9 years ago

Volume 9 Issue 10 - July/August 2004

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  • Festival
  • Toronto
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  • August
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  • Trio

Noel Edison, conductor.

Noel Edison, conductor. ,. SM Venues: 23 8:DD:SoloSummits. Dvorak: Cello Concerto; 17 7:JD: Mozart, Ku/esha, Schumann. Arthur 17 Z:DD: Sound Advice with Rick Phillips. A Amphitheatre !Joliette); AR Church of St. Al· Violin Concerto; Symphony 116. Emmanuelle LeBlanc String Quartet; Festival Winds; Valerie .SJ phonse·Rodriguez, 960 Notre·Dame; CA Church Bertrand, cello; Karen Gomyo, violin; Orchestre Tryon, Yael.Weiss, piano. ·. CW 17 4:DD: Carved by the Sea. Works by Montever· of L'Assomption, 153 Portage; L 1 Church of Laval· Metropolitain; Yannick Nezet·Sliguin, conductor. , 17 8:45:Sunset on the Deck. Ravel, Debussy. di, Weelkes, Debussy, Ravel & Evans. Tact us trie, 1341 Notre·Dame; LL Church of St. Lin· ·, lawn .A Valerie Tryon, piano. Free. CW Vocal Ensemble; Catherine Robertson, piano. Laurent ides, 919-12th Avenue; NOP Church of 24 8:DD: Love and Poetry. Music by Smetana, 17 9:JD: Party Pieces. Works by Martinu, ,. SJ Notre·Dame·des-Prairies, 371 st Avenue; P Chausson, Barber & Beethoven. Anthony Dean Beethoven/Burns, Rossini, Monk. -. CW 17 8:DD: Verdi· Requiem. Barbara Livingstone, • Church of the Purification IRepentigny), 445 No· Griffey, tenor. Montreal Symphony Orchestra; 18 2:00: Classics/. Buxtehude, Brahms, soprano; Anita Kraus, mezzo; Robert Breault, tre,Dame; SC Church of St-Calixte, 6292 Princi- JoAnn Falkltta, c6nductor. ·, lawn . A Vaughan Williams, Schafer, Washburn. Vancou· tenor; Robert Pomakov, baritone; Elora Festival pale; SGB Church of Ste·G.enevieve de Berthier, 25 Z:OD:At last tour.- Vic Vogel and Johanne ver Chamber Choir. -. CW Singers; Toronto Mendelssohn Choir; Elora Festi· 780 Montcam; SJL Church of St·Joseph-Lano· Blouin. Classical jazz masterpieces, with swing 18 7:30: Class1cs2. Vaughan Williams, Rach· val Orchestra; Noel Edison, conductor. ,. raie, 3 Picotte; SS Church of St-Sulpice, 1095 and blues. -, lawn . A maninoff. Elora Festival Singers, Noel Edison, GB Notre-Dame 26 8:0D: Poems for Voice. Music by Bridge, conductor. Vancouver Chamber Choir, Jon Wash· 18 Z:DD: festival Exchange. Works by Mozart, July: Griffes, Barber, Vaughan Williams. Anthony burn, conductor. -. CW Saint Saens, Robertson/Gault, Beethovenj'ou· DZ 8:DD: The Slavic Soul Rachmaninov & Dean Griffey, tenor. Edward Bak, piano; string 19 7:00: Cruising the Canbbean. Nathaniel Dett lenc. Colin Fox, narrator, Suzanne Shulman, flute; Dvorak. Alain Lefevre, piano; James Westman, quartet. . NOP Chorale. $'30. TD James Mason, oboe; James Campbell, clarinet; baritone; Measha Brueggergosrnan, soprano; 27 8:00: The Div1iw Mozart. Mozart: Lieder. 