-Book Shell by Pamela Marg/es In one way or another, our musical culture is moulded by the type of extraordinary individuals who guide it. For our first WholeNote book column, we focus on four new books which bring some of these remarkable personalities to life. Louis Applebaum: A Passion for Culture by Walter Pinnan Dundum Press, 512 pages In Eouis Applebaum: A Passion for Culture, Walter Pinnan introduces a musical dynamo who was on the front lines of virtually every cultural institution in this country. But, as Pitman emphasizes, he always thought of himself as· a composer, contributing scores for fihp, theatre, television, and radio, as well as the concert hall. He even developed an early synthesizer. As the first music director of the Stratford Festival he introduced the distinctive brass fanfares which still beckon Festival Theatre audiences today, making him the composer of "the most-played Canadian works ever written" . I can't imagine anyone better than Pinnan, with his own vast experience, to provide a meaningful per. spective on Applebaum's life and work. Pinnan has written a well-researched and. thoroughly enjoyable biography. Always curious, he is particularly good at setting a scene, such as the Jewish immigrant world of Applebaum's formative years. The private man is more elusive - he seems to have just kept going, no the company. matter what difficulties and frustrations inevitably arose. Herman Geiger-Tore! (who built the There are many heroes, from company while promoting Canadian artists and composers), and Lotti" Mansouri (who expanded the repertoire, snagged stars like Joan Suth Little Did I Know: A Sister's Nlemoir of George Little, Musician erland, and developed surtitles), to by :Edna H. Knock the current director Richard Bradshaw, who hi;is revitalized the orches Philomena Press, 203 pages tra, offers edgy (if sometimes way . If Applebaum devoted his life to pro- ward) stagings and is actually - fi-· fessional music-making, what mat- n'.a!ly-delivering a new opera house. tered for George Little was how the The transition between the two auindividual develops through musical thors is seamless. Both Schabas and experience. Morey are experience'd musicians, · Once past the unfortunate title, administrators and writers who ful Edna Knock's quirky, engaging bi- Jy realize that they are providing an ography Little Did I Know, succeeds essential chapter in the history of in making us appreciate Little's leg- · Canadian culture. Their· well-inacy as educator, conductor, organ- formed descriptions and refreshing ist, and founder of the amateur rriu- opinions enliven the rich text. sicians' society, CAMMAC. · Opera Viva has been beautifully Knock's ability to place Little's produced, with a generous collection work in a broader context is limited of wonderful photographs, and lists by her lack of distance from her sub- of all performances and c~sts right ject, who was her brother. But it is from the beginnirtg. no wonder that the auth~r. a musician who taught at Brandon University, adored him, since he endlessly encouraged her career, telling her to "leave the washing of walls and windows· to others". Opera Viva: Canadian Open~ Company - The First Fifty Years by Ezra Schabas -and Carl Morey Dundum Press, 312 pages · 'The determined visionaries who shaped the Canadian Opera Company are the rightful focus ofEzra Schabas and Carl Morey in Opera Viva, their history of the first fifty years of The Death of Franz Liszt: Based on the Unpublished Diary of His Pupil Lina Schmalhausen edited by Alan Walker Cornell University Press, 208 pages Alan Walker, Professor Emeritus at MacMaster University