LECTURES/SYMPOSIA, etcetera, continued pects ofTheodor Adamo's aesthetic and cultural theories with regard to his thinking in the area of music. 163 King St. West. 416·416·593·5257 xl 6. (In conjunction with 7:30 concert - see daily listings.) iAIMYOUR 'VOICE Organic and functional vocal training to gain access to your full range, resonance and vocal freedom. For singers, public speqkers, teachers, clergy, or if you just want to enjoy using your voice! Sue Crowe Connol 416-429· 7658 .. . . musicians by a . . musician Endurance • Breath Posture • Muscle Release *December 5 2:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. History, Family and the legacy of the Third Reich: The Wagner Paradigm. Lecture by Gottfried Wagner, musicologist and great·grand· son of Richard Wagner. ROM Theatre, 100 , Queen's Park. 416·408·2824 x321 . Free. *December 6 2:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. From Wagner to Hitler. Lecture by Gott· fried Wagner, musicologist and great·grandson of Richard.Wagner. Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park. 416·408·2824 x321 . Free with admission to the ROM. *December 6 5:30: Royal Conservatory of Music. Jewish Musicians and their Music In Nazi Germany and Beyond. Lecture by Prof. Michael Kater. Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416·408·2824 x321. Free. *December 7 1:00: Royal Conservato.ry of Music. The Music of Terezin, BBC Oocumenta· ry. Film. ROM Theatre, 100 Queen's Park. 416· 408·2824x321. Free. MASTER CLASSES *November 6 9:30am: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Piano master class with Marc Durand. Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416·408·2824 x334. Free.' *November 7'9:00am: Music TOronto/RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Violin master class with Mark Steinberg. Recital Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408·2824 x334. Free. *November 7 9:00am: Music Toronto/RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Cello master class with Nina Marie Lee. Remenyi Room, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408·2824 x334. Free. *November 7 9:30am & 2:00: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Piano master class with Marc Durand. Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416·408·2824 x334. Free. *November 710am & 2:00: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Voice master class with Stuart Hamilton. Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416·408·2824 x334. Free. *November 7 1:00: RCM Glenn Gould Pro· . fessional School. Violin master class with 'Martin Beaver. Recital Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416·408·2824 x334. Free. *November 7 time tba: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Clarinet master class with Yehuda Gilad. Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408·2824 x334. Free. *November 8 9:00am: RCM Glenn Gould Professioqal School. Violin master class with Martin Beaver. Remenyi Room, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408·2824 x334: Free. *November 8 time tba: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Clarinet master class with Yehuda Gilad. Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408·2824 x334. Free. *November 14 2:00: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Piano master class with John Perry. Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416·408·2824 x334. Free. *November 14 5:00: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Violin master class with Christian Tetzlaff. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416·408·2824 x334. Free. *November 18 time tba: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Piano master class with Leon Fleisher. Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. ·416·408·2824 x334. Free. *November 19 2:00: Wilfrid Laurier Uni· versity Faculty of Music. Voice masterclass with Frederica von Stade. Maureen Forrester Recital Hall, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo. 519·884·1970x2150: ,. *November 19 time tba: RCM Glerin Gould Professional School. Piano master class with Leon Fleisher. Location tba, 27.3 Bloor St. West. 416-408·2824 x334. Free. *November 2110am & 2:00: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Voice master class with Eleanor James. Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416·408·2824 x334. Free. ' *November 27 9:30am: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Piano master class with Dr. Katarina Bulat, Chiropractor Clinic: Back in Motion 1370 Danforth Ave. Tel: 416-461-2225 Private Practice: Sign up now at The North Toronto Institute of Music • NEW! Jazz Program • NEW! Scene Study and Acting • Private Lessons & Theory Classes • Pre-School classes Musical instruction by highly qualified teach in the heart of Toronto Established 1981 OUR PRICE= MUSIC TO OUR CUSTOMERS' EARS YAMAHA DIGITAL PIANOS ELECTRONIC KEYBOARD I GUITARS ALSO USED PIANOS (uPRIGHTS & GRANDS) LESSONS• SERVICE• TUNING ACCESSORIES• BOOKS VISIT OUR SHOWROOM www.academy of music.416 416-924-7499 !~ 499 COLLEGE ST. ; ···· ·· .. · (2 BLOCKS WEST OFF BATHURSl] • ST. MICHAEL'S CHOIR SCHOOL High School Admissions Information Night , Wednesday November 12, 2003 at 7pm 66 Bond St, Toronto for information contact: Domnic Melino, principal - (416) 393-5518 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM N OVEMB ER 1 - D ECEMB ER 7 2003
