9 years ago

Volume 9 Issue 10 - July/August 2004

  • Text
  • Festival
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • August
  • Musical
  • Arts
  • Ensemble
  • Concerts
  • Trio

Musical journey from the

Musical journey from the 40s through to the · 70s. Starring the Mantini Sisters. 4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga. 905'·306-6000. -. For complete run see music theatre listings. · · - 8:00: National Youth Orchestra of Canada. Wagner: Lohengrin, Prelude Act 3; Chatman: Tara's Dream; Stravinsky: Petrouch· ka; Mahler Symphony 114. Jennifer Farrell, soprano; Kazuyoshi Akiyama, conductor. Mas· sey Hall, 15 Shuter. 416-872-4255. .50,. Wednesday August 18 - 11 :OOam: Roy Thomson Hall. HBC Sen· iors' Jubilee. See Aug 16. - 12:30: Music at St. Luke's. Noon Hour Concert Series: David Vander Berg, organ. St. Luke's Church, 1372 Elgin St., Burlington. 905-634-1826. Free. - 5:30: University of Toronto/The Sol· diers' Tower Committee. Carillon Recital Series: Karel Keldermans, carillonneur. The lawn, Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle. 416· 978-2452. Free. - 7:30: Artists' Garden Cooperat.ive. Plein Air Salon Concerts: Peter Verity. Folk. 345 Balliol St. 416-487-0705. $10. - 8:30: Hugh's Room. Valdy. 2261 Dundas St. West. 416-531-6604. $ ~ 8(advance), (door). Thursday August 19 - 11 :OOam: Roy Thomson Hall. RBC Sen· iors' Jubilee. See Aug 16. - 12:00 noon: Nathan Phillips Square. Tasty Thursdays Concert: Starlight Orchestra with Swing Rosie. Cha-cha, rumba, salsa & jitterbug. 100 Queen 'St. West. 416-395· 0490. Free. - 7:00: Toronto Music Garden.Summer Music in the Garden: Re-Percussions Ill: Kiy· oshi Nagata Ensemble. Taiko drumming. 6:00: Pre-concert tour. 475 Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000. Free. - 8:30: Hugh's Room/Richard Flohil. Ruthie Foster. 2261 Dun'das St. West. 416· 531-6604. $tba .. Friday August ZO - 11 :OOam: Roy Thomson Hall. RBC Sen· iors' jubilee. See Aug l 6. - 8:00: Markham Jazz Festival. Gala Opening Concert. Monty Alexander, jazz pian· ist; Hass an Shakur, acoustic bass; Mark Taylor, drums. Markham Theatre, 171 TownCen· tre Blvd. 905-305-7469. -. (See Festi· val Listings for more performances) - 8:00: Massey Hall.Stompin' Tom Connors: One Man - One Country. 15 Shuter St. 416-872-4255. -.50. Saturday August Z 1 - 8:30: Yamaha Canada Music/Music Industries Association of Can.ada: Special Gala Concert. Features jazz musi.cian Hiromi; guests: David Braid, Mark Eisenman, Joe Sealy, Mark Kelso, Brandi Disterheft, Stars of Tomorrow; Bill King, host. MIAC Lifetime Achievement Award presented to Dr. Oscar Peterson. Living Arts Centre, 4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga. 905-306-9000; 1 ·888· 805-8888. ,. . Sunday August ZZ - 4:00: Toronto MJJsic Gardan.Summer Music in the Garden. Duos and solos by Schul· hoff, Gliere, Bach and Biber. Marie Berard, violin; Roberta Janzen, cello. 475 Queens 42 Quay West. 416-973-4000. free. - 7:30: Mel Lastman Square.Sunday Ser· enades: Toronto Megacity Swing Band. Clas· sics from the swing era. 5100 Yonge St. 416· 395-0490. free. Monday August 23 - 12:15: Music Mondays. Music by Wass & Gould. MJ Wass, Marsha Gould, Karla Fer· guson, Pattie Kelly, Sue Crowe Connolly, voic· es & piano. Church of the Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Square. 416-598-4521 x222. sug· gested donation. Wednesday August 25 - 12:30: Music at St. Luke's: Noon Hour Concert Series: Stephanie Lai, cello. St. Luke's Church, 1372 Elgin St., Burlington. 