and leading biographer of Franz Liszt, pulls off a brilliant bit of scholarship in The Del!th of Franz Liszt. The heart of this book is the vivid diary of a young and passionately devoted piano student, ~ina Schmalhausen, who watched over Liszt as he lay dying in a rooming house·in Bayreuth. • ·No novelist could invent a more colourful cast of characters - the scneming, manipulative and jealous . . daughter, ~osima Wagner, who uses her dying father to promote her late husband's operas, the bungling doctor, rival ex-lovers, unfeeling aco ·lytes who tum out to be the gifted musicians who, through their later teachings and writings, transmit Liszt's enormous legacy, the duplicitous servant, a callous landlady, and above it all, the noble, gentle and helpless Liszt. This bizarre, sad story is thorough- 1 y engrossing in its immediacy. It is enhanced by Walker's fascinating introduction and epilogue, his helpful annotations, and some extraordin{lry, if decidedly eerie, documentary photographs. Concert Notes: Alan Walker is Artistic Director of the Great Romantics Festival, which offers a series of lectures and concerts in Hamilton from October 30 to November 1. Information is available on-line at www.artset.net/ greatromantics.html. Music by Liszt is featured throughout the festival. The Canadian Opera Company opens its season on September 25 with the first of six petformances of Britten's Peter Grimes, followed on September 26 by Puccini's Tosca, in the first of six petformances. Pamela Margles can be reached at bookshelf@thewholenote.com . INDEX OF ADVERTISERS . A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC 48 ACADEMY DF Music 27 AccLARION 40 ACROBAT MUSIC 51 ALL THE KING'S VOICES 22 AMADEUS CHOIR 14 AMICI CHAMBER ENSEMBLE 35 ANALEKTA 15 ANNO DOMINI CHAMBER, SINGfJlS 21 ARTS RICHMOND HILL 50 BLACK TULIP Ao MIN SERVICES 51 CALYX CONCERTS 42 CANADIAN Music CENTRE 53 CANCLONE 51 CHOIRS 0 NTARIO 38 CHRIST CHURCH DEER PARK 29 CITY OF TORONTO ' ARTS & CULTURE 40, 41, 49 CONCERTS AT Sr. GEORGE'S 23 CONSORT CARITATIS 43 COUNTERPOINT CHORALE 2 1 CREATIVE STRINGS 35 DANFORTH BAPTIST CHURCH 50 , DAVE SN10ER Music CENTRE 19 DEER PARK CoNcERrs 25 DEER PARK UNITED CHURCH 23 DELYEA PIANO INC. 18 EARSHOT! 37 ELMER ISELER SINGERS 19 ELORA FESTIVAL SINGERS 43 . EMl3,59 ESPRIT ORCHESTRA 2 EXULTATE CHAMBER SINGERS 21 FLUTE STUDIO, THE 49 GARY ARMSTRONG 28 G~oRGE HEiNL 14 GRACE CHURCH ON·THE·HILL 20 GUELPH JAZZ FESTIVAL 29 HANNAFORD STREET SILVER BAND 10, 27 HARKNETT MUSICAL SERVICES 26 HELICONIAN CLUB 51 HIREANARTIST.CA 51 HYMN SOCIETY 42 JAMES SUGG 48 JANET CATHERINE DEA 49 JUBILATE SINGERS 21 KATARINA BULAT (il . KATHERINE SCOTT 48 KINGSWAY CoNSERVATORX OF Music 35 L1srM E.CA 24 LoNG & MciluADE 26 M2 Music 41 MARKHAM THEATRE FOR PERFORMING ARTS 8 MIKROKOSMOS 58 MooREOALE CONCERTS 41 Music AT METROPOLITAN 25 Music GALLERY 24 M usic GALLERY INSTITUTE 49 M usic ON THE H1LL _40 Music TORONTO 7 MUSICIANS IN ORDINARY 41 NEW Music CONCERTS 39 NORTH TORONTO COMMUNITY BAND 27 NORTH TORONTO INSTITUTE OF Music 47 ONSTAGE AT GLENN GOULD STUDIO 13 0PER~ IN CONCERT 31 OPERA IS 32 ORPHEUS CHOIR OF TORONTO 20 TOREADOR RECORDS 51 PALESTRINA CHAMBEI! CHORUS 23 TORONTO CAMERATA PATTIE KELLY 49 CHAMBER CHOIR 20 PAX .CHRISTI CHORALE 22 ToRONTO CHILDREN'S CHORUS 19, 38 PHILIP l. DAVIS LUTHIER 16 TORONTO CHORAL SOCIETY 21 RCM Music & BooK STORE 55 ToRONTO OPERA REPERTOIRE 32 REMENYI HOUSE OF Music 17 TORONTO OPERETTA THEATRE 33 RETURN TO LEARN 25 TORONTO PHILHARMONIA 9 RIVERDALE ENSEMBLE 37 TORONTO SCHOOL FOR STRINGS 49 ROSEDALE FUNDRAISING & PHILAN· TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 63 THROPIC AUTHORITY 16, 28, 51 TRINITY Sr. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH 20 . ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF Music 12, 16 2 PIANOS 4 HANDS 33 RoYAL OPERA CANADA 34, 64 U OFT FACULTY OF Music 40 SRI LTO. /ASV 4 UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO BooKsroRE 17 SACRED Music Soc1ETY 22 V1vA VocE VmcE STUDIO 32 SINFONIA TORONTO 11 VOCAL ART FORUM 34 SONY CLASSICAL 61 WADDINGTON' S AUCTIONEER 17 SOUND POST 15 WARE ACADEMY OF tJ!us1c 35 Sr. JAMES' CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY 23 WENDY DOBSON 42 STUDIO 92 5 f WHITNEY SMITH 29 STUDIO A·MIRADOR 51 WHOLENOTE MAGAZINE 47, 50 TAFELMUSIK BAROOUE ORCHESTRAS YAMAHA CANADA Music 57, 62 TALLIS CHOIR 18 36 www.thewholenote.com September 1 - October 7 ,2003
Welcome to WholeNote's Live Listings Readers please note: Presenters' plans change; and we occasionally make mistakes! Please always use the phone numbers provided to call ahead. For Concerts Further Afield (outside the GTA) sec pages 43-45 For Music Theatre and Opera Listings see page45 For Jazz Listings see pages 45-46 CONCERTS IN THE GTA Monday September 01 - 12:15: Church of the Holy Trinity. Mu· sic Mondays Concert: Renaissance Vocal Ensemble. 10 Trinity Square. 416·598-4521 x222. suggested donation. Thursday September 04 - 7:00: Harbourfront Centre/City of Toronto/Sampradaya Dance Creations. Summer Music in the Garden. Classical Bharatanatyam (South Asian) dance with . live music accompaniment. Lata Pada, di- , rector. Toronto Music Garden, 475 Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000. Free. - 7:00: Markham Concert Band. Summer Concert. Millennium Bandstand, Main Street, Unionville. 905-477-0117. Free. - 7:30: KammerFest -2003. Ukrainian Premiere Concert. Skoryk: Dyptych; Kolodub: Seven Ukrainian Folk Songs; Karabits: Concerto Tryptych for Strings; Bortniansky: Concerto for piano & strings; Stankovych: sinfonia lyrica. Katya Lebedyeva, piano; Ukrainian Chamber Orchestra; Orest Kovaliw, conductor. St. Annes' Church, 270 Gladstone. 416-247-9209. Friday September 05 - 7:30: Ensemble Polaris. Arctic fusion: traditional & new tunes from Scandina· via, Scotland & Canada. Kirk Elliott, fiddle, harp, mandolin, guitar, bagpipes; Margaret Gay, cello; Ben Grossman, hurdy gurdy, munngiga; Terry McKenna, guitar, Alison Melville, recorders, flute, seljefl0yte & other performers. Tranzac, 292 Brunswick. 416-588-4301. . - 7:30: Mel Lastman Square. Three Tenors and Friends in Concert. 5100 Yonge. 416-631-4208. Free. Donations to support the P.A.V.E. Foundation. - 7:45: Port Credit Blues and Jazz Festival. Southside Shuffle 2003. Michael Pickett; The Whitely Br.others; Payne, Special & Pickett. Expedite Plus Porch Stage, Memorial Park, Port Credit. 905· 278-2811., for 3 days. - 8:00: Port Credit Blues and Jazz Festival. Southside Shuffle 2003. Alex Pangman, Fathead, Downchild Blues Band. Carlsberg Main Stage, Memorial Park, Port Credit. 905-278-2811. , for 3 days. Saturday September 06 - 1 :30: Port Credit Blues and Jazz Festival. Southside Shuffle 2003. Junior Jam; James Anthony; Eugene Smith. Expedite Plus Porch Stage, Memorial Park, Port Credit. 905-278-2811 . , for 3 days. · - 2:00: Port Credit Blues and Jazz Festival. Southside Shuffle 2003. Harmonica Knights, The Twisters, Sue Foley, Junior Jam All·S,tars, David Wilcox & other performers. Carlsberg Main Stage, Memorial Park, Port Credi.I. 905- 278-2811. , for 3 days. - 6:00: Mississauga's Southside Shuffle. Toronto ·All-Star Big Band/The Serenaders. Big band tunes. Highway 10 & Lakeshore Rd., Mississauga. 