Jimmy Briere. Mazzoleni Conceri Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416408-2824 x334. Free. *November 28 9:30am: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Piano master class with Jimmy Briere. Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416408-2824 x334. Free. *November 28 1Dam: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Cello master class with Thomas Wiebe. Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824 x334. Free. *November·28 2:00: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Piano master class with Andre LaPlante. Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824 Ji334. Free. *November 29 9:00am: RCM Glenn Gould Professional School. Cello master class with Thomas Wiebe. Location tba, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824 x334. Free. •December 1: Music Toronto. Citizen Master Class. Adult amateur pianists, violinists, cellists & chamber groups play for The Gryphon Trio. To participate, send one paragraph about yourself to admin@music·toronto.com, or call 416-214- 1660. AAA+ OPPORTUNITY with Toronto's newest dance orchestra! limited openings for vocals, violins, piano, guitar, bass, drums, saxophones, trombones and trumpets. Visit our website at www.stariightorchestra.ca or contact Andrew today • at 416-712-2555. ACCOUNTING AND INCO"E TAX SHVICE for small business and individuals, ,to save you time and money, customized to meet your needs. Norm Pulker, B. Hath. CHA. 905-717-5421 or 905-830- 2985. The ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE enhances performance skills, poise, posture, voice, and confidence. To enjoy a free introductory lesson, please contact Graeme Lynn at 416-964-7026 or www.vitalspark.com ARRAYllUSIC, Canada's leading contemporary music ensemble, seeks a General Hanager. Experience required in grantsmanship, fundraising. book-keeping, marketing, production, general operations. There is potential for growth. Candidates should submit their resume by Nov. 3 to ARRAYHUSI(, 60 Atlantic Avenue Ste. 218, Toronto, ON H6K IX9. lax: 416- 532-9797 1 , The BEACH ARTS CENTRE 416-690-4552. Music Lessons all ages and levels! Exams, performances. Piano Violin Voice Clarinet Trumpet Flute CHORISTERS ;-- Vocal tune-ups for experienced committed choral singers. Improve vocal ability & sight-reading. 416-596-2456. Harbourfront area. brenda.enns@sympatico.ca /hr . C_ONDUCTOI SO_UGHT by the _Hamilton Concert WORKSHOPS tre, 454 Parliament. 416-537· 1018. *November 23 2:00: Fiddles & Frets Mu· *November 12:00: Long & McQuade. /mprov *November 15 2:00: Long & McQuade. sic. All Women's Fiddle Fest. Hands· on sessions -I Can't Get Started! Alex Dean guides the novice The Secrets of Sax. Clinic with Daniel Rubinoff for fiddlers (beginners-intermediate); listening/ · jazz player through numerous approaches to im· will cover the fundamentals of sax playing: tone, discussion sessions. Birch Cliff United Church, 33 provisation. 933 Bloor St. West. 416-588· 7886. technique and articulation. Bring your horn for East Rd. 416-264-2235. Free. this hands-on workshop. 933 Bloor St. West. *November 26 7:30: Toronto Early Music *November 2 1:30: Toronto Early Music 416-588· 7886. Free. Centre. Vocal Circle. Recreational reading of early I Players' Organization. Femke Bergsma, re· *November 22: World on a String. Com· choral music. Ability to read music desirable but not corder specialist, maker & teacher, member of munity Youth Fiddle Project. Learn the art of essential. 166 Crescent Rd. 416-920-5025. Buxus consort. Open to players of recorders, viols Northern Manitoba First Nations Fiddling with (non·members). & other early instruments. Lansing United Church, Anne Lederman. Noon· 1 :00: beginners; 1 :00- 49 Bogert Ave. 416-487-9261. . *November 27 8:00: Toronto Folk Singers 2:00: intermediate students. Cabbagetown Com- Club. Bring your voice and musical instrument (op· *November 22:00:.CAMMAC. Reading of munity Arts Centre, 454 Parliament. 416·537· tional) to share songs. T ranzac, 292 Brunswick. 41 S. Haydn's Creation for singers & instrumentalists. 1018. 