(mat), .&0(l 8 & under), group rates. For complete run see music theatre listings. - 7:00: Toronto All·Star Big Band.Jazz in the Park. Couchiching Beach Park, Orillia. 705-329-7250. ...: 8:00: Georgian Theatre Festival. Cowgirls. By Howie & Murfitt; directed by Lezlie Faith Wade. Musical that combines country and classical music in Broadway style. Mea· ford Hall Opera House, 12 Nelson St. East. 888-541-4444. . For complete run see music theatre listings. - 8:00: Red Barn Theatre.Jasper Station. By Norm Foster & Steve Thomas. 991 Lake Dr., Jackson's Point. 1 ·888-733-2276. Preview ; eve: , (sr/st), (child 12 & under). For complete run see music thea· tre listings .. Thursday August 19 - 8:00: Bluewater Summer Playhouse. DADS! The Musical. By Robert More; music by Tom Doyle. 707 Queen Street, Kincar· dine. 877-396-5722. . For complete run ' see music theatre listings. Sunday August ZZ - 3:00: Novalis Hall.Hilario Duran Trio. Roberto Occhipinti, bass; Erner O'Driscoll, vocals. 7841 4th line, Angus. 705-722· 5408. . Monday August Z3 - 7:30: Stratford Festival. Night Music: Ed Vokurka 's Jazz Violin Ensemble. Parisian stylings of gypsy swing and music made popu: lar by Stephane Grappelli. Ed Vokurka, jazz violin; Tony Quarringt on, jazz guitar; Abbey Sholzberg, bass. Paul D. Fleck Marquee, Festi· val Theatre, 55 Queen St., Stratford. 1 ·.800· 567·1600. . Tuesday August Z4 - 2:00: Drayton. Festival Theatre. Mo· · ments to Remember- A Wander Down Mem· ory lane. Starring The Mantini Sisters; music arranged & adapted by Howard Cable. 33 Wei· lington St. South, Diayton. 888-449-4463. 0 (preview), $ 20(18 & under), group rates. for complete run see music theatre Ii.stings. - 7:00: Hamilton Place. Daniel O'Donnell in Concert. Easy listening, rock & pop stand· ards, country western hits & traditional Irish ballads.1 Summers Lane, Hamilton. 905· 527-7666. .50-.50. - ·8:00: Victoria Playhouse Petrolia, I Do! I Oaf Book & lyrics by Tom Jones; music by Harvey Schmidt; Alan Moon, music direc· tor. Starring Brian McKay & Karen Wood. 411 Greenfield Stree.t, Petrolia. 1 ·800-717· 7694. (preview). For complete run see music theatre listings. Thursday August Z6 - 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music Society. Takai String Duarte!. Music by Haydn, Shostakovich, Dvorak. KWCMS Music Room, 57 Young St. West, Waterloo . 519-886-1673. , (sr), O(st). Friday August Z7 - 8:00: Hamilton Place. Chicago. 1 Sum· mers Lane, Hamilton. 905-527-7666. For complete run see music theatre listings. Sunday August Z9 - 11 :OOam: Shaw Festival.Sunday Coffee Concert. Performances by members of the Music Department. Lobby, Festival Theatre, 10 Queen's Parade, Niagara·on·the·Lake. 1 ·800-511-7429. Free. - 2:00: Sharon Temple Historic Site. ' laura Bowes, Karine White & Samantha Tay· !or, sopranos. 18974 Leslie St., Sharon. 905-478·2389. ,. - 7:30: Shaw Festival. Vineyard Concert: Bloomer Girl. By Arlen & Harburg; directed by Jackie Maxwell. Musical reading. Jackson· Triggs Estates Winery, Niagara·on·the· lake. 1 ·800·511-7429.·. · Monday August 30 - 7:30: Stratford Festival. Night Music: In the Garden of Adonis. Hovhaness: In the Gar· den of Adonis; music by Debussy, Bax and Faure. Sharon Kahan, flute; Artur Jansons, viola; Julia Shaw, harp. Paul D. Fleck Mar.· quee, Festival Theatre, 55 Queen St., Strat· ford. 1-800-567·1600. . Tuesday August 31 - 8:00: Lighthouse Festival Theatre. Summer of love. By McHarge & Stewart; music of Baez, Dylan, Joni Mitchell & others. 