905-634· 1826. free. - 5:00: University of Toronto/The Sol· diers' Tower Committee. Canllon Recital Series: Tin.Shi Tam, 'carillonneur. The lawn, Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle. 416-978· 2452. Free. - 7:30 :· Artists' Garden Cooperative. Plein Air Salon Concerts: Karyn Ellis. Acoustic folk & pop·. 345 Balliol St. 416-487-0705. $10. Thursday August 26 - 12:00 noon: Metropolitan United Church. Tin.Shi Tam, organ & carillon. 56 Queen St. East. 416-363-0331 x26. Free. - 12:00 noon: Nathan Phillips Square. Tasty Thursdays Concert: David Leask Band. 100 Queen St. West. 416-395:0490. free. - 7:00: Toronto Music Garden. Summer Music in the Garden: Reed Rebels. World pre· mieres by Sokolovic & Mott; composed & improvised music. Lori Freedman, clarinets; Tiina Kiik, accordion; David Mott, saxophone. 6:DO.: Pre-concert tour. 475 Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000. free. Sunday August 29 -4:00: Toronto Music Garden.Summer Music in the Garden: Kids Compose. Young audience members create a new piece with Peter Pavlovsky, double bass, Erin Donovan, percussion & Camille Watts, flute. 475 Queens Quay West. 416-973-4000. free. - 7:30: Mel Lastman Square.Sund11y Ser· enades: Sonata Sings Sinatra. Rick Sonata, performer. 5100 Yonge St. 4) 6-395-0490. free. Monday August 30 -12:15: Music Mondays.Jim Dolmage, fiddler. Music by Rogers, DeJarlis, Allen, Messer, Landry & Dolmage; traditional tunes. Church of the Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Square. 416-598·4?21 x222. suggested donaJion. Tuesday August 31 - 8:00: Canadian Opera Company/Al· · tamira. Altamira Summer Opera Concerts. Guest soloists; performance by children from· the COC Opera Camp; members of , the COC Ensemble Studio; COC Orchestra; Richard Bradshaw, conductor. CIBC Stage, 235 Queens Quay West. 416-363-6671. free. Wednesday September 01 - 7:30: Artists' Garden Cooperative. Plein Air Salon Conce'rts: Abeena Samm. Reg· gae to gospel vocals. 34.5 Ballioi St. 416-487 · 0705. $10. ' · - 8:00: Canadian Opera Company/Al· tamira. Altamira Summer Oper11 Concerts. CIBC Stage. See August 31. Thursday September 02 - 7:00: Toronto Music Garden. Summer Music in the G11rden: Esmeralda Enrique Span· ish Dance Company. flamenco dance & music. Guests: Jose Luis Perez, vocals; Dominique Soulard, guitar. 6:00: Pre-concert tour. 475 Queens Quay West. 415.973:4000. free. - 8:00: Canadian Opera Company/Al· tamira. Altamira Summer Opera Concerts. CIBC Stage. See August 31. Sunday September 05 - 3:00: University of Toronto/The Sol· diers' Tower Committee. Carillon Recital Series: John Widmann, carillonneur. The lawn, Hart House, 7 Hart House Circle. 416·978· 2452. Free. - 4:00: Thornhill Community Band. Den· ny Ringler, music director. Unionville Band· stand, Main St. & Fred Varley Dr., Unionville. 416·223-7152. Free. Monday September 06 - 12: 15: Music Mondays. Canadian Works. Zelda Turner, soprano ~nd Morning Star River. Church of the Holy Trinity, 10 Trinity Square. 416-598-4521 x222. suggested donation. Further afield (in this issue: Angus, Barrie, Blyth, Bright, Brighton, Brockville, Burnt Riv· er, C~nlbridge, Coboiug, Collingwood, Drayton, Fenelon Falls, Grand Bend, Hamilton, Jackson's Point, Kincardine, Lindsay, Meaford, Niagara-on·the·Lake, Orangeville, Orillia, Os.hawa, Ottawa, Penetanguishene, Peterborough, Petro· lia, Port Perry, Port Stanley, Sault Ste. M;uie, Sharon, Sonya, Stirling, Strat· ford, Wasaga Beach, Waterloo) WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM Thursday July 01 - 1 :30: Marilyn Stroud, soprano & Don Oeathe, piano. We All Call It C11nada: An Afternoon of Music to Celebrate Canada Day. Fenelon Falls Museum, Oak Street. 