9 years ago

Volume 9 Issue 4 - December 2003

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • December
  • Jazz
  • Theatre
  • January
  • Symphony
  • Choir
  • February
  • Musical
  • Arts

Past Present Future new

Past Present Future new CD release from Charli~ Gray order online "instrumental jazz with heart & soul" ANNOUNCEMENTS, ... ETCETERA CONTINUED FROM PAGE 59 *December 11 2:00:5:00: Long & McQuade/Roland Canada. Clinic with Roland recordfng specialist Peter Lafferty. See December 4. 1133 Markham Rd. 416·439· 8001. . '•December 12 2:00-5:00: Long & McQuade/Roland Canada. Clinic with ~oland recording specialist Peter Lafferty. See December 4. 2777 Steeles Ave. West. 416· 663-8612. •December 18 2:00-5:00: Long & McQuade/Roland Canada. Clinic with Roland recording specialist Peter Lafferty. See December 4. 370 Main St. North, Brampton. 905-450-4334. •December 20 1 Oam-5:00: Long & McQuade/Roland Canada. Clinic with Roland recording specialist Peter Lafferty. See December 4. 2777 Steeles Ave. West. 416· 663-8612. •January 4 1 :30: Toronto Early Music Players' Organization. Betsy MacMillan, viol speciaiist and teacher. Open to players of recorders. viols & other early instruments. Lansing United Church, 4!l Bogert Ave. 416-487· 9261. . . •January 17 1 Oam-2:00: CAMMAC. Sight· Singing and Vocal Production Workshop. Nancy Telfer, presenter. The Assembly Hall, 1 Colonel Samuel Smith Park Dr. 905-764·8461. (members), (non-members). • January"25 2:00: CAMMAC. Reading of madrigals. Frank Nakashima, leader. Christ Church Deer Park, 1570 Yonge St. 416-421 · 0779. (non-members), (members). •January 28 7:30: Toronto Early Music Centre. Vocal Circle. Recreational reading of early choral music. Ability to read music desirable but not essential. 166 Crescent Rd. 416-920-5025. (non·members). •February 1 1 :30: Toronto Early Music Players' OrQanization. Daniel Gariepy, · baroque dancer. Open to dancers and/or players of recorders, viols & other early instruinen,ts. Lansing United Church, 49j!ogert Ave. 416-487· 9261.. •Peter Smith Jazz Workshops. Topics include improvisation, repertoire & ensemble skills. Any musicians welcome. Mondays 7:30· 9:30, Dec.8,22. Japanese United Church, Dovercourt south of Bloor. 416-785·8609. 1 session. . . musicians by . a . musician Endurance • Breath Posture • Muscle Release , Dr. Katarina Bulat, Chiropractor Clinic: Back in Motion i370 Danforth Ave. Tel: 416-461-2225 Private Practice: 18 VerDadal.e Cres. Tel: 41 6-752-8673 RECORDS L IMIT E D

