n The Alan Howard Waldorf School Nursery to Grade Eight 250 Madison Ave., Toronto · For more information, contact us at · 416 962 AHWS (2497) or admiss@ahws.org visit our website at www.ahws.org Music on the Donway Presents: For the Love of Jazz Featuring the Daniel Rubinoff Jazz Trio Daniel Rubinoff, sax, David Braid, piano Artie Roth, acoustic bass Saturday, Feb. 7, 8:00 p.m. Donway Covenant United Church, 230 The Donway West, 416-444-8444 J , . - 8:00: Performing Arts York Region. Fabulous Fridays: Joaquin Valdepeiias, clarinet & Peter Longworth, piano. Thornhill Presbyterian Church, 271 Centre St. 905·884·3959. $,. . - 8:00: Soundstreams Canada. Beauty on the Edge -Music of Maja Ratkje (Norway) and Melissa Hui (Canada). Maja Ratkje, voice; Frode Hilltli, accordion; Annalee Patipatanakoon, Carol Fujino, violins; Roman Borys, 'cello; Robert Cram, flute. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416·205-5555. , (sr). (st). ' - 8:00: Toronto Consort. The Splendour of Burgundy. Dulay: Missa Ecce Ancilla Domini; instrumental·songs and dances from the early 15th century. Trinity-St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor St. West. 416-964-6337. -. - 8:30: U of T Faculty of Music. Small Jau Ensembles. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416· 978-3744. Free. Saturday February 07 - 7:30: Amadeus Choir. A Robert Burns Celebration. Scottish choral music; Scottish songs and stories. Guest: Enoch Kent, Master of Ceremo- · nies; Lydia Adams, conductor. 6:30: Silent auction. Richmond Hill United Church, 10201 Yonge St. 416-446-0188. ,. Benefit to support the artistic work of the Amadeus Choir. - 7:30: Music at Metropolitan. Valentine Variety! Arrual Variety Show by Metropolitan Choir and friends. Tinothy Eaton Menorial Church, 230 St. Clair West. 416-363-0331. . - 7:30: Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Beethoven: Violin Concerto in D, Op.61; Saint-Saens: SyJ11lhony U3 int Op.78 Organ Symphony. Leonidas Kavakos, violin, Patricia Krueger, organ; Jacques Lacombe, conductor. Roy Thomson Hall, 60 SiTicoe St.416-593-4828. -. - 8:00: Mississauga Symphony. Adrian Anantawan. Smetana: The Moldau; Tchaikovsky: Violin Concerto; Sibelius: Symphony 112: Adrian Anantawan, vioiin; Misha Rohac, guest conduc· tor. Living Arts Centre, 4141 Living Arts Dr .. Mississauga. 905-306·6000. /, .50/.50(sr/st). - 8:00: Music on the Donway. For the love of Jazz Featuring the Daniel Rubinoff Jau Trio. Music by Porter, Gershwin & Originals. Daniel Rubinoff, saxophone; David Braid, piano; Artie Roth, bass. Donway Covenant United Church, 230 The Donway West. 416-. 444-8444. , . - 8:00: Oakville Symphony Orchestra. Romantic Adventure. Brahms: Academic Festival Overture; Mahler: Adagietto.from Symphony 115; Bruch: Violin Concerto 111; Shostakovich: Suite from The Gadfly. Rebecca Brenner, violin; Roberto De Clara, conductor. 7:15: Pre-concert talk. Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts, 130 Navy St. 905-815-2021. ,. - 8:00: Sinfonia Toronto. Four Centuries of Melody. Corelli: Sarabande, Gigue and Badinerie; Bao~: Piano Concerto ind; Ager: Intermezzo; Rossini: Sonata 115; Elgar: Introduction and Alie· gro. Dayid Jalbert, piano; Nurhan Arman, music director. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. \'.est. 416-205-5555. , /(sr/st). - 8:00: Toronto Consort. The Splendour of Burgundy. T rinity·St. Paul's Centre. See Feb 6. - 8:00: U of T Faculty of Music. Wind Ensem· · ble and Concert Band. Schwantner: " ... and the mountains rising nowhere"; Copland: Quiet City; Casterede: Divertissement D'Ete; Ticheli: Blue Shades; Coakley: Lyric Essay; Cable: Ontario Pictures. Denise Grant and Jeffrey Reynolds, conductors. MacMillan Theatre, 80 Queen's Park. 416-978-3744. ,. Presents \ A Robert Burns Celebration Conc~rt Conducted by ~ydia Adams, artistic: d · Saturday February 7th 2004, Richmond Hill Un· 10201 Yong 2 biocks north of M·
CONCERTS FURTHER AFIELD I . (in this issue: Alliston, Aylmer, Barrie, Brantford, Cambridge, Campbellford, Cobourg, Elora, Georgetown, Guelph, Hamilton, Kitchener, Lindsay, London, Lynedoch, Midland, Orangeville, Orillia, Oshawa, Peterborough, Port Dover, Port Hope, Port Perry, Sim· coe, Sonya, St. Jacobs, ·st. Catharines, Whitby) • Monday December 01 - 7:30: Brott Music Festival. Handel· Messi· ah. Jane Archibald, soprano; Daniel Cabena, alto; Stuart Howe, tenor; Daniel lichti, bass; Elmer lseler Singers. Hamilton Place, Summers lane. 905-525-7664, 888-47_5-9377. ,. Friday December 05 - 2:00 & 8:00: Sanderson Centre for the Performing Arts. A Maritime Christmas with The Rankin Sisters. Celtic-flavoured Christmas songs. Raylene, Heather & Cookie Rankin, vocals; guests: Scott Ferguson, percussion; Clarence Deveau, guitar; Bruce Jacobs, bass; Mairi Rankin, fiddle. 88 Dalhousie St., Brantford. 519· 758· 8090, 1-800-265-0710. . - 7:30: Arcady. Handel: Messiah. Ronald Beck· ett, conductor. St. Paul's United Church, 5 Queen St. North, Aylmer. 519-773-3496. ,. - 7:3D: Waves of Sound. Christmas Celebra· tion. Sing-along carols, Christmas Choral music. London Fanshaw Symphonic Chorus; Pearson School for the Arts Choir; St. Thomas Children's Choir; The Percussion Trio; Peter Garland, mas· ter of ceremonies. Centennial Hall, 550 Welling· ton St., London. 519-672-1967. ,. Saturday December 06 - 1:00: Theatre Aquarius. The Music Man. By Meredith Willson and Franklin lacy. Irving Zucker Theatre, 190 King William St., Hamil· ton. 905-522-7529. -. For complete rl(ll see music thea.tre listings. - 2:00: Westben Arts Festival Theatre. Sound the Trumpets! Favourite Christmas music. Hannaford Street Silver Band; Westben Festival Chorus. The Barn near Campbellford. 705· 653-5508, 1-877-883-5777. - 7:30: Serenata Choir. Carols with the Kids! Children's Community Choir; Serenata Brass Quintet. Knox Presbyterian Church, Midland. 705-528-0234. - 8:00: Friends of Music. Elmer lseler Singers & Erica Goodman, harp. Lydia Adams, conductor. Port Hope United Church, Brown & South Streets. 905-885-1071. 1-800-434-5092. ,. - 8:00: Millpond Centre. Christmas Jazz. 106 Victoria St. West, Alliston. 705.435. 