705· 887-1 044. Donations to the Museum wel· come. - 2:00 & 7:00: Sunshine Festival Thea· tre Company. C11ts. Music by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Orillia Opera House, 20 Mississaga St. West. 1-800-683·8747. (preview). for complete run see music theatre ,listings. - 8:00: Brighton Barn Theatre. Northum· berland Calling Normandy. "Radio Show" with songs and skits of 1944. 96 Young'Street, Brighton. 613-475·2144. , WW2 veter· ans free(call for ticket). Contribution made to the Juno Centre in Normandy. For complete run see music theatre listings. - 8:00: Georgian Theatre Festival. Fidd· /in' With The Truth: By Nils Ling. Comic sto· ries & traditional East Coast songs & tunes. A'llison Ling, Ellen MacPhee & Jeff Matheson, musicians. Meaford Hall Opera House, 1 Z Nelson SI. East. 888-5414444. . for complete run see music theatre listings. Friday July 02 - 12: 15: Viola Camp 2004. Viola Camp Recital First United Church, King & William Streets, Waterloo. 519-742-2604. Freewill donation. - 8:00: Welcome Wood Productions/ Brockville Arts Centre/Toronto All·Star Big Band~ Songs Sin11tra Taught Me, The Show. Guest: Tommy Ambrose, vocals. · Brockville Arts Centre, 235 King St. West. 877-342-7122. -.50'. Saturday July 03 - 8:00: Jackson· Triggs Amphitheatre. Twilight in the Vineyard: Colin James. Blues, rock. Niagara ~state Winery, 2145 Regional Road 55, Niagara·on·the·Lake. 905-468· 4637, 866-589-4637. . - 8:00: Welcome Wood Productions/ Brockville Arts Centre/Toronto All·Star Big Band.Songs Sinatra Taught Me, The Show. Brockville Arts Centre. See July 2. · Sunday July 04 - 7:00: Amis du Jazz. Without Words. Laila Biali, piano; Tara Davidson, sax; Karine Chap· delaine, bass; Jesse Baird, drums. The Church in Sonya, Simcoe St., 13k north of Port Perry. 705-357-2468. . Monday July 05 - 7:30: Stratford Festival.Night Music: No Big Whoop! Jazz old & new. Jerry John· son, trombone; Don Englert, flute, sax; Alan Laing, piano; Kevin Muir, bass; Michael Wood, drums. Paul D. fleck Marquee, Festival Thea· Ire, 55 Queen St., Stratford. 1-800-567· 1600. . Tuesday July 06 - 2:00: l(uron Country Playhouse. A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline - Memories of1 ii Musical legend. By Dean Regan. Playhouse II, Grand Bend. 888-449-4463. , (18 & under), group rates. For complete run see music theatre listings. Wednesday July 07 - 8:00: Brockville Arts Centre. Menopos· itive!- The Musical By J.J. McColl. 235 King St. West, Brockville. 877-342-7122. .50,.50, group rates. For complete run see music theatre listings. Thursday July OB - 2:00 & 8:00: Red Barn Theatre. little Shop of Horrors. By Ashman & Menken. 991 Lake Dr., Jackson's Point., 1 ·S88.'733. 2.276. Preview ; eve: , (sr/st), (child 12 & under). For complete run see music theatre listings. · - 8:00: Port Stanley Festival Theatre. lvanka Chews The Fat. Musical comedy. Mu· ' sic by Waytowich & Potts; starring Jo-Ann Waytowich. 302 Bridge St.,, Port Stanley. 519-782-4353. . For complete run see music theatre listings. Monday July 12 - 7:30: Stratford Festival. Night Music: love, look Away • .Love songs in jazz, show tunes, standards & classics. Lesley Andrew Trio: Lesley Andrew, soprano; Kevin Muir, double bass; Kevin Rammesar, acoustic guitar. ·Paul D. fleck Marquee, Festival Theatre, 55 Queen St., Stratford. 