9 years ago

Volume 9 Issue 6 - March 2004

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  • Toronto
  • Jazz
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  • April
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  • Symphony
  • Classical
  • Orchestra
  • Faculty


ROYAL CoNSERVAlDRY OF Music) continued from page 35 variety of songs. No experience is required for this one-week class. Summer Opera Scene Study Audition required. Dates: Jul 5-Aug 13 Tuition: 5 +reg fee Twelve to fourteen singers meet two to three times a week for 6 weeks, performing a concert of staged opera excerpts at the end of the summer term Georgian Folk Music: Singing Workshop teens & adults Dates: Aug 9-14 Tuition: 0 + reg fee Learn folk and church music from · the different regions of Georgia. Intense rehearsals and sessions that focus on Georgian cultural practices and history, along with an introduction to Georgian instruments, will lead to a performance on the final day. Baroque Ensembles teens & adults Dates: Jul 5 - Aug 6 Tuition: ZO + reg fee Explore various genres of Baroque music in period style, using Baroque or modem instruments. Ensembles of four to six players will be formed according to the level and availability of participants. Music for Moms-To-Be For pregnant mothers Dates: Classes begin week of July 5. 6 forty~five minute sessions Tuition: + reg fee What song will help the newborn sl~ep? What are the words to that old favourite nursery rhyme? Expecting mothers meet to share experiences, learn nursery rhymes, and relax through making and listening to music in Music For Moms-To-Be .. Finale Basics: An Introduction teens & adults Dates: Jul 5-9 Tuition: 0 + reg fee Using the equipment of the RCM technology lab, learn the basics of working with Finale, the notation program used by professional music engravers to create scores for solo and ensemble print-music. For teachers: Art of Teaching: Active learning June 28, 29, 30 Would your customers, clients, employees or patients enjoy having a supply of FREE WholeNote magazines ? We can supply you with a FREE WholeNote stand and monthly issues of our magazines. (\-FRAME STAND (right) holds up to 1.25 copies on the lower level; 25 ,copies in top. (Top is same as Small Stand.) Contact Sheila McCoy to arrange for free delivery of stand and monthly magazines. 1 416-928-6991 or A three-day conference for music educators of all disciplines! For more information or to receive a brochure, email Technology for Music Teachers July 5-9 Tuition: 0 + reg fee Explore a variety of software including notation, sequencing and eartraining programs, discover how this can assist with studio and group teaching. Previous experience with computers is not required. Music in Early Childhood Application Deadline: July 23 July 19-30 · Tuition: 4 + reg fee This summer, The RCM celebrates 30 years of Music in Early Child- hood. This practical course is for preschool and kindergartenJeachers, music educators, librarians, and others seeking to understand the nature and importance ofa child's first musical experiences. Teacher Training courses in Kodaly, Orff, and Dalcroze Eurhythmics are offered this summer as well. For more information about these and many other courses offered by The Royal Conservatory of Music during the summer months, please phone the Registrar and ask for a Summer Academic Calendar. In Toronto: 416-408-2825. In Mississauga: 905-891-7944. INDEX OF ADVERTISERS ACADEMY OF Music 31 JAMES SUGG 56 ACROBAT Music 57 JSL MUSICAL PRODUCTIONS 47 ALDEBURGH CONNECTION 40 JUBILATE SINGERS 18 ALL·BEETHOVEN REC ITAL 50 KATARINA BULAT 15 ALLIANCE FRANCAISE 37 KATHERINE Scon 56 AMADEUS CHOIR 48 K1NCAROINE SUMMER ANALEKTA 13 Music FESTIVAL 35 ANNO DOMINI CHAMBER CHOIR 44 KNOX UNITED CHURCH 19 ARDELEANA 58 ARrnTs' HEAL TH CENTRE 14 ATMA CLASSIOUE 65 BLACK TULIP ADMIN SERVICES 5 7 . CALYX CONCERTS 45 CAMMAC 33 CANADIAN.MUSIC CENTRE 59 CANADIAN SINFONIETIA 42 CANCLONE 57 CAREBEAN CHORALE Of ToRONTO 18 CATHEDRAL BLUFFS SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 38 CHRYLARK ARTS & MUSIC SERIES 49 COLLABORATIONS 49 CONCERTS AT ST. GEORGE'S DN·THE·HILL47 CONTINUUM 41 DAVE SNIDER Music CENTRE 24 EARSHOT CONCERTS 44 EARWITNESS PRODUCTIONS 9 Em Mms Wm 50 EDWARD JONES 5 7 EGLIN TON ST. GEORGE'S UNITED CHURCH 49 EMI 67, 71 EsPRIT ORCHESTRA 2 ETOBICDKE CENTENNIAL CHOIR 46 ExuL TATE CHAMBER SINGERS 48 GARY ARMSTRONG 16 GEORGE HEINL 27 GUITAR WORKSHOP Plus 35 HANNAFORD STREET SILVER BAND 25 HARK Nm Mus[AL SERvns 27 HELICONIAN HALL 31 Hm ANARTIST.CA 31 KOREAN CANADIAN SYMPHONY 45 LANBAR ARTISTS MANAGEMENT INC_. 38 LINUS ENTERTAINMENT 61 L1sTME.CA 20 LONG & McUuADE 26 MARKHAM CONCERT BAND 39 M~ROKOSMOS 31 MISSISSAUGA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 46 MooREDALE CONCERTS 43 Music AT METROPOllTAN 50 Mus1c'AT PORT MILFORD 33 Music AT ST. CLEMENT'S 40 Music GALLERY News 21 Music TORONTO 7. 37, 40, 42,44,48 MuzENT PRODUCTIONS 50 f NAXDS CANADA 66 NEW Music CONCERTS 39 NoRTH T ORONTD INSTITUTE OF Music 33 OPERA IN CONCERT 29 OPERA IS 29 . ORPHEUS CHOIR Of TORONTO 39 OsSIA 42 PArnE KmY 32 PAX CHRISTI CHOR ALE 18, 46 PHILIP L. DAVIS LUTHIER 16 . REMENYI House OF Mus·1c 17 RENAISSANCE SINGERS 46 ROM SUNDAYS 14 RoY THOMSON HALL 6 ROYAL CONSERVATORY OF Music 45, 55 RoYAL OPERA CANADA 72 S.R.I. 4, 62, 63, 64 SALUKI Music 58 SuMMER Music EDUCATION CONTINUES ON PAGE 54 SHIATSU CENTRE 14 . SLVERCREEK SuMMER Music SCHOOL & FESTIVAL 55 SINFONIA TORONTO 10 SKYLINK HOLIDAYS 15 SONY Music 59 SouNo PosT 27 SoUNOSTREAMS CANADA 19 Sr. JAMES' CATHEDRAL 37 ST. JAMES' CATHEDRAL CHOIR Soc 1m 41 STUDIO 92 58 SuMMER Music FESTIVAL - · SuzUKI KINGSTON 25 SusAN CROWE CoNNOLL Y 56 T AFELMUS~ BAROQUE ORCHESTRA 17, 40 TAPESTRY NEW OPERA WoRKS 28 TOREADOR Music RECORDING FACILITIES 58 TORONTO CENTRE, RCCO 42 TORONTO MENDELSSOHN CHOIR 8 ToRONTO SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 3 ToRONTO WELSH MALE VOICE CHOIR 19 UNIVERSAL Music/ L'ATELIER GRIGORIAN 69 'UNIVERSITY Of TORONTO BOOKSTORE 15 UNIVERSITY Of T DRONTO FACULTY Of Music 41. 47 UNIVERSITY Of TORONTO OPERA DIVISION 2 9 VILLAGE SOUARE 38 V1vA Voce Voice Srno10 32 VOCAL MASTER'CLASS 56 VocALPDINT CHAMBER CHOIR 46 Voices 45 WHOLENDTE MAGAZ INE 28, 36, 51 WILLIAM BYRO SINGERS 41 WoMEN's M USICAL CLUB Of ToRONTO 11, 44 YORK UNNERSITT, DEPARTMENT Of Music 43 ZEN RE CORDS 58 36 WWW, TH EWHOLENOTE.COM M ARCH 1 - A PRIL 7 2004