3092. . - 8:00: Mohawk College Singers. love · Came Down at Christmas. festive musi~ for choir, organ, piano & brass. ~uests : Sanvidotti Brass Ensemble; Paul Grimwood, organ; David Peaker, piano; Michael Jarvis, conductor. Ryer· son United Church, 842 Main St. East, Hamil· ton. 905-575-2044. ,. Please bring an unwrapped toy to be donated to the Wesley Ur· ban Ministry's Christmas Outreach Program. - 8:00: The Church Theatre. Aengus Finnan. 1376 King St. North, St. Jacobs. 519-664· 1134. . - 8:00: Vox Nouveau Singers. Angels Are Singing. Christmas music traditional to contempo· rary. St. James' Church, 520 Ellis Rd. Cam· bridge. 905-627-2038. ,. Sunday December 07 - 2:00: Capitol Theatre. The Canadian Sing· ers. Traditional & contemporary Christmas songs. 20 Queen St., Port Hope. 1·800-434· 5092. ,(sr). - 2:00: Westben Arts Festival Theatre. Sound the Trumpets/The Barn near Campbell· ford. See Dec 6. - 2:30: Georgian Music. Christmas with Cantabile. A Cappella group from England. Central United Church, 54 Ross St.. Barrie. 705· 726· 4980 or 705· 726-1181. - 3:00: Symphony Hamilton/Brampton · Festival Singers. Handel· Mes~iah. Anne / l'Esperance, soprano; Mari Van ee11, alto; Prabh· jot Seehra, tenor; Andrew Tam, bass; Stephane Potvin, conductor. Studio Theatre, Hamilton Place, Summers lane. 905-527-7666. , , (under 12). - 7:00: Amis du Jazz. Laila Dian· Trio. The Church at Sonya. Simcoe St., 13km north of Port Perry. 705-357-2468. .50-. - 7:30: Achill Choral Society. Handel's Mes· siah. Natasha Campbell, soprano; Lesley Andrew, alto; Mark Dubois, tenor; Daniel lichti, baritone; Valen Ensemble; A. Dale Wood, director; Beverly Foster, accompanist; St. Timothy RC Church, 48 Centre St., Orangeville. 519-941-5089, 905· 9364719. , /(sr/youth),.(family). Friday December 12 - 7:30: Waves of Sound. Handel's Messiah. Soprano tba; Vicki St. Pierre, alto; Stephen Har· land, tenor; Roland Fix, baritone; London Fanshaw Symphonic Chorus; Concert Players Orchestra; Gerald Fagan, conductor. Centennial Hall, 550 Wellington, London. 519-672-1967. . - 8:00: Nota Bene Period Orchestra/ TACTUS Vocal Ensemble. Christmas in Baroque Europe. Purcell: an "alternate" Messiah; Charpentier: Messe de Minuit pour Noel; Schutz: T rostet mein Volk. Stephen Marvin, director. Parkminster United Church, 275 Erb St. East, Waterloo. 519-743-4362. , [sr), (st). Saturday December 13 - 7:30: Barrie Concerts. Handel's Messiah. Ann Monoyios, soprano; Matthew White, coun· ter·tenor & other soloists; Elora Festival Singers and Orchestra; Noel Edison, conductor. Fisher Auditorium, 125 Dunlop St. West, Barrie. 705· 7264980 or 705-726-1181. · - 7:30: Chorus Niagara. Bach: Christmas Oratorio. Meredith Hall, soprano; Anita Krause; alto; Colin Ainsworth, tenor; Sean Watson, bass; I Furiosi Baroque Ensemble; Robert Cpoper, artistic director. Calvary Church, 89 Scott St., St. Ca· tharines. 905-688-5550 x3257. , (sr), (st). - 7:30: Guelph Youth Singers/Guelph Chamber Choir/Guelph Symphony Orches· tra. Christmas legends. Britten: Saint Nicolas Cantata; Rutter: Brother Heinrich's Christmas; Holst: Christmas Day. Glyn Evans, tenor; Ro· salind and Keith Slater, narrators; Linda Beaupre, Gerald Neufeld & Simon Irving, directors. Church of Our lady, 28 Norfolk St.; Guelph. 