1 ·800-567-1600. . - 8:00: Kitchener·Waterl~o Chamber Music Society. Moshe Hammer, violin; I Michael Traster, gu1~ar. Music by Paganini, Legnani, Bach, de Falla, Piazzolla. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. West, Waterloo. 519-886-1673. , (sr), (st). Wednesday July 14 - 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music Society.Alexander Tselyakov, pian~. Canadian & other modern works. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. West, Waterloo. 519-886-1 673. , (sr), O(st). ]UL Y 1 - SEPT 7 2004

0 - 8:00: Theatre Cambridge. Nunsense. By Dan Goggin. Cambridge Arts Theatre, 19 Concession St. 1-800-265-8977. · .50. For complete run see music theatre listings. Thursday July 15 - 7:30: Boathouse Concert Series. Wa· ter, Wind, Wood & Other Things - Music for Recorders. Works by Handel, Telemann, Staeps, Genzmer, G ibbons;Pentland & others. Musical Chairs: Michel Allard, Simone Desilets, Meri Gee & Allan Pulker, recorders. Peterborough Millennium Walk Boathouse, Water Street at King. 705-745-3485. . Boathouse Concert Series Peterborough Friday July 16 - 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music Society. Triodicolore(Guy Yehuda, clarinet; Yuval Golibovich, viola; Jimmy Briere, piano}. Music by Mozart, Francaix, Schumann, J!ruch. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. West, Waterloo. 519-886-1673. , (sr), O(st). Saturday July 17 - 8:00: Niagara Symphony Orchestra. Courtyard Concert. Music by Brahms, Barber, Laurendeau, Gershwin. Measha Brueggergosman, soprano; Daniel Swift, conductor. Jackson Trig gs Niagara Estate, 2145 Regional Rd. 55, Niagara·on·tha· Lake. 905-468-4637: . Sunday July 18 - 11 :OOam: Shaw Festival. Sunday Coffee Concert. Perfonnances by members of the · Music Department. Lobby, Festival Theatre, 10 Queen's Parade, Niagara·on·tha·Laka. 1·800-511-7429. free. · Monday July 19 - 7:30: Stratford Festival. Night Music: fandango! Music for guitars from the Spanish old & new worlds. Terry McKenna, guitar. Paul D. fleck Marquee, Festival Theatre, 55 Queen St., Stratford. 1 ·800-567-1600. . Tuesday July 20 - 2:00: Blyth festival. Spirit of the Narrows. By Anne Ledennan. Old style fiddling jamboree & a tour of Canada's folk music traditions. Gil Garratt, director; Capucine Onn & other perfonners. Blyth Memorial Hall. 877- )UL Y 1 - SE PT 7 2004 862-5984. ·.50. for complete run see music theatre listings. - 8:00: King's Wharf Theatre.Swing/ - A Tribute to the Big Band Era. By Alan & Blanche Lund; orchestrations & vocal arrange· ments by·Howard Cable. Discovery Harbour, Panatanguishana. 888·449-4463. (preview). for complete run see music theatre listings. Wednesday July Z 1 - 2:00 & 8:00: Lighthouse Festival Theatre. Two Pianos, four Hands by Ted Dykstra & Richard Greenblatt. 247 Main St., Port Dover. 519-583-2221. Preview: , (youth). for complete run see music theatre listings. - 8:00: Brockville Arts Cantre. Irving Berlin ... Always. Written by Joey Miller. Cele· brat ion of the composer. 235 King St. West, Brockvilla. 877-342·7122. .50. For complete run see music theatre listings. Friday July 23 - 8:00: Lynn McDonald Presents. Per· tanners tba. Port Perry United Church, 294 Queen St. 705-357·2~68. . Saturday July 24 - 3:00: Novalis Hall. Symphony in the Barn Chamber Players. From classical to jazz. 7841 4th line, Angus. 