Shiatsu Centre 720 Bathurst St., Suite 502 Toronto, ON M5S 2R4 416-534-1140 x2 Cell: 416-788-3187 Carlos Praniauskas, CST, has been treating musicians and perform_ers for 15 years. Shiatsu is effective for: • treatment and preventidn of repetitive strain injuries • relief of tension and stress • producing a feeling of well-being Q U O D LI B ET Chamber Choir. Similarly the Gryphon Trio, a chamber music ensemble by Allan f:ulker drawn from the ranks of the National Arts Centre Orchestra and L' ensemble In the days following Nicholas Gold- des idees heureuses ~ competing not schmidt's death on February 8 the news- only against each other but also against papers were full of accolades. CBC individual . performers Marc Andre Radio Two dedicated prirre air tirre to Harrelin and Angela Hewitt. With the him and the Director of the Canada superabundance of musical talent in this Council and even the Governor Gen- country and the vitality of the live pereral issued "staterrents" concerning the forrnance scene, this reduction of clascontributio~ of this remarkable man to sical music to oversimplified categothe musical life of Canada. ries is out of touch with the complexity Alrmst two years ago, before the ofCanadianmusicallife. Ifyouagree, current outpouring of affection and trib- please let the organizers know what · utes to Goldschmidt's formidable mu- you think. The awards are presented · sicalandorganizational talents, persua- by the Canadian Academy ofRecordsivepersoruµity,andaccomplislnrents, ing Arts and_Sciences (CARAS). Its WholeNote published a fresh and en- address is 355 King Street West, Suite gaging interview with Goldschmidt in 501, Toronto, Ontario M5V 116. our May 2002 issue. This was at the Phone: (416) 485-3135, Fax: (416) tirre of his last choral festival, "The 485-4978. Email: info@) Joy of Singing (in the Noise of the World)." The article, by Dawn Ly- There is, I feel, an acute awareons, can be found on our website at ness in the music community of the necessity for music to speak to the peo- While Goldschmidt, as many of the pie of our tirre. Three post secondary obituaries observed, is irreplaceable, his educational institutions, York Universpirit and vision are aliye and well in sity, U of T and the Royal Conservaour midst and docurrented in the pag- tory of Music now offer courses in esofeveryissueofthisrnagazine. The jazz and world music, reflecting the music scene that he helped to build, confluence of cultures here. Please see this flowering of the human spirit, to the listings for the many concerts - too which he contributed so significantly, many to enumerate here - at the unicontinues. Bravo Niki! versities. be f · Also at the University of Toronto I spent the tter part o a rmmmg on March 4 there will be a concert in acoupleofweeksagoattheannounce- honour of Professor John Hawkins, ment of the Juno Award nominees. Of the thirty or so awards, four are for who is both a performer (on piano) classicalmusic,severalareforjazzand and a composer, honouring his outcountry music and the majority are for standing contribution over rmre than pop music of various flavours. It's the thirty years to the study of music at the pop, naturally, that will get the fizz of Faculty of Music. And on March 26 the J.irrelightat the televised awards cer- works by two other outstanding Canaermny on April 4; the classical awards dian composers, Howard Cable and will be announced at a lower key, non- Michael Colgrass will be performed televised cerermny on Saturday, April by the University of Toront!) Wmd 3. Understandable enough. Ensemble. Less understandable is the way the Many individual musicians.and enawards put solo singers in the sarre sembles are doing their part to contrib· 'category as choirs. This year Karina ute to our musical life. Andrew Gauvin, Ben Heppner, Isabe!Bayrak- Burashko's Art of Time Ensemble's darian and Suzie Leblanc/Daniel Tay- innovative programming emphasizes !or are competing not only against each the continuity of musical thought and other but also against the Tafelmusik intent across different musical idioms. Al and Malka Green Artists' Health Centre at Toronto Wester~ Hospital 399 Bathurst Street (at Dundas) To book an appointment, call 416-603-5263 An integrate,d & co.mprehensive health care centre created by artists - for artists ·ao For information about our services, contact: The Artists' Health Centre Foundation 416-351-0239 • M ARCH 1 - APRIL 7 2004
