a thrill for Paul to hear Brian. And it's.the same for me. Ted O'Reilly DISCS OF THE MONTH One soprano and more cellists than you could shake a stick at Solo Piano Richard Whiteman Cornerstone Jazz CRST CD 120 ,.,- :}; .· ... ., ..... ,,>: '" ~'·:. ~·> ,.,
away,"' says Cassandra Wilson. when you're transfixed and your eyes If ol.ll-of it. This album captures the feeling "',.._ bf originals and adventurous covers, picking material by Nefson, Muddy Waters and Abbey Lincoln. "Down South, 111usicians lraveJo be able tdplay, in many different circumstances q.nd in many contexts;" she says. play jazz, they have to integrate the blues; and they have to know country. are kinda blurry sometimes, 'cause that's what everybody want$' IQ hear." ognizea as an umi9uajed vocalist, a · yle and darin earned albtlrns, a Grammy med .l\merica 's Best GREAT NEW JAZZ RECORDINGS DIANNE REEVES A Little Moonlight Following her Gramrny'ytinoing orchesc tral album The Calling: Celebrating Sarah Vaughan, Dianne Reeves wanted to return to a simpler, all-acoustic setting. So in December 2002, Reeves entered the studio to record an intimate collection of ten tunes featuring her touring trio. This is the album that critics and fans have been waiting for Dianne to make, Focused on romantic standards done fn a simple setting, this is the true showcase for her voice. Tracks include I Concentrate On You · Skylark · What A Little Moonlight Can Do · Darn That Dream · Lullabye Of Broadway · You Go To My Head Ron Cartefis atnong the most original, prolific and influential bassists in jazz history. W.ith more than 2500 tracks to his credit .•. lie recorded with m11ny of jazz's " he Golden Striket is) his latest CHUCHO VA.t.Df;S New Conception's Legendary Cuban piario master Chucho Valdes has earned international fame and a devoted audience as an \magtnafive composer 1 vl(tqo~o if!lproviser. commanding bandleader, .and i9valuable . ~qllaborator, lrtnisJa~~strele~$er · Chucho appears.with h}s . q1:1artet.ini!rt Afro•Cuban feast.
November at the TSO Rachmaninoff's
COVER STORY Jennifer Waring & Conti
SNAP SHOTS compiled and edited by D
presents Euphoria · Sunday, Novemb
World renowned tenor Michael Schade