(U N)C LASS IFIE D ADVERTISING: 416-323-2232; UNC@THEWHOLENOTE.COM ACCOUNTING AND' INCOME TAX ing, keyboard skills, theory (all Conservatory- SERVICE for small business and individuals, type subjects, solfa, jazz). Ali levels, profession- LINDA MAGUIRE, MEZZO SO- VIOLINISTS WANTED for Toronto's newlo save you lime and money, customized to meet aVserious beginners. Detailed study available_ PRANO, seeks beginning and/or advanced est community dance orchestra. No annual your needs. Norm Pulker, B. Math. CMA. 905- J.S.Bach, Renaissance, Jazz. Art Levine, MA, vocal students. Free initial consultation. 416- membership dues. Professional management. · 717-5421 or905-830-2985. · ARCT; Host of "This is Art"· on CBC; RCMPro- 922-9019. V'!Sit ourwehsite and The ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE enhanc- f ess1ona · JS c h oo JF1 acu Jty ; I nstructor, u niversity .__ www.lindamagwr· ____;:...________ 11 conlac!Andrewtodav@.!416l712-2555. _______....;;;;...;;.;.;~__, esperformanceskills,poise,poslure, voice, and of Toronto, etc. 416-924-8613· Visit website: MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS! Duets, con f i d ence. To enjoy a free introductory lesson,·m "' irios, Da nee Band, Big Band, Background, Cen- AUDITIONS! please contact Graeme Lynn at 416-964-7026 or FESTIVAL WIND ORCHESTRA. Commu- Ire-stage. Classical, Contemporary, Dixieland, www.vitalsparkca nity concert band of above-average calibre seeks Jazz! JSL Enterprises 905-~76-3373. CHORISTERS - Vocal tune-ups for experi- newmembers.Leadaltosax,oboe,bassclarinet, The PERFORMING EDGE Performance enced committed choral singers. Improve vocal tuba, trumpet and percussion players especially enhancement training in tension management, ability & sight-reading. 4 t6-596-i456. Har- welcome! Professional conductor. Rehearsals on concentration, goal setting, imagery. lndividubourfront area. Tuesdays, 7:30-9:3b, Yonge & Sheppard area. Dur alized lo meet your performance situation. Kate ut n11.- w new season starts Jan.6. For more info, visit r. . H ays, PhD . ., c . p syc h ., practismg - clinical · and or callShelley: rf · rts ht 416 961 0487 COPYIST AVAILABLE: transposition (vo- (416)-491-1683. pe ormmga psyc 0 ogy. - - · cal, instrumental, choral), orchestral parts, ROB CARROLL jazz and classical guitar inscores. Professional work. Reasonable rates. For FIND YOUR VOICE! Together we will discov- slruction, theory, ear-training. 416-977-3531. furth inf er the singer in you. Fun, creative and relaxed. er· ormationcontactAttilaNagy.416-575- Ren(BMus.)416-763-5674 TREPEX MUSIC COPYING. All types of 7397. scores copied with Sibelius software, reasona- DESKTOP PUBLISHER will do page Jay- FOR SALE: Yamaha CS Grand Piano restored bl e rates. "' iranscriptions and arrangements also out and printing of your newsletter, program,' with German hammers and strings. Excellent d one. E mai ·ts amue I Andr eyev al: etc., OR leach you how to do ii at home on sound and well maintained. Condition reporl avail- marv able.'1,0000.B.O.Call(416)766-3628. m your PC. Patient, experienced, reasonable ne b site: h tip: /'/ rates. HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO SING, VIOLINLESSONSperhour/per~alf thoughtynuwouldn'torcouldn'tordoynu1·us1want h All di t I 1 c !IS EAR TRAINING, MUSICIANSHIP, our. ages an eve s we come. a usie a place to play with the possibilities of ynur voice. 416 275-4484 SIGHT-SINGING, dictation, rhythmic train- Small u .6- 75. ohanne.416-461-8425. on - · out . • fits niost music stands tes 2 complete pages • no heat n • virtually unbreakable • ty • buy direct from the source v ' • SOl:.OILIGHT.COM 21sJ 9Jmtyrymagk1 •..·%• ..(QQ:?.J •... ~.fl:J ,.8~75 'J}'l/l/l/1·'11-1/l/l/ I 1 -'l/l/l/l -·l.·'l/l'/l/ f ~ t ~ ~ 314 Chufch·ill Ave~ Torgnto, .Ontario i1 ~ M2R 1E7 Canada ~ ~ Tel: (1) 416-244-1956 ~ t Fax: (1) 416-224-2964 ~ ~ M!KROKOSMO ii- ~ ~ ' - t i We buy your I ' ~ c I ass1ca . I LP ~ ~ collection i ' ~ ~ (classical, such as ii ~ · i1 i1 Beethoven, Mozart, f ~ Stockhausen) ~ ~ . " ~ we travel anywhere ~ ~ for good collections~ ~ ~ ~/.I/I/I .#'l/:l/Af/l/"l-1/l / I Xll 1 / # / #'/I ,,t DECEMBER 1 2003 - FEBRUARY 7 2004 arrangement of Canadian Sleigh ride· . ( by Ralph Fraser Contact Leslie Music or Ralph Fraser at 416-293-5716 THE CMC IJGHT OPERA COMPANY a well-established community theatre specializing in lost & unique musicals presents the first-ever Toronto production of RODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN'S Allegro The long-lost masterpiece from the creators of OKLAHOMA!, THE KING & I and THE SOUND OF MUSIC! Director: Joe Cascone • with full orchestra AUDITION DATES: December 16 & 17 SHOW DATES: Feb. 19 to 28, 2004 AUDITION and PERFORMANCE VENUE: Fairview LibraryTheatre, North York Call 416-469:8450 or e-mail The Up.iversity Settlement Music and Arts School FOUNDED IN 1921 YOUTH ORCHESTRA IS LOOKING FOR MEMBERS AGES 13- 21 MINIMUM PLAYING LEVEL GRADE 3 . CONSERVATORY OR EQUI';' ALENT. OLDER AND YOUNGER ADMITTED BY SPECIAL PERMISSION . THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO GET FIRST TIME EXPERIENCE IN ORCHESTRAL/BAND PLAYING. CALL 416- 598- 3444 EXT 243/244 Toronto Choral Society Community Choir Is Seeking Basses and Tenors f:We are Non- Audition · [ For upconiing shows: ' Toronto: A Musical Mosaic Pt 2, Mar 2004 Carmina Burana une 2004 We meet Wednesdays at 7:30pm Eastminster United Church, 310 Danforth Ave . (1 J.llock West of Chester Subway) Call 416-410-3509 for information "or "ust come check us out! ·-••• • • •• ··• • •• • ••••••• ,,•,•,,• •,w ••'. N •••.•.w ,•.• .. .." ·· Visit Our Website ,.,., .. ··"' ···,."·'·''"''..' ·· v;.t;;tt·:· ;• ;;-~·~'i;u"Lc.EN"'o"'>

Volumes 26-30 (2020- )

Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

Volumes 6 - 10 (2000 - 2006)

Volumes 1-5 (1994-2000)