416-231 · 5695. Free. . - 7:30: KammerFest 2003. Chamber Concert. Karabits: Quartet; Silvestrov: Quartetto Piccolo; Shostakovych: Quartet 117; Schubert: Quartettsatz; Ravel: Quartet in F. Lysenko Quartet. St. Annas' Church, 270 Gladstone. 416-247-9209. Sunday September 07 - 1 :00: Port Credit Blues and Jazz Festival. Southside Shuffle 2003. Danny Brooks; Johnny Pennino; Pat Carey's Jazz Navigators; Soul Searchers. Expedite Plus Porch Stage, Memorial Park, Port Credit. 905-278-28.11. , for 3 days. - 2:00: Port Credit Blues and Jazz Festival. Southside Shuffle 2003. Krista Blondin; Alberta Adams; Omar & the Howlers; Maple Blues Ban~. Carlsberg Main Stage, Memorial Park, Port Credit. 905-278-2811. , for 3 days. - 2:00: Scarborough Civic Centre. Sunday Concert: Harvey Seigel Band. 150 Borough Drive. 416-396-7810. Free. - 3:00: Music Galler y. What.Next Series: Tony Wilson & Jozef van Wissem. Music for guitar, lute & tape loops. St. .Andrewby-the-Lake Ctiurch, Toronto Island. 416· 204-1080. - 3:00: University of Toronto. Soldiers' Tower Carillon Recital. Jullianne Vanden Wyngaard, carillonneur. The lawn, Hart House, 1 Hart House Circle. 416-978-2452. Free. - 4:00: Harbourfront Centre/City of To- . ronto. Summer Music in the Garden: Erika Raum & Scott St. John, violin. Music by Prokofiev, .Leclair & Rozsa. Toronto Music Garden, 475 Queens Quay West. 416-973- 4000. Free . - 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. Jazz Vespers: Pat LaBarbera Ouartet. 1570 Yonge St. 416-920-5211. Free (donation). Monday September 08 - 7:30: KammerFest 2003. Chamber Concert. Stankovych: T ryptych - Na Verchovyni; Huba: Trio for vio.lin, viola & cello; Mozart: Grande Sestetto Concertante; Lysenko/Revutsky: Taras Bulba Overture piano duo; Dvorak: Viola Quintet Op.97. St. Annas' Church, 270 Glads.tone. 416-247-9209. Tuesday September 09 - 12:10: U of T Faculty of Music. Voice Performance Class: Voice Studies Welco;,,e. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. Wednesday September 10 - 7:30: KammerFest 2003. Orchestra Concert. Wiren: Serenade for Strings; Skoryk: Piano Concerto 1/3; Rota: Concerto for Strings; Bartok: Divertimen· to for Strings. Katya Lebedyeva, piano; Ukrainian Chamber Orchestra; Ores! Kovaliw, conductor. St. Annas' Church, 270 Gladstone. 416-247-9209. - 8:00: Living Arts Centre. A Tribute to Oscar Peterson. Russell Malone, Benny .· Green, R'enee Rosnes, Clark Terry, Dave Young & other performers. 41 41 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga. 905-306-6000. -0. Friday September 12 - 7:30: KammerFest 2003. Chamber C~ncert. Schubert: Piano Trio Op.99; Schnittke: Piano Quintet; Mendelssohn: Octet. Lysenko Quartet; assisting artists TBA. St. Annas' Church, 270 Gladstone. 416-247-9209. - 7:30: Mel Lastman Square. Three Tenors and Friends in Concert. 5100 Yonge. 416-631 -4208. Free. Donations to support the P.A.V.E. Foundation. - 8:00: Riverdale Ensemble/Cantores Celestes Women's Chamber Choir. · Voices from the Earth. Debussy: Reverie; Fruhling: Trio Op.40; Berkey: Voices from the Earth; Brahms: Serenade in D Op.11 (original none! version). Ellen Meyer, piano; Stephen Fox, clarinet; Joyce Lai, violin; Laura Jones, cello; Linda Morara, flute & other performers; Kelly Galbraith, choir director. Studio Theatre, Toronto Centre for the· Arts, 5040 Yonge St. 905· 737-0748. ,. Saturday September 13 ..:. 7:30: Canadian Concert & Recital Artists. Benefit Concert. Amanda Bragg, Paul Ba~tlett, Janet Catherine Dea, Rosemary Doyle, Amy Gaudaur, David McCartney and other performers. St. John's Sanctuary, 470 Woodbine Ave (at Kingston Rd). 416-691 -9832. ,. For St. John's Norway Anglican. Church project to provide facilities for disabled. - 7:30: Choirs Ontario. Operatic Gems.