537-7422. Sabatino Vacca, conductor. Christ Church Deer *November 22 2:00: Lorig & McQuade. Park, 1570YongeSt.416·421-0779. (non· *December 7 1:30: Toronto Early Music The Doctor is IN! Don Johnson; brass diagnosti· members), (members). Players' Organization. Colin Savage, wind cian, offers one-on-one coaching to brass players specialist Open to players of reed instruments, *November 8 2:00: Long & McQuade. Cello- re: embouchure, tone production and tec~nique, recorders, viols & other early instruments. Lans· The Natural Approach for Any Age. Daniel Domb and will sign copies of his book A Comprehensive ing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416487 · demonstrates techniques for all levels of cellists. Practice Routine foi the Aspiring Brass Player. 9261. . Bring your cello. 933 Bloor St. West. 416-588· Bring your instrument. 933 Bloor St. West. 416· 7886. Free. 588· 7886. Free. *Peter Smith Jazz Workshops. Topics in· elude improvisation, repertoire & ensemble skills. *November 15: World on a String. Communi- *November 23 2:00: CAMMAC. Reading of Any musicians welcome. Mondays 7:30·9:30, ty Youth Fiddle Project. Learn the art of Northern Tchaikovsky's 4th Symphony for instrumental· Nov.10,24, Dec.8,22. Japanese United Church, Manitoba First Nations Fiddling with Anne Leder· ists. Keith Reid, conductor. Christ Church Deer Dovercourt south of Bloor. 416-785-8609. / man. Noon· 1 :00: beginners; 1 :00· 2:00: intermedi· Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-421-0779. (non- session. ate students. Cabbagetown Community Arts Cen· members), (members). (UN)CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Band. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings. For infor- 222-7153 or michaels@yorku.ca SINGING LESSONS Instruction available in the mation contact Dave Pearson, 905-772-5205 or--------------, areas- of musical theatre, jazz, classical and pop. ' dpearson@ionsys.com *LINDA "AGUIRE, "EZZO SOPRANO, seeks Contact Rachelle (dip. music theatre) 416-255-0567 beginn.ing and/or advanced vocal students. Free SOFT CELLO CASE "CUSHY" generous " s1"ze DESITOP PUBLISHER will do page layout • /4 and printing of your newsletter, program, etc.. initial consultation. -416-922-9019. "th ho d · ompartments ·back pack straps WI w an music c • • OR teach you how to do it at home on your PC. divamaguire@hotmail.com www.lindamaguire.com handles · ,like new · 5 · 416 · 926 · 1578 · Patien~ experienced, reasonable rates. TENOR SECTION LEAD required for Leaside United mr.desktop@sympatico.ca "USIC FOi ALL OCCASIONS! Duets, Trios, Ch ur ch • 822 H"ll ood R d Contact Sharon Beck 1 w oa. · Dance Band, Big Band, Background, Centre-stage. stead for information, 416-696-6051. EAi TRAINING, "USICIANSHIP, SIGHT-SING- Classical, Contemporary, Dixieland, Jazz! ]SL Enter- THEORY TEACHER for all RCH theory exams. ING, dictation, rhythmic training, keyboard skills, prises 905-276-3373. Experienced and patient. Also piano/voice lessons. theory (all Conservatory-type subjects, solfa, jazz). All PIAllO LESSONS with qualified and experienced Your house or mine. Karen, 416-425-3779. levels, professional/serious beginners. Detailed study teacher. All levels. RCH exams. CollegelDovercourt VIOLIN LESSONS per hour/SI 5 per half hour. available • J.S.Bach, Renaissance, Jazz. Art Levine,, area. First lesson free. Please contact Harina: tel. All ages and · levels welcome! Call Susie on 416-275- HA. ARCT; Host of 'Tuis is Art" on CBC; RCH Profes- 416-536-2092. 4484. sional School Faculty; Instructor, University of Toronto, PRIVATE "USIC TUTOR available for Theory, etc. 416-924-8613. Visit website: www.artlevine.com History and Voice lessons. RCH prep. Downtown FESTIVAL WIND ORCHESTRA. Community .con- location. Reasonable rates. Cont.act Ron Cheung cert band of above-average calibre seeks new mem- 416-924-0753 or rkmcheung@yahoo.ca bers. Lead alto sax, oboe, bass clarine~ tuba, trumpet The PERFOR"ING EDGE Performance enhanceand percussion players especially welcome! Rehearsals ment training in tension managemen~ concentraon Tuesdays, 7:30-9:30. Yonge & Sheppard area. Pro- tion, goal setting, imagery. Individualized to meet fessio.nal conductor. For more info, visit your performance situation. Kate. f. Hays, Ph.D., www.festivalwindorchestra.com or call Shelley: 416- CPsych., practising clinical and performing arts 491-1683. psychology. 416-961-0487. HAVE YOU EVER WANTED_ TO SING, thought ROB CARROLL jazz and classical guitar instrucyou wouldn't or couldn'~ or do you just want a tion, theory, ear-training. 416-977-3531. place to play with the possibilities of your voice. Small SHAPENOTE SINGING from Sacred Harp 1991. ·groups. 6 • . Johanne, 416-461-8425. , Third Wednesday of eve;r month, i30p.m .. Broad HEINTZ"AN PIANO 1931 type "O" art cabinet view-Danforth area. Beginners welcome. " uuri2ht with bench, .Tuned, appraised . . Hicha~I 416'. P .. ho_ne ...... 41_6-_9_63_-9_05_6. _________.__ _,,==.., .. ",... _, c: "O )> a. 3 Need a musician? Visit www.hireanartist.ca today Are you a creative, innovative artist looking for work? Then we are looking for you! Sign up now & join a network of Toronto's talented artists. Toronto's only online directory of performing artists .NOVEMBER 1 · DECEMBER 7 2003 57
November at the TSO Rachmaninoff's