20 7:30: Mozart, Mendelssohn; Brahms. Zucker· James Sommerville, horn; James Mackay, Robert Pomakov, bass & other perfonners Suzie LeBlanc, soprano; Yannick Nezet·Seguin, man Chamber Players. -. CW bassoon; Valerie Tryon, pi~no. ,. SJ -, lawn A piano. . SC 21 lZ:OOnoon:Noonsounds. Rossini, Bottesini, 18 4:00: Andre Laplante, piano. Schubert. DJ 8:0D: Baroque Virtuosliy. Handel: opera arias 30 8:00: The Epitome of Piano Playing. Chopin: Gliere, Brahms. Denise Djokic, cello; David Jal· ,. SM & other music. Vivica Genaux, voice; Les Violons Scherzos /Is 1-4; Liszt: Sonata in b. Yundi Li, bert, piano; Joel Quarrington, double bass. · 21 7:0D:RandyBachman. . EG du Roy; Bernard Labadie, conductor. -, piano. -, lawn . A . cw Z 18:00: Elora Festival Competition. , . lawn . A J 18:30: The Blue Planet. Music by Fenton. Les Z 1 8:DD: Mozart at Manitou. Marie Berard, vio- SJ 04 2:00: Serenade to the Sun: Serenades by Suk Petits Chanteurs de Laval, Gregory Charles, lin; Guylaine Lemaire, viola; Julian Annour, cello; ZZ 6:DO: Choral Evensong. Michael Bloss, organ; & Dvorak. Marie-Andree Benny, flute; Sinfonia director; Cha'rles Tisseyre, narrator, Montreal James Mason, oboe; George Zukennan, bas- Elora Festival Singers. Collection. SJ cle Lanaudiilre; Stephane Laforest,.conductor. Symphony Orchestra; George Fenton, conductor. soori. IM ZZ 7:0D:Spirit of the West. Celtic folk-pop band. -, lawn . A -, lawn . A ZZ 1Z:OOnoon:Noonsounds. Mozart, Haydn/ $10.EG 05 8:0D: lnvliation au voyage. French, Spanish August Salomon, Tomasini, Reicha. Festival B.aroque; ZZ 8:00: Two Pianos & Choir. Mozart, Arensky, and American songs. Measha Brueggergosrnan, 01 Z:OD: The Montreal Jazz Big Band: a Festival Festival Winds. -. CW Schubert. James Anagnoson & Leslie Kinton, soprano. . AR Classic. Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker Suite !arr. ZZ 3:00: Masterclass. Stanley Ritchie works r piano duo; Elora Festival Singers. ,. SM 06 8:00:Moza'rt andDtherDelights. Music by · Ellington); Gershwin: Porgy and Bess larr. Davis with Trio di Colore on Mozart Trio fordarinet, 23 8:0D: Nexus percussion ensemble; Elora Pentaedre, Reicha, Mozart, Ravel, Poulenc. & Evans). Bill Mahar, trumpet; Philippe Hudon, viola & piano. CW FestivalSingers. ,. GB Daniele Bourget, flute; Martin Carpentier, · conductor. ·, lawn . A ZZ 7:30: Classics 4: Baqh/Brahms, Mozart/Hum· 24 2:00: Madawaska Stnng Duartet. Works by clarinet; Nonnand Forget, oboe; Mathieu Lussier, OJ 8:00:Stuttgart Chamber Choir. Works by me/, Brahms/Baron. Rian de Waal, Glen Mont· Volans, Evangelista, Dvorak, Gzowski. bassoon; Louis-Philippe Marsolais, horn; Naida Scarlatti, Berlioz, Mendelssohn, Wolf, Mahler, gomery, piano; Festival Winds; Julian Annour, ,. SJ Cole, piano. . LL Debussy, Ravel & Rachmaninov. FriederBernius, ·cello; Guylaine Lemaire, viola. -. CW 24 4:DD: Mannheim. Works by Stamitz, Mozart, 09 8:00: Violin-fest. Angele Dubeau, La Pieta & conductor. . CA 23 1 Z:OOnoon: Nodnsounds. Bach, Marini, Cas· J.C. Bach. Colin Fox, narrator, Suzanne Shulman, guests Phillipe Dunnigan, Stephane Allard, Ser· tello, Telemann, Corelli. Festival Baroque; flute; James Mason, oboe; Julie Baumgartel, gei Trofanov & Ray Legere -, lawn A FESTIVAL OF THE SOUND Stanley Ritchie, violin. ,. SJ violin; Patrick Jordan, viola; Margaret Gay, cello; 1 D 8:00: Dawn at Dusk: Dawn Upshaw and the P airy Sound 0 N 23 4:DD:Discovery /:Schumann, Clarke, Kurtag, Michael Jarvis, harpsichord. ,. SJ DSM "On Broadway''. JoAnn Falletta, conduc· 1·866·364-0061;705-746·2410 Fran~aix. Trio di Colore: Guy Yehuda, clarinet; 24 8:00: Glonous Baroque. Pergolesi, Stabat tor -, lawn A; Yuval Gotlibovich, viola; Jirrvny Briere, piano . . Mater. other works. Emma Kirkby, soprano; 11 2:00: The Essence of Peru. Traditional music . cw Danie.I Taylor, countertenor. Theatre of Early & dances of Peru. Esencia del Peru & Mandinga. Tickets as indicaled; Festival Pass 0-5; 23 7:JD: ClaSSJcs 5: Bach/Busom; Haydn, Mo- Music. ,. GB -, lawn A · Silver Ticket !July 17only) -; Week I Pass zart. James Campbell, clarinet; Rian de Waal, 25 Z:OO:Bach. Colin Ainsworth, tenor, Daniel 1 Z 8:00: Dvorak for Stnngs. Music by Dvorak & !July 20 -July 25) 0-5; Week II Pass piano; Festival Orchestra; students of Strings Lichti, baritone; Elora Festival Singers; Matthew Janacek. Vlach Quartet with Nicolo Eugelmi, (July 28 -August 1 I 5-5; Week Ill Pass Across the Sky. -. CW Larkin, organ; Festival Chamber Players; Noel viola. P . 1August4·8)5-0.00) 24 H :OOam: Klifsounds. Joblin: 0 nee Upon a Edison, conductor. ,. SM 1 J 8:DD: Dvorak 1n America. Chamber music of Venues: Crazy Time. Children from Lime Light Theatre 25 4:DD: Paris. Stravinsky, Milhaud, Ravel. Colin Dvorak. Vlach Quartet & Gryphon Trio. SS CW Charles W. Stockey Centre for the Perfonn· Productions' daycamp perfonn. Free. CW Fox, narrator; .Kimberly Barber, mezzo; Les Allt, 15 8:00:Dvorak a.mong Fnends. Dvorak: String ing Arts; CD Chippewa Dock (MV Chippewa); 24 2:00: A Family Affair. Rossini, Saint Saens, flute; Peter Shackleton, clarinet; Julie Baumgar· Sextet; Gypsy Songs; Piano Quintet Op. 81. SJ St. James United Church; TD Town Dock Mozart, Weisgarber. George Zukennan, James tel, violin; John Helmers, cello. ,. SJ Marina Shaguch, soprano; Ekaterina Derzhavina (Island Queen); IM Inn at Manitou MacKay, bassoon; Glen Montgomery, piano. 29 6:00: Choral Evensong. Matthew Larkin, & Stephane Lemelin, piano; Vlach Quartet; Clau- July: ,. cw organ; Elora Festival Singers. Collection. SJ ' del Quartet & other perfonners L 16 7:JO:GalaDpemngConcert. Burrit, Grieg, 24 7 :3 D: Classics 6: Anton K uerti & Fnends. 29 8:DO:Shakespeare'sSongbook. Toronto 16 8:DD: Youth and Romanticism. Music by Dvo· Dvorak. David Jalbert, piano; Hunstville Festival Kuerti, BralYTis, Beethoven. Anto~ Kuerti, piano; Consort. ,. SM ' rak, Suk & Liszt. Ryu Goto, violin; Orchestre Orchestra; Kerry Stratton, conductor. . CW, Kristine Bogyo, cello; Andre Moisan, clarinet. 30 8:00: Cannina Burana. Vocal soloists, piano, Metropolitain du grand Montreal; Yannick Nezet · 17 7:45am:A Morning on the Bay. Haydn, Mo· -. cw percussion, Elora Festival Singers. ,. GB Sliguin, conductor. -, lawn A zart, Horvvood, Beethoven. Arthur LeBlanc 25 2:00: Classics 7: Anton K uerti & Fnends. 31 4:00: Dusseldorf. BralYTis, C. Schumann, R. 17 8:00: Memories of Foreign Lands. Music by String Quartet; Festival Winds. MV Chippewa Beethoven, Czerny. AntonKuerti, piano; David Schumann, Joachim. Jeremy Bell, violin; Jeanie Smetana, Chopin, Janacek & Respighi. Pierie- takes passengers to a private island for concert. Jalbert, piano; SIYTiuel Ashkenasi, violin. - Chung, piano. ,. SJ Laurent Aimard, piano; Montreal Symphony CD . cw 311:JO:FromGennany. Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra; Jacqueslacombe, conductor. - 111Z:JO:Schubert, Chopin, Gbck, Ravel Arthur 25 7:00: Cruising the Danube: Vienna to Buda· Choir, Frieder Bemius, conductor. Scarlatti, , lawn A LeBlanc String Quartet; David Bourque, clarinet; pest. Mark Dubois, tenor, Glen Montgomery, Debussy, Ravel, Mahler. , .. SM 18 Z:OD: Homage to Django Reinhardt. Fortin· Paul Brodie, saxophone; Denis Brott, cello; Erica piano; Emperor String Quartet. . TD J 11 D:DDpm: Buster Keaton: Seven Chances. Leveillli·Donato-Nasturica Quartet. -, Goodman, harp; Mark Kaplan, violin; Glen Mont· 27 7:DO: Cruising the Grand Banks. Shores of Silent film, William O'Meara, organ. . SJ lawn11 A gomery, piano; otherperfonners. ·. CW Newfoundland, "'downeast"band. . TD August 19 8:0D:DvorakatHome. Music by Dvorak & 17 2:3 D: A family concert featunng 'The Goal" 2812:00noon.Noonsounds. Liszt, Schubert. 01 2:0D & 4:00: The Church in Song. John Suk. Marina Shaguch, soprano; Ekaterina by Robertson/Dault. Colin Fox, actor. Festival Andre Laplante, piano. ·. CW Fraser, narrator. Elora Festival Singers; Tom Derzhavin & Stephane Lemelin, piano; Karen Winds; Russell Braun, baritone; Carolyn Maule, 28 7:30: Classics 8: Schubert: Winterreise. Rus· Fitches, Matthew Larkin, organ; Noel Edison, Gcmyo, violin; Nicolo Eugem, viola; Emmanuelle piano. ,. CW sell Braun, baritone; Carolyn Maule, piano. · conductor. ,. SJ Bertrand, cello; Quatour Claudel SJL 17 J:JO:Schubert, Janacek, Beethoven. Arthur . cw ZD 8:DO: Dvorak the Folklorist. Dvorak: Moravian LeBlanc String Quartet; Denis Brott, cello; 29 1 O:JOam: Coffee Talk. Rian cle Waal discuss· Festival de LANAUDIERE duets; Violin Sonata; Dumky Trio. Ekaterina J

Maule, Andre Laplante, Richard Raymond, piano. -. cw 29 ID:DDpm:AfterHours. Chopin: Nocturnes. Rian de Waal, piano. . CW 3D IZ:DDnoon:Noonsounds. Kreisler, Wieniaw· ski, Mozart, Paganini, Sarasate. Moshe Ham· mer, viorin; Richard Raymond. piano. -. CW 3D 4:DD: Discovery 2: Hatzis, Smith, lutoslaw ski Alain Trude!, trombone; Joseph Petric, ac· cordion; James Campbell, clarinet. . CW 3D 7:3D:Classics IO:Sinding, Brahms, Dvorak, Wieniawski, Sarasate. James Ehnes, violin; Eduard Laurel, piano. -. CW 312:DD:A Family Affair. Trudel: The Perfect Cake, opera for instn.mentalists, narrator & sock puppet's; DiNovi: Alice in the Orchestra. ,. cw 317:3D:JazzCanadaSounds. 040ctet. · . cw .August DI 12:3D:Coffee Talk. CBC'sAdrianShtrnan discusses the history of the Canadian Dance Band. Free. CW DI Z:DD:EUington/Strayhom. Adi Braun, vocalist; Gene DiNovi, piano; james Campbell, clarinet; Alain Trude!, trombone; other performers. · . cw DI 7:3D: Big Band Concert. Ambassadors II per· fonns Miller, Dorsey, Basie, Goodman, Shaw. -. cw D3 E:DD: Gala Dinner & Conceit at Manitou. Haydn, Beethoven. St. Lawrence String Quartet. 