9 years ago

Volume 9 Issue 4 - December 2003

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • January
  • Symphony
  • Choir
  • February
  • Musical
  • Arts


EDUCATION FRONT compiled by David Perlman Teach Thyself DEADLINE FOR "You TELL Us" site,, or at 1-soois January 15. by Phil Ehrensaft TEACH-12. (As I'm penning these More and more schools are A bottomless market for self-im- words; all Greenberg music history making regular use of provement tapes, videos and soft- titles are on special, available on CD, WholeNote every month. ware permeates industFial_societies. VHS and DVD as well as cassettes.) We want to know how you Time's a vacuum that we fill with My favourite audio book rental (teacher or student) actually tapes to build our vocabulary, heal outfit in Toronto, Talking Book make use of the magazine. our psyche or listen to literature. World, had a copy of Greenberg's Here's what we'd like. Logging long miles while re- How To Listen To and Understand Not later than January 15 searching rural Canada, led to fa- Opera, so I started there. A fellow write to us (and send by e-mail to tigue with country music stations, guinea pig ,was an invalided friend, and got me hooked on books-on- Junius Scales. His 3000-LP opera describing something that resulted tape. My literacy had pltimmeted collection, books to match, anci . from having WholeNote available since university days, so I started many seasons' subscriptions to the in your school this month. out renting unabridged readings of Met made him a worthy challenge the novels that I didn't have time to for Greenberg or anyone else claimread. Then I moved on to learning ing to have something new to teach Spanish and sundry other ways of Scales! G . h ACADEMY Of Music 58 becoming a Better Person. reenberg passed wit ease. · ACROBAT Music 60 Now I'm working on music, and From his account of the Renaissance ALAN HOWARD am much the happier for it, thanks origins of modem opera, to his final WALDORF ScHooL 54 to The Teachers Company's lectures on Late Romanticism, we ' ALoEBURGHCoNNecrioN (TIC) remarkable courses-on-tape were rapt listeners. Greenberg, as 35, 47, 53 by the composer and historian Rob- a composer, has a profour.d sense ALL THE K1NG's Vo1CES 40 ert Greenberg. of how and why the Vivaldis and AMAoeus CH01R 44,54 Any reader of highbrow periodi- Verdis of this world put notes where ANNO DoM1N1 cals is likely to run across ITC Great they did . As an historian, his se)Jse iiHAMBER S1NGERs 40 LES AMIS 42 Courses advertisements. TTC of how musical strategies were a mir- APPLEBY COLLEGE 48 L1sTME.CA 16 claims to comb North America for ror of the larger society is profound. ARRAYMUSIC 50 the best university professors in a Heady stuff indeed, with an irn- Assoc1ms OF i'HE ToRoNTO SYMPHONY 47 wioe spectrum of fields who then mensely witty delivery to boot. ATMA CLAssiQue 67 record complete courses for TIC. · Now I'm commuting and hiking BAcH CoNsoRr 46 TIC courses cost a pretty penny, through Greenberg's courses on BAROQUE Music but monthly specials offer two-thirds Western Music, the Baroque and Bes1oe THE GRANGE 46 discounts for selected subjects. Beethoven respectively. It should BIS 64 .Specials can be checked at their web make me a Better Musical Person. Need a