247 Main St., Port Dover. 519-583-2221. , (sr), (youth). For complete run see music theatre listings. Wednesday September 01 - 8:00: Kitchener-Waterloo Chamber Music Society.Sean Bennesch, violin; Sydney Bulman-Fleming, piano. KWCMS Music Room, 5 7 Young St. West, Waterloo. 519-886-1673. Friday September 03 - 8:00: No.valis Hall. Esmeralda Enrique Spanish Dance Company. 7841 4th line, An· gus. 705-722-5408. . Tuesday September 07 - 2:00: Drayton Festival Theatre. Fiddler on the Roof. By Stein, Bock & Harnick. 33 Wellington St. South; Drayton. 888-449· 4463. (preview), (18 & under), group rates. For COlllJk!te run see music treatre fistings. Birdcage Productions. West Side Story. By Leonard Bernstein; starring Heinz Winckler. Aug12-14: 8:00. HammersonHall, 4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga. 905·306· 6000. -. Bluewater Summer Playhouse. Come By The Hills. Starring Brian McKay & Jacqueline Sadler. To July 10. Tues·Fri 8:00; Wed 2:00 & 8:00; S"at 2:00 & 9:00. 707 Queen Street, Kincardine. 877-396-5722. (eve), (mat). Bluewater ·summer Playhouse. DAOS! The Musical. By Robert More; music by Tom Doyle. Aug 19-Sep 4. Tues-Fri 8:00; Wed 2:00 & 8:00; Sat 2:00 & 9:00. 707 Queen Street, Kincardine. 877-396-5722. (eve), (mat). · Blyth Festival.Spirit of the Narrows. By Anne Lederman. Old style fiddling jamboree & a tour of Canada's folk music traditions. Gil Garratt, director; Capucine Onn & other per· formers. July 20·22: 2:00; July 22 & 23: .8:00. Blyth Memorial Hall. 877-862-5984. -.50. Brighton Barn Theatre. Northumberland Calling Normandy. "Radio Show" with songs and skits of 1944. July i · 17. Thurs-Sat: 8:00. 96 Young Street, Brighton. 613-475-2144. , WW2 veterans free(call for ticket). Con· tribution made to the Juno Centre in Norman· dy. Brockville Arts Centi!. Irving Berlin ... Always. Written by Joey Miller. Celebration of the composer. July 21 ·25. Wed-Sat: 8:00, Thurs & Sun: 2:00. 2.35 King St. West, Brock· ville. 877-342-7122. .50, .50(youth/ sr), mat: .50, (youth/sr). Brockville Arts Centre. Menopositive! - The Musical. By J.J. McColl. July 7·11 & 14· 18, Wed-Sat: 8•00; Thurs & Sun: 2:00. 235 King St. West, Brock ville. 877-342-7122. .50,.50, group rates. 44 OPERA AND MUSIC THEATRE LISTINGS Brockville Arts Centre. SUDS - The Rock· ing 60's Musical Soap Opera. Aug 11·15, 18· 22. Wed·Sat: 8:00, Thurs & Sun: 2:00. 235 King St. West, Brockville. 877-342-7122 .. .50. Canadian Opera Company/Altamira. AltamiraSummerOpera Concerts. Guest soloists; performance by children from the CDC Summer Opera Camp; members of the CDC Ensemble Studio; CDC Orchestra; Rich· ard Bradshaw, conductor. Aug 31, Sep 1 & 2: 8:00. CIBC Stage, 235 Queens Quay West. 416-363-6671. Free. CanStage. Urinetown. Musical comedy. Music & lyrics by Hollmann; musical staging by John Carrafa. To Sep 4. Bluma Appel Thea· tre, 27 Front St. East. 416-368-3110. · . Civic Light Opera Company. Some En· chanted Evening - The Rodgers & Hammer· stein Revue. Highlights from Oklahoma!, Car· ousel, The King & I, South Pacific, Flower Drum Song & more. Starring Bob Deutsch, David Haines, Carol Kugler, Susan Sanders, Catherine Uy & Joe Cascone. Aug 3·6. Eve· nings: 8:00, matinees Aug 4 & 6: 2:00. Fair· view Library Theatre, 35 Fairview Mall Drive. 416-755-1717. .50, . Drayton Festival Theatre. Fiddler on the Roof. By Stein, Bock & Harnick. Sep 7-0ct 16, various times. 