0. IM ' D3 7:DD: Cruising the Mississippi Harvey Seigel Dixieland Band. . TD D4 ID:3Dam: Coffee Talk. jeffrey Stokes lee· turns on Shostakovich, Stalin and the Jewish Question. Free. SJ 0412:DDnoon:Noonsounds. Shostakovich, Goli· jov. Borealis and St. Lawrence String Quartets. ,. SJ D47:3D:Classics1 !:Prokofiev, Shostakovich, Mendelssohn. James Campbell, clarinet; Chris Costanza, cello; Luba Dubinsky, piano; Borealis, Lafayette & St. Lawrence String Guartets. · . cw D5 I D:3Dam: Coffee Talk. Jeffrey Stokes, Luba Dubinsky discuss Music Making in the Soviet Union. Free. SJ D512:DDnoon:Noonsouno's. Schnittke, Shostak· ovich. Borealis & Lafayette String Q4artets; Luba Dubinsky, piano. ,. SJ D5 7:3D: Classics 12: Schnittke, Shostakovich, Beethoven. Borealis & Lafayette String Quar· tets; Luba Dubinsky, piano; Jcrnes Campbell, clarinet. -. CW D612:DDnoon.Noonsouno's. Shostakovich, Beethoven. Borealis & Lafayette String Quar· lets. ,. SJ D6 7:3D: 'Classics 13: Chopin: Piano Concertos 1 & 2. Janina Fialkowska, piano; chamber quintet. -. cw D7 7:3D: Manhattan Serenade. Music of Weill, Coward, Kem, Sondhein, Bernstein, Gershwin. Adi Braun, Russell Braun, vocalists; Graham Campbell, guitar. James Campbell, clarinet; other perfonners·. CW D8 2:DD: Classics 14: Mozart, Robertson. Elmer lselerSingers; Lydia Adams, conductor. Borealis and Lafayette String Quartets; James Campbell, clarinet; Gene DiNovi, piano. -. CW D8 7:DD Cruising Georgian Bay. Borealis and Lafayette String Quartets; James Campbell, clarinet; Gene DiNovi, piano; Adi Braun, jazz singer, other performers. . TD )ULY 1 - SEPT 7 2004 GRAND RIVER Baroque Festival 'BuehlowFann, TwpRd.12,AyrON 519-273-4539 July: DI 8:DD: Brandenburg Extravaganza. Bach: Brandenburg Concerti 1 to 6. Grand River Ba· roque Festival Ensemble. (adult/sr). (st). D2 8:DD:lncomparableBach. Bach: Concerto for 3 Violins in D; Oboe Concerto in F; Cantatas BWV 54 & 64. Carolyn Sinclair, soprano; Laura Pudwell, mezzo; Joseph Schnurr, tenor. Ber\ Covey, baritone; James Mason, oboe & other performers. (adult/sr), (st). D3 3:DD: Murder ii la Baroque. Music by Stradel· la, Johnson, Gesualdo, Leclair, Couperin, Lully, Handel. Meredith Hall, soprano; Colin Fox, narra· tor; Linda Melsted, Farran James, violins; Mary Katherine Finch, cello & otherperfonners. (adult/sr), (st). D3 8:DD: Murder Most Foul A.Scarlatti: II Primo Omocidio. Kimberly Barber, Meredith Hall, Michael Colvin, Monica Whicher, Daniel Cabena & other performers. (adult/sr), (st). D3 11 :DDpm: The Mystery Sonatas. Biber. Crud· fixion, Resurrection, Ascension, Pasacaglia. Linda Melsted, Farran James, violins; Mary Katherine Finch, cello; Borys Me_dicky, harpsi· chord; Terry McKenna, lute & theorbo. (aault/sr). O(st). D4 I l:DDam:Bach'sCoffeeHouse. Music by Bach, Handel. Telemann, Vivaldi. Carolyn Sin· clair, soprano; James Mason, oboe; Julie Batrn· gartel, violin; Margaret Gay, cello; Michael Jarvis, harpsichord. (adult/sr), (st). 