QUODLIBET , CONTINUED F~OM PAGE 14 a theme by Benjamin Britten for piano quintet is performed on November 24, 25, 26 and 27 in Toronto, London, Waterloo and Guelph respectively. A BRIEF LOOK ATlHE MONTI-l It is hard to imagine music without J.S. Bach, and yet his music was rar-ely performed after his death until Felix Mendelssohn began to include it in concert programs in 1829. A propos of Bach, Britten in his Aspen Award Speech suggested, "There should be special music made and played for all sorts of occasions ... even presentations of awards! I would have been delighted to have been greet~d with a special piece composed for today! It might have turned out to be another piece as good as the cantata Bach wrote for the Municipal Election at Mtihlhausen ...! Some of the greatest pieces of music in our possession were written for special occasions, grave or gay." The life of Bach, who wroie so much music for particular occasions, will be explored from the point of view of Mrs. Bach, with tongue in cheek by cheeky (but good) soprano, program will include some rarely Mary Lou Fallis and Tafelmusik heard music, including The Sufferon November 9. ings of the Unfortunate Marie Anfo- The Toronto Symphony Or- inette, a rediscovered melodrama by chestra will perform a work by a. Dussek with dialogue for two accomposer, who like Benjamin Brit- tors written by Ilana Zarankin and ten was a virtuoso pianist who fre- performed by SouJpepper founding quently performed his own works. members Nancy Palk and Joseph The composer is Sergei Rach- Ziegler. maninoff and the work, the Pjano Also on Sunday November 2 in Concerto #3, which will be played the afternoon, there will be a celeby Boris Berezovsky and conduct- bration of the Russian novelist, Lev ed by Thomas Dausgard on Novem- Nikolaevich Tolstoy, consisting of ber 5 & 6. The concerto, one of the a lecture, a concert and an art exhimost difficult in the repertoire, was bition at Walter Hall. The lecture first performed in 1909 by the New by Tolstoy's great great grandson, York Philharmonic Orchestra con- Vladimir Ilych Tolstoy will be about ducted by Walter Damrosch with the Tolstoy and his descendants; the composer at the piano. concert will include Beethoven's TSO concertmaster, Jacques Is- Kreutzer Sonata performed by Scott raelievitch and his son, Michael, . St. John and Lydia Wong and exwill perform m1,1sic for violin and cerpts from Prokofiev's opera, War percussion on November 9. This will and Peace performed by Opera Dibe a Koffler house concert, but, con- vision students with pianist John sidering who is performing, it will Hawkins. no doubt be interesting and well-performed. Jacques Israelievitch will YORK REGION OPERA also perform on November 16 at the Another new opera company, York Sound Post, and can also be heard Region Opera, debuts its activities at Off Centre Music's French Salon concert on November 2 along certs in Newmarket and Markham with two "arias and exceq)ts" con with soprano Nathalie Poulin, tenor on November 14 and 28 respectively. Artistic director Cassandra Bourne Luc Robert and of course, pianists Inna Perkis and Boris Zarankin. The has Iaunchetl the new company to provide performance opportunities for the many capable young siIJgers . who are graduating from opera programs and having difficulty finding work in their field. Congratulations to Cassandra on her initiative; let's hope her enterprise takes root and . thrives. On many occasfons in this publication the lack of opportunities for young Canadian singers has been raised as a major problem. It is good to see someone doing something about it. It is probably worth a mention here that a more established company, Opera Ontario, adheres to a policy of hiring only Canadian singers. Please get out and give both these companies your ll!uch deserved support. And speaking of such things, I heard that during the big bicycle race in Hamilton in October, when the city was thronging with visitors from abroad, particularly from Europe, Opera Ontario sold more tickets to visitors to the city than to residents. Evidently interest in bicycle racing and interest in opera are not considered mutually exclusive in other Pai:ts of the world! OK all you music fanatics, get yourself out to a bicycle race .as soon as possible, and bring back a bicycle racing fanatic to an opera! Radio & Press Promotion for Classical Music Artists ·CD Promotion to National Canadian & US. Radio to over I 00 classical stations/shows ·CD Promotion to National Canadian Press & Magazines ·Phoenix Promotions also offers Online Sales of · your classical CD For more information call- 1-800-529-1696 ours o con n • music stands tes 2 complete pages • no heat n • virtually unbreakable • ty • buy direct from the source ~SE>t.Ol!IGHT.COM 1~t ··· ~~11~f1,ry, . trta1Jcfc,,! (:gQ§J. ~~.Jug ;l :Z$ .. ···· ···· MIKROKOSMOS ..... ,··:::·· 3 t 4 Churchill Ave Toronto, Ontario MZR l E7 Canada Tel: (t) 416-224-1956 Fax: (t) 416-ZZ4-Z964 www.mikrokosmos.com We buy your classical LP collection (classical, such as Beethoven, Mozart, Stockhausen) we travel anywhere for good collection NOVEMBER 1 - DECEMBER 7 2003
The Royal Conservatory Orchestra Series FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2003 MAHLER 2 Richard Bradshaw conductor Susan Platts mezzo-soprano Frederique Vezina soprano Toronto Mendelssohn Choir Mahler Symphony No. 2 in C Minor, "Resurrection" 8:00 pm George Weston Recital Hall, Toronto Centre for the Arts 416.872.1111 I ..&. I Canadian Patrimoine "'!"" Heritage canadien www.rcmusic.ca ~ torontdartsbouncil An arm·s lengui body ol !he Cily ot Tororuo The Glenn Gould School is supported by funding from the Department of Canadian Herilage through the National Arts Contribution Program Artists of the Royal Conservatory ARC presents a weekend of music and lectures based on the experiences of composers who either lost their lives in, survived, or were affected by the eve-nts of the Holocaust. MUSIC REBORN II SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2003 Featuring the music of Laks, Haas, Berman, Ullmann, and Weinberg 8:00 pm Mazzoleni Concert Hall, Royal Conservatory of Music 416.408.2824 ext. 321 MUSIC REBORN IV SUNDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2003 Featuring the music of Schulhoff, Schoenfield, Smit, and Prokofiev 8:00 pm Mazzoleni ·Concert Hall, Royal Conservatory of Music 416.408.2824 ext. 321 ALSO FEATURED: - . Gottfried Wagner lectures on the effect of his great-grandfather's (Richard Wagner) music. Friday, December 5, 2003, 2:00 pm Satruday, December 6, 2003,.2:00 pm Royal Ontario Museum Theatre (Free with admission to the ROM) For detailed Music Reborn listings please visit our website www.rcmusic.ca / NOVEMBER: 1 - DECEMBER 7 2003 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM
successful. It is difficult to see
away,"' says Cassandra Wilson. when
The Mikado Mar 9, 10, 11, 2004 LAC