces; Grade 9 music majors attending a TSO Dress Rehearsal at Roy Thomson Hall; grade 11/ 12 String majors doing workshops with local Middle School string students: these are three examples of the dozens of opportunities students have already had this year. By June · there will be dozens more. Active engagement in the arts improves self esteem and confidence, overall school r,erformance and community involvement. Twenty years of positive results is cause for celebration indeed! Here's hoping, the Claude Watson.Program at Earl Haig Secondary School celebrates many, many more! Marsha Greenberg is Program Head of Music at Earl Haig Secondary School. See Concert listings for details of the December 12 Showcase MIRELA TAFAJ - VOCAL INSTRUCTION Tel: 416-784-9707 • First prize - Umberto Giordan'o International Competition {Italy, 1998) •Available for private instruction in my studio, all ages I all 1,evels , • Whether a beginning singer or an aspiring professional, I can help you - realize your untapped potential. - 1 O years as professor of voice in a European university - concert & opera professional soloist experience in Europe and North America · - appeared as M_usetta, 2002-2003 season, Opera Hamilton , · OFFERING - voice training - audition and competition preparation - vocal problem diagnosis and resolution - repertoire,development ~ M U S I C GAllERV I NSTITUTE Alternative Music Education for All A.ges Percussion, Guitar & Computer Music Classes "One of the best workshops I've taken." "Excellent program, fantastic instructor." Give an MG/ Gift Certificate Winter Term begins January 13 with F,;1mily Guitar. FRESH EARS FAMILY CONCERT SERIES Canadian Electronic Ensemble Dec 8, 3pm · For full details log on to contact Barry Prophet at 416-588-2514 or ' Transforming Bright Minds into Great Achievers · Composer Peter Ware, M.M. Yale University lassical Guitarist Lynn Harting-Ware, M.M. Kent State University Music Classes in Preparation for R(::M Examinations Rudiments, Harmony, History, Analysis, C.ounterpoint Class Sessions Begin: May, July, September and January ·1 h @ . For Course Listings & Free MP3s: 4350 Steeles Ave. E. (Market Village) Fl04A, Markham, ON 52 December 1 2002 - February 7 2003
It John Hastings/Etob"oke Northl Tel, (416) 745-2859 . II Faic (4.16) 745-4601 Chris Stockwell (Etobicok;C