705-722-5408. . - 7:30: Nadina Mackie Jackson, bas· soon. Music by Bach, Telemann, Mignone, Steinmetz & Corrette. Guests: Fraser Jack· son, contrabassoon; Catherine Carignan & Benson Bell, bassoons. Burnt River United Church. 705-454-8045. Admission by dona: lion. Benefit concert for BRUC Beads of Hope campaign for victims of HIV/AIDS. Sunday July ZS - 2:00: Blyth Festival. Blyth Festival Sing· ers 30th Anniversary Concert. Traditional maritime tunes & other Canadian choral music. Blyth Memorial Hall. 877-862-5984. . Monday July 26 - 2:00: Toronto All·Star Big Band. Broad· cast from the Blue Room. Musical revue of North American mania in the 1940s. Walter's Family Fann, Bright. 519-453-5559. For complete run see music theatre listings. - 7:30: Stratford Festival. Nigh( Music: It's About Time ... Muir: Einstein's Dreams; arrangements of tunes from the worlds of pop, tango and jazz. John Mcfadyen, narrator; Hen· ry Zielinski & Karen Zielinski, violins; Artur Jansons, viola; Ben Bolt-Martin, cello & other perfonners. Paul D. Fleck Marquee, Festival Theatre,.55 Queen St., Stratford. 1 ·800· · 567·1600. . Wednesday July 28 - 8:00: Globus Theatre/Academy Thea· tra for Performing Arts. Scenes From My Dock. By Vince Grittani; music by Milis & Grittani. Musical about cottage life. 2 Lindsay St. South, Lindsay. 705-324-9111, 877- 888-0038. .50, .50(st). For complete run see music theatre listings. Thursday July 29 - 8:00: Northumberland Players. Forever Plaid. Written by Stuart Ross;· musical ar· rangements by James Raitt. Victoria Hall, 55 King St. W., Cobourg. 905-372-2210. ,. For complete run see music theatre 'listings. Monday August 02 - 7:30: Stratford Festival. Night Music: Music in Common: In Good Company. Cham· ber music by Viennese masters. Heather Mor· rison, piano; Peter Shackleton, clarinet; Derek Conrod, horn; Ben Bolt-Martin, cello. Paul D. Fleck Marquee, Festival Theatre, 55 Queen St., Stratford. 1-800-567·1600. . Tuesday August 03 - 8:00: Shaw Festival.Floyd.Collins. By Guettel; musical direction by Paul Sportelli; Jay Turvey, Glynis Ranney, Jeff Madden & Sharry f.lett, perfonners. Court House Thea· Ire, Niagara·on·tha·Laka. 1-800-511 · 7429. (preview). For complete run see music theatre listings. Wednesday August 04 - 7:30: Northdala Concert Band. Outdoor Summer Concert. Stephen Chenette, music director. Oshawa Civic Bandshell, SW corner of Simcoe & Metcalfe Sis. 905-886-0858. Free. Thursday August 05 - 2:00 & 8:00: Sunshine Festival Thea· tra Company. Oklahoma! Orillia Opera House, 20 Mississaga St. West. 1-800-683· 8747. (preview). For complete run see music theatre listings. Friday August 06 - 8:00: Theatre Collingwood. Nunsense. By Dan Goggin. Gayety Theatre, 161 Hurontario St., Collingwood. 1-866-382-2200. , (18 & under). For complete run see music theatre listings. Saturday August 07 - 8:00: Thaatra Orangeville. Moments to Remember. Musical revue of the 40s & 50s. S\arring The Voices of Showtime. 87 Broad· way, Orangeville. 1 ·800-424-1295, 519· 942-3423. . Sunday August 08 - 2:00: Niagara Symphony. Music ' exploring the relationship between music & wine, by Purcell, Brahms, Royer, Vivaldi, , Laurendeau, Gershwin & Krieger. 14-piece string ensemble; Daniel Swift, music director. Chateau des Channes, Niagara·on·tha· Lake. 905-262·4219 x27. . - 2:00: Theatre Orangeville. Moments to Remember. See Aug 7. - 7:00: Amis du Jazz. Richard WMeman, piano; Brandi Oisterheft, bass; Sly Jushas, drums. The Church in Sonya, Simcoe St., 13k north of Port Perry. 