CONTINUED FROM PAGE 55 . admission by ticket with free-will offering. For complete run & prices see music theatre listings. - 8:00: Continuum Contemporary Music. Souvenir. Film and live musi.c performance. Mu· sic by Bouchard, Smith, Oesterle, Ho & Morlock. Guests: Tamara Hummel, soprano; Krisztina • Szabo, mezzo; Anne Thompson, flute; Angela Rudden, viola; Peter Pavlovsky', bass & other performers. Followed by a screening ofArcheolo· gy of M~mory by filmmaker Gary Popovich & composer Randall Smith. The Registry Theatre, 122 Frederick St., Kitchener. 416.·9244945. ,, (st). · Saturday January 10 - 7:30: Rik Emmett in Concert. Jazz, classi· cal, blues, rock. Guest: Rick Wharton, comedian. Oshawa Little Theatre, 62 Russett Ave. 905· 576·5'114. (advance), (Dec 13·Jan 9). Saturday January 24 • - 2:00 & 8:00: Theatre Aquarius: Come by the Hills. Scottish Heritage Story. Written and performed by Brian McKay. Irving Zucker Thea· tre, 190 King William St., Hamilton. 905·522· 7529..·. For complete run see music theatre listings. .- 3:00: Arcady. A Beckett Miscellany. Heather Fleming, recorder, soprano; Paul Earle, violin; Ronald Beckett, keyboard. Wolf Performance Hall, London Public Library. 519474-7444. ,. - 8:00: Capitol Theatre. Jennifer Valentyne. Jazz standards, contemporary & original selec· tions. 20 Queen St., Port Hope. 1·800434· 5092. . - 8:00: Opera Ont~rio. Poulenc: la Voix Hu· maine; Massenet: II Portrait de Manon. Lyne Fortin, Ted Baerg, Louise Guyot, Steeve Michaud, Laura Whalen, performers; Diane Leblanc, direc· tor; Kitchener·Waterloo Symphony. Centre in the Square, Kitchener. 519·578· 1570. For com· plate run see music theatre listings. Sunday January 25 - 3:00: Elora Festival Singers. Soup Con· cert. Byrd: Mass for Four Voices. Jurgen Petrenko, organ; Noel Edison, conductor. 2:30: Pre·concerttalk. St. John's Church, Elora. 519· 846·0331. . - fao: Arcady.A Dinner Miscellany. Heather Fleming, recorder, soprano; Paul Earle, violin; Ronald Beckett, keyboard. St. Paul's Church, 302 St. George, Port Dover. 519·583· 1984. ,, family rate. Saturday January 31 - '8:00:. Lindsay Concert Foundation. Show· case- The Annual Gala Concert. Performing artists from the City of Kawartha Lakes. Venue TBA, Lindsay. 705·328·0587. Friday February 06 - 7:00: Voula's Dance Co. Mystique. Middle Eastern music and dance. River Run Centre, 35 Woolwich Ave., Guelph. 519·763·3000. . - 8:00: Players' Guild of Hamilton. love In A Minor Key. Musical devised by Willard Boudreau & bas~_d on the music & lyrics of Lees· Blakey; Gary Smith, director. Studio Theatre, Hamilton Place, Summers Lane. 905·529· 0284. ,. For complete run see music theatre listings. Saturday February 07 - 8:00: Capitol Theatre. The Nylons. A capel· la. 20 Queen St., Port Hope. 1 ·80043H092. · . 