04 3:DD:J.S. Bach: St. John Passion. Monica Whicher, soprano; Laura Pudwell, mezio; Michael Colvin, tenor. Daniel Lichti, baritone; Grand River Baroque Festival Chorus & Ensem· ble; Victor Martens, conductor. (adult/sr). (st). HUNTSVILLE Festival of the Arts 1-800-663-2787, 705· 788-2787 Venues: DGR Delta Grandview Resort, 939 Hwy 60, Huntsville; TUC Trinity United Church, 33 Main St. East, Huntsville July: D3 8:DD: The Bills. Bluegrass, klezmer, Latin rhytlms. ,$,20, O(youth) DGR 04 8:DD:JasonMcCoy. Country. ,, O(youth) DGR D6 8:DD:Ughthouse. ,, $10(youth)DGR D7 8:DD: Hawksley Workman. , (youth) DGR D8 7:3D:Gryphon Tlio. Mozart: Piavo Trio/12 in G; Hatzis: Dance of the Dictators from Constan· tinople-. Dvorak: Dumky T rjo. , O(youth), (family) TUC D9 8:DD: Natalie MacMaster. East· coast celtic. ,, (youth) DGR . 1D8:DD: KiyoshiNagata Ensemble. Japanese taiko drtrnming. , O(youth) DGR 13 8:DD: Bowser & Blue. Musical comedy duo. ,, O(youth) DGR 14 8:DD: The Piano Men. Jim Witter, performer. ,, O(youth) DGR 15 7:3D: Festival Winds. Music by Mozart, Beethoven, Saint Saens, Poulenc & Robertson/ Dault. Suzanrie Shuman, flute; James Campbell, clarinet; James Mason, oboe; James McKay, bassoon; James Sommerville, horn; Valerie Tryon, piano; Colin Fox, narrator. , O(youth) TUC 16. 8:DD: Emilie-Claire Barlow, jazz vocals; Phil Dwyer, piano & saxophone; Rob Piltsch, guitar. Marc Rogers, bass; Mark Kelso, drums. $.30,, O(youth) DGR 17 8:DD:HuntsvilleFestivalDrchestra. Burritt: Symphonic Overture; Grieg: Piano Concerto in a; Dvorak: Symphony 118 in G. David Jalbert, piano; Kerry Stratton, conductor. ,, (youth) DGR 18 8:DD: Huntsville Festival Orchestra. Rossini: The Barber of Seville. Opera in concert. Marion Newman, mezzo; Craig Ashton, tenor; Alex Dobson, baritone; Charles Baxter, bass; Kerry Stratton, conductor. ,,_ (youth) DGR KINCARDINE Summer Music Festival · Kincardine ON. 866-453-9716, 519·396-9716; Tickets: unless indicated; series jazz con· certs: ; series classical concerts: ; all 13 concerts: Venues: GI Best Western Governor's Inn, 791 Durham St. (Durham & Hwy 21 ); DC Kincardine Hall, Davidson Centre, 601 Durham St.; KP Knox Presbyterian Church, 345 Durham St.; SS Kin· cardine District Secondary School, 885 Park Lane VP Victoria Park August D2 8:DD: Summer Heat: Lisa Martinelli, jazz vocalist. GI D3 8:DD: The Three Horn Monster.· Alex Dean, sax; Mike Malone, trumpet; Dave McMurdo, t'rombone. GI ·04 8:DD:lntetplay:Lome Lofsky, guitar. Brian Dickinson, piano. GI D5 4:DD: Rickfine's Blues in the Park. Free. VP D5 8:DD: Renee Rosnes, jazz pianist & composer. . GI D6 7:DD:JazzStudent Showcase. $10. DC D9 8:DD: Piano Spectacular. Brarms, Chopin, Donizetti & more. David Moroz, Peter Allen, piano; Peter Shackleton, clarinet. KP ID 8:DD: Sunset Serenade. Chamber music by Mozart, Schoenfield, Dohnanyi. Gwen Hoebig, Mark Fewer, Katie Lansdale, violins; Roger Chase, Virginia Barron, violas; Smon Fryer, Dav· id Hetherington, cellos; David Moroz, Peter Allen, piano. KP 11 8:DD: The Kincardine Effect. Chamber music by Bralms, Schulhoff, Allen, Dvorak. Gwen Hoebig, Mark Fewer, Katie Lansdale, violins; Roger Chase, Virginia Barron, violas; Smon Fry· er, David Hetherington, cellos; David Moroz, piano; Peter Shackle! on, clarinet. KP 12 8:DD: The Sounds of Summer.