Medicky, harpsichord. 1 Greenland Rd. 416·444· 6762. , O(child under 12). - 8:00: Arraymusic. Scratch! 2. (Jan 29:31). Wolff: Burdocks; Bratislava. Robert Stevenson, clarinets; Michael White, trumpet; Rick Sacks, Blair Mackay, percussion; Stephen Clarke, piano; Rebecca van der Post, violin; Peter pavlovsky, double bass; Henry Kucharzyk, conductor. Music Gallery, 197 John St. 416-204· 1080. 3;day pass: ,; each: ~. - 8:00: Canadian Sinfonietta. Rossini: Sona· ta for Strings; Elgar: Serenade for Strings; Gang Situ: Concerto for Violin, Erhu and Strings; solo pieces for erhu. George Gao, erhu; Joyce Lai, Also on the program: Brahms Tragic Overture Cozens Orchestral Miniatures Schumann Symphony #3 (Rhenish) For details see iistings for January 31 violin. Newtonbrook United Church, 53·Cummer. 905-707· 1200. .~25. - 8:00: Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Or· chestra. Brahms: Tragic Overture; Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto; Cozens: Qrchestral Miniatures; Schumann: Symphony #3 Rhenish. Amy Park" violin; Robert Raines, conductor. Stephen Leacock Collegiate Institute, 2450.Birchmount Rd. 416· 879-5566. ,, child under 12 free. - B:OO:'CBC OnStage. Kol/age. Archie Alleyne, drums; Dougie Richardson, tenor saxophone; Ron Johnson, bass; Michael Shand, piano; Alexis Baro, trumpet. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West, 416-205·5555. . Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra CBSO/CMC Concerto Competition winner Amy Park playing the Tschaikowsky Violin Concerto - 8:00: Esprit Orchestra. Les idlies fixes. Great Gala: A Silver Anniversary Celebration. Kagel: Das Konzert, for flute, percussion & Music by Daley, Elgar, Handel, Honegger, Schu· strings; Les ideas fixes; Part: Cantus in Memory bert, Davis & Willcocks. Stuart Laughton, Russell of Benjamin Britten, for string orchestra & bell; Hartenberger, members of the Toronto Sympho· Rea: Treppenmusik. Robert Aitken, flute; Mauri· , ny Orchestra, performers; Sir Andrew Davis & cio Kagel, guest composer. 7: 15: pre-concert talk. Sir David Willcocks, conductors. Roy Thomson MacMillan Theatre, BO Queen's Park. 416-366· HalJ, 60 Si'mcoe St. 416-593·4828. -. 7723. , .50(sr),(slcheapseat). -' 8:00: Heritage Theatre. The Musical Box - A Tribute to Genesis. 86 Main St. North, Bramp· ton. 905-874-2800. , . ' - 8:00: Oakville Centre for the Perform· ing Arts. The Jennifer Valentyne Swing Band. Classic jazz standards, swing tunes & original songs. 130 Navy Street. 905-815-2021. Sunday February 01 - 11 :OOam & 2:00: Solar Stage Children's Theatre. The Alphabet Show. Vignettes about · each letter of the alphabet with music, songs & · puppets. Written & performed by Tom Vanden· berg. Madison Centre, 4950 Yorige St. 416-368· 3196. . For complete run see music theatre .99. listings. • - 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. Great Artist Series: Leon Fleisher, piano. Brahms: Piano Quartet #2 in A. Guests: Erika Raum, vio· - 1:30: CAMMAC/McMichael Gallery. Coby Stoller, Jazz Ensemble. 10365 Islington Ave. 905-893-0344. Free with gallery admis· lin; Rennie Regehr, viola; Bryan Epperson, cello. sion: ,,(family). , Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408·2824 x321. , . • - 8:00: Toronto Children's Chorus. The - 2:30: Opera in Concert. The Tsar's Bride, By Rimsky-Korsakov (in Russian). Marina Shemesh, Margaret Maye, Nikolay Che.kasov, - -- - - -- -- - Ch~lark Arts & Music Series Mark.Fewer, violin Peter Longworth, piano playing music by Mozart, Bach and Buczynski Sunday, February 1, 2004, 3:00 pm ' Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Avenue Tickets .00 at the door, for students For more information call 416.65i.9380 Music for 'cand[emas The Gallery Choir of the Church of St Mary Magdalene, with The Trinity College Chapel Choir, Victoria Hathaway & Gillian Howard, oboe " Jonathan Ingham, gamba, ana I~ 3:00 p~::~:~:~~==~~ 2004 11 j I In £:;:~;~~::~:~~~;~::::;;us ! ~ ·II %£Ch~~"~~~;0~:~~~ne l ~:"''':':,::~-:· ~"~ 52