56 Canadian Opera Company Ensemble Stu· · dio. Bach: Coffee Cantata; Purcell· Dido and Ae· neas. Luc Robert, Peter Barrett, Colleen Skull, Frederique Vezin@, Peter McGillivray & other performers; Jan Willem Jansen, conductor. Dec 1,3,5: 7:30, Dec 7: 2:00. Imperial Oil Theatre, Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Opera Centre, 227 Front St. East. 416·363·8231.. *SOLD OUT* Canadian Opera Company. Puccini·'Turan· dot. Eva Urbanova, Richard Margison, Serena. Farnocchia, Gregory Dahl, Luc Robert, Michael Colvin, John Kriter, Peter Barrett, Peter Collins, performers; Richard Bradshaw, conductor; Derek Bate,eot\ductor Feb 3 & 6. Jan 21,24,29, Feb 3,6: 7:30; Feb 1: 2:00. Hummingbird Centre for " the.Performing Arts, 1 Front St. East. 416·872- 2262. ·0. Canadian Opera Company. Verdi· Falstaff. P~vlo Hunka, Wendy Nielsen, Elena Yoznessen· skaia, Judit Nemeth, Riccardo Botta, Franco Pomponi, John Kriter, Alvin Crawford, performers; Richard Bradshaw, conductor. Jan 22,27,30, Feb 4,7: 7:30; Jan 25: 2:00. Hunmingbird Centre for the Performing Arts, 1 Front St. East. 416-872- 2262. ·5. . CanStage. Cookin' at the Cookery. The music and times of Alberta Hunter. Starring Jackie Richardson & Montego Glover. To Dec 14. Bluma Appel Theatre, 27 Front St. East. 416· 368·3110. ·. CBC Radio's OnStage. Words & Music:· Al Purdy at the,Ouinte Hotel Purdy' s life & words expressed in a variety of musical styles. Gordon Pinsent, actor; Phil Dwyer, music director; Dave· Carley, writer. Dec 9: 8:00. Glenn Gould Stupio, 250 Front St. West. 416-205-5555. . Church of tlie Holy Trinity. The Christmas Story. Nativity pageant. Professional musicians &volunteercast.Oec.5-7, 12-14, 19-21.Fri& Sat evenings: 7:30, Sat & Sun matinees: 4:30. 10 Trinity Square. 416·598·8979. Suggested donation O(adults), (children). CIBC/Ross Petty Production. Cinderella - The Sparkling Family Musical! Performers in· elude Ross Petty, Don Harron, Erin Davis, Jenni!· er Gould, Adam Brazier & others; David Warrack, music director. Previews Dec 2 & 3, regular run Dec 4·30. Elgin Theatre, 189 Yonge. 416·872- 5555. ·, (child). Civic Light Op_era Company. Christmas on Broadway. Musical Review spotlighting the mov· ies and musicals that celebrate the holidays. D~c 11· 13, 17·21: 8:00; Dec 14,20: 2:00. Fairview Library lheatre, 35 Fairview Mall Or. 416469· 8450. .50,. (FrLSat,Slin all seats .50) Dancema'kers. Tziganes Cracked Dpen. Ex· cerpts from Bennathan' s musical metamor· phases of the voyaging T ziganes from Eastern Europe to Spain, with original music performed live on stage. John Gzowski, composer/perform- . er; Andrew Downing, Rick Hyslop, Robert Steven· son & Jeff Wilson, performers. Dec 4·6: 8:00. Oancemakers Studio, Distillery Historic District, ,55 Mill St.416·367·1800. ,(previews). Drury Lane Theatrical Productions. Dlde Tyme Music Hall Vaudeville & melodrama. Eleanor Belton, director/choreographer; Don Simp· 1 son, music director. Feb 5-7, 12-15, 19-22,26-29, Mar4-7, l 1· 13. Drury Lane Theatre,2269 New Street, Burlington. 905-637-3937. ,, (12 & under), group rates. OPERA AND MUSIC THEATRE LISTINGS WWW. THEWHO LENOTE. COM Jeunesses Musicales of Ontario/Har· bourfront Centre. Music with Bite: Ensemble Caprice: Travelling Through Time. Music by Rameau, Purcell & Corelli; dance & theatre. Dec 14 1 :00. Brigantine Room, York Quay Centre, 235 Queens Quay West. 416·973-4000. , (family4·pack) . -Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People.Jacob Two- Two Meets the Hooded Fang. By Ric~ler, Lee, Balsam & Betts; directed by Allen Macinnis. For ages 7to107. To Jan 4, various times. Mainstage, 165 Front St. East. 416·862-2222. $'18-. Markham Theatre for Performing Arts. Al Simmons. Comedy show with song, dance, magic and music. (Recommended for children 3-7). Jan 24: 11 :~Oam & 2:00. .50, . Markham Theatre for Performing Arts. The Nutcracker. BalletJiirgen. Dec30: 7:30; .Dec 31: 2:30. 