Welcome to WholeNote's Live Listings Readers please note: Presenters' plans change; and we occasionally make mistakes! Please always use the phone numbers proYided to call ahead. For Concerts Further Afield (outside the GTA) sec pages 50-51. For Music Theatre and Opera Listings see page 52. For Jazz Listings sec pages 52-53. CONCERTS IN THE GTA Monday March 01 - 7:00: U ofT Faculty of Music.St. Lawrence Stdng Guartet. Mendelssohn: Octet; Barber. Dover Beach for Voice and String Quartet Op.3; Applebaum: 20 for string quartet. Walter Hall, 80 Queen's Park. 416·978-3744. ,. - 7:30: Associates of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. Toronto Symphony Youth Orchestra. Beethoven: String Quartet in F Op.18111; Brahms: Piano Quintet inf Op.34; Reicha: Woodwind Quintet in e flat. Ensembles from the TSYO. Trinity-St. Paul's Church, 427 Bloor St. West. 416·423·2133. ,. - 8:00: Art ofTime Ensemble. The Love Story of the Packard and the ford (An Evening of Ameni:anSong). Songs by Gershwin, Ives, Porter, Bolcorn, Levant, Waits, Arlen & others. Anita Krause, mezzo; Melissa Stylianou, jazz vocals; Rob Piltch, guitar, Roberto Occhipinti, bass; Andrew Burashko, piano. Glenn Gould Studio, 250 Front St. West. 416·205-5555. ,. - 8:00: Hummingbird Centre for the -Performing Arts. Samul Nor£ Master drummers & dancers bring ancient Korean folk tradition & Shaman ritual. 1 Front St. East. 416· 872-2262. .50-: - 8:00: Toronto Theatre Organ Society/ Kiwanis Club of Casa Loma. Wurh~zer Pops at Casa Loma. Clark Wilson, organ. i Austin Terrace. 416·421·0918. . · Tuesday March 02 ' -12:30 & 7:30: York University Dept. of Music. Le Salon de Chant. Art songs & arias. Students from the studios of Catherine Robbin, Norma Burrowes, Stephanie Bogle, Christine Stelmacovich & Karen Rymal; Raisa Nal

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Volumes 21-25 (2015-2020)

Volumes 16-20 (2010-2015)

Volumes 11-15 (2004-2010)

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