9 years ago

Volume 9 Issue 10 - July/August 2004

  • Text
  • Festival
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • August
  • Musical
  • Arts
  • Ensemble
  • Concerts
  • Trio


,-·····-··· Learn to dance the minuets, sarabandes and bourrees of the 18th century No experience needed! · Fall Term Sept 13 - Nov 1/04 Instructor: Daniel Gariepy, Director of La Belle Danse For information call: (416) 324-9118 website: email: One INCREDIBLE English Handbell Concert! 11th International Handbell Symposium Massed Handbell Concert Saturday, August 7th, 2004 3:00 pm at the Air Canada Centre, Toronto Experierre filJ+ English Han:b3/I Rngers fran aran:J the oorld ard thousands ci bronze hard:Bls raised , together in an intematicm/ arcert sp:dade cf siif7t ~ soom Tickets - .50 (plus service charges) Available from TicketMaster - 416-870-8000 or . For rrore infonre.tim, {hx1e OOfl-686-5676 or e-rreil o; The 11 1 h lntematioral f-Brr::tEI SyrrJ:nsiun is organized IJy the 01tario Gild d &gish f-Brr::tEI Rng:JIS (a::EHR), en-fine at http.!/a:xre.tdo;Jehr. 16 Wh,oleNote Distribution is Growing'. DRIVERS WANTED in Hamilton and Brantford to distribute magazines 1 - 2 days per month at $10 per hour - 34¢ per km, starting in September. WholeNote needs drivers to deliver magazines to performing arts centres, libraries, record stores, and music schools. Magazines also go to coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, and other retail locations. Choirs, orchestras, and bands offer Whole Note to their members at rehearsals. Also, if your· business or organization is interested in offering free WholeNote magazines, please contact Sheila McCoy at416.928.6991 ore-mail: QUODLIBET by Allan Pulker "Early Bird" Concerts If you're at all inclined to rush off to a concert moments after picking up WholeNote (or maybe a day or two after), there: are plenty of things going on the first few days of the II19nth because they fall on the Canada Day weekend. The Toronto International Chamber Music Festival runs from July 2 to 4 - look for its listings with the summer festivals; the Latvian Song Festival also has a number of very interesting events from July 1 to 4 - you will find them listed in the regular listing~. The Music Garden presents the True North Brass on July 1 and a marimba duo on July 4. The Canadian Music Competitions National Finals Gala will give its audience a taste of the state of the future of professional music making on July 3, Music l\;fondays' wonderfully eclectic series continues at noon on July 5, and there is plenty of space in the listings for events at Harbourfront. The Bells are Ringing There are few concerts that are once in a lifetime opportunities. One of them is the Massed Handbell Concert presented by the Ontario GuiJd of English Handbell Ringers, August 7 at the Air Canada Centre. More than 600 handbell ringers will play together to make music that will be quite out of this world! English handbells were developed in the 17th century by change ringers (church bell ringers) so that they could practise in a more comfortable location than a bell tower without everyone within a mile having to listen to them. They are precision-cast bronze bells with handles, each tuned to one note, like the strings on a piano or a harp. Each ringer holds two or more bells, rung v.:hen the corresponding notes appear in the music. Since a set of bells is played by a "choir" of ringers led by a conductor, handbell ringing is very much a team sport. The August 7 concert will involve literally thousands of these bells, which range in size from 1 1/.i" in diameter to 15 1/.i" and will provide not only an aural experience but a visual one as well. The program will consist of both arrangements and original pieces written specifically for hand bells. The International Handbell Symposium is a biennial event that rotates through six countries (Australia, UK, Canada, Japan, Korea, · USA). Two years ago it was in Korea, and Australia is next. True North Brass While we're thinking about bells, every Wednesday at 5 :00 on the campus of the University of Toronto there will be a carillon recital from the Soldiers' Tower at Hart House. Orchestral Music Opportunities to hear orchestral music will be few and far between during the summer, so don't miss the new "Aftamira Symphony under the Stars" concerts by the Toronto Symphony Orchestra on July 12, 13 and 15 at Harbourfront, and the National Youth Orchestra, conducted by Vancouver Symphony conduct6r laureate, Kazuyoshi Akiyama, at Massey Hall on August 17. Also, on July 17 at the Jackson-Triggs winery near Niagara on the Lake, Measha Brueggergosman will perform with the Niagara Symphony. Street Scene I had lunch just last week with someone who remarked how pleasant summer weekends in Toronto are, because the weekend exodus makes the city remarkably quiet. Well, if you decide to stay and enjoy the July 10-11 weekend, try to get to at least part of the Celebrate Toronto Street Festival at various locations along Yonge· Street, which is closed to vehicular traffic and transformed into a seri~s of performance spaces with more or less continuous music all through the weekend. There is quite a range of music, from renaissance shawms· and flutes to rock, funk, soul, reggae and jazz! There are lots more detail in the listings of course. Vocal Recitals I have found six vocal recitals in the· listings, two of which are by singers that are probably familiar to most WholeNote readers. The first will be a recital "about the joys and pains oflove" given by tenor, Colin Ainsworth and soprano, Rachel Cleland Ainsworth at Trinity-St. Paul's on July 7; the second will be by soprano, Meredith Hall with guitarist Bernard Farley and pianist, Keiko Yoden at the Heliconian Jul Y 1 - SEPT 7 2004