my knowledge of technique and the problems of composition." (The program of Amici' s March 5 concert will also include a work by Zemlinsky.) There will be some fine solo voice recitals in March: Nathalie Paulin on March 8 at Glenn Gould Studio, Mary Bella and Michael Colvin at Thornhill Presbyterian Church on March 12 Michael Colvin again, this time with Virginia Hatfield, Anita Kraus, and Alexander Dobson at Walter Hall on March 14, and on March 17 with Richard Bradshaw and rrembers of the COC Orchestra at Glenn Gould Studio. ~arch will also,bring several oppor- . turut:Jes ID hear music for the harp: On John Hawkins, circa 1970 March14theAmericanHarpSociety l;lis March 1 concert, The Love Story presents retired TSO harpist, Judy Loof the Packard and the Ford (An man, in recital at Armour Heights Evening of Arrerican Song) with songs Church, and harpist Sharlene Wallace by across-sectionof"serious" and ;,tin will perform at the Royal Conservatopan alley" composers, will be a good ry of Music on March 11 and at Enoch example of this. Turner School House on March 21. Burashko 's musical influence will An? if your passion is the guitar,then also be felt in a concert at Glenn Gould set aside March 26-28, which are the Studio on March 23, based on the life ~ days of the Toronto Guitar syin,: ~d work of.Canadian poet, Dorothy posuun concerts, lecnn:es and master Livesay. Alrericanpopularmusicwill ·, a!} for the gmtar. The first also figure largely in programs by the evenmg will be a recital by Jeffrey Mc Toronto Philharmonia on March 4 Fadden, who is also the director of the & 7 and the Cathedral Bluffs Or- University of Toronto Guitar Ensemchestra on March 6. ble, which will perform just three days i':1arch 6 is going to be busy: Sin- earlier on M.arch. 2~. · ~orua Toronto hosts guest flute solo- ~t'. the 1d~t1c young Yugoslavi JSt Leslie Newman who will perform an PIB?15t, Marma Arsenijevic, having the Mercadante flute concerto; the exi:ienenced the horrors of civil war is Oakville. Chamber Orchestra has 1:YIDg ID ~mmunicate better by innovapiano soloist Andrew Aarons perform- t:Jve .crossmg the boundaries between ing Mozart?s Concerto #20; and the mus_1~genres.Marina'sgoalistobring ~uga Symphoay Orchestra "~ty m the face of diversity" and rewill feature some fine violin playing ~d "people of th~ir corrnmn humanby the distinguished young Ukrainian- 1ty throu~ ~er music." She will present Canadian violinist, Vasyl Popadiuk. a fun?-~mg co~cert for the relief of On March 13, just a week later, the suffenng m her native country on March Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra 31 at the Weston Recital Hall. with guest violinist Tara-Louise Montour will give th~ Hamilton premiere of "Farewell to the Warriors" by Re ·gent Levasseur - a work related to her Mohawk heritage, based on a haunting Chippewa song sung by women when their men went off to war. Around the same t:iri:e (March 10, 11 & 13) the Toronto Symphony Orchestra with guest pianist Yefun Bronfman will perfonn Prokofiev's legendary Second Piano Concerto, the score of which was destroyed in his apartment during the Russian revolution, leading to the composer's re-writing it frommermry! On the same program will be The Mermaid by Alexander Zemlinsky, a highly accomplished late 19th and early 20th Century Austrian composer, who was one ofSchoenber,g's teachers. Schoenberg in fact said that Zemlinsky was the man he had ID thank "for practically all TLC for musicians ·by a musician Endurance • Breath Posture • Muscle Release Dr. Katarina Bulat, Chiropractor Clinic: Back in Motion 1370 Danforth Ave. Tel: 416-461 - 2225 Private Practice: 18 Vernadale Cres. Tel: 416-752-8673 GJtEAT 1001
such a collection of "fusion-influe
BEN HEPPNER - ldeale Songs of Paolo
Apr 22(s), 24, 25(m), 27, 29, May 1