Toronto's Premier Chamber Orchestra infooia oronto NURHAN ARMAN MUSIC DIRECTOR Saturday, Februray 7, 8 pm - Glenn Gould Studio David Jalbert, Pianist Voung People'~ Concert~ for ages 5 to 100 ... • Lawrence Park Community Church, 2 7 BO Bayview Ave. Sundays Feb 1, Mar 28, 3pm , O 416-499-0403 Satur,day, March 27 -Arcadian Court STRAUSS & SWING SOIREE ,I ~ · V A Viennese Gala. Waltzes . ,Jt1 ~~standards by Toronto ,., ~ by Sinfonia Toronto; -t.. '-~ All-Star Big B~nd; ~ CBC pers?nality ' :J Suhanna Merchard, ...., · emcee; six-course gourmet dinner; demonstrations by Toronto Dance, and more. 0 per person. Book before Dec 25 or get a table of 10 for 5 per person! Call 416-499-0403 the Centre in the Square, which is a to perform Messiah (the 2nd persinger's dream, is still regarded as formance in the history of the Peo- Canada's finest, acoustically speak- . pie's Republic) together with the ing. I find that agentS know about K- Kunming Symphony Orchestra. In W for all of these reasons. Ben Hep- 2000, we retillned to Europe as Canpner happens to be a good friend, so ada's representative to Prague, desig-' when we had dinner together back in nated Europe's millennium city of February following one of his Ber- culture. We performed and recorded lioz (Les Troyens) performances at Beethoven's Missa Solernnis. Iri the Met, he remarked that it had been 2002, we were in Russia and Finsome time since he had sung Messi- land, performing and recording the ah. Well, we checked our calendars Brahms German Requiem. Last and discovered that indeed he's avail- summer we were in Prague, Salzable on the 13th and 14th of Dec. burg and Vienna with the Prague Ra- We booked him tout suite!! The oth- dio Symphony Orchestra (Mozart er soloists had already been booked Requiem), and next summer we'll be some time previously. It should be in Portugal and Spain for a series of interesting, to say the least, to hear Haydn's Creation performances. The Suzie LeB!anc, Daniel Taylor, Ben concept has grown a lot in these 9 Heppner, and James Westman, on years! the stage together! -Last, as 1 expect you know, a 2. As far as Messiah's enduring ap- former teacher of yours, HelmµJh peal is concemect, I think sometimes, Rilling, is in town for an ambitious because we do the work so often, Bach Cantata project at U of TJan we lose sight of the fact that it's actu- l2-J7. Any thoughts on or plans for ally a fantastic oratorio, a master- the occasion? piece, and that's why people like to hear it. Of course it's also assumed a All I can say, having studied with kind of iconic status in our society ... Helmuth, and having learned so Christmas just isn't complete for a lot much from him during my student of folks without the annual Messiah days, is that participants are in for the "fix". We're not complaining. ... most intense, exhausting, exhilarating Messiah is always good for box of- experience of their lives. It's somefice sales! thing they'll never forget. Bach, you -Consort Caritatis arose, as 1 un- know, is the centre of the musical universe. Everything revolves around derstand it, out of a 1994 recording him! of the Messiah: Could you have foreseen where Consort Caritatis would be ten years on? ' SNAPSHOT #3 That first Messiah recording project was supposed to have been a one-off project. The choir initially didn't even have a name! But we had such a good time rehearsing and recording, the choir was so dam good, and we sold so many recordings (20,000 plus) and got so much media atten- , tion (Morningside with Peter Gzowski, apd a full-length doc:umentary with Adrienne Clarkson on CBC TV), that we began to think maybe this choir had legs! Then, in late '95, I was invited to take a choir to the Ci.ech Republic, Poland, Hungary and Austria, to do a series of Mozart Requiem performances. And so I decided to reincarnate the choir which by now, at the insistence of Sony Classical (who requested that they be given a chance to market our Messiah recording!), was known as Consort Caritatis. The name is a Latin reference to the fact that we raise funds for humanitarian causes through our CD sales. So, we toured in '96, we were invited back to Central Europe in '98 (Verdi Requiem and Haydn Creation). In '99 we were invited to Kunming, China Johanne Goyette. I am the managing director of ATMA, a cd label established in Montreal almost 10 years ago. That is my official occupation when I go to negotiate a line of credit! However, the way I like to see myself is as a producer and sound designer, somebody who makes a disc exist. Before starting ATMA, I was a musician, piano and Ondes Martenot (that strange beast used by Messiaen CONTINUES 10 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM DECEMBER 1 2003 - FEBRUARY 7 2004
The Royal Conservatory Orchestra · FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2004, 8 PM THE MUSIC Ot WAGNER AND R. STRAUSS Bramwei"I Tovey Gonductor Erin Marie Wall soprano Program to include: Wagner Excerp~s from Der Ringcdes Nibe!ungen R. Strauss Four Last Songs George Weston Recital Hall Toronto Centre for the Arts 5040 Yonge Street 416.872.1111 - . ad~lts, students & seniors The Royal Conservatory of Music presents The Great Artist se·ries FEATURING ACCLAIMED GLENN GOULD S.CHOOL FACULTY SATURDAY, JANUARY 31,2004, 8 PM Leon Fle!sher piano, with Erika Raum violin, Rennie Regehr viola, Bryan Epperson cello . Program to include: ' Cello Sonata in E Minor Brahms Piano Quartet No. 2 ir A Major SUNDAY, FEBRUARY, 29, 2004, 2 PM jim Anagnoson and Leslie Kinton ,piano duo with David Kent percussion and John Rudolph percussi.on Program .to include: Bartok Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion Gershwin Rhapsody in Blue Mazzoleni Concert Hall Royal Conservatory of Music 273 Bloor Street West '"' torontdartsbouncil An arm.':1 long I ll body or Ille C11y of Toronto 4.16.408.2824 ext. 321 adults, students & seniors ••• Canadian Heritage ·www. rcm.usi c. ca DECEMBER 1 2003 - FEBRUARY 7 2004 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM -------- --n
Past Present Future new CD release
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Guay proves that he is one of Canad
POT POURRI Solo Evergreen Club Cont
A similar treat is "The Mystery of
1 sonata Larry Beckwith: - I'm not