9 years ago

Volume 9 Issue 1 - September 2003

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • September
  • Festival
  • Sept
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TALLIS CHOIR. AND WILLIAM BYRD SINGERS 2003-04 Season Peter Mahon, Director WILLIAM BYRD SINGERS Music for All Souls & All Saints: Victoria Requiem for Six Voices Victoria 0 Quam Gloriosum Saturday, October 18 St. Basil's Church (Bay & Joseph) TALLIS CHOIR Hail Bright Cecilia! Palestrina Missa Veni Sponsa Christi Phillips Cecilia Virgo Saturday, November 22 ·St. Martin-in-the•Fields · Glenlake & Keele (1 block north of K.eele subway) '" WILLIAM BYRD SINGERS · A Lenten Meditation Byrd Civitas Sancti tui , Victoria Tenebrae Responsories Saturday, March 13 St. Bastl's ·church TALLIS CHOIR Fire of Love: Music for Pentecost Palestrina Missa Oum Comp/erentur Harris Faire is the Heaven Saturday, May 8 St. Martin-in-the-Fields All concerts begin at 7:30 p.m. Tickets & at the door. Call 416-691-8621 for brochure. DELYEA PIANOS Inc. "THE USED PIANO SPECIALISTS" SINCE 1964 SALES AND ALL WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED 100% PIANO SALES: RESTORED, USED AND NEARLY NEW UPRIGHTS - GRANDS - APARTMENT SIZE TUNING - REPAIRING - REFINISHING IF YOU.HAVE PIANO RELATED QUESTIONS, CALL NOW FOR ANSWERS. Tel. 416-622-5511 Fax 416-622-0254 110 Meadowbank Rd. (427 & Burnhamthorpe) Etobicoke ON M9B 5C9 EARLY Music, coNTINUEo tures this year will be a gigantic clearance sale of early music CD recordings. You won't want to miss this tremendous opportunity to add to your collection. Starting in September (and continuing on the 4th Wednesday of the every month except December), the Toronto Early Music Centre \'Vocal Circle" (a non-performing, recreational, music reading group) meets at 166 Crescent Road which runs east from Yonge at the Rosedale subway station. Admission to this circle is free. to members of the TEM.C. Otherwise, thecostis.00 per session for non-members. Last season, the Vocal Circle ' read through quite an a~sortrnent of Medieval and Renaissance music, both sacred and secular - Medieval ,carols, French chansons, Italian frottole, English madrigals, and partsongs; the music of Palestrina, Josquin, Morley, Weelkes, Monteverdi, Jannequin, to name a few. I Choral Scene by Larry Beckwith invite anyone who has an interest in this fascinating, little-known and rarely-performed repertoire to drop in and try singing, or even just listen! (See Workshops, page 47.j And looking ahead to' October, for the first time, Toronto will have the opportunity to hear Beethoven's 5th and 6th Symphonies performed on the instruments for which they were written (October 2 - 5). Tafelmusik presents Toronto's first period-instrumen t performances of two of Beethoven's great masterpieces: the revolutionary Symphony No. 5 and the evocative Pastoral Symphony No. 6. Under the. direction of the re~ nowned German conductor Bruno Weil, this event promises to be a refreshing lciok of these works. Frank T. Nakashima · ( is the President of the Toronto F.arly Music Centre, a f1fJn-prafit charitabl.e organiztJJion which pronwtes the appreciation of historically-informed peiformances of early music. · Another exciting and varied season a great gathering of six of Canada's of choral music is upon us with each finest choirs. · month promising -special treats from March 7 - The Orpheus Choir, with our outstanding Toronto choirs, as itS new conductor Robert Cooper; well as a whole host of international perforrris Dvorak's monwnental setguests. I've put together a "short ting of the Stabat Mater. list" (by no means exhaustive) of spe- Apr. 2 & 3 - Two performances of cial performances that might war- Bach's St. John Passion, the first by rant you marking your calendars the first-rate E!illltate Chamber Singfrom the brochures that have crossed ers and the next night by the visiting my desk this summer. · La Chapelle de Quebec, directed by Nov. 5 -Toronto Mendelssohn Choir: Bernard Labadie. Mendelssohn's Elijah with the dis- Apr: 25 - !'"fore Bach with David t. · hed G R 1 - · th t' 1 . Fallis and the Toronto Chamber mgms ary e yea m e 1t e Ch' . ti · th A · 1 . oir per ormmg e scens10n ro e. O · d al h · N 15 Am d Ch .. H ratono an sever. s orter pieces. ov · , - . ;i eus oir · arry May 19-25 - The Tafelmusik Cham- Somers Glona , b Ch. · kl M • M · N 22 & 23 _ p C:hr' f Ch · . er mr tac es ozart s ass m ov. ~ , 1s 1 mr. C Minor · Handel's Israel in Egypt. · Dec. - Holiday Concerts every night There will be dozens of other great of the week! perforffiances, I'm sure, by the likes Jan 12-16 -Helmuth Rilling visits the of the Bell' Arte Singers, Toronto University of Toronto and directs a camerata, Elmer Iseler Singers, different Bach cantata eaGh day. The Elora Festival Singers, Toronto Clasfollowing week he leads the Mac- sical Singers, V ocalPoint and all the Millan Singers in Bach and Mozart other wonderful choirs we are lucky with the Toronto Symphony enough to hear on a regular basis. Jan. 31 - The Toronto Children's We'll brlng you the iriformation as it Chorus celebrates its 25th anniver- comes to us. , sary with some high-powered guests. Feb. 19 - The renowned South Afri- September has its share of high can ensemble Ladysmith Black points, as well, mind you, with the Mambazo comes to Massey Hall. Toronto Children's Chorus wel­ I'm not going to miss them this time! coming the Drakensberg Boys' Feb. 29 - Soundstreams marks R. Choir from South Africa on Sept. Murray Schafer's 70th birthday with CONTINUES ON PAGE EIGHTEEN 18 Se pt e mb ~ r i -October 7 2003