171 Town Centre Blvd. 905-305· 7469. ,(child). Mirvish Productions. Mamma Mia! Musical based on the songs of ABBA. Music & lyrics by Benny Andersson & Bjiirn Ulvaeus; book by Catherine Johnson; directed by Phyllida Lloyd.To Feb 29. Tues-Sat 8:00; Wed, Sat & Sun 2:00. Royal Alexan· dra Theatre, 260 King St. West. 4 I 6·872-1212. to . Mirvish Pro~uctions. The lion King: Stage musical ofOisriey's 1994 animated feature. To Jan 4. Wed-Sat: 8:00; Wed & Sat: 2:00; Sun: 1 :00 & 6:30. Princess' of Wales Theatre, 300 King St. West. 416- 872-1212. to 6. Mirvish Productions. The Producers. Musical adaptation of the Mel Brooks film comedy. Sean Cullen, Michael Therriault, Juan Chioran, Paul· O'Sullivan, Sarah Cornell & other performers. Tues-Sat: 8:00, Wed, Sat, Sun: 2:00. Canon Thea· tre, 244 Victoria. 416-3644100. -1. , New Yorker Theatre. Cabaret. By Kander & Ebb. Jordan Allison, director; Gretchen Helbig, musical director; 18-member cast with arches· tra. To Dec 6. Tues-Sat: 8:00, Thurs, Sat & Sun: 2:00. 651YongeSt.416·872-1111. -. Opera in Concert. The Tsar's Bride. By Rim· sky-Korsakov (in Russian). Marina Shemesh, Mar· garet Maye, Nikolay Chekasov, Keith Klassen, Michael Meraw, performers; Raisa Nakhmanovi· ch, music director and pianist; Opera in Concert Chorus; Robert Cooper, chorus director. lnforma· live talk 45 minutes prior to performance. Feb 1: . 2:30. Jane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. East. 416-366-7723. ,. Opera Ontario. Poulenc: la Voix Humaine; ".. Massenet: II Portrait de Manon. Lyne Forti~. Tlm Baerg, Louise Guyot, Steeve Michaud, Laura Wha· len, performers; Diane Leblanc, director; Kitchen· er-Waterloo Symphony. Jan 24: 8:00 at Centre in the Square, Kitchener. 519·578-1570.Jan 31, Feb 5, 7: 8:00 at Hamilton Place, Summers Lane. 905-526-6556. Players' Guild of Hamilton. Love In A Minor Key. Musical devised by Willard Boudreau & based on the music & lyrics of Lees-Blakey; Gary Smi!h, director. Feb 6.J.12-14: 8:00, Feb 14: 2:00. Studio.Theatre, Hamilton Place, Sunmers · Lane. 905-529-0284. ,. Rat-A-Tat-Tat/Theatre Passe Muraille. Tequila Vampire Matinee. By Kevin Quain. Retell· ing of the opera Pagliacci. J.D. Nicholsen, Amy Rutherford, Shelley Simester, Stephen Sparks, Brendan Wall & other performers; directed by Ted Dykstra. To Dec 7. Tues-Sat: 8:00, Sun: ~:30 & 7:00. Mainspace, 16 Ryerson Ave. 416· 504-7529. (T ues-Thurs & Sun eve), (Fri & Sat eve), (advance) or PWYC (previews & Sun mat). Royal Opera Canada. Verdi· Nabucco. Dec 4,6: 7:30. Toronto Centre for the Arts, 5040 YongeSt.416-872-1111. -0. Saint Anne's Music & Drama Society. Gilbert & Sullivan: The Gondoliers. Laura Schatz, director; Ori Siegel, music director. Jan 23,24,29-31: 8:0'0, Jan 24,25,31: 2:00. Saint Anne's Parish Hall, 651 Dufferin St. 416-922· 4415. ,. Scarborough Music Theatre. Assassins. By Weidman & Sondheim. Feb 5-7, 12 -14, 19· 21: 8:00; Feb 8 & 15: 2:00. Scarborough-Village Theatre, 3600 Kingston Rd. 416·3964049. , (st/sr, Thursdays & Sundays). Solar Stage Children's Theatre. The Alpha· bet Show. Vignettes about each letter of the al· phabet with music, songs & puppets. Written & performed by Tom Vandenberg. For ages 5 & up. Feb 1,7,8: 11 :OOam & 2:00. Madison Centre, it950 Yonge St. 416-368-3196. . St. Paul's Chancel Choir. Amahl and the Night Visito;s. Mary Lou Fallis &Jay Faiiis, per: formers.Jan 8(preview),9, 10: 7:30. St. Paul's United Church, 62 Peter St. North, Orillia. 