9 years ago

Volume 9 Issue 1 - September 2003

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  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • September
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12 Jazz Series , Atasty

12 Jazz Series , Atasty set of five concerts featuring heavy Canadian talent. Oct 02 .David Braid Sextet Nov 13 George Evans Dec 04 Laila Biali-The Crossings Quartet Feb 0.5 Eliana Cuevas Sextet Apr 29 Renee Rosnes & RCM Honour Jazz Orchestra World Music Series A.series reflecting Toronto's diversity and 'celebrating the creation of the new World Music.Centre. Sep 25 Ruben Vasquez.& Friends: An Evening of Cuban Music Nov 27 Miguel de la Bastide: Flamenco Dec 11 ~lezmer- Beyond the Pale Feb 19 Tasa with special guest Kiran Ahluwalia Mar 11 Strike the Harp: Sharlene Wallace with guests Anne Lederman; Loretto -.... Reid, 'Brian Taheny & Leon Taheny Time 8:00 pm Location Mazzoleni Concert Hall 273 Bloor St. West 416.408.2824 ext 321 Admission adults, students and seniors Subscribe and save 20% torontdartscou nci I 11 t@. II · by Colin Eatock_ What goes into buildings August 19, 2003: It has been less than a week since the. big blackout, and downtown Toronto seems pretty much back to normal. Passing by the comer of Queen and University, I pause at the bright orange hoarding that marks Dff the constructiorr site on the southeast corner. Through a window in the plywood, I'm able to see that the entire city blocbs now one big excavation. · Not many people stop to look as they walk by - it is, after all, just a hole in the· ground. But I notice a young couple at a window, observing the construction vehicles going about their business. "Do you know what's being built here?" I ask. ' · "I haven't a clue," the woman replies. "There must be signs aiiound here somewhere, but I haven't seen any." ' But five minutes later, I ask the same question to an older businessman who is watching the activity. "This is the new opera house," he says, smiling. August 21: To find out more about what's happening at Queen and University, I phone Janice Oliver, Executive Director of the Canadian Opera Company's long-cherished dream"project. (Officially, it's called the Four Seasons Centre for the Performing Arts.) She tells me that the digging is just about finished - and that when it is, in October, construction crews will have removed 61, 000 cubic metres of dirt. And after that? "We'll see the pouring of the concrete foundations," she explains, "and the installation of the isolation pads." These pads are apparently quite important: sometimes compared to gigantic square hockey-pucks under the building, their purpose is to dampen vibrations and noise, "At a location where you've got the TIC subway and streetcars, for the best acoustics, they're required," says Oliver. These pads have never been the construction of an opera house before, but Oliver is quick to point out that they've proven effective in concert halls in Seattle and Singapore. However, not much will be seen above ground until the spring. That's when ihe walls of the auditorium and fly-tower will emerge. Then it will take two years' more work before the buildil,lg can be opened in the spring,of2006. And despite a two-week delay in the excavation thjs summer Oliver is confident that the opera house will be ready on time. "We're planning to open with gala concerts in June 2006," she says. "Over the summer there will be rehearsals for the Ring, which will be presented in September." · Before that happens, the COC has to raise the money to complete the project. "I think we're quite confident that we're going to make· our tare get," states Oliver. The target in question is 0 million, and about half that amount has been raised so far. To some, 0 million might sound like an extravagant price-tag, but in fact it's rather modest: the Norwegians are currently building an opera house in Oslo for more than three times the COC's budget. Unfortunately, this is not Norway, where government funding pays for things like opera houses -: so I'm told we can expect a very conspicuous public fundraising campaign from the COC sometime this season. These are exciting times for the arts in Toronto, with major cultural infrastructure projects happening all over town. But soon after my upbeat chat about the opera house, I find myself sobered by a glossy brochure arriving in my mailbox from Roy Thomson Hall. Just one year after a successful million retrofit of the hall, I discover, to my disappoint7 ment, that not a single international orchestra will grace the RTH stage this year - not the Concertgebouw, not the Kirov, not anybody. This is not good, people. It's all very well to have shiny new stateof-the-artbuildings, but it's what you put inside them that counts. With improved facilities come higher expectations from audiences, and artS organizations must deliver on those expectations. That's what will make - or not make-.Toronto a "world-class" city. Let's hope the COC and others measure· up. Colin Eatock is a composer and writer in Toronto who contributes to the Globe and Mail and other publications. His T. 0. Musical Diary is a regular monthly feature of1'he WholeNote.magazine. September 1 - October 7 2003