musician? Visit today Are you a creative, innovative artist looking for work? Then we are looking for you! Sign up now & join a network of Toronto's talented artists. Toronto' s only online directory - of performing artists - · sp~nsored by the Festival· Wind Orchestra E. Grieg - Piano Con'certo in A Minor 0 to be awarded, plus two public performances For details and an application to audition, phone 416-491-1683 Applications must be received by February 26, 2004 Auditions will be held on Sunday, March 28, 2004 BLACK TuL1PAoM1N SERv1ces !lO CANADIAN Music CENTRE 69 . CANCLONE 60 CATHEDRAL BLUFFS .• SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 41, 52 CBC RADIO Two 9 CBC RECQROS 65 CHARLIE GAAY 60 CHRIST CHURCH 0EER PARK 28 CHRYLARK 35, 52 CHURCH OF THE REDEEMER 37 CITY Of TORONTO ARTS & CULTURE 58 ·c1v1c LIGHT OPERA COMPANY 61 CONCERTS AT Sr. GEORGE'S ON-THE·HILL 37 COUNTERPOINT CHORALE 38 CZECH COMMUNITY CENTRE 46 DAVE SNIOER Music CENTRE 23 DEER PARK CONCERTS 49 OEN/SE Will/AMS 59 . EARLY - MUSIC.COM 73 ELMER ISELER SINGERS 36 EMI 77. 79 ESPRIT ORCHESTRA/ New Music CONCERTS 51 EXULTATE CHAMBER SINGERS 40 FESTIVAL WINO ORCHESTRA 34 GARY ARMSTRONG 23 GEORGE HEINL 18 GRACE CHURCH ON· THE· HILL 29 HANNAFORD STREET SILVER BAND 24 HARKNETT MUSICAL SERVICES 29 We will share with our readers interesting ideas submitted, here in the magazine and on our website., · Writers of ideas shared will receive CDs as a token of appreciation. Additionally, one piece of writing will be published in full in the magazine (300-word limit please!) each month, and the writer of that piece will be awarded , payable to the school music program of his or her choice. And if your school is not yet part of the network of schools receiving free delivery of WholeNote each month, phone Sheila McCoy at 41q 928-6991 to arrange it. INDEX OF ADVERTISERS HART House 48 HELICON/AN CLUB 60 H1REANART/ST.CA 34 JAMES SUGG 59 JANET CATHERINE DEA 59 KATARINA BULAT 60 KATHERINE SCOTT 59 K1NGSWAY BAPTIST CHURCH 45 L' ATELIER GR!GOR.IAN 71 LoNG & McOuAoE 22 MIKROKOSMOS 61 MISSISSAUGA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 45; 54 MISSISSAUGA CHORAL SOCIETY 42 MISSISSAUGA FESTIVAL CHOIR 45 . MooREOALE CONCERTS 48 Music ON THE OONWAY 54 Music TORONTO 7, 35, 39,47,48,50,53 NAXOS Of CANADA 63 NEw Music CONCERTS 25,47,51 NEW Music P1ANO RECITAL 43 NORTH 44 ° Vom ENSEMBLE 44 NORTH TilRONTO INSTITUTE Of Music 58 NOTESCAPE VOCAL JAZZ ENSEMBLE 29 OFF CEN.TRE Music SALON 38,49 OPERA IN CONCERT 31 OPERA IS 30 OPERA ONTARIO 15 ORCHESTRA TORONTO 38 ORPHEUS CHOIR OF TORONTO 44 PATTIE KELLY 59 PAX CHRISTI CHORALE 43 PENTHELfA SINGERS 36 PHILIP l. DAVIS LUTH/ER 20 PHOENIX PROMOTIONS 69 RALPH FRASER 61 - Rom CONSERVATORY OF Music 11, 12 RCM Music & BooK STORE 22 RECORDER CENTER 20 REMENYI House OF Music 19 RENAISSANCE SINGERS 42 RICK PHILLIPS Music APPRECIATION 30 RoY THOMSON HAu 3 Rom OPERA CANADA 31, 80 S.R.1.4 SINE NOMINE ENSEMBLE 43 SINFONIA TORONTO 10 • SoLouGHT 61 SouNo Posr 18 SouNOSTREAMS CANADA 53 Sr. ANoREw's CHURCH 38 ST. JAMES' CATHEDRAL 35 Sr. JAMES' CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY 41 Sr. MICHAEL' s CHOIR SCHOOL 19 STUDIO 92 60 SUSAN CROWE CONNOLLY 59 T AFELMUSIK 13 T OREAOOR Music RECORDING FACILITIES 60 TORONTO ALL STAR BIG BAND 29 TORONTO CAMERATA 36 TORONTO CHILDREN'S CHORUS 17 TORONTO CHORAL SOCIETY 39, 61 TORONTO CONSORT 21 ToRONTO MENOELSSOHN YouTH CHOIR 43 TORONTO 0PERETIA THEATRE 2 . TORONTO SCHOOL FOR STRINGS 59 TORONTO S!NFONIETTA 49 TORONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 6 TRINITY COLLEGE CHAPEL CHOIR 52 TRUE NORTH BRASS 69 UNIVERSAL CLASSICS 75 UNIVERSITY OFT ORONTO BOOKSTORE 14 UNIVERSITY OFT ORONTO FACULTY Of Music 8, 52 UNIVERSITY SETTLEMENT Music & ARTS SCHOOL 61 V1vA Voce Voice STUDIO 59 VOCAL ART STUDIO 59 VoCALPDINT CHAMBER CHOIR 39 VOICES 41 WAODINGTON'S AUCTIONEER 16 WHDLENOTE VOLUNTEERS 45 WOMEN'S MUSICAL CLUB OF TORONTO 39 YAMAHA Music 21 ZEN RECORDS 60 DECEMBER 1 2003 - FEBRUARY 7 2004

Welcome to WholeNote's Live Listings Readers . please note: Presenters' plans change; and we occasionally make mistakes! Please always use the phone numbers provided to call ahead. For Concerts Further Afield (outside the GTA) see pages 55-56. For Music Theatre and 01>era Listings see page 56. For Jazz Listings see page 57. CONCERTS IN THE GTA Monday December D 1 -12:10: U ofT Faculty of Music. World Mu· sic Ensembles. Lobby/MacMillan Theatre, 8.0 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. - 7:30: Canadian Opera Company Ensem· hie Studio. Bach: Coffee Cantata; Purcell· Dido and Aeneas. Luc Robert, Peter Barrett, Colleen Skull, Frederique Vezina, Peter McGillivray & • other performers; Jan Willem Jansen, conductor. Imperial Oil Theatre. Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Opera Centre, 227 Front St. East. 416-363· 82~ 1. . For complete run see music theatre listings. *SOLD OUT* - 7:30: LOFT Community Services. 50th Annual Christmas Concert. Guido Basso, jazz trumpet/flugelhorn; Adi Braun, jazz vocals; Ron Davis, jazz piano; Linda Ippolito, piano; Trillium Brass; James Westman, baritone & other per· formers; Christopher Dawes, artistic director. St. James' Cathedral. 65 Church St. 416-979-1994 x233. 0,. To raise funds for supportive housing, outreach & community support services for the homeless. - 7:30: York University Dept. of Music. York University Women's Choir. Barnes: madri· gals; Eatock: Stabat Mater. Alan Gasser, direc· tor; Susan.Black, piano. Mclaughlin Performance Hall, 050 Mclaughlin College, 4700 Keele St. ·416-736-5186. ,. - 8:00: East York Concert Band. Christmas Celebrating the art of song LEAH GORDON soprano PHILIP CARMICHAEL baritone Sponsored by II!] Bank Financial Group DECE MBE R 1 2003 - FEBRUARY 7 2004 Concert. Traditional Christmas music; carol sing· along; selections from the light classics. Ernie Walker, conductor. Blue Danube.Restaurant, 1,686 Ellesmere Rd. 416-266-1958. , chil-. drenfree. - 8:00: Toronto Philharmonia. Excerpts from Donizetti, Bizet, Lehar and Mozart. Michael Schade, tenor; Norine Burgess, mezzo; Kerry Stratton, conductor. Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040,Yonge St. 416· 733-9388, 416-870-8000. -. - 8:00: Toronto Theatre Organ Society/ Kiwanis Club of Cas ~ Loma. Wurlitzer Pops at Casa Loma. Dave Wickerham, organ. 1 Austin Terrace: 416·421-0918. . - 8:00: U of T Faculty of Music. Guitar En· seillble. Jeffrey Mcfadden, director. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. Tuesday December 02 - 12:00 noon: University of Toronto Art · Centre/University of Toronto Faculty of Music. Singing from Medieval Notation. Vocal performance by Sine Proprietate. 15 King's Col· lege ~ircle . 416-946· 7089. Free. - 12: 10: U of T Faculty of Music. Voice Per· formance Class. Songs of the Season. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. - 12:30: York l,lniversity Dept. of Music. Music at Midday: Classical Chamber Ensembles. Woodwind ensemble, Patricia Wait & Sundar .Uth The Faculty of Music University of Toronto YOUNG ARTIS'IS RECITALS· Songs and duets by Bach, Wolf and Britten Tuesday December 2, Sp.m. WALTER HALL Ti ckets / (416) 978-3744 Viswanathan, directors; flute choir, Kim Morris, director; percussion ensemble, John Brownell, director; guitar ensemble, Annette Chretien, direc· tor; string ensemble, Peggy McGuire, director. Mclaughlin Performance Hall, 050 Mclaughlin College, 4700 Keele St. 416-736-5186. Free. - 1 :00: St. James' Cathedral. lunch Hour Concert: Tim Pyper, organ. 65 Church St. 416· 364· 7865. Free. · ' - 7:00: CIBC presents a Ross Petty Pro· duction. Cinderella- The Sparkling Family Musi· calf Performers include Ross Petty, Don Harron, Erin Davis, Jennifer Gould, Adam Brazier & oth· ers; David Warrack, music director. Elgin Thea·. tre, 189 Yonge. 416-872-5555. -, (child). Preview. For complete run see rflusic theatre listings. .- 8:00: CBC Radio's On Stage. Stewart Goodyear, piano in Recital Mozart: Piano Sonata in A K.331; Ravel: Gaspard de la nuit; Barber: Excursions Op.20; Rachmaninoff: Piano Sonata ~2 in b flat Op.36. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416·205·5555. . GILES BRY~NT, Works by Pifttcy Joseph Jongen f MICHAEL Btc> A French Christ MICHAEL BLOSS; organ An Epiphany Ljgh( r. PETER NIKl! ~ rgan St. Peter's Lutheran .,. ~i tch e n er WILLIAM MADD0~~1~ rg an • Yorkminster Pa.rk Baptist, Tor. ALEXANDER J.~dls . piano Handel: Lesson'Jn ~ min or 3 Beethoven soila!as \ :iJ - 8:00: Music Toronto. Gryphon Trio. Martinu: Trio #1 Five short pieces; Ives: Trio; Beethoven: Trio in E flat Op. 70 #2. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. East. 416-366-7723. ,,. - 8:00: U of T Faculty of Music/Aldeburgh Connection. Young Artist Recitals. Leah Gor· don, soprano; Philip Carmichael, baritone; Bruce Ubukata, piano. Waltef Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. ;. Wednesday December 03 - p :30; Yorkminster Park Church. Noon· day Recital· Thomas Fitches, organ. 1585 Yonge. 416·922· 1167. Free. A Celebration of Composer, Pi.anist v\lalter Buczynski We will celebrate Walter Buczynski's l ath birthday after the concert December 7, 200:-J Waller Buczynski, piano pc rl'onns Buch. Bccl hovcn, Buczynski, & Chopin i:ebruary1, 2004 Mark Fewer; violin l'cler Long\vorth, piano perform Mozarl, Buczynski, & Bac·h March 7, 2004 (;rcgory Oh. piano 1 performs 1. layd n, Buczynski & Schumann April 4, 2004 Lorna MacDonnld. soprano Waller Bm:zynski, piano pc1forrn lfondel. Finzi, Buczynski , Rodgers, Ke rn. & (;erslrni n May 2, 204 M•ll'ie Bera rel Qua rlL'l pe rforms Mozurl. Buczynski , & Bni hms /\II performanct's arc he ld on S und a ~ ·s at a :oopm at t he Hclkonia n Hall ;~ !) H a zel t o n Avenue (Yorkville) Tickets , students $ 12 call 416.651.9;380 35

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