9 years ago

Volume 9 Issue 3 - November 2003

  • Text
  • November
  • Toronto
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • December
  • Symphony
  • Musical
  • Arts
  • Composer
  • Choir


COMPOSER COMPANIONS The new music community is rich with activity this November as presenters and ensembles forge further into their seasons, creating a wide range of adventurous opportunities for the Toronto concertgoer. This month, Composer Companions highlights three upcoming new music concerts and continues to give you the opportunity to attend with some of our most accomplished local composers as your own personal audio "tour guide". by Jason van Eyk Early in the month Sounds.treams Canada brings to Toronto an international choral collaboration for the first concert of its 2003 ·Raise Your Voices series. On November 9th at the Metropolitan United Church, the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, conducted by Paul Hillier, and Canada's Elmer Iseler Singers, conduct~d by Lydia Adams, will present a combined program influenced by sacred music. The concert will include a North American premiere from internationally renowned composer Henryk Gorecki, entitled Salve, Sidus, Polonarum, music of the Russian Orthodox tradition, compositions by California-based Canadian composer Melissa Hui and a world premiere performance of a new work by Toronto-based emerging composer Craig Galbraith. Mr. Galbraith's work, entitled Cradle Song, has been specifically commissioned for the forces of both the Estonian and Canadian choirs combined. Based on a poem by William Blake of the same title, and punctuated with lines from Latin motets, Galbraith's latest work musically explores the soft lullaby in juxtaposition with indirect but obvious references to Christ's death present in Blake's text. Local composer James Rolfe, also known for his vocal compositions, has agreed to be the compos- ing journey: "Udo Kasemets is a composer who, after exploring tonal, atonal, and serial music, came to a turning point when in the early 1960's he read the book Silence: lectures and writings by John Cage. This book can be found at the Toronto Reference Library, along with . many other recordings and writings by John Cage. In addition, Udo Kasemets is a regular writer for Musicworks magazine, whose current and back copies can be found at both the Canadian Music Centre, and the ·· music library of the University of Toronto, in the Edward Johnson Building. Recordings of his work are similarly available". Chris Paul er compan- Craig Galbraith Harman and Linda Catlin Smith, ion for this along with local · composers Juliet concert. For more information, visit Palmer and Wende Bartley, have .Soundstreams Canada's website at offered to be composer companions, or call 416- · for this concert. For more informa- 504-1282. tion, visit Arraymusic's website at Quatuor Molinari commercially recorded this complete cycle of. quartets (on the Atma label), and to grearcritical and audience acclaim. Local composer John Oswald, who says he has "known R. Murray Schafer for 30 years now", and emerging composers Bri- Nearer the end of the month, Arraymusic will be delivering a fullevening work by Canadian experimental composer Udo Kasemets. Composer Linda Catlin Smith describes Kasemets as " an inventive composer, dedicated to finding new ways to communicate with sound. His work is very beautiful and very unusual. I fii;id that Udo's approach to making music always opens up my ears to new ways of thiriking and hearing." On November 29th, the Arraymusic ensemble, accompanied by three guest narrators, will take over the Music Gallery to tackle Kasemets' multi-disciplinary performance piece Symphosium . . This concert should be a true adventure for the concertgoer, traveling through Kasemets' diverse inspirations for this work, including Rabindranat)l Tagore in conversation with Albert Einstein, James Joyce's "Thunderclaps" and the Mayan calendar. Local composer Chris Paul Harman offers these tips to help prepare for this, or call 416- 532-3019. an Current and Christien Ledroit, On the last day of the month, New have offered to be composer com­ Music Concerts will present the panions for this concert. For more Molinari Quartet, with guest so- information, visit the NMC website prano Marie-Danielle Parent, in a at, or marathon performance of all eight of call 416-961-9594. For more infor­ R._Murray Schafer's string quartets. mation about the Molinari Quartet The new music community celebrates visit www Mr. Schafer's 70th birthday this year, The Atma recordings of the comand New Music Concerts has pleteSchaferquartetcycleareavailplannetl this concert as part ofa range able through the CMC online at of collaborative celebratory concerts www, by phone, or happening throughout the 2003-2004 in person at Chalmers House (20 St. season. R. Murray Schafer's string Joseph Street). quartets are considered as ranking among his most important works, To book your composer companby virtue of their extraordinary in- ion for these concerts, or for any novations as well as their purely concert of new music in the Toronmusical qualities. They also span a to area, contact the Ontario Region significant period of Schafer • s creative endeavour, the first being com-, of the Canadian Music Centre at pleted in 1970 and the eighth having or by phone at 416-961-6601 x.207 received its premiere in the spring of 2002. Hearing the Molinari Quartet Jason van Eyk is the CMC's Ontario Regional Director. He can be and Marie-Danielle Parent interpret these great works will be a rare treat, reached at 416-961-6601 x. 207 or as thev are the onlv musicians to have \ ' New Music Concerts I Robert Aitken, director 19dm9VW9MNewvember Glenn Gould Studio .' Reservations 4 1 6~ 2 0 5~5555 Monday Nov. 03 • 8:00 Helmut Lachenmann Composer, pianist and narrator Helmut Lachenmann, featuring the Canadian premiere of his ... Zwei Gefiihle... Co-presented with Goethe lnstitut Toronto Sunday Nov. 30 • 3:30 I 8:00 R. Murray Schafer The eight string quartets of R. Murray Schafer, prElsented in two 'concerts by Montreal's acclaimed Quatuor Molinari with soprano Marie-Danielle Parent 22 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM N OVEMBER 1 - D ECEMBER 7 2003