• /"' TORONTO CHILDREN'S 2~';" .. CHORUS ,)fl!\'l't'.!'SM;,' . "'· Our 2003 - 2004 season, an extraordinary choral experience · South African Suite Tuesday, September 16, 2003, 7:30 PM George Weston Recital Hall Internationally renowned Drakensberg Boys' Choir from South Africa in it's only Canadian appearance joins the ....., ____ ~Toronto Children's Chorus . . ------ Songs All Children Should Know Sunday, October 26, 2003, 3:00 PM and 4: 15 PM Lawrence Park Community Church Featuring the music of Marilyn Broughton, Eleanor Daley, Leonard Enns, john Govedas, Mark Sirett, ond Ruth Watson Henderson. Part of the Training Choir Series. A Chorus Christmas Saturday, December 20, 2003, 2:00 PM Roy Thomson Hall TCC, Training Choirs I, II & Ill I Prep and Alumni Choirs and Judy Loman (harp) with True North Brass. Featuring ------ Britten's "A Ceremony of Carols". ------ The Great Gala: A Silver Anniversa~ Celebration Saturday, January 31, 2004, 8:00 PM Roy Thomson Hall The TCC celebrates 25 years of making beautiful music together, with internationally celebrated guest conductors Sir Andrew Davis and Sir David Willcocks. Look Before you Leap Sunday, February 29, 2004, 4:00 PM Metropolitan United Church Songs for a leap year by W. H. Anderson, Clifford Crawley, Stephen Hatfield, Derek Holman and Godfrey Ridout. Part of the Training Choir Series. Canada Blossoms! Saturday, April 24, 2004, 7:30 PM _____ i George Weston Recital Hall The Chorus' own tribute to the awakening of Spring with a selection of charming floral miniatures and evdcative .. song cycles. TORONTO CHILDREN'S CHORUS 2180 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, ON M4N 3K7 Tel: 416 932-8666, ext. 231 Fax: 416 932-8669 Email: Web: Dave Snider Music Centre 3225 Yonge St. PH (416) 483-5825 eMa i I: sn iderm usic@sn iderm usi c .com www. s n iderm usi c .com One 'of Toronto's Oldest Music Stores ... With The Best Selection of Pop, Jazz & Broadway Sheet Music in the city -.For Beginners a11d Professionals - Come in and brciwse over 25,000 sheet music publications. We have a wide array of Woodwind, Brass, Keyboards, Guitars and Accessories. Music Lessons offered on site. ~~~"r Lydia Adams, Conductor 2180 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Ontario M4N 3K7 2003-2004 SUBSCRIPTION SERIES 25TH ANNIVERSARY SEASON MEDIAEVAL, MODERN, MEDITATIVE Saturday, October 25, 2003, 7:30 p.m . St. James' Cathedral, King & Church Streets Guest Artists: Gerald Fagan Singers, Gerald Fagan, Conductor. Repertoire includes: Brahms, Three Motets; Mendelssohn, Sechs Sprache Music ofTallis, Willan and Somers. Launch of recording by CBC Records featuring Sounds of the Season. INTERNATIONALLY CHORAL Sunday, November 9, 2003, 7:30 p.m. Metropolitan United Church, Queen and Bond Streets Guest Artists: Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, Paul Hillier, conductor. Repertoire includes: World Premiere by Craig Galbraith; Toronto Premiere of Gorecki Cantata (2000); Melissa Hui Night on Earth; Lawrence Cherney, English Hom. (With Soundstreams Canada) HANDEES MESSIAH Friday, December 5, 2003, 7:30 p.m. St. James; Cathedral, King & Church Streets Soloists: Kathryn Domeney, Soprano; Wendy Hatala Foley, Mezzo Soprano: Nils Brown, Tenor; Mark Boucher, Baritone. Matthew Larkin, organ; Robert Venables and Robert di Vito, trumpets. With Orchestra A CANADIAN CELEBRATION Celebrating the 5(f' Anniversary of the founding of professionalism in Choral Music in Canada and the 7rf" birthday of R. Murray Schafer Sunday, February 29, 2004, 7:30 p.m. Barbara Frum Atrium, CBC, (King and John Streets) Guest Artists: Vancouver Chamber Choir, Tafelmusik Chamber Choir, Pro Coro Canada, Le choeur du Studio de Musique Ancienne de Montreal, Elora Festival Singers. Featuring music of Palestrina and Brahms and a World Premiere by R. Murray Schafer (With Soundstreams Canada and CBC Radio Music) IN THE BEGINNING "25'" Anniversary Celebration Concert" Friday, May 14, 2004, 7:30 p.m. St. James' Cathedral, King & Church Streets Repeat of the original program of the Festival Singers of Canada, 1954 - Special Guests - The Alumni of the Elmer Iseler Singers and Festival Singers (If you were a member of that first audience, we want to hear from you!) www

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Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)