Hall , July 29. On July 10 soprano, Kristin Mueller and soprano saxophonist, Rob Mosher will perfonn what appears to be a progran1 of contemporary works at the Victoria College Chapel; on July 16 soprano, Donna Orchard perfonns with clarinettist Julia Hambleton and pianist, Ellen Meyer at Trinity-St. Paul's; on July 24 tenor Guy Fletcher and pianist Clark Bryan will perfom1 an all French program at Humbercrest United Church; and on August 29 sopranos Laura Bowes, Karine White and Samantha Taylor will give a recital at Sharon Temple. on August 16. Other Chamber Music The indefatigable Jan Narveson's Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music 0 Society, which, tielieve it or not, presents about 60 concerts a year has at least four concerts listed in "further afield" - July 12, 16, August 26 and September 1. While this is not a summer music festival it could be something to inc'!ude in a trip to one of the festivals in south-western Ontario. Speaking of south west, on July 19 Terry McKenna who is known primarily these days for his lute playing in the Toronto Consort but who is also a fine guitarist will give a concert on guitar in Stratford, where fuere will also be concerts of chamber music on August 2 and 30. And harpist, Rachel Nowlan will perform on August 4 in one of a series of noon-hour concerts at St. Luke 's Church in Burlington. · Last I'd like to mention that "Sound Travels" presents two innovative concerts on Toronto Islands on August 8; and Alan Gasser's Georgian music ensemble, Trio Kavkasia, will give what I can almost guarantee will be a very interesting concert at Holy Trinity Church on August 15. Double Reeds If you love the sounds of oboes and bassoons you should be a very happy camper this summer: oboist, Joseph Salvalaggio (WholeNote rover April 1997) will perfom1 wit11 bassoonist. Fraser Jackson al t11e Music Garden on July 18 and with tdlow oboist, Donald Boere and pianist, Beverly Lewis at Innis College on July 29. Bassoonist, Nadina Mackie Jackson and friends, including t11e aforementioned Fraser Jackson. will give an all bassoon concert in Burnt River (just north of Fenelon Falls) on July 24 and a completely different set of bassoonists will perform in Stratford (1Jroronto \ . . 2HOl- llll aOll lnni¥ersa1 lonfiel leas1n _ ERROL GAY, MUSIC DIRECTOR AND CONPUCTOR Catherine Manoukian, Artist-in-Residence *Sun. Oct 24, 2004 at 3 pm Russian Storytellers Peter and the Wolf - Narrator TBA Sun. Dec 12, 2004 at 3 pm Viennese Holiday Jacques lsraelievitch, violin Sun. Feb 20, 2005 at 3 pm Le Jazz Hot for a Winter's Afternoon John Arpin, piano *Sun. Apr to, 2005 at 3 pm A Ukrainian Celebration Victor Mishaiow, bandura *Sun. May 29, 2005 at 7:30pm The Three B's -Really! Catherine Manoukian, violin *Pre-concert talks by Artist-in-residence, 1 hr before concert. ALL CONCERTS AT THE GEORGE WESTON RECITAL HALL, . TORONTO CENTRE FOR THE ARTS TICKETS/SUBSCRIPTIONS: 416-467-7142 Season Presenter: Cuhk c~~~:>~,g~~ MEtcalf r,o,,,,iub:c Foundation toront dartsbou n ci I CLASSICA,:9'@;;, ~h~lll)l ;,1~

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