NEWS FROM THECOALITION OF NEW Music PRESENT,ERS by Keith Denning November has been traditionally considered New Musk Month in Toronto. This year is no exception, with our members offering a wide range of intriguing events during the month. New Music Concerts bookends the month nicely with two major concerts. On November 3, they bring the German composer Helmut Lachenmann to Toronto for an evening of his music. On November 30, they're back with a major contribution to Canadian culture, the performance of all eight string quartets by R. Murray Schafer. Both concerts take place at the Glenn Gould Studio. Continuum presents a concert at the Music Gallery on November 6. Titled Reverse Osmosis, the concert previews their upcoming European tour, offering works by C_ameron, Demers, Oesterle, Ayres, Hannan & Harrison. The Music Gallery, with. Two New Hours, will present soprano Stacie Dunlop and pianist Kong Kie Kjo on November 13. Repertoire includes the premiere of a Canadian commissioned work, works by Kurtag, and.more. And on Novem· ber 22, the Glass Orchestra performs at the Music Gallery. Other significant events include Arraymusic's presentation of Udo Kase{Ilets' SYMPHOSIUM: time, truth, beauty, peace, a work inspired by Tagore, Einstein, James Joyce, and the Mayan calendar. It will be presented at the Music Gallery on November 29.· There are, it goes without saying, many other events in this busy month, so do yourself a favour and experience something new. The "Quick Picks" guide following this column offers a handy short-cut to the comprehensive concert listings in the magazine . tional angle, reflecting the goals of many of the Coalition's member groups. Many of our members have educational outreach programs, doing such things as performing in schools, offering classes and seminars, and offering discounted CheapSeats tickets to students for our regular ·shows. In keeping with our interest in music education this year, the Coalition will have .a presence at the annual meeting of the Association of Music Educators. This month also brings us the debut issue of M[a]Gizone, a newmusic magazine published by the Music Gallery Institute. In it, you will find articles such as. Scott Wilson's "New Music ... Why Bother?", an enjoyable look at the attitudes that surround new music today, and David Olds' overview of our new music culture entitled "Toronto's New Music Scene". Finally, November sees significant progress in the launch of the newly redesigned website torontohearandnow .com, which will serve as the official Coalition website. November is a big month indeed! NEW Music Qu1cKP1cKs compiled by Davili Olds the codes: NNN - thoroughly contemporary NN - some serious contemporary NI - new/improvised music For details of these listings consult the Comprehensive Concert Listings commencing on page 35. Additionally, the website ~ontains details of all these, as well as dozens of additional listings coded . N (at least some contemporary repertoire), N? (insufficient information, but probably newl. Saturday November 01 NNN 8:00: Oratorio Terezin. In other Coalition news, we have NN 8:00: Toronto Mendelssohn Youth Choir. launched our Directory, an initia- NNN 9:00: Rough Idea. Gert-tan Prins. Sunday November 02 tive spearheaded by Barry Prophet NNN 3:00: Oratorio Terezin. of the· Music Gallery Institute. Monday November 03 This directory will be distributed NNN 8:00: Goethe lnstitut Toronto/New Music to schools and will be widely avail- . Concerts.Helmllflachemnann able to the public, giving informa- Thursday November 06 tion about new music, the Toron- NNN 2:00:JaliskerPlayers.Spir#Dreaming. to New Music Coalition, and its NNN8:00:Continuum.Reverse0smosis. members and associates. NN8:00:MusicToronto.BrentanoStmgOua11et Friday November 07 If you are interested in getting NNN 7:30: soundstreams Canada/CBC Radio . copies, please contact me at Two.EstonianPhil!UJrmonicChamberChoir. The directory has a distind educa· NOVEMBER 1 - D ECEMB ER 7 200 3 NN 8:00: Eros Cllamber Music Toronto. CONTINUES NEXT PAGE WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM A T a T • G I 0 R G 5 T M S MARTYR 2003/04 season continues ... Sunday November 9 . STACIE DUNLOP (soprano, all-premiere programme!) The Composer Now series 8PM regular/ member/ student + senior Tuesday Novembe~ 11 AROS (Dutch/Canadian avant-jazz) What The Dutch/What.Next series 8PM advance/_ door Saturday November 22 GLASS ORCHESTRA The Composer Now series 8PM regular/ member/ student + senior Sunday November 23 - Members' Night LAKSHMI RANGANATHAN (veena player) Master Musicians from the East 8PM regular/ member/ ~~~-- student + senior ' , .~ Sunday November 30 ARISING PHOENIX: AMANTA SCOTT + DAVID TOMLINSON (sound sculpture performance) , Fresh Ears family series 3PM /person (ages 7 + up) Free Lunch Music ; ·~ Free concerts every Wednesday from 12:30 to 1:30pm Presented by The Music Gallery Ii:istitute ancj St . George the Martyr November 5 - Parish Concert Series DAN KERSHAW (singer-songwriter) November 12 - Parish Concert Series · MAX WOOl.AVER (singer-songwriter) November 19 - Parish Concert Series CHRIS McKOOL + KEVIN LALIBERTE (violin + guitar) November 26 - Inventors & Innovators ALLISON CAMERON (amplified objects) RENT. The 'Music Gallery The atmospheric, flexible, barrierfree 150-capacity St. George~the- · Martyr Church is available for rehearsals, recordings and performances. See our Space Rental/Equipment page at for details, or contact. Clarissa DeYoung at 416-204- 1080 to book. The Music Gallery co -ordinates: 197 John St., Toronto ON, MST 1X6 box: 416-204- 1080, web:

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)