519-763· 3000. , $ lO(st) (eyeGo). - 7:30: Kitchener Waterloo Philharmonic Choir. Handel· Messiah. Soloists: Suzie leBlanc, soprano; Daniel Taylor, countertenor; Ben Heppn· er, tenor; James Westman, bass-baritone; Howard Dyck, conductor. The Centre in the Square, 101 Queen St. North, Kitchener. 519· 578-1570, 1-800-265-8977. -. - 7:30: Sacred Music Society. Handel· Mes· siah. Sacred Music Society Chamber Choir; Sinfo· nia Sacra Chamber Orchestra. Selwin Outreach Centre, Hwy 28, Peterborough. 705-741· 4023. . - 8:00: Arcady. Welcome Yule!- Christmas Music of Ronald Beckett. Town Hall, Centre for the Performing Arts, 15398 Simcoe St., Port Perry. 905-985-1965. . - 8:00: Georgetown Choral Society. A Jou;ney Through Christmas. Guest accompa· ~ists: Christopher Dawes & Bev Foster. Christ The King Secondary School, Guelph Street, Geor· getown. 905-873-2559. ,. - 8:00: John Laing Singers. A Ceremony of Carols. Britten: A Ceremony of Carols; motets by Deering, Sweelinck, Walther; Palestrina: Missa Hodie Christus Nat~s Est; carols by Johnson, Joubert, Rutter. Mathias; Distler: choral varia· tions on lo, how a rose e're blooming. Julia Shaw;harp. Christ's Church Cathedral. 252 James St. North, Hamilton .. 905-628·5238, 1 · 877-628-5238. ,$.19. - 8:00: Nota Bene Period Orchestra/ TACTUS Vocal Ensemble.' Christmas in Baroque Europe. See December 12. Guelph Youth Music Centre, 75 Cardigan Rd., Guelph. - 8:00: Renaissance Singers. Hodie Christus Natus Est. Motets to the Nativity & other music. St. Andrews Church, 54 Queen St. North, Kitch· ener. 519-579·1568. ,. Sunday December 14 - . 2:30: Kitchener Waterloo Philharmonic Choir. Handel· Messiah. See December 13. - 3:00: Centenary United Church. A Christ· mas Fanfare. Christmas choral music of.Rutter. Harlequin Singers; Vox Nouveau Singers; Cente· nary United Church Choir; Shawn Grenke, Minis· ter of Music. 24 Main St. West, Hamilton. 905· 522-6843 x26. - 3:00: Elora Festival Singers. Handel· Mes· siah. Ann Monoyios, soprano; Matthew White, alto & other soloists; Elora Festival Orchestra; Noel Edison, conductor. St. Mary's Church, Elo· ra. 519-846-0331. . - 3:00: Northumberland Orchestra. Russian Troika. Tchaikovsky: Nutcracker; Rimsky-Korsak· ov: Christmas Eve Polonaise; Rapaport: Winter Solstice & other seasonal favourites. Trinity United Church, Division St., Cobourg. 905-342· 9295. , (sr), (st). - 3:00: Peterborough Singers. Handel· Messiah. Soloists: Leah Gordon, Marianne Bindig, Mark DuBois, Fr. Paul Massei; Ian Sadler, organ; Sydney Birrell, director. Cambridge St. United Church, Lindsay. 705-740-9018. ,, family rate. - 3:00: Renaissance Singers. Hodie Christus Natus Est. See December 13. Trinity Church, 12 Blair Rd., Cambridge. - 3:30: Waves of Sound. Messiah ~,t St. Pe· ter's. Soprano tba; Vicki St. Pierre, alto; Stephen Harland, tenor; Roland Fix, baritone; Gerald Fagan Singers; Concert Players Orchestra; Gerald fa· gan, conductor. St: Peter's Cathedral, 196 Dul· ferin Ave., London. 519433-9650. . - 7:00: Amis du Jazz. Peter Smith Band. Christmas jazz. The Church at Sonya. Simcoe St., 13km north of Port Perry. 