FOCUS ON SUMMER MUSIC EDUCATION CONTINUED FROM PAGE 36 SHOWTIME SOCMI Level: All Stage Directors: interviews to Music THEATRE DAYCAMP (SOUTHERN ONTARIO CHAMBER be scheduled in Mar. Various programs, concerts and 7 Palmerston 6ardens, Toronto, Music INSTITUTE) Program dates: Jun 17-Jul 25 events; please contact More ON, M6G 1V8' 268 Lakeshore Rd. E, Suite 512, Program is non-residential, but Than Music for complete bro- Phone: 416-536-3371 Oakville, ON, L6J 7S4 participants may make own archure, or visit the website. Fax: 416-536-1237 905-842-5865 rangements for on-campus admin@socmi. on. ca commodation by calling 416-736- Contact: JoAnne Harrop 2100 ex.22110 or emailing SUMMER OPERA Contact: Adrianna Ficzere Location: St Stephen's Church, LYRIC THEATRE 365 College Street, Toronto. Ages: Location: 947 Qufen St. E,. 2nd floor, To- ~pplication deadline: ongoing, Classical Singers: those who are Appleby College, Oakville ronto, ON M4M 1J9 until we fill ready to sing an operatic role and Application deadline: May 15 · Phone: 416-922-2912 Dates: Jun 28-Jul 9; who would like to develop career (Early date April 1) Fax: 416-922-5935 Jul 12-23; Jul 26-Aug 6; skills related to operatic profes- Audition tapes, ap.d recommenda- Aug 9-20 sion; Vocal Coaches: 19 & up; tions requited Contact: Guillermo Silva-Marin, Non-residential Stage Directors: mature candidates. Dates: Aug 8-21 General Director Ages: 5-12; 13-16 Residential Location: Downtown Toronto Level: variable Level: Ages:' 16-25 Application deadline: June 4 Singers: advanced; Coaches: in- Level: intermediate, advanced Singing, dance, acting, scenery . Audition dates: termediate/advanced; Directors: making and painting, costuming; For strings and piano students Feb 16, 17, 18., 22 some experienc'e required plenty of recreation. or by arrangeirent Artistic Director: Stephanie Bogle Program dates: Jun 13-Aug 8 Faculty: Brahm Goldhamer, SOUTHWESTERN ONTARIO Fees: available by request Norma Burrowes, Catherine SILVER CREEK SUMMER Mu- SUZUKI INSTITUTE INC. Non-residential: Participants from Robbin, Raisa Nakhmanovich, SIC SCHOOL AND F~STIVAL Speedvale Postal Outlet, outside Toronto must provide Russell Braun, Michael Connol- 73 Simcoe St., Suite 303, Toron- P.O. Box 26058, Guelph, ON, their own lodging. ly, Marshall Pynkoski, Jeanette to, ON, M5J 1W9 NlE 6Wl Ages: 16 or over Zingg, Stuart Hamilton, Michael Phone: 416-506-1934 or 1-888- Phone: 519-824-7609 Level: Participants should be Cavanagh, Boris Brott, Doug 415-7394 Fax: 519-824-7874 technically advanced enough to Dales. Fax: 416-599-2660 sing opera repertoire in staged Program: Mozart: Don www .artset/sosi.html performances. ni, The Impresario; Haydn: La, Contact: Tracy Jewell· Master classes, lecturers, and Canterina Contact: Marion Hart Location: Wilfrid Laurier workshops; workshops will lead Location: Edward Johnson University, Waterloo, ON up to performances of Handel's Building, Faculty of Music, Uni~ Application deadline: June 1 Julius Caesar(in English), R. TAFELMUSIK versity of Toronto Dates: Aug 15-20 (student); Stmuss 's Ariadne auf Naxos (in BAROQUE SUMMER INSTITUTE Application .deadline:' April 30 . Aug 14-22 (teacher development) German & English), and Offen- 427 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON, Experienced Amateur Chamber Accommodation available on bach 's La Vie Parisienne (in M5S 1X7 Music Workshop and thamber campus English) at the Robert Gill Thea- 416-964-9562 ext 229 Music Workshop Ages: 3-20 tre, University ·of Toronto. 416-964-2782 Applicants are required to send a Level: all compact disc with their applica- www. tafelmusik. org Other amenities/activities offered: tion. Letter of recommendation is SUMMER OPERA Contact: Colleen Smith, Director Pool, Barn Dance, Operetta required for Advanced Student TRAINING PROGRAMS FOR: of Education Chamber Music Workshop and CLASSICAL SINGERS; Location: Faculty of Music, Percussion Workshop. VOCAL COACHES; SUMMER Music FESTIVAL University of Toronto, 80 ·Dates: APPRENTICE STAGE DIRECTORS - SUZUKI KINGSTON Queen's Park Experienced Amateur Chamber The Summer Opera 275 Ontario St., Suite 306, King- Application deadline: Apr 2 Music Workshop: Aug 8-14; Training Program ston, ON, K7K 2X5 Audition dates: Vocalists only: Advanced Studen( Chamber Mu- Department of Music, Phone: 613-542-1486 Toronto, April 8 sic Workshop: Aug 15-21; York University Fax: 613-542-7550 Program dates: May 30-Jun 12 Choral Conducting: Aug 22-28; 225 Winters College TBSI tuition does not include commodation. Please note that Percussion: Aug 22-28. 4700 Keele St., Toronto, ON Housing for out of town partici- M3J 1P3 Contact: Anne Vincent economical university accommopants at Victoria University Resi- Phone: 416-736-5186 dation is available at Victoria dences, on the University of To- Location: Queen's University, Fax: 416-736-5321 University, just across the street; ronto campus. Kingston ON for information please contact Level: Advanced. Audition dates: Victoria University at 416-585- Music .Theatre: July 4, 11 Contact: Andrea Heinecke; Gail Faculty: Jamie Parker, piano; 4524 or check out their website Program dates: Holmes (Stage Directors) Shauna Rolston, cello; Scott. St. Ses~ion 1 : Jul 3-9 ; John, violin, viola; Lori Do/off, Location: Department of Music, ence. Session 2: Jul 11-16 choral music; NEXUS (Bob York Univers1ty (address above) Level: Advanced students, pre- Housing offered at Queen's Uni- Becker, Bill Cahn, Robin Enge(- Application deadline: March 13 professional and professional versity, Ambassador Hotel, Four man, Russell Hartenberger, Audition dates: musicians are invited to .apply. Points Hotel Garry Kvistad) Toronto: Mar 13, 14; Ages: All The Tafelmusik Baroque Summer Montreal: Mar 29; Institute is an intensive 14-day 54 WWW.THEWHOLENOTE.COM MARCH 1 - APRIL 7 2004
