9 years ago

Volume 9 Issue 4 - December 2003

  • Text
  • Toronto
  • December
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  • Arts


DISC EDITOR'S INTRODUCTION CONTINUED FROM PAGE 14 . In the Stocking Stuffers section Phil Ehrensaft lists Bridge · Records' latest installment in its series of Elliott Carter discs, and as a supplement to that I'd like to mention a new Montaigne CD, Elliott Carter - Homages & Dedications (Naive MO 782089) . This exceptional disc featur~s i 983- l 997 performed by, members of the Ni~uw Ensemble under the direction of Ed Spanjaard. Highlights include Luimen ·'for the Nieuw Ensef!lble ". Scrivo in vento 'for Robert Aitken" performed by Harrie Starreveld and Esprit rude, Esprit doux II 'for Pierre Boulez ". And as a final note I wiB mention several upcoming events involying members of our stalwart review staff: Kevin Mallon and the Aradia Ensemble will launch a new Naxos reco.rding of Charpen!ier's Messe de Minuit at its December 6 concert "Noels from France and New France" at.St. 'Andrew's Church (King and Simcoe); composer John S. Gray will have a new work, Episodes for Orchestra, performed by the Cathedral Bluffs Symphony under the direction of Robert Raines on December 13 at Stephen Leacock High School audi- to~ium; . recorder virtuoso Abson Melv11le (and friends) will launch a new CD, "Archipelago", featuring works of Bach, Boismortier, }l.otteterre,' Telemann and ~thers . at the December 12-13 performances by the Toronto Consort at Trinity-St. Paul's Centre; and lastly, Daniel Foley was on7 of the composers chosen to wnte a variation on La Folia to be performed later this season by Tafelmusik as part of its 25th anniversary celebrations, and on March 7, New Music Concerts will premiere his Souvenances, ~ommissioned by the CBC. _ VE RIES \ We welcome your feedback an~ invite submissions. Catalogues, review copies of CDs and .. comments should be sent to: · Wholenote, Suite 503, 720 Bathurst St. Toronto ON MSS 2R4. We also welcome your input via our ~ebsite, David Olds Editor, DISCoveries EARLY MUSIC AND PERIOD PERFORMANCE Reformation & Renaissance: Psalms, Motets & Dances Calvin Choir & Recordare Ensemble · lndependents.JM003 wwW .calvinP

opportunities to develop his decidedly flawed character. Laurent Nouri - is magnificent, tenderly expressive in the top notes of 'Sibilar l'angui', and breathtaking in the notorious twoand-a-hal f octave leaps of 'Fra i 'ombre'. He is nimble and strong . throughout his huge range, playing up both the comedy and the danger. When the buffoonish Polyphemus shows up in the second act of Acis & Galatea, he is already a lascivious, murderous thug. Nathaniel Watson, who delivers the great line 'I rage - I melt - I burn' with effective irony, gives a wonderfully characterized 'O ruddier than the cherry'. In Aci, Galatea e Polifemo, Aci is a soprano - presumably the part was written for a castrato. Sandrine Piau is sublime in Aci's exquisite dying aria, 'Verso gia !'alma'. As Acis, tenor Marc Bleeke is compellingly ardent, particularly delightful in the air· 'Love in her eyes'. Sµzie LeBlanc gives the Galatea of Acis & Galatea an endearingly plaintive quality, with depth and shading enriching her sparkling soprano, whereas gorgeous contralto Sara Mingardo offers a wiser, less girlish Galatea in Aci, Galatea e Polifemo. Along with the soft-edged tenor Marc Molomot as a shepherd Damon, the soloists oi· Acis & Galatea make a colourful, wellmatched chorus. Both ensembles play, on period instruments, with verve, momentum and dramatic style, led from the harpsichord by their skilled leaders, Emmanuelle Haim and Eric Milnes. These two superb new recordings are both well produced, with fine booklet notes and librettos with translations. Pamela Margles J.S. Bach: Leipsiger Weichnachtskantaten Collegium V ocale Gent, Philippe Herreweghe Harmonia Mundi HMC 801.781.82 J.S. Bach: Christmas .i1Jri :~~= :tt.n~>r> m o, ~ ( ·i~ • .t:-..,.,., c.~(hr..,,..t; · (:ffi.i~ni ~­ t:•t1t1t.'ll-Hiui~~ J.S. BACH: ST JOHN PASSION CHARPENTIER \k~s t· (h; \ Unuit pour N1)t:1 ' !

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