33 Wellington St. South, Dray· ton. 888-449-4463. (preview), (18 & under), group rates. Drayton Festival Theatre. Moments to Remember - A Wander Down Memory lane. Starring The Mantini Sisters; music arranged & adapted by Howard Cable. Aug 24·28. Tues· Thurs & Sat: 2:00; Wed-Sat: 8:00. 33 Wellington St. South, Drayton. 888·449· 4463. (preview), (18 & under), group rate.s. :>:S .;-. ~,. ·s- ~~ Firefly Theatre/Theatre Hybrid/Shrimp Magnet Theatre. The Emperor's New Clothes. By Keenan & Halferty. Show for kids of all ages with song, dance & pantomime. July 3-Sep 6: 10:30am, 11:30am,12:30 & 1 :30. Lagoon Theatre, Centre Island to the left of the Ferry Docks, Toronto Island. 416-322· 9619. . Georgian Theatre Fes'tival. Cowgirls, By Howie & Murfitt; directed by Lezlie Faith · Wade. Musical that combines country and classical music in Broadway style. Aug 18· Sep 4. Evenings: 8:00; matinees Aug 21,28 & Sep 4: 2:00. Meaford Hall Opera House, 12 Nelson St. East. 888·541 ·4444. (ev~), .(preview & Fridays for sr/youth), (Sat matinee). Georgian Theatre Festival. Fiddlih' With The Truth. By Nils Ling. Comic stories & tradi· tional East Coast songs & tunes. Allison Ling, Ellen MacPhee & Jeff Matheson, musicians. July 1 ·3: 8:00, July 3: 2:00. Meaford Hall Opera House, 12 Nelson St. East. 888-541 · 4444. (eve), (preview & Fridays for sr/youth), (Sat matinee). Globus Theatre/Academy Theatre for Performing Arts.Scenesfroin My Dock. By Vince Grittani; music by Mills & Grittani. Musical about cottage life. July 28·Aug 7. W~d -Sat: 8:00, Thurs & Fri: 2:00. 2 Lindsay St. South, Lindsay. 705·324·9111, 877-888· 0038. .50, .50(st). Hamilton Place. Chicago. Aug 27 & 28: 8:00, Aug 28 & 29: 2:00. 1 Summers Lane, Hamilton. 905·527-7666. Heartsounds/Toronto Fringe Festival. -Postcards from the Heart. Musical tour of the heart. Musical direction by M.J. Johnson; starring.Harry Lewis; featuring Lee-Anne Gal· loway ,& Christopher Wilson. July 2,3,5,7,8, 1O,11, various times. Artword Theatre Main· stage, 75 Portland St. 416-966· 1062. . ' WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM Huron Country Playhouse. A Closer Walk With Patsy Cline - Memories of.a Musical legend. By Dean Regan. July 6-Aug 28, various . times. Playhouse II, Grand Bend. 888-449· 4463. , (18 & under), group rates. Huron Country Playhouse. Man of la Mancha. By Dale Wasserman; music by Mitch Leigh; lyrics by Joe Darion. Aug 17-Sep 4, various times. Mainstage, Grand Bend. 888· 44~·4463. , (18 & under), group rates. Huron Country Playhouse. Moments to Remember - A Wander Oown Memory lane. Starring The Mantini Sisters; music arranged & adapted by Howard Cable. Aug 10· 14. Tues-Thurs: 8:00; Wed, Thurs, Sat: 2:00. Mainstage, Grand Bend. 888-449-4463. , (18 & under), group rates. Huron Country Playhouse. Swing! -A Tribute to the Big Band Era. By Alan & Blanche Lund; orchestrations & vocal arrange· ments by Howard ~able . To July 17, various times. Mainstage, Grand Bend. 888-449: 4463. , (preview), (18 & under), group rates. King's Wharf Theatre. leader of the Pack: The Ellie Greenwich Musical. Hit parade of 60s classics. Book by Anne Beatts; music & . lyrics by Ellie Greenwich & friends. Aug 1 O· Sep 4, various times. Discovery Harbour, Penetanguishene. 888-449-4463. , (preview), (18 & under), group rates. King's Wharf Theatre. Swing!-A Tribute to the Big Band Era. By Alan & Blanche Lund; orchestrations & vocal arrangements by Howard Cable. July 20-Aug 7, various.times. Discovery Harbour, Penetanguishene. 888· 449-4463. , (preview), (18 & under), group rates. Lighthouse Festival Theatre. Two Pianos, Four Hands. BY Ted Dykstra & Richard Green· · blatt. July 21 ·Aug7. Tues-Sat: 8:00, Wed, Jul Y 1 - SEPT 7 2004