esidency with a focus on orchestral and choral baroque performance practice, led by some of the world's leading musicians in the field; includes orchestra and choir rehearsals, masterclasses, chamber ensembles, private lessons, lectures and workshops, and concerts by both participants and faculty. TCMI THORNHILL CHAMBER Music INSTITUTE 180 Dudley Avenue, Apt.706, Thornhill ON, L3T4X2 905-764-1924 Fax same Contact: Gretchen Anner Location: Toronto Waldorf School, 9100 Bathurst St, Thornhill ON Register by June 1 or afterward where space permits; Early registration by end of March with .00 reduction in tuition. Dates: July 12-23 Non-residential but billets available Junior, intermediate, senior programs, beginners through . advanced,. daily sports, composing, choral, fiddling, chamber, beautiful natural setting, all instruments, excellent student/teacher ratio, professional faculty, noncompetitive, nurturing famililike environment. TRYPTYCH CANADA'S PASSIONATE ADVOCATE OF THE VocAL ARTS 583 Durie St., Toronto, ON, M6S 3H2 Phone: 416-763-5066 Fax: 416-960-8005 Contact: Edward Franko Location: Rehearsals at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Bayview/ 401 ; Performances at Studio Theatre, Toronto Centre for the Arts Application deadline: May 1 Audition dates: TBA Program dates: Jul 26-Aug 25. Ages: 16 and older All levels Masterclasses in singing, acting and stage combat UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE VIOLIN CRAFrSMANSIDP INSTI1UIE 24 Rosemary Lane, Durham, NH, 03824-USA Phone: 603-862-1088 Fax: 603-862-1495 Contact: Nancy Lindley-Gauthier Location: The University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH Application deadline: First come, first served Dates: Jun 14-Jul 16 Residential and non Ages: 18 and older All levels Housing, access to university facilities (library, recreational facilities, dining hall, etc.) WESTBEN ARTS FESTIVAL THEATRE· 2004 EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES Phone: 705-653-5508 Fax: 705-653-3180 groups@wes tben. on. ca Contact: Suzanne Andrews Location: The Barn, 6698 Country Rd. 30, 3 km northwest of Campbellford, ON Ages: children to advanced music students and adults. Summer: Master Classes and performance opportunities for advanced music students during summer festival. Highlights for adults include pre-concert lectures, opera chats, and the Westben Festival Chorus. Highlights for 2004: COC Ensemble Studio - Cinderella. May 18, 1:00pm For children grades 4 to 6. Young at Heart Concert - Meet the Brass! June 27, 2:00 pm Family Friendly performance at a reduced family ticket price. Opera Chat on Mozart's The Magic Flute with Nancy Hermiston. July 1, 11:00 am Voice Master Class & Youth Horizon Concert with Anita Krause. July 7-10 Cello Master Class & Performance with Thomas Wiebe & Paul Widner. July 13-18 Piano Master Class & Youth Horizon Concert with William Aide. July 27-30 JAMIE PARKER SHAUNA ROLSTON SCOTT ST. JOHN , Study with an internationally acclaimed faculty. CHAMBER MUSIC WORKSHOPS Piano and Strings EXPERIENCED AMATEUR I August 8 - August 14 A program of Chamber ensemble coaching designed for the experienced amateur. . ADVANCED STUDENT/ August 15 - August 21 Designed for students currently enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs. a Intimate and highly focused week of stu dy with limited enrollment. I Selected.repertoire for pi·ano and strings I Performance opportunities include master classes, outreach concerts, student series and the opportunity to perform with artist faculty. I Faculty includes: Jamie Parker, piano I Shauna Rolston, cello I Scott St. John, violin & viola Application deadline: April 30, 2004. For information visit the website: Email: , f.ACULTY ,[MUSIC In partnership with the University r ~":!4, of Toronto faculty of Music ~, THE RCM COMMUNITY SCHOOL The Royal Conservatory of Music offers a wide variety of summer music classes: • DJ Techniques • Guitar Classes • Adult Singing Classes and Workshops • Music for Moms-To-Be • Preparation for RCM Examinations • t\nd much more ... All ages. All levels. For everyone. Find out more - phone for a FREE brochure. Toronto: 416-408-2825 Mississauga: 905-891-7944 MARCH 1 - APRIL 7 2004 WWW. THEWHOLENOTE.COM 55
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