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7/03-·· 8 P.M. St. Lawrence String Quartet James Campbell, clarinet; Andre Laplante, piano TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25/03 - 8 P.M. Denise Djokic, cello; David Jalbert, piano TUESDAY, MARCH 30/04 - 8 P.M. Shauna Rolston St F,iends · Shauna Rolston, cello; Peggy Baker, dancer; Lydia Wong, piano; 12 member Cello Ensemble conducted by Keri-Lynn Wilson Subscription Student/Seniors Single Tickets TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28/03 - 8 P.M. musica intima; Pacific Baroque Otcheslra; Msc: Destrube, violin & leader; Philippe Magnan, ob~e SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8/04 - 1 P.M. (EARLY START) Les Violons du Roy; James Ehnes, violin; Roberto Diaz, viola; Bemard Labadie, conductor TUESDAY, APRIL 13/04 - 8 P.M. A Dvorak Celebration Canadian Chamber Ensemble; Martin Fischer"Dieskau, conductor; Frederique Vezina, soprano; Gryphon Trio · Subscription Student/Seniors Single Tickets TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2/03 - 8 P.M. Stewart Goodyear, piano TUESDAY, JANUARY 27/04-8 P.M. Piano Fantasy Katherine Chi, piano; David Jalbert, piano; Libby Yu, piano; David Louie, piano TUESDAY, APRll 6/04- 8 P.M. Andre Laplante, piano Subscription Student/Seniors Single Tickets TUESDAY, NOVEMBER The Songs of 1vor~:im~~~~ eowan1 Russell Brau !i) rown, soprano; · . Members th an Opera Company Orchestra; Peter Tiefen , piano & conductor MONDAY, JANUARY 26/04 - 8 P.M. Vienna, the City of Dreams . Michael Schade, tenor; Sally Dibblee, soprano; Canadian Opera Company Orchestra; Richard Bradshaw, conductor WEDNESDAY, MARCH 17/04-8 P.M. English Serenade Michael Colvin, tenor; Joan Watson, horn; Strings of the Canadian Opera Company Orchestra; Richard. Bradshaw, conductor Series Sold Out! Single Tickets ' SATURDAY, JANUARY 31/04- 8 P.M. Kollage TUESDAY, MARCH 9/04 - 8 P.M. True North Brass St Roberto Occhipinti Nonet SATURDAY, MARCH 27/04-8 P.M. Sonny Greenwich, guitar; Marilyn Lemer, piano; Jean Derome, flute & sa"xophone; Kieran Overs, bass Subscription Student/Seniors Single Tickets SATURDAY, JANUARY 17/04- 8 P.M. Denzal Sinclaire, Susan Arioli, Karen Plato, Bonnie Brett, with the Mark Eisenman Quintet; Mike Murley, saxophone; Kevin Turcotte, trumpet; Steve Wallace, l;>ass; John Sumner, drums; Mark Eisenman, piano & music director SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14/04- 8 P.M. Melissa Stylianou, John Alcom, Caroline Drury, Joani Taylor, with the Mark Eisenman Quintet SATURDAY, MARCH 13/04 - 8 P.M. Ranee Lee, Heather Bambrick, George Evans, Jennifer Scott, with the Mark Eisenman Quintet Subscription Student/Seniors Single Tickets TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14/03 - 8 P.M. John Wyre, percussion; Trichy Sankaran, percussion; Suba Sankaran, vocals; Maza Meze TUESDAY, JANUARY 20/04-8 P.M. f:lying Bulgar Klezmer Band John Johnson, saxophone TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24/04- 8 P.M. African Guitar Summit Alpha Ya Ya Oiallo, guitar; Pa Joe, guitar; Mighty Popo, guitar; Madagascar Slim, guitar; Adam Solomon, guitar; & Friends ' Subscription Student/Seniors Single Tickets TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9/03 - 8 P.M. Al Purdy at the Quinte Hotel Gordon Pinsent, actor; Phil Dwyer, music director; Dave Carley, writer · TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17/04- 8 P.M. George Elliott aarke: East Coasting Phil Akin, actor; Joe Sealy, music director; George Elliott Clarke; writer TUE'SDA Y, MARCH 23/04 ···· 8 P.M. Dorothy Uvesay: The Woman I Am Jennifer Dale, actor; Andrew Burashko, music director; Cindy Bisaillo~, writer Subscription Student/Seniors Single Tickets www 13

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