705- 327· 7333. ,, (preview: ticket with freewill offering). Tarragon Extra Space.Job: The Hip-Hop Saga. By Saibil & Batalion. To Dec 14. 30 Bridg· man Ave.416-531· 1827. ·. Tarragon Theatre. Hello ... Hello. By Karen Hines; musical score & direction by Greg Morrison. Musical comedy. Aurora Browne, Karen · Hines, Steven Morel & Peter .Ol~ring, performers. To Dec 14.T ues-Sat 8:00, Sat & Sun mat 2:30, Wed mat 1 :30. Mainspace, 30 Bridgman. 416-531-1827. ~10-, previews . Theatre Aquarius. Come by the Hills. Scottish Heritage Story. Written and performed by Brian McKay. Jan 24,26-31: 8:00; Jan 24,31: 2:00; Jan 28: 1 :00. Du Maurier Ltd. Centre, 190 King William St., Hamilton. 905-522-7529. -. Theatre Aquarius. The Music Man. By Me· redith Willson and Franklin Lacy. Dec 6,7, 13, 14,20-23,26-28: 1:00; Dec 10-13, 17- 19,21,23,27,28: 7:00. Irving Zucker Theatre, 190 King William St., Hamilton. 905-522· 7529. -. Theatre Ufllimited. A Funny Thing Happened on the Way. to the Forum. By Sondheim, Shevelove & Gelbart. Jan 23,24,29-31: 8:DO, Jan 25,31: 2:00. Meadowvale Theatre, 6315 Montevideo Rd., Mississauga. 905·6154720. Toronto Operetta Theatre. The Chocolate Soldier. By Oscar Strauss. Keith Klassen, Shan . non Mercer, Elizabeth Beeler, Robert Longo, per· formers; Wayne Strongman, conductor; Guillermo Silva-Marin, ~tage director. Dec 26 (preview),27,31, Jan 2,3: 8:00; Dec 27,28,30: 2:00. J.ane Mallett Theatre, 27 Front St. East. 416· 366-7723. -. U of T Faculty of Music. Dpera Tea: Donizetti - Don Pasquale. Jan 18: 2:30. MacMillan Thea· tre, 80 Queen's Park.416·978-3744. . Yorkminstrels.Fiddler on the Roof. By Bock & Hamick. Dec 3-jl: 8:00, Dec 617: 2:00. Leah Posluns Theatre, 4588 Bathurst. 416-291- 0600. , (sr), (st) . . · · D ECEMBER 1 2003 - FEBR UARY 7 2004
AZZ Cl B LI TINGS It's difficult sometimes to get the club listings together in time for WholeNote. Clubs are often finalizing their lineups right to the last minute, well after the magazine has gone to press. And so it's virtually impossible to get listings two months in advance, although we do our best. But there are still lots of ways to find out what's going on in the clubs. At, or at any one of the multitude of websites for individual clubs, listings are posted as soon as they become available. Check these sites or call individual clubs for more information! Alleycatz 2409 Yonge St. 416-481-6865 Mon Salsa Night w/ OJFrank Bischun, Tues Christopher Plock Jazz trio, Wed The Outlaws Jazz, Blues and Motown, Thurs The Flow W. Carlos Morgan Sun Jam Session w/ Tony Springer Band. Dec 5 Soular Dec 6 The Flow Dec 11 Disco Night w/ Disco Inferno Band, Dec 12 The Flow Dec 13 Mischief Dec 19 lady Kane Dec 20 lady Kane, Dec 26 Motor City, Dec 27 Mischief Dec 31 New Years Party w/ The Flow Jan 2 lady Kane Jan 3 lady Kane. Ben Wicks 424 Parliament 416-961-9425 Cameron House 408 Queen St. 416· 703· 0811 C'est What 67 Front St. E. 416-867-9499 Saturday afternoon traditional jazz from the Hot Five Jazzmakers Gate 403 403 Roncesvalles 416-588 2930 Every Sun. Ron Davis Jam Session Dec 19 lyne Tremblay Jazz Quartet Grossmans 279 Spadina Ave. 416-977-7000 Hot House Cate Market Square 416-366· 7800. Jau brunch every Sunday, alternating weeks: Ken Churchill Quartet, 5spot Hugh's Room 2261 Dundas West 416-531· 6604 L'Arte Bar and Gallery 416-535-3181 Lisa's Cafe 245 Carlaw Ave. 416-406-6470 Lula Lounge 1585 Dundas West. Call 416· 588-D307 for further times and info. Dec 1 Oanceteria, Dec 2 Equity Showcase Performance, Dec 3 Feast of the East Dec 4 Brasilian Noite Dec 5 Cache Dec 6 Ricky Franco, Dec 7 Bataria, Dec 8 Oanceteria Dec 9 Son Ache Dec 10 Red Theatre Cabaret Dec 11 O'Talle Dec 12 Cimaron Dec 13 Proyecto Charanguero Concert Dec 14 Bataria Dec 15 Oanceteria Dec 17 Havana Rumba Dec 18 Cache Dec 19 BO's Concert Dec 20 Pancade Dec 21 Bataria Dec 22 Oanceteria Dec 26 Dave Cambell OJ Soul Party Dec 27 Nick Ali & Marron Matizado Dec 28 Bataria Dec 29 Oanceteria Dec 31 lula's New Years Bash Mezzetta 681 St. Clair Ave. W. 416-658-5687 "Wednesday Concerts in a Cate• Sets at 9:00 and 10: 15 pm. Reservations recommended for first set. Dec 3 Kye Marshall Solo Cello (sets at 8:45, 1 O pm) Dec 10 Michael Occhipinti (guitar), Kevin Turcotte (trumpet), Dec 17 Ted Quinlan (guitar) Pat Collins (bass) Mezzrows 1546 Queen St. W. 416-535-4906 Parkdale neighborhood pub featuring jazi and blues on Saturday afternoons, Sunday evenings and a live jam every other Wednesday. Montreal Bistro 65 Sherbourne 416-363· 0179. Dec 1 Kingaw/TheOon Thompson Trio w/ Terry Clarke and Jim Vivian, Dec 3 Cal Dodd Quintet w/ Scott Alexander, Phil Dwyer, Bob Mclaren & Tom Szczesniak, Dec 8 Norm Amadio and Bobby Venton Quintet wl,-lenny , Boyd, Mark Hathaway & Bruce Campbel/Dec 9· 13 Emily Claire Barlow and the Barlow Group, Dec 15 The Club Ojango Sextet of Toronto, Dec 16- 20 "O.E W. "East [Oe{Jn, Elmes, Wallace] w/ Reg Schwager Dec 22 The Dave McMurdo Jazz Orchestra-Christmas Special Dec 23 Maureen Kennedy Quartet w/ Antliony Michelli, Kieran DECEMBER 1 2003 - F EBRUARY 7 2004 ' Overs & Nancy Walker Dec 26, 27 Ian Barg/I Trio w/ Fred Ouligal & Neil Swainson, Dec 29 - to Jan 3 (closed Jan 11 Jim Galloway Trio w/ Ian Barg/I & Rosemary Galloway, Jan 5 laila. Biali Trio w/ Brandi Oisterheft & Sly Juhas Jan 6-10 CO Release, Mike Murley Quintet w/ David Braid, John Macleod, Jim Vivian and Ted Warren, Jan 12 Hip Hip Hooray Fundraiser featuring Norman Amadio Ouartet w/ Vocalist Diane Miller, Jan 13-17 Junior Mance Trio w/ Archie Alleyne and Don Thompson, Jan 19 Don Glaser Trio w/ Neil Swainson & John Sumner Jan 20-24 Mark Eisenman Trio w/ John Sumner & Steve Wallace, Jan 26 Nimmons 'N' Nine ... Now! A tribute to Phil Nimmons N'Awlins Jazz Bar and Dining 299 King St. w. 416-595-1958 Cajun style cooking and New Orleans style jazz Oasis 294 College St. Occasional jazz. CallJor details. Orbit Room 508A College St. 416-763-3470 Pilot Tavern 22 Cumberland 416-923-5716 One of Toronto's oldest watering holes, established in 1944 With a tradition of live jazz every Saturday afternoon. Ouigleys 2232 Queen E. 416-699-9998 Reservoir Lounge 52 Wellington 4-15.955. 0887. Every Mon Bradley and the Bouncers, Every Tue Tyler Yarema Every Wed Guest Performer Night, Every Thu Janice Hagen Every Fri Chet Valiant Combo, Every Sat Tony Cassis Rex Jazz and Blues Bar 194 Queen St. W. 416-598-2475. Mon-Fri 2 shows/evening, Sat 3 shows/day, Sun 4 shows/day. Dec 1 Peter Hill UofT Student Jazz Ensembles, Dec 2 Swing Street, Jazz Jain w/ Nick Ali Birthday Celebration, Dec 3 Jamie Reynolds & Exitman, Rob McConnell Tentet, Dec 4Jake Wilkinson, Rob Mconnell Tentet Dec 5 Holly Clark, Laila Biali Dec 6 Pat Carrey's Jazz Navigators, lea/I State, Rob Campbell, Dec 7 UofT Jazz Workshop, Club Ojango Traditional Sextet, Nick Fraser Tr(os, Pat Murray, Dec 29 Peter Hill The Four Mikes, Dec 30 Swing Street, Jazz Jam w/ John Obercian Dec 31 New Years Eve: Colour of Soul Rhodes Restaurant 1496 Yonge St. 416-968- 9315. Dec 4 Fred Ouligal (sax) Ian Barg/I (piano), Dec 5 Bill McBirnie (flute}, Neville Barnes (guitar) Dec 6 San Murata (violin), Neville Barnes (guitar) Lenny Boyd (bass}, Dec 11 Norman Amadio (piano) Diane Miller (vocals), Dec 12 Frank Wright (vibes) Ian Barg/I (piano) Dec 13 Clark Johnson (bass}, Gary Benson (guitar) Dec 18 San Murata (violin) Neville Barnes (guitar) Dec 19 Norman Amadio (piano) Janinie Blanchard (vocals) Dec 20 Simone Johnson (vocals) Jim McBirnie (piano) Clark Johnston (bass), Dec 25 Oanny McErlain (oiano), Bill McBirnie (flute) Dec 26 Kirk MacOonald (sax), Lorne lofsky (guitar), Dec 27 Gary Benson (guitar), Judy Tate (vocals) Dec 31 live New. Years Eve Jazz featuring Norman Atnadio (piano), Ron Johnson (bass) Monday December 01 - 7:30: LOFT Community Services. 50th Annual Christmas Concert Wednesday December 03 - 8:30: U of T Faculty of Music. Small Jazz Ensembles. Thursday December 04 - 8:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. Laila Biali - The Crossings Quartet. Sunday December 07 - 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. Jazz Vespers: Mike Murley-David Occhipinti Duo. - 7:00: Mississauga Big Band Jazz Ensemble. Our Annual Christmas Concert. - 7:30: Leaside United Church. Carols and Readings for Christmas. Thursday December 11 - 8:00: Mariposa Folk Foundation/Koffler School of Music. A Family Holiday Celebration. Sunday December 14 .:. 2:00: Roy Thomson Hall. The Girls Choir of Harlem. - 3:00: Hart House. Sunday Concert: Hampton Avenue. Tuesday December 16 - 7:30: RCM Community School. Percussion Ensembles - 8:00: Sound of Toronto Jazz Series. Vocal Jazz Cabaret Series: Bonnie Brett. Fraser Trios, Julie Mahendran, Dec 8 Peter Hill Thursday December 18 UofT Student Jazz Ensembles, Dec 9 Swing - 8:00: RCM Community School. Jazz Street, Jazz Jam, Dec 10 Jamie Reynolds & Choir. Exitman, Private Party: Featuring: The Sintones, Friday December 19 Dec 1.1 Kevin Quain, 1003 Juno Award Winners - 8:30: Living Arts Centre. Carlos Del Junco Richard Underhill Sextet, Dec 12 Melissa Sunday December 21 Stylianou, Richard Underhill Sextet, Dec 13 .- 4:30: Christ Church Deer Park. Christmas David Buchbinder, Leah State, 1003 Prix du Jazz . Jazz Vespers: Brass & Drums Ouintet featuring Winner: Nancy Walker, Dec 14 UofT Jazz Guido Basso & Brian Barlow, drums. Workshop, FreewayOixiela~d~eptet, Nick Tuesday December 23 Fraser Trtos, John _Ma/Iara/ Trto De~ 15 Peter _ 8:00: Roy Thomson Hall. Canadian Brass' Hill Ali Berkok Qumtet, Dec 16 Sw1?g Street, Christmas Concert. Jazz Jam w/ Norman M Villeneuve s Annual XMAS Bash Dec 17 Jamie Reynolds & Sunday Jan_uary 04 . Exitman, Ho Ho Nojo, Dec 18 Jake Wilkinson, - 4:30: Chnst Church Deer Park. Jazz Mandy Lagan, Dec 19 Melissa Stylianou, Vespers , Roberto Occhipinti, Dec 20 Or. Kick and the Monday January 12 Rollercoasters, Leah State, Nehring, Koller & - 8:00: Sound of Toronto Jazz Series. Braid, Dec 21 UofT Jazz Workshop, Be-Bop Canadian Jazz Quartet. Cowboys, Nick Fraser Trios, "Swing Rosie'; Dec Thursday January 15 22 Peter Hill Ernesto Cervini Quartet, Dec 23 - 12:30: York University Dept. of Music. Swing Street, Jazz Jam w/ Tim Hamil Dec 26 EscoladeSamba TBA, Jamie Reynolds Quartet, Dec 27 Jake & Saturday January 17 the Blue Midnights, Leah State, laura Hubert, Dec 28 UofT Jazz Workshop, Sarah John, Nick _ 8:00: CBC On Stage. Studio Jazz. WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM JAZZ CONCERT QUICK PICKS Rockit 120 Church St. 416-947-9555 Downtown club featuring contemporary jazz and blues every night except Sunday and Monday. Sassafraz 100 Cumberland 416- 364 7517 Located in the heart of fashionable Yorkville is this European style bistro with live jazz on weekends. Top O' the Senator 253 Victoria Street 416- 364-7517. Dec2-7 MelissaStylianouDec27, 28, 30, 31, Jan 2, 3,JohnAlcorn The Tranzac 292 Brunswick Ave. 416-923· 8137. Mon 9pm-12 Open mike w/ adam blair, Thu 1 0-1 Mighty Gill (Show jazz originals) Fri 5-, 7 classic jazz matinee w. The Foolish Things, Victory Cafe 581 Markham St. 416-516· 5787. Located beside Honest Ed's this spot is the Thursday night home of Club Django. Wildfire Steakhouse and Wine Bar 3438 Yonge St. 416-483-4800. Every Tues. 6:30· 9:30 Dick Felix/Dan Ionescu Friday January 23 - 8:00: Toronto Sinfonietta. TS Strings with Peter Appleyard Jazz Ouintet. Saturday January 24 - 2:00 & 8:00: Canada Pops Orchestra. Ole, Ehl . · - 8:00: Mississauga Philharmonic. A Tribute to Benny Goodman. - 8:30: Living Arts Centre. Marc Jordan. Sunday January 25 - 8:00: RCM Community School. Jazz Ensemble. Tuesday January 27 - 8:00: Sounds of Toronto Jazz .Series. Vocal Jazz Cabaret Series: George Evans. . Friday January 30 - 8:30: U of T Faculty of Music. Small Jazz Ensembles. Saturday January 31 - 8:00: Oakville Centre for the Perform· ing Arts. The Jennifer ValentyneSwing Band · Sunday February 01 - 1:30: CAMMAC/McMichael Gallery. Coby Stoller, Jazz Ensemble Wednesday Fe_bruary 04 - 8:30: U of T Faculty of Music. Small Jazz Ensembles. Friday February 06 - 8:30: U of T Faculty of Music. Small Jazz Ensembles. FURTHER AFIELD (in this issue: Alliston, Barrie,' Oshawa, Port Hope, Sonya,) Saturday December 06 - 8:00: Millpond Centre. Christmas Jazz., Alliston. Sunday December 07 - 7:00: Amis du Jazz. Laila Biali Trio. Sonya Sunday December 14 - 7:00: Amis du Jazz. Peter Smith Band. Sonya. Saturday January 03 - 8:00: Barrie Concerts. Toronto All Star Big Band. Barrie Saturday January 10 - 7:30: Rik Emmett in Concert. Oshawa Saturday January 24 · - 8:00: Capitol Theatre. Jennifer Valentyne. Port Hope 57
03104 HOLIDAY SEASON ~~H~P ~i,~~~~~