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Snap Shots at the season's stan compiled and edited by David Perlman This story starts with me sending an identical e-mail to three very different people who will all be part of the season about to unfold. "One, for someone who hasn't heard of you, say who you are and what you do. Two, say a bit about what you 're working on right now. Three, say something about things you have coming up. Once you've responded I'll follow up with two or three questions more." Counter-tenor; young conductor; composer/collaborator. Enjoy. My name is Matt White and I am a professional counter-tenor. In layman's terms that means I get paid by Orchestras, Early Music Ensembles and Opera Companies to sing in a developed falsetto. This is a type of singing that has become increasingly popular because of the resurgence of interest in "early music". Most of this "early music" repertoire that we sing as countertenors was not originally meant to be sung by falsettists but rather by castrati. In the modern day, however, we have to make some compromises. Counter-tenor singing, although not entirely natural, is showing itself (in the right space and repertoire) to be a Matthew White beguiling alternative to the more complicated issues raised by emasculating young boys before puberty. In an attempt to recreate the magic of a masculine presence married to a more ambiguous vocal colour, a whole new voice type has been created. I am currently working on repertoire for a set of concerts and a recording that I am doing with Tafelmusik in September for Analekta records. The pieces I am doing are all excerpts from lesser known 18th century Italian sacred Oratorios. Composers to be included are Jan Dismas Zelenka, Antonio Caldara, Alessandro Scarlatti and the better known Antonio Vivaldi. All of the pieces come from liturgical dramas telling old testament stories in Italian. Although the works we will be including are all sacred, they will demonstrate a tremendous variety of colour and imagination. Some of the pieces are almost indistinguishable from Operatic arias in how dramatically they are written. I am going to be doing the pieces from memory to emphasize these dramatic elements .... this means a lot more work but I believe it will pay off in terms of the quality of presentation. As to other things coming up, I am lucky to have a busy year. I will be leaving Toronto after the recording to take part in a production of Giulio Cesare at Houston Grand Opera with David Daniels and Brian Asawa and then move into a long Messiah season with Boston's Handel and Haydn Society, the National Arts Centre Orchestra, The Studio de Musique Ancienne de Montreal and the Elora Festival Singers. The new year will then bring a production of Our cover photo: CONTINUES ON PAGE EIGHT Courtesy of the Kuertis, a not-recent family photo of Julian Kuerti, our story's second subject. Photo art by Rocket Design. ~:; TORONTO 2003-04 SEASON CHAMBER MUSIC DOWNTOWN QUARTETS Oct. 16 Nov. 6 Nov. 20 Jan. 15 Feb. 5 Mar. 18 Apr. 1 Apr. 15 PIANO Oct. 14 Nov. 25 Dec. 9 Jan. 20 Mar. 2 THURSDAYS Kodaly Quartet Brentano Quartet Zehetmair Quartet St. Lawrence Quartet Berlin Philharmonic Quartet Vogler Quartet with pianist Angela Cheng Petersen Quartet Tokyo Quartet Richard Goode Claire-Marie LeGuay Marc-Andre Hamelin Duo Turgeon Simon Trpceski TUESDAYS ENSEMBLES-IN-RESIDENCE TUESDAYS Oct. 21 Music TORONTO Chamber Society Dec. 2 Gryphon Trio ' Feb. 17 Mar. 23 Music TORONTO Chamber Society G1yphon Trio DISCOVERY Jan. 29 Feb. 12 Mar. 11 THURSDAYS Barbara Hannigan, soprano Lara St. John, violinist Berenika Zakrzewski, pianist CONTEMPORARY CLASSICS Nov. 6 Brentano String Quartet Jan. 20 Duo Turgeon Jan. 29 Barbara Hannigan, soprano Mar. 23 Gryphon Trio AFFORDABLE + ACCESSIBLE + INTIMATE + EXHIIARATING GREAT CLASSICAL MUSIC IN A PERFECT SMALL CONCERT HALL DOWNTOWN Subscriptions still available TICKETS ON SALE SEPTEMBER 2 · • ~~Jane Mallett Theatre @{(]:;AT ~ St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts NTO 416-366-7~23 • 1-800-708-6754 www.mu•;c-to,onto.com order Online at WWW .StlC.COfil September 1 - October 7 2003 www.thewholenote.com 7
Ralph Sutton and Ruby Braff In Conc
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