Keith Klassen, Michael Meraw, performers; Raisa Nakhmanovich, music director and pianist; Opera in Concert Chorus; Robert Cooper, chorus director. Informative talk 45 minutes prior to performance. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. East. 416·366·7723. ,. - 3:00: Choirs of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene & Trinity College Chapel Choir. In Dulci Jubilo: Music for Candlemas. · Schein: Missa Christus Natus Est; Grandi: Hodie Nobis de Caelo; Hassler: Verbum Caro Factum Est; Schroeder/Praetorius: In Dulci Jubilo. Victo· ria Hathaway & Gillian Howard, oboe; Jonathan Ingham, gamba; Christopher Ku, continuo; Dr. Willis Noble, director of music. Church of St. Mary Magdalene, 477 Manning. 416·978·3611. ,). - 3:00: Chrylaik A'rts and Music Series. Mark Fewer, violin; Peter Longworth, piano. Mo· zart: Sonata for piano & violin in A KV526; Bue· zynski: Sonata for violin & piano; Bach: Partita in d BWV 1004 for solo violin. Heliconian Hall, 35 Hazelton Ave. 416·651·9380. . - 3:00: Sinfonia Toronto. Young People's Concerts: Meet a Composer. Excerpts from Core· Iii: Sarabande, Gigue and Badinerie; Ager: Inter· mezzo; Rossini: Sonata 115; Elgar: Introduction and Allegro. Nurhan Arman, conductor. Law· rence Park Community Church, 2180 Bayview Ave. 416·499·0403 ,. - 4:30: St. Anne's Church. Choral Evensong. Aston: Evening Service'in F; Byrd: Senex Puerum; Wood: Expectans Expectavi. St. Anne's Choir; John Stephenson, director; Peter Orme, organ. 270 Gladstone Ave. 416·767·7290. Free. - 8:00: New Music Concerts. The Music of Mauricio Kagel Kagel: Burleske; Schwarzes . Madrigal; Stucke der Windrose (Norden; West· en). Elmer lseler Singers; Lydia Adams, conduc· tor; Mauricio Kagel, guest composer/conductor. 7: 15: Pre·concert introduction by Robert Aitken and the composer. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416·205·5555. ·. Monday February 02 - 7:00: U of T Faculty of Music. Ying Ouartet. Mozart: Quartet ind, K.421; Bartok: Quartet 112; Tchaikovsky: Quartet 111 in D, Op.11. Walter Hall, 8UQueen's Park. 416·978·3744. ,. Tuesday February 03 - 12: 10: U of T Faculty of Music. Voice Per· formance Class. Oratorio Ensemble. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978·3744. Free. - 12:30: York University Dept. of Music. Balkan Music Ensemble. Traditional choral re per· toire of the Balkan region. Irene Markoff, director. Mclaughlin Perform~nce Hall, 050 Mclaughlin College, 4700 Keele St, 416-736-5186. Free. - 1 :00: St. James' Cathedral. lunch Hour Concert: Michael Bloss, organ. Program Iba. 65 Church St. 416-364-7865. Free. - 8:00: U of T Faculty of Music/Aldeburgh Connection. Young Artist Recital. Allison Bent, soprano; Kathryn Knapp, mezzo; Michael Mc· Bride, tenor; Jason Nedecky, baritone; Stephen Ralls, Bruce Ubukata, piano. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. ,. Wednesday February 04 - 12:30: York University Dept. of Music. Early Music Ensemble. Sacred & secular medieval and renaissance music. Judith Cohen, direc· tor. Mclaughlin Performance Hall, 050 Mclaughlin College, 4700 Keele St. 416-736- 5186. Free. - 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Per· ron: L' Autre Silence; Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D, Op.61; Saint-Saens: Symphony 113 inc Op.78 Organ Symphony. Leonidas Kavakos, violin, Patricia Krueger, organ; Jacques Lacombe, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 Simcoe St. 416-593· 4828. -. - 8:30: U of T Faculty of Music. Small Jazz Ensembles. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416· 978·3744. Free. Thursday February 05 - 12: 10: U of T Faculty of Music. Toronto · Wind Ouintet. Chan: Nature, Nurture, for quintet and percussion. Douglas Stewart, flute; Clare Scholtz, oboe; Stephen Pierre, clarinet; Harcus Hennigar, horn; Kathleen Mclean, bassoon; Beverley Johnston, percussion. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. Free. - 12:30: York University Dept. of Music. Middle East Ensemble. Classical & folk music drawn from Arab, Persian & Turkish traditions. Rob Simms, director. Mclaughlin Performance Hall, 050 Mclaughlin College, 4700 Keele St. 416· 736-5186. Free. - 7:30: CDC. A Special Evening of Brahms and Wagner. Wagner: excerpts from Lohengrin; Siegfried Idyll; Brahms: Piano Concerto 111. Peter Collins, tenor; Anton Kuerti, piano; Canadian Opera Company Orchestra; Richard Bradshaw, con· ductor. George Weston Recital Hall, 5040 Yonge St. 416-872-11 11. ·. - 8:00: Drury lane Theatrical Productions. Olde Tyme Music Hall Vaudeville & melo· drama. Eleanor Belton, director/choreographer; Don Simpson, music director. Drury Lane Theatre, 2269 New Street, Burlington. 905-637· 3937. ,, (12 &under), group rates. For complete run see music theatre listings. - 8:00: Music Toronto . .Philharmonia Ouaitett · Berlin. Schulhoff: Quartet 111; Brahms: Quartet in B flat Op.67; Beethoven: Quartet inf Dp.95. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. East. 416· 366-7723. ,. - 8:00: Oakville Centre for the Perform· ing Arts. Ian Tyson. 130 Navy Street. 905-815- 2021. .99. - 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. Eli· ana Cuevas Sextet. Samba, salsa. Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408- 2824 x321. ,. - 8:00: Scarborough Music Theatre. Assassins. By Weidman & Sondheim. Scarborough Village Theatre, 3600 Kingston Rd. 416-396· 4049. . For complete run see music theatre listings. - 8:00: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Roy Thomson Hall. See Feb 4. Friday February 06 .:.. 12:10: U of T Faculty of Music. Visiting Artist: Martin lsepp -A Britten Showcase. Ex· cerpts from Britten's operas performed by members of the Opera Division under the direction of • Martin lsepp. Walter Hall, 8(}Queen's Park.'416· 978-3744. Free. - 7:30: York University Dept. of Music. lmprov Soiree:: No Signs of Repeat: Music by students in the improvisation studios of Casey Sokol. Mclaughlin Performance Hall, 050 Mclaughlin College, 4700 Keele St. 416-736· 5186. Free. - 8:00: Oakville Centre for, the Performing Arts. Swamperella. Traditional & contempo· rary Cajun for fiddle, button accordion, guitar & triangle. 130 Navy Street. 905-815-2021. .99. Celebrating the ar.t of song with The Faculty of Music, Univer.sity of Toronto YOUNG ARTISTS RECITALS ALLISON B ENT soprano KATHRYN K NAPP mezzo MICHAEL M c BRIDE tenor JASON N EDECKY baritone performing Brahms's Liebeslieder Waltzes and other songs and duets Tuesday; February 3, 8p.m. Sponsored by WALTER HALL EiJ Bank Financial Group / (416) 978"3744 February 6, 2004, 8 p.m. Glenn Gould Studio-CBC 250 Front Street West Plus il Bank Flnandal Group 1/°""9 .t'Nidt 0~ 7 p.m. Adults ISeniors IStudents Glenn Gould Box Office: 416.205.5555 Subscription Information : 416.366. 7723 torontdartsbou n el l ~~ ~ "' 1 1e1>91huo, 011~• C•1,o l fo1onrc ' Embassy of Norway (. ',.,.~ The SOCAN Fouwlatio11 n::; I .a.1 Can a d ian p.;f~imo 1ne ~t .....,....- Heritage canadien D ECEM BER 1 2003 - F EB RU ARY 7 2004 WWW,THEWHO LENOTE. COM 53