- 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. Friday December 12 Beyond the Pale -Klezmer. Fusi~n of east _ 7:30: Humberside Collegiate Institute. European folk styles with North American Annual Christmas Concert. Seasonal favour· bluegrass, reggae & funk. Eric Stein, mandolin, ites by Handel, Anderson, Torme & others. cimbalom; Martin van de Ven, clarinet; Bogdan Student choirs, bands & orchestras. 280 Que· Djukic, violin; Milos Popovic, accordion; Bret bee Ave. 416·393·8122 x20100. ,. Higgins, bass. Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Please bring an item for the food drive. Bloor St. West. 416-408·2824 x321. _ 7:30: Oakville Children's Choir. A Boy , . Was Born. Guests: Elmer lseler Singers. St. - 8:00: Via Salzburg. Christmas Via Salz· John's United Church, 262 Randall St., burg. Biber: Battalia; Mendelssohn: Octet for Oakville. 905·337-7104. ,. Strings Op.20; C.P.E. Bach: Sonata for Glass - 7:30: St. Elizabeth Scola Cantorum & Armonica and Cello; Mozart: Adagio and Ron· Orchestra. Christmas at St. Elizabeth. do K617 for Glass Armonica and Strings; Christmas carols sung in Latin, Hungarian & Bach: Concerto for Two Violins and Orchestra English. St. Elizabeth Church, 432 Sheppard ind. Dennis James. Glass Armonica; The Seil· . Ave. 416·225-3300. ,. er Strings Chamber Orchestra. Glenn Gould . - 7:30: Upper Canada Choristers. With a Studio 250 Front St. West. 416-205·5555. Touch of Brass. Christmas and Hanukkah mu· , $J8(sr), (sl). sic; traditional carols with audience participa· lion. Guests: Toronto Horn Club, Barbara Bloomer, director; Laurie Evan Fraser, artistic director. Salvation Army North Toronto Com· munity Chur~h. 7 Eglinton Ave. East. 416- 256·0510. (advance). (door), child half price. Please bring a donation of non·perishable food for the Salvation Army Food Drive. - 8:00: Anno Domini Chamber Singers. GLORIA: A Festival of Christmas Music. Vivaldi: Gloria; Lauridsen: 0 Magnum Mysteri· um; °Christmas music by Rutter, Darke & oth· ers. Marjorie Sparks & Rhonda Hanson, solo· · ists. Holy Name Church, 71 Gough.Ave. 416· 696·0093. ,. - 8:00: Canadian Singers. In A Christmas Mood. Songs by Coughlan, Berlin, Ambrose & Parry. Montgomery's Inn. 4709 Dundas St. West. 416·394·8113. , (Friends of Etobicoke's Heritag~). Advance registration recommended. - 8:00: Etobicoke Community Concert Band. Tribute to the festive season. Guest: Kathy Thompson, vocals. Etobicoke Com11Juni· ty Auditorium, 86 Montgomery Rd. 416-410- 1570. , (sr), (st), children free. - 8:00: Etobicoke Philharmonic Drches· . tra. Musical Fantasies. Bizet: L' Arlesienne Suite 113; Haydn: Cello Concerto in D; Prokofiev: Lt. Kije Suite Op.60; Christmas medley. Rafael Hoekman, cello; Tak Ng Lai. conductor. 7:00: Silent auction. Humber Valley United Church, 76 Anglesey. 4°16·239-5665. ,. - 8:00: Exultate Chamber Singers. A Giles Christmas in Tales Ill. Christmas reper· toire and readings. Giles Bryant, raconteur;. John Tuttle, conductor. Saint Thomas' Church, 383 Huron St. 416·971 ·9229. , (sr), $l 2(sl). - 8:00: Heritage Theatre. Michelle Wright Holiday Concert. ·A Country Christmas with Michelle. 86 Main St. North, 9rampton. 905- 874·2800. ,. ' - 8:00: neither/nor composers collective ensemble. Works by Priest, Sherlock, Thorpe, Kane, C.Clark, E.Clark, Giesbrecht, Chenaux, Edwards, Barone, Ferster. Dancemakers Studio •. The Case Goods Warehouse, Studio 313, 55 Mill St. 416·504· 2327. . - 8:00: Oakville Centre for the Perform· ing Arts. Na_,talie MacMaster. Cape Breton fiddle. 130 Navy Street. 905·815·2021. '•saLD OUT* - 8:00: Oakville Choral Society. Christmas Baubles! Christmas favourites; carol sing·along. Margaret Evans, guest soloist; J. Bev Stainton, director; lmre Olah, organ. Christ Church, 1700 Mazo Cres., Mississauga. 905· 845-5359. ,. - 8:00: Oueensmen of Toronto Male Chorus. Chri$tmas Concert. Guests: Jonathan Estabrooks, baritone & The Yorkminster Brass. Thornhill United Church, 25 Elgin St. 905-731·9362. . - 8:00: Ouodlibet. 0 Magnum Mysterium. Motets by Poulenc, Hand!, Gabrieli, Morales, Victoria & Byrd; Frenc~. German, English & Spanish carols. Arthur Wenk, director. St. Leonard's Church, 25 Wanless Ave. 416-488- 6235. ,. - 8:00: St. Michael's Choir School. The Voices of Christmas. Carol arrangements by Cable; music by Praetorius, Mathias, Rutter, Bruckner, Watsor. Henderson, Owolabi & Ronan; Susa: Christmas Garland. Brian Rae, Dr. Jerzy Cichocki & Marie-Claire Gervasoni, conductors. Massey Hall, 15 Shuter. 416- 872-4255. .50·. - 8:00: Toronto Consort. The Praetorius Christmas Vespe,rs. Magnificat for triple choir and instruments; Christmas hymns. Guests: Michele De Boer, Paul Grindlay, David Arnot & Kevin Skelton; Toronto Chamber Choir; Dav· id Fallis, artistic director. Trinity-St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St. West. 416·964-6337. ·. - 8:00: Via Salzburg. Christmas Via Salz· burg. Glenn Gould Studio. See Dec 11. Saturday December 13 - 1 :00 & 3:00: Toron.to Star. Annual Carol Concert. St. Paul's Bloor St., 227 Bloor St. East. 416·367-2000. Free. .l_ 0th Anniversary Celebration cxuftate LJOMNTUTTLl.COWDU
- 1 :30 & 3:30: Toronto Symphony Or· 0333. ,, child under 12 free .. chestra. It's a Miracle!-Kids' Holiday Con· - 7:30: Mississauga Festival Youth cert. Robinovitch: Bone Button Borscht; other Choir. Holiday Greetings from Around the works. Finjan, klezmer band; Barbara Budd, World. Royal Bank Theatre, 4141 Living Arts narrator; Gary Kulesha, conductor. Roy Thom· Dr. 905-306-6000. . son Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593-4828. . - 7:30: Oakham House Choir. Beethoven: - 2:00: RCM Community School. Guitar Mass in C; Britten: A Ceremony of Carols. Erin Ensembles. William Beauvais, director: Maz· Bardua, soprano; Margaret Maye, mezzo; Pe· zoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416· · ter Collins, tenor; Robert Gleadow, baritone; 408-2824 x474. Free. Toronto Sinfonietta; Matthew Jaskiewicz, - 2:00: Toronto All-Star Big Band/The music director. Bloor Street United Church, Serenaders. Big Band Christmas Show. 300 Bloor St. West. 4 l 6W9·5000 x6043. Seasonal favourites, holiday story reading, (advance), (door). popular songs, traditional carols. Guests: Ali· - 7:30: Oakville Children's Choir. A Boy son Smith, reader & others. Jane Mallett The· Was Born: St. John's United Church, Oakville. atre, 27 Front St. East. 416-366· 7723. See December 12. .99. - 7:30: Oakville Symphony Orchestra. - 2:00: Victoria-Royce Church. Baroque Family Christmas Concert. Music of the sea· for Christmas. Christmas music by Vivaldi, son & audience carol sing-along. Guests: Tern· Bach & Handel. Mathieu Marcil. counter-ten· pus Choral Society; Roberto De Clara, conduc· or; Genevieve Proulx, soprano; Jenny Grober, tor. Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, piano; Barbara Bolte, oboe d'amore. 190 Med· 130 Navy St. 905-815-2021. ,. land Ave. 416· 769·6'176. Freewill offering. - 7:30: RCM Community School. Vox - 5:00: St. James' Choral Society. Family Continental Linda Eyman, director. Chapel, Messiah and Carols. Part 1 of Handel's Messi· Royal St. George College, 120 .Howland. 416· ah.with soloists and orchestra; Christmas 408,2824 x474. Free. carols, Christmas anecdote. Michael Bloss, - 7:30: Toronto Chinese Youth Orches· artistic director. Cathedral Church of St. tra. Christmas Concert. Humperdinck: Prelude James, 65 Church St. 416-366:1728, 416· to Hansel & Gretel; Vivaldi: Concerto Grosso 364-7865. ,. ind; Schumann: Spring Symphony & other - 7:00: Rainbow Voices of Toronto. Gifts music. Guest: Markham Chinese Baptist We Bring. St. Luke's United Church, 353 Sher- . Church Children's Choir; Tak-Ng Lai. music bourne St. 416-944-2611. ,, acconi· director. Bond International College, 720 Midpanied children free. land Ave. 905-887-7828. . - 7:30: Alexander Singers. Seasonal Con· - 7130: Weston Silver Band. Annual cert: Handel: excerpts from Messiah; songs, Christmas Concert. Larry Shields, director. carols, sing-along, opera arias. Angela Ha· Central United Church, 1995 Weston Rd. 416- waleshka, coneductor. Celebration Presbyteri· 253-9422. , O(sr/st), child 12 & under an Church, 500 Ooldstream Ave. 416· 785· free when accompanied by an adult. Family Messiah {Part 1) & Carols ST. JAMES' CATHEDRAL CHORAL SOCIETY 5:00 p.m Saturday, December 13th Come, sing carols with us Tickets / Cathedral Gift Shop Ph: 416-364-7865 - 8:00: Acclarion. Candy Cane Classics. Lighthearted Christmas favourites and works by Faure, Bizet, Brahms, Monteverdi and oth· ers. Becky Sajo, clarinet; David Carovillano, accordion. Calvin Presbyterian Church, 26 Delisle Ave. 905· 793· 7697. ,(kids 1 O under);.,(advance). - 8:00: All The King's Voices. Songs of the Season. Soloists; David J. King, conductor. Willowdale United Church, 349 Kenneth Ave. 416-225-2255. ,, (child). - 8:00: Brampton Concert Band. Winter Holiday. St. Paul's United Church, 30 Main St. South, Brampton. 905-451-017 4. - 8:00: Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Or'. chestra. Opera arias by Verdi, Puccini & . Bizet; Wagner.: Tannhauser Overture; Gray: Episodes for Orchestra #1 (premiere); Elgar: Enigma Variations. James Bernard, baritone; Stuart Howe, tenor; Robert Raines, conductor. Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute, 2450 · · Birchmount Rd. 416-879-5566. ,, child under 12 free. - 8:00: Coro San Marco/Esprit Alliance Orchestra/Vaughan Chamber Players/ St. Paschal Baylon's Church Children's Choir. laudate Oominum. Music by Handel, Bach, Vivaldi, Mozart & other traditional Christmas songs. St. David's Church, 2601 Major McKenzie Dr., Maple. 905-832-5595. - 8:00: Kammermusik Toronto/Earl Grey P.S. Senior Choir. Sing We All Noel. Evening of Christmas music & sing-along car· ols. Keith Muller & Nicole Alexander, direc· tors. Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave. 416-778-1898. ,. ' - 8:00: Markham Theatre for Perform· ing Arts. Michelle Wright Christmas. 171 Town Centre Blvd. 905-305-7469. . - 8:00: Maryem Tollar & Mernie! love and War- Songs from here and there - Mernie! Music from the Arab world, India, Africa, Latin & North America. Maryem & Ernie T ollar; guests: Roula Said, dance; Mark ----- . -· _:__. , . .. 'l11~ - .. - . ~·. ~ y ~--------- A -Victoria . cbristWras Saturday, December 13, 2003 8:00 p.m. Pre-concert talk: 7:30 p.m. St. Thomas Anglican Church 383 Huron Street (south of Bloor, ea~t of Spadina) Tickets , SIS Available at the door. VOICES 49 Wellington Street East Toronto, Ontario Tel: (416) 924-0753 http/Noiceschoir. tripod. com CELEBRATE THE SEASON WITH VOICES Tomas Luis de Victoria: -Missa 0 Magnum Mysterium -Selected Motets Plus a selection of Victorian Christmas Carols Conducted by Ron Ka Ming Cheung Also on t he program: Eigar's Enigma Variations and opera ar·ias indud!ng the Pearl Fishers duet w ith tenor Stuart Howe and b,1ritone James Bernard. See listings under December 13 for details. Voices, a 20-voice chamb'er choir, is a, dynamic, young group fo, its eighth season. Under thedirectio'n:.of ~on KaMing Cheuqg' the choir performs m;iinly"a capella yvorks ·from the J6€h1 through 21st centyries, and has received local, national/ arid; internatio(lal .recognition. · . , Voices is currently auditioning tenor voices. For more. information, please contact Ron Ka Ming -Cheung 'at! 416-924-0753. DECEMB ER 1 2003 ·FEBRUARY 7 2004 WWW . THEWHO LE NOTE.COM