705-357-2468. .50-. - 8:00: Georgetown Choral Society. A Journey Through Christmas. Christ The King Secondary School, Georgetnwn. See Decem· ber 13. Monday December 15 - 7:30: Peterborough Singers. Handel· Messiah. See December 14. George St. United Church, Peterborough. Friday December 19 - 5:00 & 8:00: Elora Festival Singers. Festi· val of Carols. Noel Edison, conductor. St. John's Church, Elora. 519-846-033 1. , (st/ child). - 8:00: Arcady. Welcome Yule! - Christmas Music of Ronald Beckett. Trinity Church, 80 Col· borne St. South, Simcoe. 519426-0501. ,. - 8:00: Canadian Orpheus Male Choir. Christmas Concert. Seasonal sacred & secular songs. Guests: Hamilton Philharmonic Youth Orchestra; Hamilton Children's Choir; David Dav· is, music director. Hamilton Place, Summers lane. 905-645-5000. ,. - 8:00: Georgetown Bach Chorale. Christ· mas Coni:ert. Elizabethan and Renaissance Car· ols, other seasonal music accompanied by cello, harpsichord and recorder. 157 Main St. South, Georgetown. 905-877-6569, 905-877-2711. (advance tickets only). - 8:00: Vox Nouveau Singers. Angels Are Singing. Christmas music traditional to contempo· rary. St. Paul's Church, 1140 King St. West, Hamilton. 905-627-2038. ,. Saturday December 20 - 7:30: Arcady. Handel: Messiah. Ronald Beck· ett, conductor. St. Andrew's United Church, 95 Darling St., Brantford; 519· 752-5823. · ,. - 8:00: Georgetown Bach Chorale. Christ· mas Concert. See Dec 19. - 8:00: Guelph Chamber Choir. Handel's Messiah. Janet Obermeyer, soprano; Jennifer Enns, alto; Terence Mireau, tenor; Michael Dono· van, bass; baroque orchestra. River Run Centre, 35 Woolwich St., Guelph. 519· 763-3000. ,(st)(eyeGo). Sunday December 21 - 4:00: Sacred Music Society. Handel· Mes· siah. Sacred Music Society Chamber Choir; Sinfo· nia Sacra Chamber Orchestra. Holy Family Church, 91 Ribblesdales Dr., Whitby. 905-665· 6470. . - 7:00: Arcady. Cranberry Creek Christmas. Natasha Campbell, soprano; Ronald Beckett, pi· ano & other performers. Cranberry Gardens, ~ynedoch. 519-582-1418. . Thursday January 01 - 2:30: Attila Glatz Concert Productions/ Hamilton Place. Salute to Vienna. Patricia Nessy, soprano; Wilfried Scha ~ f. zither; Ballet Jiirgen; Strauss Symphony of Canada; Chri$tian Schultz, conductor. Summers lane, Hamilton. 905-527-7666. .50-. ' - 2:30: Attila Glatz Concert Productions/ The Centre In The Square. Salute to Vienna. T atjana Schullern, soprano; Andras Kaldi, tenor; Ballet Jiirgen; Kitchener Waterloo Symphony Orchestra; Rolph Bertsch, conductor. 101 Clueen St. North, Kitchener. 519-578-1570. · . Saturday January 03 - 8:00: Barrie Concerts. Toronto All Star Big Band. Swing hits of the 1930' s & 40' s; Good· man, Dorsey, Miller, Lombardo; vocals by The Serenaders. Fisher Auditorium, 125 Dunlop St. West, Barrie. 705· 726-4980 or 705· 726· 1181. Thursday January 08 - 7:30: St. Paul's Chancel Choir. Amahl and the Night Visitors. Mary Lou F~llis , Jay Fallis, performers. St. Paul's United Church, 62 Peter St. North, Orillia. 705·327 · 7333. Preview DECEMBER 1 2003 - F EB RU ARY 7 2004 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM