9 years ago

Volume 9 Issue 4 - December 2003

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  • Toronto
  • December
  • Jazz
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  • January
  • Symphony
  • Choir
  • February
  • Musical
  • Arts


0 ANNOUNCEMENTS, LECTURES/SYMPOSIA, MASTER CLASSES, WORKSHOPS, ETCETERA ANNOUNCEMENTS •December 3 9:30pm: Staircase Theatre. Film composer/director Nathan Fleet wi[I perform live musical score using electric guitars, kev.boards, percussion & voice, to Hitchcock'.s 1927·silent film The Lodger. 27 Dundurn St. N,arth~ Hamilton. 905-529-3000. . *December l 12:30: GTA Music Educators/ Music Industry/Coalition for Music Education in Canada. 12th Annual Christmas Tuba Festival and Choir Sing-Along. Participation is open to students, teachers. private instructors, profeSsionals·and anyone else who plays the tuba or likes to sing. Arrangements by Scott Irvine. Conductors: Jayne Evans & Jeff Reynolds; emcee: Orin Isaacs. Nathan Phillips Square. 100 Queen St. West. Registration: 41 B-222-8282 . x2164 or •December 5 6am·6pm: CBC Radio One. Day of Holiday Cheer. Live seasonal entertainment all day long. Performers include: Joe Sealy Trio, Eliana Cuevas, David Rudder & others. CBC, 250 Front St. West. 416-205· 5555. Free. In support of the Daily Bread Food Bank & the Toronto Fir~fighters Toy Drive. *December 5 7:00: Sacred Music Society. Gala fundraiser/Christmas Wassail Party. Guest performers include Russell Braun, baritone, Lilac Cana, soprano; John Sherwood, piano; Sacred· Music Society Chamber Choir. Silent auction; hors d'oeuvres, wine tasting & more. Knights of · Columbus Mansion. 582 Sherbourne St. 416· 515-0767, 1-877-692-4647. . Tobe confirmed. *December 6 1 Dam-12 noon: Etobicoke Community Concert Band. Performance in the Etobicoke Lakeshore Christmas Parade, Lakeshore Rd. 416410-1570. Free. • Qecember 7 2:00: Elmer lseler Singers. Sherry and Shortbread. Silent auction and music of the holiday season. Alb~ny Club, 91 King St. East. Call for information or tickets: 4 Hl-217· 0537. . *December 1 O 7:l0: Toronto Children's Chorus. Performance at Holiday Festival on Ice. Other performers include: Canadian Ice Skaters, Kurt Browning, Jamie. Sale & David Pelletier. Jennifer Robinson & Brian Orser. Ricoh Coliseum, 4100 Yonge. 416-870·8000. · . . *December 21 5:00: Amis du Jan. Christmas Party. Howand Ross and the Full Count Blues Band. The Church at Sonya. RSVP to 705-357-2468. .50- . ./ *December 31 5:30: Toronto Operetta , Theatre. New Year's Eve Gala. Reception, buffet dinner, Bpm performance of the The Chocolate Soldier at Jane Mallett Theatre (see music theatre listings), followed by New Year's Eve champagne & dance at Hot House Caf6, 35 Church. 416-366· 7723. 5 (performance ticket extra). •January 17 12:00 noon-10:30pm: Historic Fort York. Oueen Charlotte's Birthday Ball Celebration of late 18th century music, food & dance with afternoon workshops, historical supper, elegant evening ball. 100 Garrison Rd. 416-392-6907 xl 00. (before Dec.31), (afterward). •January 28: Toronto Mendelssohn Choir. Stars in Song.Gala. Celebrate the 110th season with an' evening of dinner, auction & performances. Featured artist: tenor Richard Margison. The Carlu, 444 Yonge St., 7th floor. 416·598·0422. 0, group rate. •January 29 7:00: Church of the Holy Trinity/first Unitarian Congregation of Toronto. Village Square Series. Participatory (\ Celebration of lote '18th Century Music, Food {i Dance Sat., Jan. 17, 2004 • Noon to 10:30 pm HISTORIC FORT YORK ' •Afternoon \.Yorkshops ·'•Historical Supper .• Elegant Evening Ball :Pre-r:egister Now! · before Dec. 31 • ' afterward Liceµsed. C~sh Bar. ~~TORONTO Culture Live Music! Costumes Historic I;ort York : 100 Garrison Road 41(,-392-6907 ext. 100. Free Parking. public activity featuring community singing traditions from North America and around the world. Alan Gasser & Becka Whitla, co·leaders. 10 Trinity Square. 416-59-4521. Freewill offering. •January 31 6:00: Toronto Children's Chorus. Great Gala: Pre-Concert Black Tie Dinner. Fundraising dinner for the TCC's Artistic Endowment Fund. Includes pre-concert reception, dinner & preferred concert seating. Roy Thomson H~ll. 60 Simcoe. 416-932-8666 x222. 00. •January 31 6:30: VIVA! Youth Singers. Mary Poppins Sing-along Fundraiser. Come and sing all the hits from the show. Includes food, silent auction & raffle prizes. Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre, Spadina & Bloor: 416-788-8482. ,, child under 4 free. *February-6 & 7 6;45: Toronto Consort Board of Directors. Midwinter Marvel Silent auction. Bid. on a va(iety of items including iicket vouchers for musical & theatrical events, gift · certificates etc., before The Splendour of Burgundy concerts or during intermission (see daily listings). Gymnasium, Trinity-St. Paul's Centre, 427 Bloor West. 416-530-4735. *National Youth· Orchestra of Canada. Deadline for receipt of all audition applications for the 2004 NYOC session is December 15, 2003. u~e auditions will be held in the third & fourth weeks of January 2004, in over 30 locations across Canada. For more information: 416·532-4470, 1-888-5324470, LECTURES/SYMPOSIA •December 5 4:30: Ro'yal Conservatory of Music. History, Fam17y and the legacy of the Third Reich: The Wagner Paradigm. Lecture by Gottfried Wagner, musicologist and great· grandson of Richard Wagner. Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416408-2824 x321. Free. *December 6 2:00: Royal Conservatory of Music. From Wagner to Hitler. lecture by Gottfried Wagner, musicologist and great·' grandson of Richard Wagner. Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen's Park. 416408-2824 x321. Free with admission to the ROM. *December 6 5:30: Royal Conservatory of Music. Jewish Musicians and their Music In Nazi Germany and Beyond Lecture by Prof. Michael.Kater. Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. 416-408-2824 x321. Free. •December 7 1 :DO: Royal Conservatory of Music. The Music of Terezin, BBC Documentary. Film. ROM Theatre, 100 Queen's Park. 416408-2824 x321 . Free. · · · Sign up now at The North Toronto . Institute of Music • NEW! Jazz Program • NEW! Scene Study and Acting • Private Lessons & Theory Classes • Pre-School classes *December 7 5:30: Royal Conservatory of Music. The Kulisiewicz Collection. Discussion of the work of Aleksander Kulisiewicz, collector of music from the Holocaust & author of the texts used by Paul Schoenfield in Camp Songs. Mazzoleni Concert Hall, 273 Bloor St. West. · 416-408-2824 x'.321 .'Free. •January 12-16, 12:00 noon·late afternoon: University of Tor.onto Faculty of Music.J.S. Bach in the World Today. Daily lectures & panel discussions examining questions , of art, science, theology & politics implicit in the history & performance practice ofBach's sacred· cantatas. Noon: Let's Talk: Artists & scholars in ' conversation with Helmuth Rilling; 1 :15: Discovery l· Masterclasses with solo artists & conducting students; 3:15: Discovery ll· Rehearsals with the choir, orchestr~ & soloists; 5:00: Cantata Cafe: Pre-concert refreshmenis in the Walier Hall foyer. 6:00: Intimate Evenings: Lecture/concerts of Bach's sacred cantatas (see daily listings). G.uest: Helmuth Rilling, conductor · & scholar. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416· 978-3744. 5/(st): five-day festival pass, $ 50/ $ 25(st): one-day festival pass, $ 20/ O(st): one lecture-concert pass. •January 19 12:00 noon: University of Toro.nto at Scarborough. Peking Opera lecture/demonstration with William Lau. 1265 Military Trail. 416-287-7076. Free. *January 22 12:10: University of Toronto Faculty of Music. The beat goes on: Reflections on my Percussion Concerto. Lecture by Joseph Schwantner. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416· 978-3744. Free. •January 31 9:30am-4:00: Munk Centre. Falstaff: The Maestro Takes on the Bard. Established 1981 OUR PRICE= MUSIC TO OUR CUSTOMERS' EARS YAMAHA DIGITAL PIANOS ELECTRONIC KEYBOARD I GUITARS ALSO USED PIANOS (uPRIGHTS & GRANDS) --~ LESSONS• SERVICE• TUNING ACCESSORIES• BOOKS VISIT OUR SHOWROOM of music.416 . · 416-924-7499 IZJ 499 COLLEGE ST. ,• . (2 BLOOKS WEST OFF BATHURST) ' ' Musical instruction-by highly qualified teach in the heart of Toronto