Thurs & Sat: 2 ~00. 247 Main St., Port Dover. 519-583-2221. , (sr), (youth); preview & Sat matinee: , (youth). lighthouse Festival Theatre. Summer of love. By McHarge & Stewart; music of Baez, Dylan, Joni Mitchell & others. Aug 31 ·Sep 11. Tues-Sat: 8:00, Wed, Thurs & Sat: 2:00. 247 Main St., Port Dover. 519-583-2221. , (sr), (youth); Sat matinee: , (youth). · living Arts Centre Mississauga/Drayton Theatre. Moments to Remember. Musical 'journey from the 40s through to the 70s. Star· ring the Mantini Sisters. Aug 17, 18,20,21: 2:00; Aug 18-21: 8:00. 4141 Living Arts Drive, Mississauga. 905-306-6000. Eve - , mat - . Mirvish Productions. Hairspray. Broadway musical. Vanessa Olivarez, Jay Brazeau, Tom Rooney, Michael Torontow, Susan Henley & ot her performers. To September 27. Tues-Sat: 8:00; Wed, Sat & Sun: 2:00. Princess of l'jales Theatre, 300 King St. West. 41 .6-872- 1212, 1-800-,461-3333. -. Mirvish Productions. Mamma Mia! Musical based on the songs of ABBA. Music & lyrics by Benny Andersson & Bjorn Ulvaeus; book by Gath· erine Johnson; directed by Phyllida Lloyd. To September 26. Tues-Sat 8:00; Wed, Sat & Sun 2:00. Royal Alexandra Theatre, 260 King St. West. 416-872-1212. to . Mirvish Productions. The last Empress. Broadway-style musical about the life of Queen Min, 19th century ruler of Korea. Aug 5-Sep 1. Tues-Thurs, Sat: 8:00; Wed, Sat, Sun: 2:00. Hummingbird Centre, 1 Front St. East. 416·872-2262. -. Mirvish Productions. The Producers. Musi· cal adaptation of the Mel Brooks film comedy. Seim Cullen, Michael Therriault, Juan Chioran, Paul O'Sullivan, Sarah Cornell & other per· formers. To September 26. Tues-Sat: 8:00, Wed, Sat, Sun: 2:00. Canon Theatre, 244 Victoria. 416-364-4100. -1. Northumberland Players. Forever Plaid. Written by Stuart Ross; musical arrangements by James Raitt. July 29-31, Aug 1,3-8, 10-14: 8:00; July 31, Aug 1,4, 7,8, 11, 14, 15: 2:00. Victoria Hall, 55 King St. W .. Cobourg. 905· 372-2210. ,. Port Stanley Festival Theatre. /vanka Chews The Fat. Musical comedy. Mu.sic by Waytowich & Potts; starring Jo-Ann Wayto· wich. July 8-24. Tues-Sat: 8:00; Wed & Sat: 2:00, Sun July 18: 2:00. 302 Bridge St., Port Stanley. 519-782-4353. . Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts.'4 Chorus line. By Kirkwood & Dante; music by Hamlisch; musical direction by Diane Leah. July 27-31: 8:00; July 31: 2:00. Bathurst Street Theatre, 736 Bathurst. 416· 924-2243 x226. , O(st). Red Barn Theatre.Jasper Station. By Norm Foster & Steve Thomas. Aug 19-Sep 4. 991 Lake Dr., Jackson's Point. 1-888-733- 2276. Preview ; eve: , (sr/st), (child 12 & under). Red Barn Theatre. little Shop of Horrors. By Ashman & Menken. July 8-24. Tues-Sat: 8:00, Wed, Thurs & Sat: 2:00. 991 Lake Dr., Jackson's Point. 1-888-733-2276. Preview & matinees ; eve: , (sr/st), (child 12 & under). Sh~w Festival. Floyd Collins. By Guettel; )ULY 1 - SEPT 7 2004 musical direction by Paul Sportelli; Jay Tur· vey, Glynis Ranney, Jell Madden & Sharry Flett, performers. Previews from Aug 3, regular run Aug 20-0ct 9. Court House Theatre, Niagara-on-the-Lake. 1-800-511 -7429. · . Shaw Festival. Pal Joey. By Rodgers & Hart; musical direction by Paul Sportelli; Laurie Paton, Adam Brazier & other performers. To Oct 30. Royal George Theatre, Niagara-on· the-Lake. 1-800-511-7429. -. Showboat Festival Theatre. Forever Plaid. By Stuart Ross; arrangements by James Raitt. To July 3, various times. 