705-357-2468. . Monday August 09 - 7:30: Stratford Festival. Night Music: Songs from Sondheim ... and So On! Selections from Sondheim; popular showtunes & jazz. Barbara Fulton, vocals; Paul Shilton, piano. Paul D. Fleck Marquee, Festival Theatre, 55 Queen St., Stratford. 1-800-567-1600. . Tuesday August 10 parade of 60s classics. Book by Anne Beatts; music & lyrics by Ellie Greenwich & friends. Discovery Harbour, Penetanguishene. 888· 449-4463. (preview). For complete run see music theatre listings. Wednesday August 11 - 8:00: Brockville Arts Centra. SUDS - The Rocking 60's Musical Soap Opera. 235 King St. West, Brockvilla. 877-342-7122. .50. For complete run see music theatre listings. Friday August 13 - 7:00: National Youth Orchestra of Canada/City of Sault Sta. Maria. Berlioz: Benvenuto Cellini Overture; Chatman: Tara's Dream; Britten: Young Person's Guide To The Orchestra; Wagner: Lohengrin, Prelude Act 3; Dvorak: Symphony 117.,Kazuyoshi Akiyama, · conductor. Roberta Bandar Park Tent Pavilion, 65 Foster Dr., Sault Sta. Marie. 416-532· 4470 x221 .. Free. Sunday August 15 - 11 :OOam: Shaw Festival. Sunday Coffee Concert. Perfonnances by members of the Music Department. Lobby, Festival Theatre, 10 Queen's Parade, Niagara·on·tha·Laka. 1-800-511·7 429. Free. - 2:00 & 7:00: Thor Collage/Theatre by the Bay. Children'sShow: Robin Hood (The Musical}. By Clark Harris; directed by Larissa Mair. Heritage Park, Barrie. 705-735-9243. . For complete run see music theatre list· ings. - 7:00: Amis du Jazz.Jeff Taylor, violin; Arch Rockefeller, guitar,· Ron Grani, bass; Jason Be;nardon, drums. The Church in Son· ya, Simcoe St., 13k north of Port Perry. 705· 357-2468. . - 7:00: Northdale Concert Band. Outdoor Summer Concert. Stephen Chenette, music director. (lquatheatre, Couchiching Beach Park, Orillia. 905-886-0858. Free. Monday August 16 - 7:30: National Youth Orchestra of Canada/National Arts Cantre. Wagner: Lohengrin, Prelude Act 3; Shannan: Mirrors, Echoes (2004 commission); Hetu: Images de la Revolution; Mahler: Symphony 114. Jennifer · Farrell, soprano; Kazuyoshi Akiyama, conductor. National Arts Centre, 53 Elgin Street, Ottawa. 1 ·866-850-2787 x280, 613-947· 7000 x280. Free. · - 7:30: Stratford Festival. Night Music: Bassoon Bonanza! Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf; music for bassoon & contrabassoon. Jerry Robinson, Bill Cannaway & Julie Shier, bassoons; guest narrator & vocalist. Paul D . . Fleck M~rquee, Festival Theatre, 55 Queen St., Stratford. 1-800-567-1600. . Tuesday August 17 - 7:00: Toronto All•Star Big Band.Jazz in the Park. Nancy Island Historic Site, Wasa· ga Beach. 705-429-2247. - 8:00: Huron Country Playhouse. Man of la Mancha. By Dale Wassennan; music by - 8:00: Huron Country Playhouse. Mo· Mitch Leigh; lyrics by Joe Darion. Mainstage, ments to Remember - A Wander Oown Mem.r Grand Bend. 888-449-4463. , (18 ory Lane. Starring The Mantini Sisters; music - & under), group rates. For complete run see arranged & adapted by Howard Cable. Main· stage, Grand Band .. 888·449"l463. , (18 & under), group rates. For complete run see music theatre listings. - 8:00: King's Wharf Theatre. leader of the Pack: The Ellie Greenwich Musical. Hit music theatre listings. Wednesday August 18 - ·2:00 & 7:30: Stirling Festival Theatre. Aline ~f Green Gables. By Harron & Campbell. Stirling, ON. 877-312-1162. .50(eve), WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 43

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