Examination of Shakespeare's version of Falstaff and Verdi /Boito's operatic adaptation; a look at Verdi's late style; discussion/demonstration of Verdi's use of the horn and other related topics. Linda & Michael Hutcheon, Drew Stephen, Philip Gossett, Sander Gilman, Alexander Leggat! & Jill Levenson, presenters. Vivian and David Campbell Conference Facility, Trinity College, 1 Devonshire Place. 416-363-8231. , O(U of T faculty), full time students free. MASTER CLASSES *December 1: Music Toronto. Citizen Master Class. Adult amateur pianists, violinists, cellists & chamber groups play for The Gryphon Trio. To participate, send one paragraph about yourself to admin@music·, or call 416-214-1660. *January 2712:10: Ui)iversity of Toronto Faculty of Music. Voice master class with • Martin lsepp. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416· 978-3744. Free. WORKSHOPS •December 4 2:00·5:00: Long & Mc Quade/ Roland Canada. Clinic with Roland recording specialist Peter Laiferty. See Roland & Boss product demonstrations, learn new recording techniques & EZ applications, ask questions about your Roland V·Studio,or Boss BR-Series AIM YOUR VOICE Organic and functional vocal training to gain access to your full range, resonance and vocal freedom. For singers, public speakers, teachers, clergy, or if you just want to enjoy using your voice! Sue Crowe Connolly *Hamilton Studio 905-544-1302 (•opening Dec. 15th) digital recorders. 370 Main St. North, Brampton. 905-450-4334. •December 5 9am - noon: Westben Arts Festival Theatre. Workshops with True North Brass, Star Fire Youth Band & New Horizon Senior's Band. Thomas A.Stewart Secondary School, Peterborough. 705-653-5508, 1-877- 883-5777. 1 •December 5 1 Oam-5:00: Long & McQuade/Roland Canada. Clinic with Roland recording specialist Peter Lafferty. See December 4. 1133 Markham Rd. 416-439- 800 J. •December 6 1 Oam-5:00: Long & McQuade/Roland Canada. Clinic with Roland recording specialist Peter Lafferty. See . . December 4. 3180 Mainway Dr., Burlington: 905·319-3330. •December 7 1 :30: Toronto Early Music Players' Organization. Colin Savage, wind specialist. Open to player~ of reed instruments, recorders, viols & other early instruments. Lansing United Church, 49 Bogert Ave. 416-487- 9261. . *December 1110am·1pm: Long & McQuade/Roland Canada. Clinic with Roland recording specialist Peter Lafferty. See December 4. 925 Bloor St. West. 416·588· 7886. Breathe new life into your voice with a unique and sensible kinesthetic approach to vocal pedagogy. This is a method which focuses on influencing and improving the co-ordinative process of the vocal muscles. It brings them into equilibrium, thus eliminating muscular interference. Great for Everyone! } All styles }All Levels }Beginners and Children welcome } Excellent for public speakers, actors, etc. Call Pattie Kelly for private lesso":s at 905-271-6896 ·····-·-----··---- ~ 'Toronto Scfzoo[:Jor Strings ere'"" 85 Collier St. · Located near Yonge St. and Bloor St. Private Lessons Group Classes Qualified/Experienced Instructors RCM ~xam Preparation · Junior Reading Orchestra, Chamber music Adult String Orchestra ' All Ages 3+ Adults Welcome $ Contact Julian Fisher 416--968...0303 L----~~:~:.~()!..?.!.:~()~~~!~2~~!~~-~!.i.!:g?:~?..t.!~ ..... Viva Voce Voice Studio A DYNAMIC ONE-OF-A-KIND TEAQIJNG.DUO Deborahjeans Soprano, Mus.Bae. Performance, Diploma . in Operatic Performance, University of Toronto Andree Bernard Chanteuse, Jazz singer, Laval University Preparation for entrance exams and auditions, all styles and levels 7 Pleasant Blvd. (Yonge and St. Clair) 416-323-1417 Singing and piano lessons at all levels Reasonable rates Qualified teachers Conven'iently located studio Yonge at St. Clair , , 416~,20~1988

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