296 Fielden Ave., Port Colborne. 888-870-8181, 905-834- 0833. .50, .50(sr/preview/mat). .50(st). Stirling Festival Theatre. Anne of Green Gables. ByHarron & Campbell. Aug 18-Sep 4. Tues-Sat: 7:30; Wed & Sat: 2:00. Stirling, ON. 877-312-1162. .50(eve), (mat), .50(18 & under), group rates. Stratford Festival. Anything Goes. Music & lyrics by Cole Porter. Douglas Chamberlain, Patricia Collins, Cynthia Daie, David Hogan, Sheila McCarthy & other performers; Berthold Carriere, musical director. To Oct 31. Avon Theatre, 100 Downie St., Stratford. 1-800- 567-1600. Stratford Festival. Guys and Dolls. Music & lyrics by Loesser. Douglas Chamberlain, Cynthia Dale, Patricia Collins, Bruce Dow, Geordie Johnson & other performers; Berthold Carriere, musical director. To Nov 7. Festival Theatre, 55 Queen St., Stratford. 1-800-567 · 1600. Summer Opera Lyric Theatre. Handel: Julius Caesar. Workshop production. July 28,31: 8:00; Aug 4,7: 2:00. Robert Gill Theatre, 214 College St. 416-978-7986. ,. Summer Opera Lyric Theatre.·Dffimbach: la Vie Parisienne. Workshop production. July 31, Aug 8: 2:00; Aug 3,6: 8:00. Robert Gill Theatre, 214 College St. 416-978-7986. ,. Summer Opera Lyric Theatre:Strauss: Ariadne auf Naxos. Workshop production. July 30, Aug 4, 7: 8:00; Aug 1: 2:00. Robert Gill Thea· tre, 214 College St. 416-978-7986. ,. · · Sunshine Festival Theatre Com!Jany. ·Cats. Music by Andrew Lloyd W,ebber. July 1 · 31. Tues-Sat, various times. Orillia Opera ' House, 20 Mississaga St. West. 1-800-683· 8747. & up. Sunshine Festival Theatre Company. · Oklahoma! Aug 5-28. Tues-Sat, various times.' Orillia Opera House, 20 Mississaga St. West. 1-800-683-8747. & up. Theatre Cambridge. Nunsense. By Dan Goggin. July 14-31, Tues-Sat various times. Cambridge Arts Theatre, 19 Concession St. 1 · 800-265-8977. ·.50.' Theatre Collingwood.Nunsense. By Dan Goggin. Aug 6-14. Evenings 8:00, matinees 2:00. Gayety Theatre, 161 Hurontario St., Collingwood. 1-866-382-2200. , (18 · & under). Thor College/Theatre by the Bay. CM dren'sShow: Robin Hood (The Musical). By Clark Harris; directed by Larissa Mair. Aug 15-Sep 4. Monday to Sunday. Weekdays 1 :00 & 5:00; Sundays only 7:00. Heritag~ Park,· Barrie. 705-735-9243. . • Thousand Islands Playhouse. The Music Man. By Meredith Willson. To July 24. Tues Sat: 8:00; Wed, Sat & Sun: 2:30. Springer Theatre, corner of Charles & South Sts .. Gana· noque. 613-382-7020. -, (sr) .. (child/st), group rates. Toronto All·Star Big Band. Broadcast 'rrom the Blue Room. Musical revue of North American mania in the 1940s: July 26-29: 2:00, July 31: 8:00. Walter's Family Farm, Bright. 519-463-5559. Toronto Fringe Festival. Sleepless: A New Musical. By McGrath & White. Eddie Glen, Sharon Heldt, Todd Holley; Racheal Mc Caig, Krista Sutton & Mark Terene, performers. July 2.4·6,9, 10, various times. Tarragon Theatre, Mainspace, 30 Bridgman Ave. 416- 966· 1062. . Toronto Fringe Festival. Waiting for Trudeau - The Return of the King (A Musical Re· · vue). By McCaig & McCaig; musical direction & stagin'g by Paul Burwell; starring Paul Con· stable, Brett McCaig, Paul Regan & Racheal McCaig. July 3,5·9.11, various times. Tarra -, gon Theatre Mainspace, 30 Bridgman Ave. 416-966-1062. . WWW.THEWHOL EN OTE . COM Transgender living Room Theater., My Name Is Not Barbra. By Seraphymn; directed Thursday July D1 12:00 noon: TD Jazz.lunchtimeSen'es 5:00: T D Jazz. Groove and Graffiti 8:00: Mel Lastman Square. lighthouse & Bradley and the Bouncers 8:00: TD Jazz. New Deal/Wax Poetic. Friday July DZ 12:00 noon: TDJazz. lunchtime Sen'es. 5:00: TD Jazz. Humber Faculty Ensemble. 