· Chamber mu· sic by Mozart, Kulesha, Brahms. Gwen Hoebig, Mark Fewer, Katie Lansdale, violins; Roger Chase, Virginia Barron, violas; Sinon Fryer, Dav· id Hetherington, cellos; David Moroz, Peter Allen, piano. KP ' 13 8:DD: Sounds Symphonic. Bruch: Romance for Viola & Orchestra. Roger Chase, viola; Festival Staff Orchestra. KP 14 l:DD: Grand Finale Student Concert. . SS 14 3:3D: Chambef Music Student Showcase. $10.KP WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM MARKHAM Jazz Festival 905-471-5299 Venues: MT Markham Theatre, 171 Town Centre Blvd. TPP Toogood Pond Park, behind Fred Varley Art Gallery, junction of Main St., Unionville & Carlton Rd August 2D 8:DD: Gala Opening Concert. Monty Alex an· der, jazz pianist; Hassan Shakur, acoustic bass; Mark Taylor, drtrns - MT 21 I 2:DD noon·&:DD: Alex Pan(1Tlan and her Alleycats; Brian Barlow Brass & Drums; Nick Ali Guban Band with Hilario Duran; Don Thomp· son with David Occhipinti, Pat Collins, .Terry Clarke; Jean Beaudet Trio TPP 22 I 2:DD noon·4:3D: Heather Bambrick; Don Thompson/Aerie Rosnes; Russell Malone/Bennie Green; Heart to Heart Gospel Group TPP (Saturday night jazz & blues in participating pubs and restaurants) MILL-RACE Festival of Traditional Folk Music Events in downtown Cambridge ON 519-621-7135,mill Free acrnission. . July 31J.August I: Scheduled performers and dancers include: Beirdo Brothers, Blair Scottish Country Dancers, Brian Peters, Cold Barn Morris, Crumbly the Clown, DJ Carroll, Enoch Kent, Fearon-Butler· O'Conn~r Irish Dancers, Flapjack, Forest City Morris, Jake, Jeremy Moyer Ensemble, Los Soles, Lyle Friesen & tom Nunn, Magical Molly, Martin Gould & Debbie Quigley, Orange Peel Morris, Paddy Tutty, Rukanas, Stuart Fraser, Swamperella, Sweetwater, Tanglefoot, Toronto Morris Men, Turkey Rhubarb Music at PORT MILFORD Prince Edward County 613-476-7735, Venues: SMM St. Mary Magdalene, Picton; B The Barn, Milford; SBC South Bay Church, Milford July: 16 8:DD: Dance music by Evangelista, Dvorak, Gzowski, Volans & Beach. Madawaska String Quartet & guests: Katharine Rapoport, viola; · John Marshman, cello SMM 1 17 2:DD: Choral, chamber & orchestral works performed by the students B 23 8:DD: Music by Mozart, Shostakovich, Dvo· rak. Chiara String Quartet. SMM 24 2:DD: Choral, chamber·& orchestral works performed by the students SBC 3D 8:DD: Music by Mozart, Felcrnan, Beethoven, Mendelssohn. Kirby String Quartet. SMM 31 2:DD: Choral, chamber & orchestral works performed by the students B · August D6 8:DD: Choral, chamber & orchestral works perfonned by the students SMM 13 8:DD: Music by Mozart, Schulhoff, Arenski, Borodin. Marie Berard, Rohan Gregory, Angela Rudden, Susan Gagnon, Roberta Janzen, per· tanners. SM M 14 2:DD: Choral, chamber & orchestral works performed by the students SBC MUSKOKA LAKES Music Festival Port Carling Memorial Conmunity Centre 3 Bailey St., Port Carling ON 1-888-311-2787 or 705-765-1048 info@artsinmuskoka.c001; www.artsinmuskoka.c001 Single tickets: ; season pass: 5; double pass: 0 Tuesday Night Jazz Cruises: Port Carling Locks, Wenonah Steamship, July: 13 7:DD: Tuesday Night Jazz Cruise: Swing de Paris. CONTINUES NEXT PAGE 49

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