8:00: TDJazz. Rite of Stnngs 11 :OOpm: Harbourlront Centre. Nurse Kaya Stnng Ouartet. by David Bateman. One man show written & performed by Seraphim. July 1,2,3: 8:00. Take A Walk On The Wildside, 161 Gerrard St. East. 416·921-6112. . Victoria Playhouse Petrolia./ Doi I Doi Book & lyrics by Tom Jones; music by Harvey Schmidt; Alan Moon, music director. Starring Brian McKay & Karen Wood. Aug 24-Sep 11. Tues-Sat various times. 411 Greenfield Street, Petrolia. 1-800-717-7694. , (st). (under 14). (preview). group rates. Westben Arts Festival Theatre. Mozart: The Magic Flute. UBC Opera Ensemble; Nancy Hermiston. director. July 1 & 2: 2:00. The Barn, 3 km northwest of Campbellford ON on County Rd. 30. 705-653·5508, 877-883- 5777. (cushion), (folding chair), (st). YSIS Entertainment/Sting Music. UMO JA - The Spirit of Togetherness. Musical celebration of South African song and dance. By Todd Twala and Thembi Nyandeni; cast of 40 singers, dancers, drummers and marimba players. Aug 3·22. Tues·Sat: 8:00, Wed & Sat: 2:00, Sun: 3:00. Elgin Theatre, 189 Yonge St. 416-872-5555. ~·. JAZZ CONCERT QUICK PICKS: GT A Saturday July DJ 2:00: TD Jazz.lunchtime Series 5:00: TD Jazz. Carlo Actis Dato, saxophone & bass clarinet 8:00: Harbourlront Centre. David Murray and the Gwo Ka Masters. 8:00: TD Jazz • The Bad Plus/Gary Burton Generations Owntet Sunday July D4 2:00: TD Jazz.lunchtimeSen'es:Dapp Theory. 5:00: TD Jazz. York Facuhy Ensemble. 6:30: Harbourfront Centre. Vasy/ Popadiuk 8:00: TD Jazz. Organ Summit. Wednesday July 07 7:30: Artists' Garden Cooperative. Plein Air Salon Concerts: Dati1'e/a Nardi Trio Thursday July 8 9:00: Small World Music. Global Cafe: BembeyaJall. Saturday July 10 1 :00: Small World Music. Global Cafe: MansaSissoko, korap/ayer 3:00: Celebrate Toronto.Swing Rosie 4:30: Celebra.te Toronto. Chn's Bottomley Gp. Sunday July 11 1 :30: Celebrate Toronto. Canada Pops Orch. 2:00: Music Africa. Afrofest 2004: Mansa Sissoko, kora player. 3:00: Celebrate Toronto. George lake Big Band Wednesday July 14 8:00: Hummingbird Centre. Glenn Miller Orch. Thursday July 15 7:30: North York Concert Band Saturday J'!IY 17 8:00: Hummingbird Centre.Dav1if Rudder& Friends· The Rhythm Ri~er Wednesday July Z 1 7:30: Artists' Garden Cooperative. P/e1n Air Sa(on Concerts: Mark Sepic Sunday July 25 7:30: Mellastman Square.Sunday Serenades: Peter Appleyard and His Big Band. Wednesday July ZB 7:00: Artists' Garden Cooperative: Plein Air Salon Concerts: Michael Brown Group. Thursday July 29 7:30: North York Concert Band. Sunday August 01. 7:30: Mel Lastman Square.Sunday Serenades: Jennifer Valentyne. Wednesday August 04 7:30: Artists' Garden Cooperative. Plein Air Salon Concerts: Mli:hae/ Kleniec. Thursday August 05 7:00: To. Al~Star Big Band.DanCJng TtU Dark. Sunday August 15 7:30: Mel Lastman Square.Sunday, Serenades: George lake Band. Monday August 16 12: 15: Music Mondays. autoni:kshaw Thursday August 19 12:00 noon: Nathan Phillips Square. Tasty Thursdays: Starlight Orchestra w. Swing Rosie. Friday August ZO 8:00: Markh,m Jazz Festival. Gala Opening Concert. Saturday August Z1 8:30: Yamaha Canada Music: Special Gala Concert. • Sunday August ZZ 7:30: Mel Lastman Square. Sunday Serenades: Toronto Megacity Swing Band.